Gen 6 The XY Ubers Viability Ranking Thread [Read Post #1000]

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S-Rank Pokemon are those that can function anytime, anywhere, with any support. I don't feel this is the case with MegaKen. While Blaziken is my favorite mon and its Mega forme is certainly stronger than vanilla (something I admit I didn't expect at first), but still nowhere near perfect. Giratina still is trouble, as it can easily phaze it out (although with Knock Off it can't counter it anymore), physically defensive Dialga can do the same, and any priority move still takes a huge chunk of its health. Unlike Mega Gengar, which is immune to ExtremeKiller Arceus' Extreme Speed and can wreck it with Focus Blast after hazards or LO recoil from previous attacks, MegaKen takes amazing amounts of damage from any Extreme Speed, be it from Arceus or Rayquaza. Blaziken just can't last-nearly anything it can't OHKO can OHKO it back. Speed Boost gives it the chance to be A-Rank, but it's not enough for S. Blaziken simply needs more support than an S-Rank Pokemon can afford. I already feel shaky with the inclusion of Xerneas.
If ekiller/groundceus isn't S rank for being the best swords dance sweepers, I don't see why ken would be S rank.

Edit: mm2 if you're going to ask, I had the guy who nommed blaze on ignore so jackals posts looked like how I interpreted it as. Effs

^lmfao ~MM2
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That being said whilst it's not perhaps getting S rank it is pretty damn fantastic given that as full HP the list of pokemon that can take it after a sword dance if it carries flare blitz + knock off + HJK (I know Low Kick is preffered but otherwise you can lose to manaphy/hippodown/quagsire/groundceus) is like intimidate users (basically only salamence/lando-T/gyarados) and lando-T is the only really prominent one, whilst merely coming in and using knock off on a predicted sword dance can weakend Lando-T for its next shot... so it is definitely a brilliant pokemon, despite obvious flaws of frailty.. I kinda see it as scarier than ekiller at the moment, and when I prepare stall preparing for blaziken tends to be worried about before ekiller. Not suggesting any ranking change, but my thoughts on Blaziken.
Physically defensive Dialga does NOT like coming on any +2 move, though, as Low Kick and HJK both do a huge number on it. Giratina-A may stop it with a wrong switch and can phaze it out, but Knock Off fucks it over pretty badly.
What mainly makes Mega Blaziken so dangerous is that nothing can switch in on it without at least risking to take huge damage, have their item slammed off or even both. The only team supporters it needs are Groudon (Sun, SR and T-Wave support) and a Spinner/Defogger.
That goes for 90% of the Ubers Meta, though. There are really very few safe counters for anything. Yet you can't call everything S-Rank.
So just to be clear, Chansey has dropped from being considered better than Blissey all the way down to being considered completely and absolutely inviable in ubers solely because of MGengar, correct? I'm not arguing the consensus so much as to confirm the reasoning, as Chansey is highly useful in matches where the opponent doesn't have a Gengar.
So just to be clear, Chansey has dropped from being considered better than Blissey all the way down to being considered completely and absolutely inviable in ubers solely because of MGengar, correct? I'm not arguing the consensus so much as to confirm the reasoning, as Chansey is highly useful in matches where the opponent doesn't have a Gengar.
no. it's a deadweight pokemon. it's a bait for pretty much everything and gets owned by everything too.
Is MGar that much a concern?
For what it's worth, MGengar is an almost a foolproof way of removing Chansey, though I honestly don't see it nearly as often as Ho-oh or Kyogre.

orch said:
no. it's a deadweight pokemon. it's a bait for pretty much everything and gets owned by everything too.

