UU Simple Questions Thread

So this is probably a very very ancient question that has been the question of centuries, but...

What is the best way to deal with Crocune? I'm currently using a double electric core of oven and Mega amp, but the issue with it is that after Rotom-H nukes something with Scarf Overheat he turns into the ultimate Crocune bait (which usually happens because 99% of the time his Overheat target ends up being Nidoking). I'm currently considering replacing oven with Rotom-C, but how viable is Rotom-C in dealing with UU as a whole (as well as cune) compared to Rotom-H? I haven't have had much experience out of the rotom formes outside of Rotom-H, and Rotom-C seems like the next viable alternative (although losing a fire resist sucks overall since I run Klefki, and Rotom-H can come in on those fire moves)
So this is probably a very very ancient question that has been the question of centuries, but...

What is the best way to deal with Crocune? I'm currently using a double electric core of oven and Mega amp, but the issue with it is that after Rotom-H nukes something with Scarf Overheat he turns into the ultimate Crocune bait (which usually happens because 99% of the time his Overheat target ends up being Nidoking). I'm currently considering replacing oven with Rotom-C, but how viable is Rotom-C in dealing with UU as a whole (as well as cune) compared to Rotom-H? I haven't have had much experience out of the rotom formes outside of Rotom-H, and Rotom-C seems like the next viable alternative (although losing a fire resist sucks overall since I run Klefki, and Rotom-H can come in on those fire moves)
Rotom c might be the best choice. If it really annoys you, run vaporeon with roar as it resists (actually immune to) water and resists fire. It can also phaze away crocune and pass rather large wishes.
So this is probably a very very ancient question that has been the question of centuries, but...

What is the best way to deal with Crocune? I'm currently using a double electric core of oven and Mega amp, but the issue with it is that after Rotom-H nukes something with Scarf Overheat he turns into the ultimate Crocune bait (which usually happens because 99% of the time his Overheat target ends up being Nidoking). I'm currently considering replacing oven with Rotom-C, but how viable is Rotom-C in dealing with UU as a whole (as well as cune) compared to Rotom-H? I haven't have had much experience out of the rotom formes outside of Rotom-H, and Rotom-C seems like the next viable alternative (although losing a fire resist sucks overall since I run Klefki, and Rotom-H can come in on those fire moves)

Well, Rotom-C would certainly have a much easier time with Water-types in general considering it resists Water and Scald burns don't cut down its attacking power. (it's also neutral to Rocks for what that's worth) That said, Mega Ampharos is able to check most Fire-types, and by going defensive, it can outright counter one end of the spectrum when it comes to Fire-types while checking the other end if you're really concerned about them. Another way to deal with CroCune is through the use of Toxicroak. Toxicroak may be a bit unorthodox, but it can use CroCune as setup bait to counter-sweep the opposing team. However, if you're needing a Scarfer in the same spot as Rotom-H, this obviously would be a tough option and Rotom-C would likely be the next best option in that case.
What's a good 'mon to handle Megaman, preferably able to take a hit and either deal big damage/KO it in return, or at /least/ come in for the revenge? Alternatively, being able to come in several times to just wall it/do some damage to it is acceptable.
What's a good 'mon to handle Megaman, preferably able to take a hit and either deal big damage/KO it in return, or at /least/ come in for the revenge? Alternatively, being able to come in several times to just wall it/do some damage to it is acceptable.
Which build for Megaman are you having trouble with?
Cookie cutter VoltTurn version at the moment; Volt Switch/Tbolt/Fire move [usually Flamethrower]/HP [usually grass].
[There's a different version?]
For defensive checks Mew, Snorlax, Umbreon and Florges work pretty well obv but they're kinda Volt Switch bait. SpDef Hippo really doesn't care about Hidden Power though.
For offensive checks obv Nidoqueen can work once or twice, and so can Mega Ampharos. Stuff like Rotom-H works really well too
For defensive checks Mew, Snorlax, Umbreon and Florges work pretty well obv but they're kinda Volt Switch bait. SpDef Hippo really doesn't care about Hidden Power though.
For offensive checks obv Nidoqueen can work once or twice, and so can Mega Ampharos. Stuff like Rotom-H works really well too
This post exactly, but don't rely on Nidoqueen as your sole check since it can be worn down rather easily. Othen then that really any specially defensive pokemon with even a little offensive presence will deal with it really well.
Cookie cutter VoltTurn version at the moment; Volt Switch/Tbolt/Fire move [usually Flamethrower]/HP [usually grass].
[There's a different version?]

