
Aurorus is probably the best user, refrigerate means it isn't blocked by ghosts.

Aurorus is a really cool user of Nature Power. While it doesn't have Geomancy, it can use Calm Mind to power-up its Nature Power, which gets STAB and a powerboost. Not bad :]
So.. Substitute + Nasty Plot + Nature Power = Pretty much win if you've taken down ghosts (Which can be easily done with a predicted Toxic). Shouldn't Nature Power be banned?

Edit @ Below: Oh yeah, even better.
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ban magic bounce. the only ways to hurt it are:

syncronise (somewhat-simple, toxic, it gets bounced back, and now they get it too, but one lum berry and that's it)
trick + AV + klutz (easy, but can be countered if holding a mega stone)
nature power (counter, but magic bouncers are bulky)
mold breaker (stopped by simple beam xatu)
skill swap (stopped if you switch)

...good luck.

Xatu @ Heracronite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Calm Nature
- Refresh
- Calm Mind/Light Screen
- Simple Beam
- Toxic

heal bell/refresh to get rid of syncronise + toxic, calm mind/light screen to get special bulk ++ for nature power, Heracronite to stop trick + assault vest, simple beam to kill mold breaker, toxic to... deal damage.
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ban magic bounce. the only ways to hurt it are:

syncronise (somewhat-simple, toxic, it gets bounced back, and now they get it too, but one lum berry and that's it)
trick + AV + klutz (easy, but can be countered if holding a mega stone)
nature power (only hard counter)

...good luck.
Mold Breaker can counter it.
Is Mega Alakazam banned too? I'm confused about the fact that Mega Zam loses Magic Guard upon mega evo.

No you can still use Mega Zam, the Alakazam that evolves into it has to have an ability that is not Magic Guard though. (Synchronize isn't really that bad anyway)
wether or not it can actually mega evolve, mega stones stop trick.

Pikachuun's right, they only stop Trick and Knock Off if used on the correct holder. When Blastoise holds Blastoisinite, it gets Trick immunity and takes less damage from Knock Off. Earlier in the generation, Registeel could hold one and get the same benefits. Now, research has shown that's not the case, so Blastoisinite would do nothing on a Pokemon other than Blastoise.
Now that this thread has been bumped a few times, things have changed. Swagger is banned from OU now, but should we keep it for being a great filler move, or ban it for being uncompetitive.

Please keep in mind that in this Metagame the damage you take will obviously not matter since there is no reason not to run 0 Attack IVs. Don't forget that Thunder Wave isn't as good in this meta too since it means you cant toxic or burn that mon anymore too. Also remember Foul Play is banned for not being a Status Move.