I wouldn't argue Chansey as being a top tiered pokemon, but calling it a deadweight against the vast majority of uber tier is an exaggeration. I can see the reasoning that MGengar would make it inviable on its own, but arguing that its inviable even outside of MGengar is a huge stretch, as Chansey is still a highly functional switch in to many uber special attackers. Assuming a 4HP/252Def/252SpD+ spread:

- Standard Palkia, Dialga, Yveltal, Kyogre (non-Specs) and Specs Kyurem-W are reliably switched into. Modest Specs Reshiram needs sunlight and Stealth Rock to have a shot at 2HKOing with Blue Flare. Toxic variants also do well in defeating most CM Arceus. The ability to lay down Stealth Rock without severely limiting its own use (you're usually giving up Heal Bell or Wish for it) takes a lot of pressure off the rest of the team (Arceus despises having to carry Stealth Rock, for example). It also shuts down swagplay (which can wreck a lot of viable uber teams), for what it's worth.

- It has the valuable role of checking GeoXerneas and preventing it from sweeping the team despite Psyshock and Focus Blast by retaliating with either Thunder Wave or Toxic, while Blissey can be 2HKO'd.
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Psyshock vs. 6 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 254-299 (39.5 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (Focus Blast does about the same, if not less)

- It can perform double duty in switching into ScarfOgre and checking SpecsOgre and it isn't bothered by surprise Thunder Waves or coverage moves either. Note though, that SpecsOgre can 2HKO even a fully specially defensive version with Stealth Rock up, so it can't switch into it. The important distinction though, is that it can check both Xerneas and Kyogre in the same teamslot:
252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 6 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 190-225 (29.5 - 35%) -- 15.3% chance to 3HKO

Overall, Chansey has some obvious vulnerabilities to things like Gengar, Zekrom, Blaziken, Ho-oh, etc... And MGengar's existence may be enough to destroy its viability on its own, who knows. But calling it a complete and absolute deadweight even in the absence of Gengar just doesn't give it enough credit.
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For what it's worth, MGengar is an almost a foolproof way of removing Chansey, though I honestly don't see it nearly as often as Ho-oh or Kyogre.

I wouldn't argue Chansey as being a top tiered pokemon, but calling it a deadweight against the vast majority of uber tier is an exaggeration. I can see the reasoning that MGengar would make it inviable on its own, but arguing that its inviable even outside of MGengar is a huge stretch, as Chansey is still a highly functional switch in to many uber special attackers. Assuming a 4HP/252Def/252SpD+ spread:

- Standard Palkia, Dialga, Yveltal, Kyogre (non-Specs) and Specs Kyurem-W are reliably switched into. Modest Specs Reshiram needs sunlight and Stealth Rock to have a shot at 2HKOing with Blue Flare. Toxic variants also do well in defeating most CM Arceus. The ability to lay down Stealth Rock without severely limiting its own use (you're usually giving up Heal Bell or Wish for it) takes a lot of pressure off the rest of the team (Arceus despises having to carry Stealth Rock, for example). It also shuts down swagplay (which can wreck a lot of viable uber teams), for what it's worth.

- It has the valuable role of checking GeoXerneas and preventing it from sweeping the team despite Psyshock and Focus Blast by retaliating with either Thunder Wave or Toxic, while Blissey can be 2HKO'd.
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Psyshock vs. 6 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 254-299 (39.5 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (Focus Blast does about the same, if not less)

- It can perform double duty in switching into ScarfOgre and checking SpecsOgre and it isn't bothered by surprise Thunder Waves or coverage moves either. Note though, that SpecsOgre can 2HKO even a fully specially defensive version with Stealth Rock up, so it can't switch into it. The important distinction though, is that it can check both Xerneas and Kyogre in the same teamslot:
252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 6 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 190-225 (29.5 - 35%) -- 15.3% chance to 3HKO

Overall, Chansey has some obvious vulnerabilities to things like Gengar, Zekrom, Blaziken, Ho-oh, etc... And MGengar's existence may be enough to destroy its viability on its own, who knows. But calling it a complete and absolute deadweight even in the absence of Gengar just doesn't give it enough credit.
What is with your refusal to use modest?
For what it's worth, MGengar is an almost a foolproof way of removing Chansey, though I honestly don't see it nearly as often as Ho-oh or Kyogre.
Yep. It's a shame.

