Move Facade

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The Facade buff (ignoring Burn's attack drop) doesn't matter for Guts Pokemon, can we please move on from them? That being said, I feel like monoattacking Scrappy Facade could be interesting but ultimately shortlived. There's too many bulky Steel- and Rock-types in OU for it to work. Miltank gets Power-Up Punch (for Facade/PUP/Milk Drink/???), but you'd need a LOT of boosts to really do something with that.
Facade is a definite mention for stab on swellow though, it is stronger than return after status and still gets boosted from guts always has been ever since Toxic Orb. Can we move on from the Guts Pokemo that have no benefit from the move change?
I dun get what u mean tho, moving on as in finding moar suitable candidates? If so then i dun see any that will run it over a coverage move

Eevee, though, would abuse this to the fullest, allowing it to absorb paralysis,burn or poison and hit back with an insane adaptability choice-band stab status-boosted facade

Eevee's still eevee though, lol flareon Dx
This is a very interesting change. Considering WoW is flying everywhere in this meta, Facade is suddenly a great option for anything that fears Burn and has a spare moveslot - your Terrakion set is a perfect example.

However, the big problem with Facade is that WoW is most commonly used by Ghost-types, which are immune to Facade anyway. Because of this, its uses will be limited... however...

Scrappy. Yep, Kangaskahn fans, you know what this means? Sableye is no longer a counter thanks to Scrappy Facade. Check this out:

252+ Atk Kangaskhan Power-Up Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 68-82 (22.3 - 26.9%)
+1 252+ Atk Kangaskhan Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 262-309 (86.1 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO (guaranteed after PuP)

Bwahaha. RIP Sableye. Kangaskahn's only decent counter has vanished. From there it can Mega-Evolve and begin to wreck everything in sight with Facade since your Ghost-type has fallen.

+1 252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Facade (140 BP) vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 156-184 (47.7 - 56.2%) -- 25.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery, guaranteed with Stealth Rock

Only decent counter? CM Ghostceus packs WoW and after WoW Mega-Kangy does absolutely nothing to it while it sets up CMs as your health whittles away.
I had huge success with Facade on Choice Band Terrakion. A simply moveset of CC/SE/Earthquake/Facade is simply useful in OU and strong. Facade is there incase you got burned as it definitely 2HKO RotomW with Facade. That's REALLY useful
Interesting. I can see this as a usable option for Mega Pinsir, with Aerilate changing it to an alternate STAB Flying-type attack to use if it receives the occasional Burn. However, the inability to hold a Toxic/Flame Orb may offset this. Still a nice concept, though.
I'll definitely try this but with another, more reliable, STAB move too.
Only decent counter? CM Ghostceus packs WoW and after WoW Mega-Kangy does absolutely nothing to it while it sets up CMs as your health whittles away.

The post you quoted was made back when megakahn was OU.

For the record, cofag was also a decent megakahn counter, arguably better then sable. Doesn't change the fact that OU megakahn was about as balanced as letting E-Killer Arceus be OU.
Well the thing is those Rotom-W calcs aren't right. Rotom runs 248 HP / 216+ Def. But anyways, I still think Facade will still see very little to no use as it waste a moveslot to most Pokemon. Burning one Pokemon just to make an attack stronger is honestly quite "stupid " In those two sets listed, Terrakion and Garchomp could afford something better.
Whoa! Where's my boy Flareon?

Flareon@Toxic Orb
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 SP. DEF.
-Flare Blitz
-Flame Charge

The strategy is to incapacitate a Pokémon, or make it switch with the threat of Flareon, use Flame Charge, then KILL. I GUARANTEE that Flareon could be amazing with this set, when given the right support (Hazard removal, maybe sleep if you can't force a switch). Flareon's speed at 1.5x with speed investment is somewhere in the late 300's, iirc, and more with Jolly. Sorry, can't calc it now, in school. :(

No one can laugh at Flareon anymore, it's the most powerful (Not saying the best, but it can do the most damage) of the Eeveelutions. Try it out, see for yourself! ;)
Whoa! Where's my boy Flareon?

Flareon@Toxic Orb
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 SP. DEF.
-Flare Blitz
-Flame Charge

The strategy is to incapacitate a Pokémon, or make it switch with the threat of Flareon, use Flame Charge, then KILL. I GUARANTEE that Flareon could be amazing with this set, when given the right support (Hazard removal, maybe sleep if you can't force a switch). Flareon's speed at 1.5x with speed investment is somewhere in the late 300's, iirc, and more with Jolly. Sorry, can't calc it now, in school. :(

No one can laugh at Flareon anymore, it's the most powerful (Not saying the best, but it can do the most damage) of the Eeveelutions. Try it out, see for yourself! ;)
This thing contends staraptor for shortest lifespan ever
Whoa! Where's my boy Flareon?

Flareon@Toxic Orb
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 SP. DEF.
-Flare Blitz
-Flame Charge

The strategy is to incapacitate a Pokémon, or make it switch with the threat of Flareon, use Flame Charge, then KILL. I GUARANTEE that Flareon could be amazing with this set, when given the right support (Hazard removal, maybe sleep if you can't force a switch). Flareon's speed at 1.5x with speed investment is somewhere in the late 300's, iirc, and more with Jolly. Sorry, can't calc it now, in school. :(

No one can laugh at Flareon anymore, it's the most powerful (Not saying the best, but it can do the most damage) of the Eeveelutions. Try it out, see for yourself! ;)

Don't use Flareon. It's a slower, slightly more powerful Darmanitan that dies twice as fast. What are you going to do to Dragonite? Azumarill? Togekiss? Gyarados? This set has SERIOUS coverage issues, and even if it somehow nets a kill it'll just be a one-for-one trade because it will have taken 25% health from SR, 18% minimum from Toxic Orb, and possibly 30-35% from Flare Blitz. That leaves it at about 25% health left where it'll die to any priority.

