BasePowerMons (edited, look at post #87)

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aw +10 looked way more fun.
Maybe there should've just been like a max BP like 140 or something.
I just really don't like stall.
First, Andrew made us a nice banner :)


aw +10 looked way more fun.
Maybe there should've just been like a max BP like 140 or something.
I just really don't like stall.

I want the meta to be fun, but I also want it to be fair. I think +8 is very fair, as it still gives stall a chance to have a niche in this meta.
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aw +10 looked way more fun.
Maybe there should've just been like a max BP like 140 or something.
I just really don't like stall.
if stall is unviable this will be stabmons on steroids. first one to setup a sweep wins. Well see how the meta plays out when it is being played and go from there k?
I do want both playstyles to be equally viable but 8point increments nerfs way too many mons. a power cap of 100 or so would be cool. the other guy to mention power caps was saying a power cap of 140 which is way too high. though I'm not sure whether this would be a better way to make stall viable than the current system
I do want both playstyles to be equally viable but 8point increments nerfs way too many mons. a power cap of 100 or so would be cool. the other guy to mention power caps was saying a power cap of 140 which is way too high. though I'm not sure whether this would be a better way to make stall viable than the current system

No, +8 seems fair. Capping it at 100 just makes it no fun, you'll see base 100 moves everywhere.
So how is Gyro Ball supposed to work? Trying to code this now, got everything but that done I think. Just gotta test some stuff.

So GyroBall has 8 characters, so it would be base 64, or would it still vary? Also, do I make status moves do damage? What do I do about Nature Power?
So how is Gyro Ball supposed to work? Trying to code this now, got everything but that done I think. Just gotta test some stuff.

So GyroBall has 8 characters, so it would be base 64, or would it still vary? Also, do I make status moves do damage?

Gyro Ball is base 64, quite the twist on it (fuck bronzong)

Status moves do damage? What do you mean :O
Do I make Toxic do damage, for example. Also, what do I do about Nature Power? Nature Power calls different moves based on terrain, should I just leave it like that, and the BP is based on the terrain?
If status moves did damage, that'd be a little crazy. I mean, a 96 BP Sleep Powder and Thunder Wave, and 88 BP Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray. Thus I have 4 questions:
1) Would status moves be backed by Prankster? Thundurus with Thunder Wave sounds too strong for my tastes.
2) Would status moves that don't hit the target get power anyways? Protect and Recover seem so annoying now if they are.
3) Do Taunt and Magic Coat/Bounce effect status moves now? If they deal damage, I don't see how they can be effected by Taunt and Magic Coat/Bounce.
4) How will status moves deal damage if they aren't physical or special? Is it just Attack and Special Attack added up and divided by 2? Is it the higher of the two? Is it randomized between the two? My head hurts trying to guess.

tl;dr I personally feel that status moves shouldn't deal damage, as it a) seems a bit unbalanced with Prankster and stall and all that, and b) is just weird and doesn't make sense.
By the way, anyone think about Drain Punch? It's not as OP as Parabolic Charge, but is now base 88 power and recovers health. It could be the new Fighting STAB of choice, but I think PuP takes that role
By the way, anyone think about Drain Punch? It's not as OP as Parabolic Charge, but is now base 88 power and recovers health. It could be the new Fighting STAB of choice, but I think PuP takes that role
Drain Punch will help a lot for bulky attackers (read: conkeldurr), but it's honestly not too much of a buff from 75 to 88. I mean, it's a buff, but compared to PuP, it's outclassed. Who needs health when you can just kill everything instead?
Drain Punch will help a lot for bulky attackers (read: conkeldurr), but it's honestly not too much of a buff from 75 to 88. I mean, it's a buff, but compared to PuP, it's outclassed. Who needs health when you can just kill everything instead?

Yeah, the only niche I see for the buffed Drain Punch is a better move of choice for bulky attackers. And even then, Conkeldurr is in danger with Talonflame's new OP Acrobatics
Yeah, the only niche I see for the buffed Drain Punch is a better move of choice for bulky attackers. And even then, Conkeldurr is in danger with Talonflame's new OP Acrobatics
252+ Atk Talonflame Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Conkeldurr: 302-356 (72.9 - 85.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
ORLY NAO????? <:
I'm really sorry to say this after I agreed to code it, but I ran into some blocks while writing the script, and I realized that I don't really have time for this. I'm not sure how to do dynamic power moves, because according to the system, they have a base power of 0, and there's a function that determines what the actual base power is. I'm going to post my code that I have so far right here so that when someone else wants to try it, they will have a base to start with.
exports.BattleScripts = {
  init: function() {
    for (var i in {
      var name =;
      var basePower = i.basePower;
      if (name.substring("hiddenpower") > -1) {
        name = "hiddenpower"; // hidden power is a fixed bp
      basePower = name.length * 8;
      if (i.multihit != null) { // check for multihit, not sure if this works
        basePower = 30;
      this.modData('Moves', i).basePower = basePower;

Sorry about that.
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