- Standard Palkia, Dialga, Yveltal, Kyogre (non-Specs) and Specs Kyurem-W are reliably switched into. Modest Specs Reshiram needs sunlight and Stealth Rock to have a shot at 2HKOing with Blue Flare. Toxic variants also do well in defeating most CM Arceus. The ability to lay down Stealth Rock without severely limiting its own use (you're usually giving up Heal Bell or Wish for it) takes a lot of pressure off the rest of the team (Arceus despises having to carry Stealth Rock, for example). It also shuts down swagplay (which can wreck a lot of viable uber teams), for what it's worth.

Ok @ Palkia
Dialga doesn't give fucks about Chansey and sets up SR then roars it away.
Neglecting a form of Kyogre is a great idea. What happens when it's actually specsogre?Now, you're forced to pair it with Palkia or whatever and creates huge redundancy in terms of checking Kyogre.
Yveltal used Taunt!
Ok @ Kyurem-W
CM Arceus usually have refresh, sub, or cleric support to back it up.
Swagplay is fucking retarded and it's just 50/50 and is not a reason to use Chansey.

If you decide to go with SR Chansey, you can't run any attack and become a total taunt bait.

- It has the valuable role of checking GeoXerneas and preventing it from sweeping the team despite Psyshock and Focus Blast by retaliating with either Thunder Wave or Toxic, while Blissey can be 2HKO'd.
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Psyshock vs. 6 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 254-299 (39.5 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (Focus Blast does about the same, if not less)
Thank god for based subgeo set which forces you to run other geoxern check anyways, and creating even more redundancies. Now, you have a team with Palkia, Chansey, and Scizor. Can this core be any more shit now?

- It can perform double duty in switching into ScarfOgre and checking SpecsOgre and it isn't bothered by surprise Thunder Waves or coverage moves either. Note though, that SpecsOgre can 2HKO even a fully specially defensive version with Stealth Rock up, so it can't switch into it. The important distinction though, is that it can check both Xerneas and Kyogre in the same teamslot:
252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 6 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 190-225 (29.5 - 35%) -- 15.3% chance to 3HKO
Amoonguss does this better without being Gengar bait :0

Overall, Chansey has some obvious vulnerabilities to things like Gengar, Zekrom, Blaziken, Ho-oh, etc... And MGengar's existence may be enough to destroy its viability on its own, who knows. But calling it a complete and absolute deadweight even in the absence of Gengar just doesn't give it enough credit.
It's deadweight and should go to Tier E.
The problem is that why would you EVER want to use a pokemon that's completely butt fucked by shadow tag and more prone to the boosted knock off when you have a mon that isn't nearly as weak to those things but accomplished pretty much the same things. Chansey was only slightly better than Blisssey last gen but because Blissey had nothing over Chansey it was pretty much outclassed.
Point taken, NightJackal. What really makes the problem of switching in hold true for Mega Blaziken more than any other Pokémon, is that you'll never know what it's gonna do. If a defensive Pokémon switches in on a Knock Off, Lefties gone. Scarf Palkia switches in? Knock Off raids it of its precious Scarf. Predict a switch correctly, boost and then become unstoppable. It's really that once Mega Blaziken gets going, there's almost no way to stop it, as no priority moves can reliably OHKO it (aside from Azumarill's Aqua Jet, but who the fuck uses Azumarill in Ubers anyway).
Shed Shell is still a thing if MegaGar is such a high concern for Blissey.

