The Regular Trade Shop (Please Close)

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Haven't started breeding it yet, since I have pending requests, I'll PM when it's ready. :)

Ok, I'll breed those two for you as soon as I finish my pending breeding requests and then we can trade and swap Heracross.

Are these in Poké Ball? Female HP Fire Tangela, Shroomish, Whismur, Nidoran♀
Nidoran female is in a pokeball, tangela is quick ball, whismur is pokeball, shroomish is pokeball
I realise it's probably not up for trade but I'm interested in your stealth rock excadrill, which I could clone and give back to you as well.

Hmph, let me think about it. I only wanted to breed and I don't know if it can be cloned. I'll ask to the person I got it from.

Nidoran female is in a pokeball, tangela is quick ball, whismur is pokeball, shroomish is pokeball
I can trade Scyther and Deino or HP Ice Tynamo for Whismur and Nidoran♀. Tynamo is harder to breed since you can't tell its HP type right away. You have to evolve it first and then check with a calculator or talk to the checker.

sorry we couldnt work anything out for the shellder, but please check my list for a defog scyther. thanks!
Don't worry about that. I'm only interested in that Frillish, is there something else in my shop that you want? I'm going some new stuff the day after tomorrow, so maybe you can check then.
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Hmph, let me think about it. I only wanted to breed and I don't know if it can be cloned. I'll ask to the person I got it from.

I can trade Scyther and Deino or HP Ice Tynamo for Whismur and Nidoran♀. Tynamo is harder to breed since you can't tell its HP type right away. You have to evolve it first and then check with a calculator or talk to the checker.

Don't worry about that. I'm only interested in that Frillish, is there something else in my shop that you want? I'm going some new stuff the day after tomorrow, so maybe you can check then.
i'll opt for deino and hp ice tynamo, i'll let you know when the pokemon on my end are ready
Hmph, let me think about it. I only wanted to breed and I don't know if it can be cloned. I'll ask to the person I got it from.

I can trade Scyther and Deino or HP Ice Tynamo for Whismur and Nidoran♀. Tynamo is harder to breed since you can't tell its HP type right away. You have to evolve it first and then check with a calculator or talk to the checker.

Don't worry about that. I'm only interested in that Frillish, is there something else in my shop that you want? I'm going some new stuff the day after tomorrow, so maybe you can check then.
I will wait for your update then. thanks!
hey~~ for your skarmory, tynamo or chansey

would you be interested in any of these :

5iv adamant growlithe with flare blitz and close combat
5iv timid - trace porgygon
5iv bold - infiltrator - cottonee
5iv quiet - magic guard - solosis with magic guard
5iv modest - levitate - misdreavus
5iv modest -magnet pull- magenemite
5iv adamant - chlorophyll -deerling

School's finally over and I've got free time to tend my thread again! I'm re-opening this thread with more Pokémon to offer!

Have a look at the OP and post if you're interested in something or if you have Pokémon found under my "Looking For" heading.
Sure, do you want one in a Poké Ball or Dream Ball?

I'm interested in Karrablast, Tangled Feet Pidgey and female Dream Ball Frisk Sentret. Since I'm asking for a female, you can get one too. Please specify which one (I'm guessing Ledyba).
Can they all be males?
If it doesn't take up too much time o:
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