Sticky Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

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Hell yeah Meteor Falls gems.
I have a hefty hunch that one Mr. Steven Stone might have a bigger role to play in this game, too-- especially given the new prevalence of Mega Stones.
see wat I did thar lololol

It's just something they could have done for fun, or something that they did for the new generation. I don't think directing the line of speech into "They didn't HAVE to do this so IT'S A DIRECT HINT GUYS."

sorry if this seems worded weird or something. im p tired and ill get off now.
Nah I think I get you, no worries.
Anyway my own point might have been weirdly worded; I think (regarding the Souvenir dude, at least) the thing to take away from it is that he's very clearly made as like a mysterious figure. He's not so much making offhand remarks like the girl who foreshadowed Munna as he is acting as like a wink wink nudge nudge from the devs, as if to say, "Hey. Yeah. Mysterious shit. You KNOW you want to know what the deal with this is..."

The point is, it seems much more deliberate than just cute filler dialogue. But hey, it's entirely possible that I'm reading too much into it as it relates to ORAS. *shrug* =3=

Or, he could just be saying that the character hasn't visited the region, as in the character the player is controlling. The player themselves may have visited Hoenn (by playing RSE), but not the character the guy is talking to.
Nope, he specifically says it's not any of the regions in previous games, listing each of them by name. I had to look it up too, I hadn't heard of this guy either, but he's definitely not referring to any of the previous gen regions (with the possible exception of places like Orre and other spinoff regions, which he doesn't mention).
Well all I want that hasn't been said yet at this point is for the Gems to return.

Dat Meteor Falls yo.

Yeah I agree gems need to return like in Black and White where you can just randomly find them in caves.

Also I will be very interested in the new tutor moves if we get any. Good moves like Heat Wave and Stealth Rock should be in generation 6 so Kalos bred Rhydon's can at least set up rocks and so they are also available together with the new breeding moves. Also interested if Defog will be a tutor move since we haven't seen Defog since DPP and why would they buff a move that almost no Pokemon in generation 6 can get. And since Pokemon Emerald had some weird tutor moves like Metronome and Softboiled maybe we will see those again. MUD SLAP 4 TUTOR MOVE 2014!!
Amazing news. Hoenn is my favourite region and I've been waiting like forever for this.

Also a great time to resume my Emerald nuzlocke and complete it before the game releases.
Emerald is my favourite game (with BW/BW2 and XY) !!! Yay !!! And with the BEST starters


Just for science ! (It's a fake obviously, I just find it funny)
I guess this is where we'll get the tutor moves like the elemental punches & body slam, seismic toss, counter, etc.
Looks like Nintendo are NOT moving into a 3rd game with XY and instead leaping straight to Generation 3 remakes! Apparently coming this November worldwide again like XY.

Fire red and Leaf green were released before pokemon emerald and no way in hell Game Freak is gonna put a mon like Zygarde in the game without exploring is background more in a game.

I'm so hyped to see if we gonna have the secrets bases in Wifi, it would be so damn awesome.
I just expect a Mega Plusle and Mega Minun (the ones made in deviantart) for this region if there is gonna be tons of double battles, and less singles, on this gen remake. This is the generation I began my pokemon journey where doubles are introduced so lightly.
Wow! Is the double battle frenzy of Coliseum THAT nightmarish? I mean, if most of us would have the chance to compete in the international VGC tourneys / summer friendly wifi tourneys where battles are set in doubles, I expect this remake to be like pokemon coliseum battle wise.

As for megas, I hope we could get jirachi and her typing becomes steel/fairy. I hope to get something close to this design. Why? She's my favorite legendary that is both lovable and badass. Too bad Aegislash stabbed the eye on her belly and made her nearly dead in OU.
Also, I hope for a Mega Plusle and Mega Minun too. Something like these selected designs in deviantart along with the suggested moves by the artist (found on Plusle's).
I expect this remake to be like pokemon coliseum battle wise.
Hardly. Colosseum was nothing but double battles. It was a tad annoying after a while.

By the way, because of the relative drought of Legendaries this generation, and GameFreak's habit of introducing more forms of Legendary Pokémon in follow-up games, I think we'll see our first cross-generational Forme change in these games. If Mega Evolutions are the new Formes, we'll probably see a bit of those instead. Win-win either way.