I agree though that Chansey is nowadays completely outclassed.
I don't think there's much more to be said about Chansey.
Point taken, NightJackal. What really makes the problem of switching in hold true for Mega Blaziken more than any other Pokémon, is that you'll never know what it's gonna do. If a defensive Pokémon switches in on a Knock Off, Lefties gone. Scarf Palkia switches in? Knock Off raids it of its precious Scarf. Predict a switch correctly, boost and then become unstoppable. It's really that once Mega Blaziken gets going, there's almost no way to stop it, as no priority moves can reliably OHKO it (aside from Azumarill's Aqua Jet, but who the fuck uses Azumarill in Ubers anyway).
Yeah, but as I said, 70% of the Ubers meta can't be stopped when it gets going. And in the cases of other Ubers, chances are that you'll have a second chance in case of a misprediction. Blaziken doesn't have such luxuries. Plus, no, its moveset is rather predictable. Flare Blitz+Fighting STAB are always there, and what remains in a choice of two between SD, Protect and Knock Off. Without Protect, things get real bad, since Blaziken has 80 Speed and the boost to 100 doesn't apply in the evolution turn, meaning that in the turn you Mega Evolve you're pretty much outsped by the entire tier. If you don't run Knock Off, Blaziken suddenly becomes much less viable. And if you don't run SD, you might find yourself lacking in power, though that's rare. As such, chances are 70% that your opponent is running Flare Blitz/Fighting STAB/Knock Off/Protect, and you can prepare for it. If he doesn't run this set, you'll probably beat him much easier.
By no means is MegaKen a bad Pokemon. However, saying it's S-tier while staff like ExtremeKiller Arceus are considered A is a bit of a stretch.
There is one Pokemon that has been cast under the shadow for quite some time now. Gardevoir-Mega is quite a solid option for balanced / offensive teams due to its amazing movepool and up-to-par 100 base speed. While often regarded as an inferior Xerneas or a poor substitution for Arceus-Fairy, Gardevoir-Mega's viability resides in its surprisingly wide movepool. It has many viable options such as Taunt, Destiny Bond, Encore, Grass Knot, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Memento, and Will-o-Wisp. The rest of it's movepool is standard- Fairy STAB, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, etc.


Gardevoir-Mega @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

This is what a Gardevoir-Mega should run- Support sets are largely outclassed by Arceus-Fairy. Even though Mega-Gardevoir has only one viable set, it has a plethora of options on it. Healing Wish can be a great to bring back a Pokemon particulary threatening to the opponent's team while Taunt / Encore / Magic Coat can break stall arguably more effectively than Xerneas can. A fast Destiny Bond can annoy offensive teams. Hyper Voice hits suprisingly hard and Thunderbolt allows it to bypass Ho-Oh. It also checks Yveltal fairly well and forces a speed tie with Palkia.

Mega-Gardevoir for B-Rank :]]]]]]]]]]
There is one Pokemon that has been cast under the shadow for quite some time now. Gardevoir-Mega is quite a solid option for balanced / offensive teams due to its amazing movepool and up-to-par 100 base speed. While often regarded as an inferior Xerneas or a poor substitution for Arceus-Fairy, Gardevoir-Mega's viability resides in its surprisingly wide movepool. It has many viable options such as Taunt, Destiny Bond, Encore, Grass Knot, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Memento, and Will-o-Wisp. The rest of it's movepool is standard- Fairy STAB, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, etc.


Gardevoir-Mega @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

This is what a Gardevoir-Mega should run- Support sets are largely outclassed by Arceus-Fairy. Even though Mega-Gardevoir has only one viable set, it has a plethora of options on it. Healing Wish can be a great to bring back a Pokemon particulary threatening to the opponent's team while Taunt / Encore / Magic Coat can break stall arguably more effectively than Xerneas can. A fast Destiny Bond can annoy offensive teams. Hyper Voice hits suprisingly hard and Thunderbolt allows it to bypass Ho-Oh. It also checks Yveltal fairly well and forces a speed tie with Palkia.

Mega-Gardevoir for B-Rank :]]]]]]]]]]

4 Atk Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gardevoir: 269-317 (96.7 - 114%)
252+ SpA Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Dark Pulse vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gardevoir: 195-230 (70.1 - 82.7%)

This does not check Yveltal at all lol.

