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Was referring to the Love Ball Mareep (eww... Moon Ball...?).
I had had a look through the other shinies section, but got lost xD. Could you throw in a Goomy with the egg moves too (one of my upcoming projects)—preferably male, gonna do Premier Ball for mine, but can breed a male with the moves from a female so whatever's easier really. :)
And then 15 for 8 (both Clamperl) is fine for me.
• Karrablast
• Kangaskhan
• Love Ball Mareep
• Cherubi
• Clamperl 1.0
• Clamperl 2.0
• Phanpy
• Goomy
• Bulbasaur
• Lapras
• Dratini
• Cyndaquil
• Totodile
• Pichu
• Shuckle
• Barboach
• Bagon
• Starly
• Snover
• Foongus
• Shelmet
• Fennekin
• Skrelp
Good for you? Also, just as a note, if you'd prefer to wait I'll be breeding the Bagon with an IV spread 30/30/30/30/30/31 in the relatively near future (i.e. pretty quickly after the 22nd), if you'd prefer to wait for that version. Will still be nicknamed Pick 'N' Mix, but may breed on Fire Fang if I'm not too lazy... :P
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Was referring to the Love Ball Mareep (eww... Moon Ball...?).
I had had a look through the other shinies section, but got lost xD. Could you throw in a Goomy with the egg moves too (one of my upcoming projects). :)
And then 15 for 8 (both Clamperl) is fine for me.
• Karrablast
• Kangaskhan
• Love Ball Mareep
• Cherubi
• Clamperl 1.0
• Clamperl 2.0
• Phanpy
• Goomy
Good for you?
Oh that's awesome :D
lol, I was breeding moon ball mareeps because it fits with the Mega Ampharos (non-shiny) version xD
Sure, can I just clone of the Goomys with those egg moves? I take it you want a male since the pokeballs don't match? ;)
I also got redis rights on the Karrablast finally, so I'll clone it for you to breed :)

I'm gonna be busy tonight though, and I know you are also busy at this time, so we'll find a day that suits us both to do the trade ;) we can wait until the 22nd if you want? But I'll have them ready tomorrow :)
OK, I've got a moment to answer these (probably won't be able to do any trades for a few days):

Female Ralts spitback? (Moon ball + all 4 egg moves). Don't care about IVs/Nature/Ability.

Thanks for the interest to you both :).

I can definitely do that. I held on to a bunch of 4-5 IV spitbacks from that project, so I've got plenty available xD
Hi ! CMT for :

Calm | Regenerator | (♀)
31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
- Body Slam
- Endure
- Gastro Acid
- Growth
OT: Misty | 19271
Nickname: Toadette
Location: Santalune Forest
Note: Hidden Power Fire
To answer everything:

-snip- Munchlax
I can't renickname the Munchlax, would you like it as Srta. Sleepy, no worries if not. If yes, the Swirlix from your thread (I'll be rebreeding from it :]).
-snip- Bagon
Not renicknaming my Pokémon anymore I'm afraid, and planning to rebreed Bagon for the better HP Flying spread. But if you're still interested, do you have a female Fast Ball Elekid with the same egg moves as the one on your thread (IVs, nature, etc. don't matter at all).
-snip- Scyther
Let me know when you're good to go, Scyther's all ready :).
-snip- Eevee
Sorry, I tried to view your page (repeatedly) and it kept glitching out on me. I can see the region and moves, but not the Pokémon. Will try again later, but for now I'm afraid I've got no ideas xD.
-snip- Foongus
Female Moon Ball Houndour (all egg moves). Don't care about nature/IVs. Good for you?
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Do you offer spitbacks of any of your pokemon (unless you'd be willing to just give me a flawless)? I'd be interested in those if you do. Unfortunately I don't think I have anything that would interest you.
Do you offer spitbacks of any of your pokemon (unless you'd be willing to just give me a flawless)? I'd be interested in those if you do. Unfortunately I don't think I have anything that would interest you.
I don't offer spitbacks, but (if there's something of interest to me) I give the flawless shiny ones away for spitbacks—my preferred form of trade.
Unfortunately though, didn't see anything in your thread for me; but thanks for the interest :D.
I don't offer spitbacks, but (if there's something of interest to me) I give the flawless shiny ones away for spitbacks—my preferred form of trade.
Unfortunately though, didn't see anything in your thread for me; but thanks for the interest :D.

Whatever. Don't know why everyone on this site is so impossible to trade with.
I got a munchlax from elena thanks though . For swirlix, will this do ? I like the nickname :)

Timid | Solar Power | (♀)
31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
- Pound
- Tail Whip
- Glare
- Electric Terrain
OT: Misty | 19271
Nickname: Sparks
Location: Santalune Forest
Note: Hidden Power Ice
Note: Will rehatch in Kalos Power Plant
once I progress in-game
Hmmm... interested in your Kangaskhan for the moment.
What female spitbacks I can offer:

1. Heal Ball HA Squirtles with Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, & Water Spout EMs (IIRC one has water pulse as level-up egg move)
(Heal ball matches with shiny Blastoise I guess)
Its IVs... forgot, but it has 4 perfect IVs excluding attack & something else.

2. Dive Ball Charmanders with Dragon Dance & Crunch (meant for Charizard-X).
It has 4 IVs excluding Sp.Atk. & something else.
Also got one female with an additional egg move Outrage, but it only has 3 perfect IVs.
Sorry, I'm not a fan of doing more than one of any Pokémon, and have already bred a Squirtle and Charmander.
Thanks for the interest though; I believe Elena90's trade thread has a [near-]identical Kangaskhan, since I used her's as a parent. :)

That's ok I guess.
Though how about I suggest adding it in your rules... about the not doing "more than one of any pokemon" thing.
Done, added to "General Wants", as it's not strictly a rule more a guideline. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
i can try to get up on a saturday around this time :) ( 6-7 am my time) .
gmt -8 and gmt , this is going to be fun lol
Ok it's good. I have one ready to trade.
If you see me on the forum one day, PM me ^^
Can't PM/VM you (your privacy settings dictate you'd have to be following me for me to do so :P).
But I see we're both on. I can trade whenever you're free for the next hour or so, then an hour off, then any time for like 3–4 hours. :). Let me know when you're free.
Hey .com,
I realize I've never hit you up for a trade (which I totally should considering the gorgeous shinies you have).

I don't have many personally SV-hatched/bred of my own but I thought I'd come in anyway.

I don't seem to be able to access/update my thread at the moment (it's down, that's weird) but I do have semi redis Shiny HP Ground Larvesta and Shiny Croagunk coming. So far, I've only gotten Zubat and my Tentacool hatched in special locations though.

Enough about me (if you can actually view my thread though), CMT for Aerodactyl (may be interested in a couple others but Rochelle for now).
Hi ! I liked a lot our last trade ^^
Could you CMT again for :


Modest | Chlorophyll | (♂)
31 | 00 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30

- Endure
- Amnesia
- Giga Drain
- Ingrain
OT: Misty | 06658
Nickname: Cpt. Leafers
Location: Santalune Forest
Note: Hidden Power Fire

( I edited my thread today )
Sorry, I couldn't see anything for right now (actually, I saw a lot, but nothing to help me complete my 2 projects right now xD).
But I will likely come back in a few weeks for the Mudkip, if you're still interested then/can see anything else you're interested in by then :).
Sorry, I couldn't see anything for right now (actually, I saw a lot, but nothing to help me complete my 2 projects right now xD).
But I will likely come back in a few weeks for the Mudkip, if you're still interested then/can see anything else you're interested in by then :).
Hey .com may I know what your current projects are?I might help out
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