Pokemart (go to 8th post for the good stuff)

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Alright cool :). Unfortunately, I do not have your stuff bred up yet, and with me having to take home a fake baby for a school project this weekend, don't know if I'll even be playing pokemon lol. It would be much appreciated if you could have more patience with me, and that patience will be rewarded with a ball service (no SS safari though)

Dude take your time! Not a problem at all! I got your stuff ready whenever you are haha, just give me a shout out whenever!:)
Hmm, not really too keen on breeding a 1/8 hidden power female with HA :(. Best I could do is a female spitback along with a perfect hp grass male. Let me know if this still interests you. I would def be interested in the shiny if you can get it hatched :)

Yea I can see how that would be quite a bit to ask for now that I think about it...
Actually what you offered is fine with me. As for getting it hatched, I'll get working on that. Any preference on a nickname?
Alright, what do you have to offer? Do you have any interesting female spitbacks in interesting balls?
Lemme check. I'll see what I have that you don't.

Quiet (can do Brave) Female Honedge in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond and Wide Guard. Would come with any 4 IVs bar Speed which is 0.

Impish Female Skarmory (Sturdy) in a Premier Ball with the Egg Moves Whirlwind and Brave Bird.

Relaxed Female Tangela (Regenerator) in a Great Ball with the Egg Move Leech Seed.

Timid/Modest/Bold/Calm Female Togepi (Serene Grace) in a Heal Ball with the Egg Move Nasty Plot.

Bold/Adamant Female Murkrow (Prankster) in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Moves Brave Bird and Whirlwind.

Bold Female Duskull (Levitate) in a Dusk Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond, Haze, Skill Swap and Pain Split.

Timid/Modest Female Electrike (Lighting Rod) in a Quick Ball.

Timid/Modest Female Noibat (Frisk or Infiltrator) in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Move Tailwind.

Timd/Modest Female Litwick (Infiltrator) in a Timer Ball.

Adamant Female Shellder (Skill Link) in a Dive Ball with the Egg Move Rock Black.

Adamant Female Heracross (Moxie) in a Net Ball (or Great Ball) with the Egg Move Rock Blast.

Calm/Modest Female Ralts (Trace) in a Heal Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond, Memento, Encore and Disable.

Next time I'll just create a trade thread as that took awhile to write.
Cmt for female dusk ball corphish? Can do 2:1

Edit: Also have a timid HA Nidoran which is not listed in my thread
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Trevenant forest CMT for a female pidgey, snorunt and female croagunk :3 (would do legend for all three,or shiny for two)
Lockie, I only have the pidgey XD. Slash has the other 2 :3 how nbout a spitback trade? Interested in a female dream ball murkrow :]

Lemme check. I'll see what I have that you don't.

Quiet (can do Brave) Female Honedge in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond and Wide Guard. Would come with any 4 IVs bar Speed which is 0.

Impish Female Skarmory (Sturdy) in a Premier Ball with the Egg Moves Whirlwind and Brave Bird.

Relaxed Female Tangela (Regenerator) in a Great Ball with the Egg Move Leech Seed.

Timid/Modest/Bold/Calm Female Togepi (Serene Grace) in a Heal Ball with the Egg Move Nasty Plot.

Bold/Adamant Female Murkrow (Prankster) in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Moves Brave Bird and Whirlwind.

Bold Female Duskull (Levitate) in a Dusk Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond, Haze, Skill Swap and Pain Split.

Timid/Modest Female Electrike (Lighting Rod) in a Quick Ball.

Timid/Modest Female Noibat (Frisk or Infiltrator) in a Luxury Ball with the Egg Move Tailwind.

Timd/Modest Female Litwick (Infiltrator) in a Timer Ball.

Adamant Female Shellder (Skill Link) in a Dive Ball with the Egg Move Rock Black.

Adamant Female Heracross (Moxie) in a Net Ball (or Great Ball) with the Egg Move Rock Blast.

Calm/Modest Female Ralts (Trace) in a Heal Ball with the Egg Moves Destiny Bond, Memento, Encore and Disable.

Next time I'll just create a trade thread as that took awhile to write.
Only interested in the duskull :/. However, if you can breed me a perfect one, I'll get you both the ones you want, and if you want another one, I'll get you another apricorn poke :3

Yea I can see how that would be quite a bit to ask for now that I think about it...
Actually what you offered is fine with me. As for getting it hatched, I'll get working on that. Any preference on a nickname?
Nah, no preference on a nickname :3

Alos, to everyone, not only am I taking a fake baby home for school project, but I also have a ton of make up work for school to well... Make up. So your continued patience with me would be greatly appreciated :3
Trevenant forest
Only interested in the duskull :/. However, if you can breed me a perfect one, I'll get you both the ones you want, and if you want another one, I'll get you another apricorn poke :3

Sure. I've got a 4IV ready but I should be able to breed another flawless one. When I get it I'll post as well as the other 'mon I want (gotta think about that, thanks for the offer though).