To be honest, that's probably one of the more mainstream ways of playing it. I've seen people run Roar or Toxic in the last slot over Hidden Power. I've also seen Bulky Manectric talked about, which theoretically is a bulky offensive pivot (kinda like landot
Why do some people not have a mega in their team? It's super weird
Because a lot of people just don't like the concept. Absurd stats, great abilities, and the ones that aren't ou are rarely ones that were already popular and more often bad pokemon that needed a new evolution but were already 3rd stage (or were just used as an excuse to add more megas). They should be about as strong as any other pokemon in the top of the tier in any case. If the tier demands a mega on every team to win that's a good reason to ban a lot of them.
Yeah, in the end they're just another Pokemon, they shouldn't be put into an arbitrary category and then proclaimed to be necessary on each team, which is believed by a decent amount of people, just look at the RMT forums and see how many people said "I needed a Mega" to justify their decision for a team slot.
I almost never run mega, though I've recently been trying out ampharos. But usually, I find a rotom form to be more useful as an electric type than megaman. Also, almost no me gas have reliable recovery and they can run an item like leftovers. They're good, but they aren't usually a necessity.
Why was Crawdaunt banned? I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind it and what it did to be banned.

Seriously though what a crazy generation in general though. Kanga banned to ubers, Charizard ranked S in OU, Mawile in OU, etc. Just some crazy stuff.
Why was Crawdaunt banned? I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind it and what it did to be banned.

Seriously though what a crazy generation in general though. Kanga banned to ubers, Charizard ranked S in OU, Mawile in OU, etc. Just some crazy stuff.
Choice band adaptability crab hammer, knock off and aqua jet were deemed too powerful for the tier. As you probably know, crabhammer got a buff, knock off got a buff, and crawdaunt got aqua jet which was really the icing on the cake.
Why was Crawdaunt banned? I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind it and what it did to be banned.

Seriously though what a crazy generation in general though. Kanga banned to ubers, Charizard ranked S in OU, Mawile in OU, etc. Just some crazy stuff.

Besides what Ununhexium said, it really didn't have any true hard counters. The closest thing to it (Chesnaught, which got a massive spike in usage purely because of Crawdaunt's existence) wasn't even a hard counter, because many Crawdaunt started running aerial ace.
What is the best moveset for M-Aero, best partners and its role in the meta? I got interested on it.
Best move set is probably stone edge earthquake crunch and filler. It role in theeta is basically a fast cleaner that has some decent coverage moves, but sucky STAB moves (bar stone edge but that is debatable). For partners, I dont really know but I guess something that can remove bulky ground types if aerodactyl lacks ice fang, which often is still too weak.
Best move set is probably stone edge earthquake crunch and filler. It role in theeta is basically a fast cleaner that has some decent coverage moves, but sucky STAB moves (bar stone edge but that is debatable). For partners, I dont really know but I guess something that can remove bulky ground types if aerodactyl lacks ice fang, which often is still too weak.
So is he bad? Not worth for a teamslot? He is A+ ranked and you describe him as a B pokemon
So is he bad? Not worth for a teamslot? He is A+ ranked and you describe him as a B pokemon

Well, the current rankings don't fully represent the current state of the metagame (hint why we're going through it 2 Pokemon at a time to determine if they're ranked correctly or not) Mega-Aero isn't bad, but it is better off as more of an offensive utility mon. It's quite fast and has good Attack with a reasonable defensive typing, so something like Roost, Defog, EdgeQuake is decent. Not sure on an EV spread as I've never really used it myself, but that's what I feel it does best atm.