Speed. Priority. Backup. RMT No. 3½:)


Suaver here,
So old thread got locked should be deleted promptly but i am repeating a lot from it and i have a new member so cheers! and i am not doing that damn team-building process again!
"You've met with a terrible fate,haven't you?"
Yes, Yes i have.
This team came up as a result of a terrible loss.
I was playing with Scarfed Raptor's Weak to Rotom Heat team(not because it's not good ,hell it's awesome:D) and lost to a volt turn intimidate team using scarf rotom wash in the first round of a scripted OU Tourney.,
My teamates were crushed by the heavy offense and at the last minute mega pinsir was about to come through and a scarf rotom ruins the onlaught with a 85% accuracy will-o-wisp.
i was so depressed.
no beef though i was happy i'd been enlightened and we became friends. heck he helped me test the team.
So I kept four things in mind when building this team:
Speed. Priority. Coverage. and if all else failed. Backup.
before i get lots of people telling me not to run 2 scarfs i can't part with scarf rotom it leaves people helpless.
Team at a Glance:


Lando-Coffee (Landorus-Therian) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock/Stone Edge
- U-turn
A nice fake lead and decent revenge killer late game
the speed evs let it outspeed a good part of the metagame and plus 1 base 100s while the defense evs let it take a brave bird from talonflame a little bit better.
it deals with pinsir,mawile,talonflame,zard x ,basically anything not azumarill and mamoswine. Also I switch this in on Adamant zard x(Tested with the Awesome Jin White bam its back to neutral and 2 I outspeed and dispose of it with a delicious expresso eq.


Psycho. (Greninja) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
IVs: 30 SAtk / 30 Spd
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
The Standard Greninja set will for me because i hate the stall that ensues when i'm going against ferro ,so HP fire is wonderful for this.
Sometimes, i contemplate running scarf on this because the amount of scarfchomp on the ladder is ungodly.
also it always OHKOs Dragonite. Always.
Don't believe me?
252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 328-385 (101.2 - 118.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Buzzsaw (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spd
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit/Knock Off ?
- Superpower
Scizor with a choice band hits so hard 2hkoing almost anything that doesnt resist it in the ou metagame. it's that good. it mostly acts like a pivot for my team and pursuit trapping latis helps but i'm thinking about adding knock off and superpower for those other pesky steel types.
I suggest giving Scizor 144spd evs to outspeed and U-Turn on Mega-Venusaur, and 44speed ev Heatran before you're KO'd with HP fire and Lava plume respectively. - Rob


Does Work. (Alakazam) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Energy Ball
Every time this thing comes in something dies.
Alakazam has become one of my favorite revenge killers due to his great coverage and power. Not only that, Magic Guard makes it the greatest Focus Sash user in the game since he takes no damage from hazards or weather and is guranteed to get an extra hit in. Psyshock is to pokemon such as Blissey and Heracross for enormous damage. Focus Blast is to take down Tyranitar and Mega Gyarados while HP Ice slays the unsuspecting Gliscor and Garchomp and Dragonite and Landorus and Landorus-T. Energy ball is for coverage but i'm debating on putting shadow ball in this slot.


Red Ranger (Bisharp) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
A fitting replacement for venusaur, can take on fairies well and gets up rocks for my team,
It punishes the defoggers who try to remove my rocks,Even mandibuzz is 2hkod by Iron Head after the Defiant boost and with the knock off buff this gen ,it cause massive damage to everything that doesn't resist it.


Panasonic (Rotom-Wash) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Trick
The heart and soul of my team simply because no one and I mean NO ONE expects scarf rotom-w, its kinda sad ,Hydro Pump ohkos non scarf excadrill, Volt switch ohkos greninja, will-o-wisp cripples bisharp and other potent physical priority users and lastly trick to wreck a wall.

