Turtwig's trading shack [ new: hp fire nest bulba, safari pinsir, deerling, and more ]

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CMT for female analytic elygem :3
Unfortunately I don't see anything I particularly need :c Would you be willing to breed some egg moves onto your Solosis? I would be interested if so.

In response to your CMT, I am very interested in this:



[Zapdos] [OT: Gold 45189]
Timid nature. | Pressure
31 | 17 | 30 | 30 | 31| 31
Can be move tutored in Gen 4 or 5. Has Hidden Power Grass.
(Heat wave any other useful tutors)
I realize that it says not available at the moment, was that due to PokeBank? Also, are you the OT? I didn't see Gold on your list of OT's. Either way, if you could swap this for Lugia, I'd be pleased.
It's my RNG, yes—Gold is in my list of OTs haha. I've marked it as NFT since I prefer RNGs for it, but so many people don't have any of their own to offer. Is your Lugia still available on Gen 5, perhaps?

CMT for Krabby
Male Krabby for your male Ferroseed? Do you care which ability Krabby gets?

Thread update: Slugma and Chatot in fancy balls.


[Slugma] [OT: Sam 05919]
Bold nature. | Flame Body and Magma Armor
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31
Egg moves: Acid Armor, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Memento
Availability: Bred on request.


[Chatot] [OT: Sam 05919]
Timid nature. | Tangled Feet and Keen Eye

31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31
Egg moves: Boomburst, Defog, Nasty Plot, Night Shade
Availability: Bred on request.
It's my RNG, yes—Gold is in my list of OTs haha. I've marked it as NFT since I prefer RNGs for it, but so many people don't have any of their own to offer. Is your Lugia still available on Gen 5, perhaps?
Oh sorry, I must have missed it--I've been responding to a lot of requests. Yes it's on Gen 5 right now. Is that the format you want it in?
Male Krabby for your male Ferroseed? Do you care which ability Krabby gets?
Sheer Force is kinda my preference but if its being difficult Hyper Cutter is fine. and yeah krabby for ferroseed is fine, I dont have one on hand so I'll breed it and probably have it thursday afternoon at the latest
Sheer Force is kinda my preference but if its being difficult Hyper Cutter is fine. and yeah krabby for ferroseed is fine, I dont have one on hand so I'll breed it and probably have it thursday afternoon at the latest
Oh, I don't have a Sheer Force Krabby... xD

Oh sorry, I must have missed it--I've been responding to a lot of requests. Yes it's on Gen 5 right now. Is that the format you want it in?
Yeah I'd prefer to trade on Gen 5, just so I have easy move tutor access. One more thing, I'd like you to not clone or redistribute my Pokemon whatsoever—I'll treat yours the same way. If you agree with my request, I can trade with you tomorrow (it's getting late over here) :)
Oh, I don't have a Sheer Force Krabby... xD

Yeah I'd prefer to trade on Gen 5, just so I have easy move tutor access. One more thing, I'd like you to not clone or redistribute my Pokemon whatsoever—I'll treat yours the same way. If you agree with my request, I can trade with you tomorrow (it's getting late over here) :)
I feel the same way--if you didn't notice, the only redistributable pokemon in my thread were given to me when I first started out. I haven't added any more and I have no plans to. I only want to trade my own pokemon and trade for others' own pokemon. So no worries there. I'll check tomorrow to see if you're on, or we can trade whenever.
I feel the same way--if you didn't notice, the only redistributable pokemon in my thread were given to me when I first started out. I haven't added any more and I have no plans to. I only want to trade my own pokemon and trade for others' own pokemon. So no worries there. I'll check tomorrow to see if you're on, or we can trade whenever.
Perfect! I'm very happy to see someone else who only trades their own bank work. I'll drop you a message whenever I get back on tomorrow.
Oh, I don't have a Sheer Force Krabby... xD

Yeah I'd prefer to trade on Gen 5, just so I have easy move tutor access. One more thing, I'd like you to not clone or redistribute my Pokemon whatsoever—I'll treat yours the same way. If you agree with my request, I can trade with you tomorrow (it's getting late over here) :)
Oh hyper cutters good then
Unfortunately I don't see anything I particularly need :c Would you be willing to breed some egg moves onto your Solosis? I would be interested if so.

It's my RNG, yes—Gold is in my list of OTs haha. I've marked it as NFT since I prefer RNGs for it, but so many people don't have any of their own to offer. Is your Lugia still available on Gen 5, perhaps?

