I just started doing ubers like last week and have only lost like twice, with this shit I slapped together in like five minutes and made like two changes

Ubers is, without a doubt, the most dry, boring, uncreative meta in existence, and this is coming from an OU player

That also makes it hella easy to counterteam like half the shit here

without further ado:


THE RAPE TRAIN (Gastrodon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Def
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Toxic
- Recover

With everyone and their mother packing a Kyogre, in comes this bad boy, which Kyogre can't do shit to. Toxic stall biatches, that's the way to go. 1v1 this set even beats mega gengar lol


Chandelure @ Leftovers Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 148 HP / 108 Spe
Modest Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Energy Ball Trick
- Fire Blast

Shiet, this thing is actually great in Ubers. It hard counters Genesect, checks a myriad of setup mons with Will-o-miss like normal Arceus, and most importantly MEGA BLAZIKEN. Which is pretty neat.

Edit: Added trick + Choice scarf to fuck with setup mons like that fucking deer


Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 40 Atk / 252 HP / 216 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
- Roost

XERNEAS OP. So here's this thing. Priority bullet punch is obvs, and SD to actually dent shit here. Knock off is a plus.


Chansey (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Seismic Toss
- Wish Heal Bell
- Soft-Boiled

I don't like Blissey. It takes physical hits like a bitch. i don't give a shit about mega gengar, so here she is. Cleric shit, seismic toss shit. T wave shit


Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

Unaware almost seems like a requirement here. Anyway, this bad boy is my answer to setup powerhouses that it's too late to do anything about. Like Arceus or Xerneas and all that jazz.


Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Sky Attack
- High Jump Kick
- Swords Dance
- U-turn

Because fuck you Mega Kangaskhan

Really though, Mega K is actually pretty annoying. This thing is a decent enough check. So here we are.

Tada, here's a thing I made. It should be losing a lot more than it is, y'all need creativity

Oh yeah ho-oh fucks this team pretty good, that's mildly problematic but yeah

TL;DR 10/10 team I am literally Jesus.
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Hack basically said it all but I'll try to add some. The fact that this team is able to check every threat in Ubers while not using any Uber mons is quite incredible. Chansey + Gastro + Clefable cores are insanely solid in Ubers and yet few people are able to recognize their brilliance. Chansey naturally walls every special attacker except Specs Ogre, which is solved by adding Gastro. The further addition of Clefable is an excellent EKiller check, especially when Calm Mind is used which sadly few players take advantage of. A solid offensive threat is coupled with this defense which is necessary even for a more defensive team. Scizor is best run without Defog since many mons can do that effectively and yet many people still run it when the SD set can provide much more offensive pressure. Defog isn't really needed for stall anyways so it's good to see that someone new to the meta caught on to this so quickly. Despite your solid build (even more impressive is that it is solid without using any Ubers), there are a few changes that I would recommend.

Overheat > Fire Blast on Chandelure
Since Chandelure is a Gene counter you should run something a little more reliable. In addition since Flamethrower hits a little too weak you should run Overheat which is more powerful but is still reliable. Chandelure is mostly a hit and run mon anyways so it doesn't mind the SpA drop.

Ice Beam > Moonlight on Clefable
Dragons are the most common type in Ubers and this common weakness needs to be exploited. Many dragons have a four times weakness to ice which makes it more useful than Moonblast in some situations and it also nails Groudon. You don't really need Moonlight since Clefable is a solid Xern check anyways with Unaware.

That's all I can really see since this team (as Hack previously mentioned) is very solid. I don't really see a Ho-Oh weakness on this team but if it really does bother you, just run Rock Tomb on Hawlucha, I guess you could drop U-Turn but you really need it for momentum against threats such as Zekrom. Still solid nonetheless, you should enter some tourneys with this team.
Hack basically said it all but I'll try to add some. The fact that this team is able to check every threat in Ubers while not using any Uber mons is quite incredible. Chansey + Gastro + Clefable cores are insanely solid in Ubers and yet few people are able to recognize their brilliance. Chansey naturally walls every special attacker except Specs Ogre, which is solved by adding Gastro. The further addition of Clefable is an excellent EKiller check, especially when Calm Mind is used which sadly few players take advantage of. A solid offensive threat is coupled with this defense which is necessary even for a more defensive team. Scizor is best run without Defog since many mons can do that effectively and yet many people still run it when the SD set can provide much more offensive pressure. Defog isn't really needed for stall anyways so it's good to see that someone new to the meta caught on to this so quickly. Despite your solid build (even more impressive is that it is solid without using any Ubers), there are a few changes that I would recommend.

Overheat > Fire Blast on Chandelure
Since Chandelure is a Gene counter you should run something a little more reliable. In addition since Flamethrower hits a little too weak you should run Overheat which is more powerful but is still reliable. Chandelure is mostly a hit and run mon anyways so it doesn't mind the SpA drop.

