XY Doubles Alt ID Thread: Suspect Stage 3

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be the upgraded version of me
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Post in here your ladder reqs (COIL rating of 2480+), not on the metagame thread. Post both of your screenshots in one post, so we don't miss your reqs (edit in your screenshot for the 2nd ladder reqs into your first post if you already posted a screenshot for the earlier ladder req).

Please screen capture your PS alt name on the top left corner of Showdown! if you're not going by the same name as your forum account.

Like so:

If you don't know how to screenshot, use puush

Remember that the ladder req is only a minor part of the voting requirement. Quality participation in the metagame discussion and the suspect discussion is necessary to earn the right to vote. This may require you to play more games to make informed posts.

If you are discovered cheating, you (and your accomplice(s)) will of course be disqualified from this suspect round, and may have your TC badge revoked (if you already have it).

Deadline for the first Kanga-free ladder: May 21st
Deadline for the second Kanga ladder: May 31st / before we finalize our voter pool
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Is there no ELO req this round?

Pocket EDIT: nope, COIL is sufficient for ladder reqs
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even tho jas did it for me

edit: I think I was finished 1st :]


update: Finished the second ladder as well
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Pocket you owe me two days of my life back, I could have been transferring my prized Love Ball Kangaskhan into XY but noooo >:(

Worst... laddertorture... ever =/
finally got reqs. alt: BaconD

EDIT: finished kanga ladder reqs


  • Screenshot_2014-05-10-13-15-53.png
    195.5 KB · Views: 311
  • Screenshot_2014-05-22-11-47-12.png
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Finally got it. Shout out to the community for their awesomeness and acceptance
Part 1
Screen Shot 2014-05-10 at 17.24.58.png

Part two
Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 09.09.39.png

Couldve been quicker but it took my a surprisingly long time to beat that shromish team.
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my incredible w/l ratio was the terror of the ladder

and here's part two, where I mercilessly haxed everyone in sight

actually let's get a better screenshot

there we go
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Wait till you see my w/l record, currently 9-7 at lower ladder :/
posting reqs later once i reach them, i've been lazy
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