Male Krabby for your male Ferroseed? Do you care which ability Krabby gets?

Thread update: Slugma and Chatot in fancy balls.


[Slugma] [OT: Sam 05919]
Bold nature. | Flame Body and Magma Armor
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31
Egg moves: Acid Armor, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Memento
Availability: Bred on request.


[Chatot] [OT: Sam 05919]
Timid nature. | Tangled Feet and Keen Eye

31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31
Egg moves: Boomburst, Defog, Nasty Plot, Night Shade
Availability: Bred on request.
I am willing to put egg moves on it :3
Are the egg moves acid armor, confuse ray, trick, and night shade ok? If so, I'll have it ready sometime within the next week.
Hey interested in calm skrelp brave karrablast quiet elgyem jolly buneary adamant beldum bold feebas jolly toxic boost zangoose jolly zigzagoon careful miltank adamant snubbull jolly sentret calm chikorita modest bell sprout jolly ponyta and jolly krabby. Cmt I'll take whichever u have most in stock
Oh hyper cutters good then
Great, I'll get to breeding and let you know when I'm finished. It'll either be done tonight or tomorrow.

I am willing to put egg moves on it :3
Are the egg moves acid armor, confuse ray, trick, and night shade ok? If so, I'll have it ready sometime within the next week.
Those sound perfect, yep. Thanks a lot! Just drop a message once it's ready.

Hey interested in calm skrelp brave karrablast quiet elgyem jolly buneary adamant beldum bold feebas jolly toxic boost zangoose jolly zigzagoon careful miltank adamant snubbull jolly sentret calm chikorita modest bell sprout jolly ponyta and jolly krabby. Cmt I'll take whichever u have most in stock
Sorry, I didn't see anything I needed. I'm mostly looking for Pokemon with 4 egg moves.
Hey, CMT for Swift Swim Outrage Seadra ?
Didn't see anything I need, sorry.

Thread update: added Phanpy and Stantler. More coming soon.

[Phanpy] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Pickup
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Play Rough, Ice Shard, Head Smash, Counter
Availability: Bred on request.


[Stantler] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Frisk and Intimidate
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Megahorn, Spite, Zen Headbutt, Double Kick
Availability: Bred on request.
Are there any HA Entralink Pokemon you're looking for, in particular?
I'm mainly looking for females in Dream/unique Pokeballs, especially females not available in the Friend Safari. Fossils in unique balls are always nice.

Thread update: TR Aron.

[Aron] [OT: Sam 05919]

Brave nat. | Sturdy and Rock Head
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 0
Egg moves: Dragon Rush, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Iron Head
Availability: Bred on request.
So an Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 male Karrablast? I have several things on my breeding queue at the moment, but if I get time to breed it, I'll tell you. (I'd be interested in an Ability Capsule!)
Adamant MALE Overcoat (or whatever HA is) Karra with Megahorn, Knock Off, Drill Run.
Will be waiting=)
I'm mainly looking for females in Dream/unique Pokeballs, especially females not available in the Friend Safari. Fossils in unique balls are always nice.

Ah! I have female HA Nidoran, Elgyem, and Alomomola in Dream Balls. Would you be interested in any of those? I think I have a bunch of others that I haven't transferred yet, too, but I'll have to check.
Ah! I have female HA Nidoran, Elgyem, and Alomomola in Dream Balls. Would you be interested in any of those? I think I have a bunch of others that I haven't transferred yet, too, but I'll have to check.
Possibly the Alomomola, what would you like in exchange? If you find others you haven't transferred yet, let me know.

Thread update: Got five new Pokemon. Check them out.


[Chansey] [OT: Sam 05919]
Bold nature. | Healer and Natural Cure
31 | x | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Aromatherapy, Seismic Toss, Counter, Gravity
Availability: Bred on request. 31/31/31/x/31/31 spreads only right now, because the RNG gods hate me

[Omanyte] [OT: Sam 05919]
Modest nature. | Weak Armor, Swift Swim, and Shell Armor
31 | E | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Muddy Water, Toxic Spikes, Haze, Spikes
Availability: Bred on request. Males only. Has Hidden Power Grass.


[Swablu] [OT: Sam 05919]
Careful nature. | Cloud Nine and Natural Cure
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Roost, Hyper Voice, Feather Dance, Haze
Availability: Bred on request.


[Starly] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Reckless
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Double-Edge, Revenge, Steel Wing, Roost
Availability: Bred on request.