Perfect Example of How my team works.
Keeping Momentum
The Testing.
Quick Battle
Sorry Had to go will bulk up descriptions in the morning but i hope i gave a rough description and trust me i know this team doesn't look viable but test it it's really awesome.
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I recommend you to put a mega evolution in your team. Using your pokemons use the mega evolution of alakazam and switch the item of the bisharp to focus sash because it's not very good to have two pokemons with life orb and use this set of rotom wash you need a special wall. you have only sweepers.

<p>Rotom-Wash @ Chesto Berry<br />
Ability: Levitate<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA<br />
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)<br />
- Volt Switch<br />
- Hydro Pump<br />
- Will-O-Wisp<br />
- Rest<br />

<p>Rotom-W is very good in the metagame right now, as it checks extremely dangerous threats such as Talonflame, Blaziken, Togekiss, and Azumarill. Rotom-W is also great in gaining momentum via Volt Switch, as Ground-types generally can't switch in on Rotom-W in fear of its Water-type STAB attacks. Hydro Pump hits moderately hard and has nice general coverage with Volt Switch. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers such as Excadrill, Azumarill, and Garchomp, as well as Breloom and Ferrothorn on the switch. Rest gives Rotom-W a second life as it's easily worn down by Stealth Rock. Chesto Berry heals off Rest.</p>

<p>Scizor is the best teammate for Rotom-W, as it forms an incredible VoltTurn core. Rotom-W beats physical walls that switch into Scizor, such as Gliscor, Skarmory, and Gyarados, while Scizor beats Ferrothorn and Blissey that switch into Rotom-W. Forretress has great synergy with Rotom-W, as Forretress easily tanks Grass-types attacks, while Forretress also supports Rotom-W with Rapid Spin support, due to Rotom-W switching all the time. Blaziken likes free switches, as well as Rotom-W's ability to beat Talonflame and bulky Water-types, while Amoonguss beats Grass-types and helps spread status along with Rotom-W.</p>
Nice team, I'm loving the volt-turn strategy, I have a few suggestions though. I suggest giving Scizor 144spd evs to outspeed and U-Turn on Mega-Venusaur, and 44speed ev Heatran before you're KO'd with HP fire and Lava plume respectively. Also give Bisharp Pursuit over Stealth Rock one SR setter is enough and pursuit allows you to trap Aegislash who would give you some trouble.

Also consider Landorus over Lando-T. It shares the same typing as Lando-T and can use U-turn so it doesn't disrupt your synergy. It arguably provides more offensive pressure because it won't be limited to one move due to holding a choice scarf. Your current Lando set doesn't help your team deal with the Mega-Charizards or the tiers Flying types like Landorus can.

Landorus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Spd / 4 Atk / 252 SAtk
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Rock Slide
- Earth Power

Good luck with the team.
I'm definitely using that spread on scizor!
While I'm open to Lando I it don't really help with a boosted Zard x and I lose a lot of speed also I don't run sr on land t anymore, what if I scarfed it?
With earthquake over earth power and max Atk because with 2/3 attacks being physical with minimal investment I thing I should go max Atk max spark with this set just doesn't make me feel safe.
Is that okay?
I,ll incorporate one in when mega gengar is back in ou.
I'll tell you what if you can find a mega that can do anyone in my teams job better
I'll use it.
Only poke I can see switching is greninja and mega gengar would have been perfect:(
Hello! Awesome team! I think it's even better than your first :) Here are a few things I will meantion that you can feel free to ignore.
1. You have 3 scarved pokemon. It's not the worst thing in the world however, you have to switch a lot which can be bad if rocks are up and also you don't have a wall to tank hits. While this thing may not get rid of rocks may I suggest Florges as an appropriate wall? You have two steel pokemon on your team who resist all of Florges's weaknesses and I think that your team would highly benefit from a wish passer.
Florges @ Leftovers
Bold nature - any ability - 252 HP/ 252 sp. def/ 4 def
- Wish
- Protect
- Toxic/ Aromatherapy
- Moonblast
Florges is an amazing wall. With this thing on your team it can pretty much wall any attack aimed at your choice users and heal them back up with a wish, which can be very beneficial since your other pokemon have no form of recovery what-so-ever. Moonblast is its best stab move and protect is so it can wish pass to itself. The final moveslot is a toss up between Toxic and Aromatherapy. Toxic is preferred for this team since your opponents pokemon will not want to stay in for very long, which if you time it right, can switch out to one of your 3 choice users and begin a sweep. Aromatherapy is also viable to heal burns from Bisharp, Scizor and Landorus.
If you want to use this set I suggest scrapping Greninja but it's up to you!
2. I would have pursuit over knock off on Scizor since you already have a few pokemon with knock off and as you said, scizor is grat for trapping lati@s.
Overall great team! There are no weaknesses sweeping through your team and you have clearly thought about what your pokemon are best suited to. I wish you the best of luck! XD
I,ll incorporate one in when mega gengar is back in ou.
I'll tell you what if you can find a mega that can do anyone in my teams job better
I'll use it.
Only poke I can see switching is greninja and mega gengar would have been perfect:(