After all, since Gen. III, there has been introduced at least two new formes of Pokémon after the pioneer games of every generation. I don't expect that to change this time either. In the end, "You can get new, cooler versions of some Pokémon in this game!" is one heck of a sales argument to the series' target audience.
No...No more Double battles.... not after Pokemon Coliseum... O_o
Don't hate on Coliseum; it's the only legitimately hard* Pokemon game in the franchise.

*As in the computer doesn't cheat like in the Battle Facilities or the RNG for dungeons in PMD, or any other kind of fake difficulty

Hardly. Colosseum was nothing but double battles. It was a tad annoying after a while.

By the way, because of the relative drought of Legendaries this generation, and GameFreak's habit of introducing more forms of Legendary Pokémon in follow-up games, I think we'll see our first cross-generational Forme change in these games. If Mega Evolutions are the new Formes, we'll probably see a bit of those instead. Win-win either way.

After all, since Gen. III, there has been introduced at least two new formes of Pokémon after the pioneer games of every generation. I don't expect that to change this time either. In the end, "You can get new, cooler versions of some Pokémon in this game!" is one heck of a sales argument to the series' target audience.
I hope they don't decide to give most of the new MEvos to Hoenn Pokemon; 10 out of the 28 Pokemon that can Mega are from Gen III (the same number as Gen I), while Gen IV only got 3 and Gen V got zip.
There was an E-mail sent from the pokemon company to every Daisuki Club member which says that cover Groudon and Kyogre should be "Pokemon that were never seen before".
I don't think Kyogre and Groudon will be getting Mega Evolutions. Maybe alternate formes like Giratina or Shaymin, but I don't think Game Freak is going to buff them, really. And before anyone says "well Mewtwo was already ridiculous and they gave that thing TWO Megas!" ...neither of those Megas are too powerful for Ubers.

I could be wrong, but yea, just speculating. Mega Kyogre would be way too much.
^So... if Mewtwo can have two Megas, neither of which are too powerful for Ubers, why can't Groudon and Kyogre? I don't really see the logic.
Drizzle boosted water spouts? It'd be the ultimate wall breaker.

Not that I know that much. I do all in my power to ignore ubers
Keep in mind the opportunity cost of having a Mega....unless they have some sort of awesome ability, "the same thing but improved stats" usually doesn't make a great Mega. Let's go over the 1760 stats for Kyogre from last month (please feel free to shoot me if you are an ubers player and my analysis is incorrect):

Choice Scarf 46.682% - Not possible to run in Mega forme because I'm 99.9% sure they won't give it a ridiculous amount of speed. The most used Kyogre set is safe from a possible Mega incursion, which you couldn't really say for Mewtwo, whose most used set was LO. MMY improved on that by offering a similar amount of power with a better speed tier, checking Darkrai due to DV immunity, and removal of recoil. A slower Mega Kyogre will just have a weaker Water Spout because it's pretty much guaranteed to take a hit before doing anything.

Choice Specs 27.703% | Life Orb 1.617% - depending on how much more SpA they give a potential Mega Kyogre, these sets might be replaceable. But remember that unlike Mewtwo, Kyogre doesn't have an amazing speed tier to begin with, and might have to compensate some defenses depending on the Mega stat distribution.

Leftovers 16.288% - Even if Mega Kyogre comes with improved defenses, I feel that defensive sets are going to have a bit of a tough time without an item. Outside of Leftovers and Rest, Mega Kyogre has no sustain. Venusaur, Charizard X, and Mewtwo X are all more defensive Megas that have ways of getting around lack of Leftovers to sit there and stick around for as long as they need to.

It's not going to be broken, at least not moreso than it already is. Mewtwo Y looks scary with that 194 SpA and 140 Speed, but it's frailer and LO Mewtwo outdamages the Mega forme. Megas look scary on paper but we can't really call "broken" if the game isn't even out yet. Fuck, Mega Kanga is the most centralizing piece of shit in Battle Spot and an absolute monster overall but no one realized its potential until a couple of weeks into XY if memory serves.

That analysis is of course assuming Kyogre retains the exact same movepool (tbh somewhat unlikely given being the flagship of the games and all) and doesn't get any new ability. But with Drizzle's limited duration, would you really want anything else? Swift Swim is useless without rain that runs out in a few turns.
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