[Maractus] [OT: Sam 05919]
Naughty nature. | Storm Drain, Water Absorb, and Chlorophyll
31 | 31 | x | 31 | x | 31
Egg moves: Spikes, Leech Seed
Availability: Bred on request. Will either be missing Def or SpDef, not both.
*Need to rebreed this later with more egg moves.
Hello Turtwig. Would you be interested in any of these Dream Ball HA females? There's a link to a fully detailed list in my sig.
Alomomola, Aron, Barboach, Basculin, Buneary, Burmy, Chinchou, Clamperl, Corphish, Cottonee, Dratini, Drilburr, Drifloon, Eevee, Elgyem, Feebas, Glameow, Goldeen, Hippopotas, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Kricketot, Lickitung, Lileep, Luvdisc, Machop, MiltankQwilfish, Pawniard, Purrloin, Ralts, Remoraid, Riolu, Sentret, Shellos(East), Shieldon, Shroomish, Sigilyph, Skitty, Sneasel, Spiritomb, Stantler, Swablu, Tangela, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Timburr, Vulpix, Wailmer, Whismur, Zigzagoon, Zubat
Possibly the Alomomola, what would you like in exchange? If you find others you haven't transferred yet, let me know.

I just transferred Dream ball HA female Ponyta, Stantler, Smoochum, Horsea, Chimecho/Chingling, Kangaskhan, Shuppet, and Poochyena. Still going through the transfer process so I'll probably find a few more later. :)

I'd love to have one of your Treeckos, if you're willing to part with one.
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Sorry about the delayed answers, guys.

Hello Turtwig. Would you be interested in any of these Dream Ball HA females? There's a link to a fully detailed list in my sig.
Alomomola, Aron, Barboach, Basculin, Buneary, Burmy, Chinchou, Clamperl, Corphish, Cottonee, Dratini, Drilburr, Drifloon, Eevee, Elgyem, Feebas, Glameow, Goldeen, Hippopotas, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Kricketot, Lickitung, Lileep, Luvdisc, Machop, MiltankQwilfish, Pawniard, Purrloin, Ralts, Remoraid, Riolu, Sentret, Shellos(East), Shieldon, Shroomish, Sigilyph, Skitty, Sneasel, Spiritomb, Stantler, Swablu, Tangela, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Timburr, Vulpix, Wailmer, Whismur, Zigzagoon, Zubat
Possibly the Drifloon, Vulpix, and Lickitung (preferably male). What kind of IVs will these have? Which of mine are you interested in?

I just transferred Dream ball HA female Ponyta, Stantler, Smoochum, Horsea, Chimecho/Chingling, Kangaskhan, Shuppet, and Poochyena. Still going through the transfer process so I'll probably find a few more later. :)

I'd love to have one of your Treeckos, if you're willing to part with one.
Do you need a male or female? Any specific IVs? Oh, and does your Alomomola have any IVs/egg moves? :0

Thread update: Bred two more things and finally RNG'ed my Suicune in HG. Coming up, TR Mareep, Bold Spiritomb, and Adamant Shroomish.

[Togepi] [OT: Sam 05919]
Calm nature. | Serene Grace and Hustle
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Extrasensory, Nasty Plot, Stored Power, Morning Sun
Availability: Bred on request. Males only.


[Yanma] [OT: Sam 05919]
Modest nature. | Speed Boost
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Silver Wind, Whirlwind, Pursuit, Reversal
Availability: Bred on request.


[Suicune] [OT: Gold 45189]
Bold nature. | Pressure
31 | 9 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
*Can be move tutored in Gen 4 or 5. Has Hidden Power Electric. Only trading for other RNGs!
Do you need a male or female? Any specific IVs? Oh, and does your Alomomola have any IVs/egg moves? :0

A male is fine, and I'm don't really mind what it's IVs are. The IV you have listed for it on the first page are fine, though. :)

My Alomomola has Tickle and Pain Split as Egg Moves, but sadly I haven't attempted to IV it yet. If you give me some time I can breed a better one for you, though!
A male is fine, and I'm don't really mind what it's IVs are. The IV you have listed for it on the first page are fine, though. :)

My Alomomola has Tickle and Pain Split as Egg Moves, but sadly I haven't attempted to IV it yet. If you give me some time I can breed a better one for you, though!
If you can get me one with at least 4V, that would be great. I can do the same with Treecko.
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