Gardevoir isn't any higher than C-Rank if it even deserves that - it's basically a weaker Xerneas that also consumes your Mega slot. Xern is a plenty good stallbreaker with Geo/SubGeo/Mixed sets and having much better bulk than Gardevoir. Gardevoir's only real advantages are Shadow Ball (which is kinda cool but only useful against Aegislash who is meh right now) and a support movepool it lacks the bulk or switch-in opportunities to really make too much use of. As a stallbreaker its outclassed by Mewtwo, as a sweeper its outclassed by Xerneas, and as a tank/supporter its outclassed by Arceus-Fairy...I really don't see any reason to use this.
There is one Pokemon that has been cast under the shadow for quite some time now. Gardevoir-Mega is quite a solid option for balanced / offensive teams due to its amazing movepool and up-to-par 100 base speed. While often regarded as an inferior Xerneas or a poor substitution for Arceus-Fairy, Gardevoir-Mega's viability resides in its surprisingly wide movepool. It has many viable options such as Taunt, Destiny Bond, Encore, Grass Knot, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Memento, and Will-o-Wisp. The rest of it's movepool is standard- Fairy STAB, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, etc.


Gardevoir-Mega @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

This is what a Gardevoir-Mega should run- Support sets are largely outclassed by Arceus-Fairy. Even though Mega-Gardevoir has only one viable set, it has a plethora of options on it. Healing Wish can be a great to bring back a Pokemon particulary threatening to the opponent's team while Taunt / Encore / Magic Coat can break stall arguably more effectively than Xerneas can. A fast Destiny Bond can annoy offensive teams. Hyper Voice hits suprisingly hard and Thunderbolt allows it to bypass Ho-Oh. It also checks Yveltal fairly well and forces a speed tie with Palkia.

Mega-Gardevoir for B-Rank :]]]]]]]]]]


Read the bottom part that says Mega Gardevoir for B

Short Answer: No
There is one Pokemon that has been cast under the shadow for quite some time now. Gardevoir-Mega is quite a solid option for balanced / offensive teams due to its amazing movepool and up-to-par 100 base speed. While often regarded as an inferior Xerneas or a poor substitution for Arceus-Fairy, Gardevoir-Mega's viability resides in its surprisingly wide movepool. It has many viable options such as Taunt, Destiny Bond, Encore, Grass Knot, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Memento, and Will-o-Wisp. The rest of it's movepool is standard- Fairy STAB, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, etc.


Gardevoir-Mega @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt

This is what a Gardevoir-Mega should run- Support sets are largely outclassed by Arceus-Fairy. Even though Mega-Gardevoir has only one viable set, it has a plethora of options on it. Healing Wish can be a great to bring back a Pokemon particulary threatening to the opponent's team while Taunt / Encore / Magic Coat can break stall arguably more effectively than Xerneas can. A fast Destiny Bond can annoy offensive teams. Hyper Voice hits suprisingly hard and Thunderbolt allows it to bypass Ho-Oh. It also checks Yveltal fairly well and forces a speed tie with Palkia.

Mega-Gardevoir for B-Rank :]]]]]]]]]]
You're actually incorrect. Mega gard is a weird mon in that it's can perform both a supporting role or an offensive role BUT as a pure supporting role it is utterly outclassed by slyveon who has access to wish + heal bell, and if you instead opt for an offensive set then it's utterly outclassed by xerneas in the sense that it's frailer, has a shittier typing, and worst yet it uses your megastone. Overall I can't really see much that mega gard does that isn't utterly outclassed. The set you posted can be performed better by xerneas though admittedly having 100 base speed is nice, it loses to both yveltal (fucker punch says hi) and xerneas doesn't really care. Gene easily ohko's with iron head.

Overall I say C rank is fine, unless you have some replays or a compelling argument to bring it up.
I'd say mega gardevoir should be kept unranked or C- rank

it's outclassed by xerneas in almost every way, except the support set. Mega Gardevoir just doesn't hit the same level of power xerneas has (and i'm saying this even though xerneas does NOT deserve S rank AT ALL), can't get past mega gengar, genesect or scizor (which are very dangerous in this meta) and is setup fodder for many things thanks to its not very good base 100 speed (and like Fireburn said, it consumes your mega slot)
Now the support set is better because of its great movepool with moves like Healing Wish, Taunt or Heal Bell (but even then it faces competition from arceus-fairy).
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