There's no reason to use it, regardless of how much you like it. I fuckin love Audino but that doesn't mean I don't realize how outclassed it is by stuff like Chansey and Sylveon.
Don't use Flareon. It's a slower, slightly more powerful Darmanitan that dies twice as fast. What are you going to do to Dragonite? Azumarill? Togekiss? Gyarados? This set has SERIOUS coverage issues, and even if it somehow nets a kill it'll just be a one-for-one trade because it will have taken 25% health from SR, 18% minimum from Toxic Orb, and possibly 30-35% from Flare Blitz. That leaves it at about 25% health left where it'll die to any priority.

There's no reason to use it, regardless of how much you like it. I fuckin love Audino but that doesn't mean I don't realize how outclassed it is by stuff like Chansey and Sylveon.
Isn't that the worst? That's the only drawback to pokemon; there are so many that chances are most of your favorites aren't that good.

I tried Facade on Conkeldurr a while back, and it hits devastatingly hard. I don't see its merits over its other options though, but it can net a surprise KO.
Isn't that the worst? That's the only drawback to pokemon; there are so many that chances are most of your favorites aren't that good.

I tried Facade on Conkeldurr a while back, and it hits devastatingly hard. I don't see its merits over its other options though, but it can net a surprise KO.

I actually think facade is a decent option on durr IF you have ice covered somewhere else. Fighting-dark has very nice coverage, and guts boosted facade hits fairies far harder then any of his other options while still denting darn near anything that doesn't resist it (which is covered handily by fighting and dark). The facade buff is totally irrelevant to it, but it's def a good option if you pair it with something like an encore mon who can semi-reliably get durr statused.
Don't use Flareon. It's a slower, slightly more powerful Darmanitan that dies twice as fast. What are you going to do to Dragonite? Azumarill? Togekiss? Gyarados? This set has SERIOUS coverage issues, and even if it somehow nets a kill it'll just be a one-for-one trade because it will have taken 25% health from SR, 18% minimum from Toxic Orb, and possibly 30-35% from Flare Blitz. That leaves it at about 25% health left where it'll die to any priority.

There's no reason to use it, regardless of how much you like it. I fuckin love Audino but that doesn't mean I don't realize how outclassed it is by stuff like Chansey and Sylveon.

I just prefer to use Flareon, it's one of my favorite Pokemon. Darmanitan is cool, but I just wanna use Flareon to make up for 5 generations of uselessness. It sounds stupid/childish, but that's just how I play. It's not always about the 'superior' Pokémon, sometimes you should just play with what you like, no matter how bad or outclassed it is competitively. :)
Facade is a decent move this generation but all the pokemon that can use it well ( Swellow, Flareon ) aren't exactly viable in OU.
I just prefer to use Flareon, it's one of my favorite Pokemon. Darmanitan is cool, but I just wanna use Flareon to make up for 5 generations of uselessness. It sounds stupid/childish, but that's just how I play. It's not always about the 'superior' Pokémon, sometimes you should just play with what you like, no matter how bad or outclassed it is competitively. :)
Someone here loves me?

Bless you!

Forgive me, I haven't read the previous posts, but has its applications in VGC been mentioned? Especially on Mega-Khan, it might be superior to return as burn is very common.
Someone here loves me?

Bless you!

Forgive me, I haven't read the previous posts, but has its applications in VGC been mentioned? Especially on Mega-Khan, it might be superior to return as burn is very common.

No problem. :) Kanga has been mentioned, and you are right on the money. It would be crazy powerful with facade/burn, especially with Prankster Sableye and the like.
I just prefer to use Flareon, it's one of my favorite Pokemon. Darmanitan is cool, but I just wanna use Flareon to make up for 5 generations of uselessness. It sounds stupid/childish, but that's just how I play. It's not always about the 'superior' Pokémon, sometimes you should just play with what you like, no matter how bad or outclassed it is competitively. :)
this is Facade discussion

Anywho, I think in the Victory Road Creative/Underrated Sets thread, someone suggested Facade Azumarill, which I feel works pretty well. Tbh if you're a physical attacker and you have all the coverage you need in 2-3 moves, Facade is probably one of the best options to slap on that 4th slot, preventing you from being crippled by burn.
this is Facade discussion

Anywho, I think in the Victory Road Creative/Underrated Sets thread, someone suggested Facade Azumarill, which I feel works pretty well. Tbh if you're a physical attacker and you have all the coverage you need in 2-3 moves, Facade is probably one of the best options to slap on that 4th slot, preventing you from being crippled by burn.

Yeah, I know it's Facade, I'm just responding to your previous post, and I don't believe it is off topic. The Azumarill sounds good on a Belly Drum set, you don't lose much firepower with your other moves and you get to annihilate with a 140 BP move.
What goddamn flareon needs is a nice eevee spread of
To live long enough and take poison orb dmg and spam more facades
But noo gf had to troll her so hard
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