You sound busy, so take your time :).
Lockie, I only have the pidgey XD. Slash has the other 2 :3 how nbout a spitback trade? Interested in a female dream ball murkrow :]

Only interested in the duskull :/. However, if you can breed me a perfect one, I'll get you both the ones you want, and if you want another one, I'll get you another apricorn poke :3

Nah, no preference on a nickname :3

Alos, to everyone, not only am I taking a fake baby home for school project, but I also have a ton of make up work for school to well... Make up. So your continued patience with me would be greatly appreciated :3
Fake baby project: Only in America(US) :-P
hi :D i need from fierza:

Nature: Timid
Ability: Protean
IV's: 31/xx/31/30/31/30 HP Fire

I can offer a shiny adamant fletchling 31/31/31/x/31/31 in repeat ball

thats the only shiny i have, but I have normal 5 ivs pokemon like timid kangaskhan in a safari ball.. adamant marrill with huge power and aqua jet/belly drum in a dive ball or great ball.. gastly with disable in moon ball.. etc. :/
ClutchesOfBlood I see in your selection a 5 IV Beldum. Would you have any interest in trading one for a 5 IV Magician Fennekin? I could also get you a female Maril in a Dive Ball with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum with a little time.

Edit: More information; The Fennekin would be timid nature, and the Marill would be Adamant with Huge Power.
ClutchesOfBlood I see in your selection a 5 IV Beldum. Would you have any interest in trading one for a 5 IV Magician Fennekin? I could also get you a female Maril in a Dive Ball with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum with a little time.

Edit: More information; The Fennekin would be timid nature, and the Marill would be Adamant with Huge Power.
I can take the Fennekin and is there something else you have too offer? :3
hi :D i need from fierza:

Nature: Timid
Ability: Protean
IV's: 31/xx/31/30/31/30 HP Fire

I can offer a shiny adamant fletchling 31/31/31/x/31/31 in repeat ball

thats the only shiny i have, but I have normal 5 ivs pokemon like timid kangaskhan in a safari ball.. adamant marrill with huge power and aqua jet/belly drum in a dive ball or great ball.. gastly with disable in moon ball.. etc. :/
Sure, already got both Talonflame and a lvl 1 Fletchling shiny, but I dont think either are in a repeat ball. I am away for the weekend, so I will have to come back to you on sunday/monday.
Lockie, I only have the pidgey XD. Slash has the other 2 :3 how nbout a spitback trade? Interested in a female dream ball murkrow :]
Derp, I shouldn't have opened two hidey boxes at a time. My feeble mind couldn't take the strain of there being two different guys offering :c
And yes, I'd be able to do the murkrow for sure :)
Trevenant forest

I have these pokemon to offer:

Bred by me.

Gligar (female)
- Premier Ball
- Impish
- Immunity
- 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Baton Pass, Agility

Riolu (female)
- Dream Ball
- Jolly
- Prankster
- 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Blaze Kick, High Jump Kick, Crunch, Bullet Punch

All I want in return is just any regular female technician Scyther in a sport ball and a female heavy ball Skarmory.
CMT for these two :)

Nature: Timid | Ability: Infiltrator/Flash Fire
IV's: 31(30)/x/30/30/30/30 [HP Fighting]
Egg Moves: Heat Wave
Notes: Infiltrator ONLY in Dusk ball, Flash Fire ONLY in Luxury Ball


Nature: Quiet | Ability: Mummy
IVs: 31/x/30/30/30/30 [HP Fighting]

Both females, and could I get Infiltrator on Litwick?
Nah, no preference on a nickname :3

Alos, to everyone, not only am I taking a fake baby home for school project, but I also have a ton of make up work for school to well... Make up. So your continued patience with me would be greatly appreciated :3

Yea no rush at all on anything. Real life takes priority over games lol. Totally understand where you're coming from. I'll get it TSV hatched and let you know once it's ready. Then we can just trade whenever you're available. :)
Slashari, I had a quick question:

How many individual Pokémon per person can you clone for each order? I'm wondering because I recently RNG'd and need cloning of the following:


Nature: Timid
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Revenge, Shock Wave, Heal Block, Agility
IVs: [31/6/30/31/31/31] [HP Ice]
OT: Trogdor 02272 [Me, White 2]
Level 40 UT

As was the case before, I'll give you semi-redis rights. I'll be around all weekend so let me know at your earliest convenience. Thanks!
Slashari, I had a quick question:

How many individual Pokémon per person can you clone for each order? I'm wondering because I recently RNG'd and need cloning of the following:


Nature: Timid
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Revenge, Shock Wave, Heal Block, Agility
IVs: [31/6/30/31/31/31] [HP Ice]
OT: Trogdor 02272 [Me, White 2]
Level 40 UT

As was the case before, I'll give you semi-redis rights. I'll be around all weekend so let me know at your earliest convenience. Thanks!
Havent seen a response from Slash, but myself I usually do 1+2,3 or 4, for up to a total of 5.
Trevenant forest Got a female Bold 31/x/31/31/31/31 Duskull with Haze, Destiny Bond, Skill Swap and Pain Split in a Dusk Ball waiting for you.

Can I take you up on the 3rd Ball 'mon? So Love Ball Clefairy, Fast Ball Vulpix and a Moon Ball Misdreavus?
I love these cuties :3.
Havent seen a response from Slash, but myself I usually do 1+2,3 or 4, for up to a total of 5.

As of now I only need the two cloned, so if you're able to take up this project for me this weekend that'd be excellent.

EDIT: Make that 3. I finished my Lando-T project so once I get enough shards to teach it Knock Off/SR I'll need it cloned as well.
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