Super Smash Bros 4 (Spoilers ITT)

A few things to comment on:

Like Killah mentioned, I remember the flare-up being mentioned somewhere recently with regards to who scored the K.O. on a character. I'm almost certain it was actually an update on the site, just a sort of random and throwaway one. It could certainly be a red herring for a secret juggernaut mode (which would be awesome) as Killah suggested, too. Nothing special but it will definitely help us tell for Time battles who scored a K.O. on what character. Can definitely be useful for people like Fox sniping a kill before they get sent out of the ring, as infrequently as that happens...

Onto Ike. I am so pleased that they used his most recent look but didn't give him those godawful facial features from Radiant Dawn, he looked ridiculous and not quite like his original design. I realize he had matured and considerably bulked up due to his training, but it was so jarring. Pleased to see him back in the fight, he's looking to be a great (and much-needed) heavyweight addition to the cast.
Ike is a cool character, but I never got on with him all that much in Brawl. I hope he keeps being the slow mighty glacier from Brawl though. He needs to be different to Marths super speedy swordplay.

Also: He looks buff as hell.
Ike is canonically that swole, now they just need to give him his sword beams (possibly replace that shitty neutral B).

edit: I changed to this avatar before the reveal I swear

double edit: changed my mind, Ike can keep the neutral B as long as they upgrade it to napalm pillar
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RIP Chrom
Chrom was gonna be hard to not make into a clone of Marth anyways. Yay Ike is back and in Radiant Dawn too which is nice because I liked Radiant Dawn a lot I guess lol. Hope they don't nerf him because every "casual" player says Ike is zomg 2 strongeth in Brawl. ;_;

I really don't think Chrom is out of the picture. I think he's still the most likely choice for a new Fire Emblem character.

But the best choice now is obviously Robin.
All memes have already been used, but still:

"Ike used Bulk Up!"
"I like Ike!"

This is excellent news. Thus far the only char I would consider a "main." On to E3 on the 10th (just 2.5 weeks away!)
I really kinda wish Impa replaced Shiek. I mean shiek is cool and all but she's only been in 1 game I think? Impa is probably more relevant to the series as a whole. Plus they're both shiekah-ninjas so Impa having Shiek's old moveset wouldn't have been an issue.