lol like that's ever happening

Anyways I don't have time for a full rate right now, so I'll just suggest a few things. I'd really, really suggest changing Rotom-W to a physically bulky set. I know you don't want to part with Scarf, but I think having a more reliable answer to bird-spam (which currently runs right through your team). I'd also swap Knock Off out for Stone Edge on Landorus-T, and add Stealth Rock. Landorus-Therian is a much more reliable setter of Stealth Rock than Bisharp, even with a Choice Scarf. It doesn't have the advantage of blocking its own hazards, but Bisharp is consistently KOed early game and should be saved for mid-late game. Replace Stealth Rock on Bisharp with Swords Dance. I would usually suggest Pursuit here, but it doesn't really look like your team gets much out of trapping Lati@s (the main Defoggers that Bisharp traps) anyway.


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers | Levitate
Bold Nature | 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Hydro Pump | Volt Switch | Will-o-Wisp | Pain Split


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf | Intimidate
Jolly Nature | 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Earthquake | Stone Edge | U-turn | Stealth Rock


Bisharp @ Life Orb | Defiant
Adamant Nature | 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Knock Off | Sucker Punch | Swords Dance | Iron Head
i would suggest having only 212 speed evs on scarf lando so you can have more bulk but at the same time outspeeding timid mega manectric. Also, I would change rotom-w to the physically defensive set so you can have a bulky pivot. will write, right, wright, or rite more later.
Sure I'll change the Evs, fine I'll try the defensive set but only if it lives an eq from Mold breaker exca.
I would put a megastone on that Scizor:I mean he'll do less damage but you won't be locked in the same move and he'll get much bulkyer and a little faster.

252+ Atk Mega Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Venusaur: 118-139 (32.4 - 38.1%) -- 96% chance to 3HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Venusaur: 159-187 (43.6 - 51.3%) -- 8.2% chance to 2HKO
lol like that's ever happening

Anyways I don't have time for a full rate right now, so I'll just suggest a few things. I'd really, really suggest changing Rotom-W to a physically bulky set. I know you don't want to part with Scarf, but I think having a more reliable answer to bird-spam (which currently runs right through your team). I'd also swap Knock Off out for Stone Edge on Landorus-T, and add Stealth Rock. Landorus-Therian is a much more reliable setter of Stealth Rock than Bisharp, even with a Choice Scarf. It doesn't have the advantage of blocking its own hazards, but Bisharp is consistently KOed early game and should be saved for mid-late game. Replace Stealth Rock on Bisharp with Swords Dance. I would usually suggest Pursuit here, but it doesn't really look like your team gets much out of trapping Lati@s (the main Defoggers that Bisharp traps) anyway.


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers | Levitate
Bold Nature | 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Hydro Pump | Volt Switch | Will-o-Wisp | Pain Split


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf | Intimidate
Jolly Nature | 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Earthquake | Stone Edge | U-turn | Stealth Rock


Bisharp @ Life Orb | Defiant
Adamant Nature | 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Knock Off | Sucker Punch | Swords Dance | Iron Head
this is my second account my old one got ip banned randomly but anyway i am using these changes barring rotom and its workin nicely