Ice Beam > Moonlight on Clefable
Dragons are the most common type in Ubers and this common weakness needs to be exploited. Many dragons have a four times weakness to ice which makes it more useful than Moonblast in some situations and it also nails Groudon. You don't really need Moonlight since Clefable is a solid Xern check anyways with Unaware.

That's all I can really see since this team (as Hack previously mentioned) is very solid. I don't really see a Ho-Oh weakness on this team but if it really does bother you, just run Rock Tomb on Hawlucha, I guess you could drop U-Turn but you really need it for momentum against threats such as Zekrom. Still solid nonetheless, you should enter some tourneys with this team.
Thanks for the rate mang
yeah I've actually been laddering pretty steadily but am hovering around the 1500 mark as of now, Ho-oh is actually super annoying. I could totes try Rock Tomb on Hawlucha, I actually replaced Hawlucha with some jank shit like Focus Sash Breloom, which is alright but hates taking burns, and Electivire, which takes advantage of Ho-oh's lower speed and Physical Defense, but I'll keep fiddling with it

Will change to Overheat as that is better

I still do need moonlight on Clefable, as it isn't a solid Xern check without it. If I come in at full health (which is usually the case), Xern does like 60% of my health before CM, and like 40% after, so with Lefties, I do need moonlight to rack up enough boosts to take out the deer

Thanks for the rate

Will post replays soon-ish for the non believers of which it is clear there are many

on top of that this team isn't exactly what you'd call "serious," just some random checks slapped together that, while not glorious, somehwat work more than they should

so yeah
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Ey dont give him h8 for running the ekiller counter #1 that is phys def clafable doe

Obviously 92 timid is the best scarf chandy set in ubers, chandy is pretty good I have seen it used a lot lately, but this lets you outspeed mm2 so thats pretty nice for burning them.
E rank/chansey rank for chansey is a lie, bc chansey is good imo. Minimize/softboiled/heal bell/stoss is much better tho.
One glaring weakness I see tho is the ubiquitous deoxys-n, the commonly used mixed grass knot/poison jab/psycho boost/taunt set can put in a lot of work.

fat you said: Ubers is, without a doubt, the most dry, boring, uncreative meta in existence


inb4 this entire post is very subtle sarcasm and we all dun goofed
Apparently I buttrumbled some people with that statement, but it's pretty true

Actually scratch boring, I'm having some fun here. But uncreative... yeah that's pretty true.

Anyway, thanks for thr first actual rate. I like Chansey way better than Blissey, it's so much easier to use. Mega Gengar really doesn't worry me, Scizor is full capable of handling it.

Deoxys is actually not too bad once you figure out the set, as Scizor is usually capable of dealing with their frail asses

Ho-oh is honestly the only real issue, Hawlucha is the inly mon with zero prior thought put in, so my options are plently. LO Electivire is pretty good, outspeeds lots of ubers, has good coverage, and Wild Charge is great against Ho-oh. A Stealth Rock setter might be good though, but I'm not sure which one. Preferrably something that doesn't mind a sacred fire or earthquake.
SR users that dont care about either of those do not exist, burn on everything is annoying. A good one would be lando-t, as it has intimidate too.
Evire>zekrom, krom is overrated.

Oh and also idc what you think about ubres tbh thats fine :]
The only thing I can think of is a better flying type to replace hawlucha. The musketeers generally do a better job of stopping kanga while also having enough power to muscle through the bulky ubers metagame, but honestly the team looks fine. Anyone who just throws powerful shit onto a team will likely lose and since that pretty much sums up ubers in a nutshell, I think you are good. Deoxys attack might also give you problems btw.
Rosenfeldius said:
>acts like Unaware Clefable and Scizor aren't checks to the deer

Well tbh physically defensive Clefable loses to Xern and HP fire Xern beats Scizor so neither are that reliable but they are checks I suppose.

If you actually want a real rate, here are a few notes.
- Zekrom is a big threat, you should probably have some way to check this. Ferrothorn checks both Zekrom and Kangaskhan so I suppose that is viable but idk if that does anything to type synergy (fire weakness stack maybe; Ho-Oh weak)
- Knock off Blaziken
- Pursuit > Knock off on Scizor and U-turn/Superpower > SD

Well tbh physically defensive Clefable loses to Xern and HP fire Xern beats Scizor so neither are that reliable but they are checks I suppose.

If you actually want a real rate, here are a few notes.
- Zekrom is a big threat, you should probably have some way to check this. Ferrothorn checks both Zekrom and Kangaskhan so I suppose that is viable but idk if that does anything to type synergy (fire weakness stack maybe; Ho-Oh weak)
- Knock off Blaziken
- Pursuit > Knock off on Scizor and U-turn/Superpower > SD

Zekrom is a fookin coont to this teamyee

I could try ferro yea but with ho oh already bein a ho I decided Terrakion is pretty neat