Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 40 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Best Ball for this guy? Leaning towards Timer because of the ancient theme.


Timer Ball without a doubt! Fits Reggirock so much better.
Timer Ball without a doubt! Fits Reggirock so much better.
Huh, I must've misheard it then. Oh well. It's still possible to breed perfect in earlier gens without RNG, just takes a long time ;-;.

Also, timer IMO.

No, sorry I was wrong. I thought it was DK that passed it down, but pokemon just passively passed 3IV down >_<. But no matter, RNG is still best :).
You were partially right, 3 IVs were still passed down regardless, no Destiny Knot needed :) In previous gens, Power Items + Everstone was the way to go with breeding.

Timer Ball it is! The more I look at it, the more I like it.
Right now I've only been seeing one and it's been a 31/31/x/31/x/x Adamant. I'd honestly wait for the 19th when more than just a select number of people can get it

I already have that and its exact stats are:

1,1 - Diancie - Adamant - Clear Body - (0448)
My goodness. x_x

I haven't even hatched that many eggs. u_u

Just so this post doesn't constitute as spam


Keep or don't bother with it?
You don't want to know my egg hatching total. Keep the Zygarde though good catch congratulations.
Anyone have a timid telepathy palkia? I need it for a tournament but I do not have much to offer. I can offer most of the stuff in my trade thread but some are nicknamed already and ev trained. I also have some kalos bred stuff. Let me know here or PM if interested.
I need a sturdy bold/calm carbink.
I can offer pancham and litleo flaweless in a luxury ball, ha starly with double edge or a ha torkoal in a dream ball (this with random nature and ivs)
I'm looking for a
heatmor with egg move and tutor move(random nature and ivs are fine)

Slugma with egg moves

Pm me so we can make a deal
I'm looking for a
heatmor with egg move and tutor move(random nature and ivs are fine)
The tutor moves (except Heat Wave and Sleep Talk) for Heatmor aren't also egg moves, hence you won't be able to rebreed from one with random nature and IVs. If you were just wanting one for casual battles or collection purposes please disregard this comment. :)
Hi guys

-Scizor, Adamant nature, with Knock Off, Good IVs.
-Tyranitar or Tyranitar pre-evo Sand Stream , Jolly or Naive nature, the Naive one with Pursuit and Stealth Rock, or the Jolly one with Pursuit and Stealth Rock and Ice Punch, Good IVs.
-Excadrill or Excadrill pre-evo Sand Rush, Jolly nature, with Iron Head, Good IVs.
-Clefable or Clefable pre-evo Magic Guard, Bold nature, with Soft-Boiled and other egg moves if it's possible, Good IVs
-Greninja or Greninja pre-evo Protean, Timid nature, with Hidden power Fire, Good IVs.


All KB
-Legit Diancie.
-Excadrill Mold Breaker, Adamant nature, 5IV.
-Espeon Magic Bounce, Timid nature, with Wish, 5IV.
-Rotom-Wash, Timid nature, 5IV.
-Zoroark, Lonely nature, with Sucker Punch, 5IV.
-Weezing, Bold nature, with Pain Split, 5IV.
-Gliscor Poison Heal, Jolly nature, 5IV
-Blissey Natural Cure, Calm nature, with Soft-Boiled and Aromatherapy, 5IV.
-Deino, Timid nature, 5IV.
-Chansey Natural Cure, Bold nature, with Aromatherapy, 5IV.
-Gligar Immunity, Adamant nature, 5IV.
-Tentacool Liquid Ooze, Bold nature, with Rapid Spin, 5IV.
-Tentacool Liquid Ooze, Bold nature, with Rapid Spin and Knock Off, 4IV.
-Charizard, Modest nature, 5IV.
-Charmander, Modest nature, with Dragon Pulse, 5IV.
-Gible Rough Skin, Naive nature, 5IV.
-Pineco Sturdy, Relaxed nature , with Stealth Rock, 5IV.
-Eevee Anticipation, Timid nature, with Wish, 5IV.
-Sneasel Pickpocket, Jolly nature, with Ice Shard and Fake Out, 5IV.
-A SHINY KB Rapidash Flame Body, Jolly nature, with Flare Blitz and Megahorn and Low Kick and Wild Charge, 5IV.
-A SHINY not KB Sneasel.
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Looking for

Gible-Jolly/rough Skin
Moves: outrage

Moves: foul play/Thunderwave

Just message me.
I need a hidden power fire ditto

I can offer a number of 4iv jolly oblivious/thick gat swinubs with icicle crash, stealth rock, and icicle spear
4iv modest deino spitbacks
A 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Adamant sand rush drilbur
4iv careful sap sipper skiddos
4iv impish overcoat vullabys
A 31/xx/31/31/31/31 modest infiltrator noibat
Hi guys

-Scizor, Adamant nature, with Knock Off, Good IVs.
-Tyranitar or Tyranitar pre-evo Sand Stream , Jolly or Naive nature, the Naive one with Pursuit and Stealth Rock, or the Jolly one with Pursuit and Stealth Rock and Ice Punch, Good IVs.
-Excadrill or Excadrill pre-evo Sand Rush, Jolly nature, with Iron Head, Good IVs.
-Clefable or Clefable pre-evo Magic Guard, Bold nature, with Soft-Boiled and other egg moves if it's possible, Good IVs
-Greninja or Greninja pre-evo Protean, Timid nature, with Hidden power Fire, Good IVs.
-Raikou , Timid nature, with Hidden power Ice, Good IVs.


All KB
-Legit Diancie.
-Excadrill Mold Breaker, Adamant nature, 5IV.
-Espeon Magic Bounce, Timid nature, with Wish, 5IV.
-Rotom-Wash, Timid nature, 5IV.
-Zoroark, Lonely nature, with Sucker Punch, 5IV.
-Weezing, Bold nature, with Pain Split, 5IV.
-Gliscor Poison Heal, Jolly nature, 5IV
-Blissey Natural Cure, Calm nature, with Soft-Boiled and Aromatherapy, 5IV.
-Deino, Timid nature, 5IV.
-Chansey Natural Cure, Bold nature, with Aromatherapy, 5IV.
-Gligar Immunity, Adamant nature, 5IV.
-Tentacool Liquid Ooze, Bold nature, with Rapid Spin, 5IV.
-Tentacool Liquid Ooze, Bold nature, with Rapid Spin and Knock Off, 4IV.
-Charizard, Modest nature, 5IV.
-Charmander, Modest nature, with Dragon Pulse, 5IV.
-Gible Rough Skin, Naive nature, 5IV.
-Pineco Sturdy, Relaxed nature , with Stealth Rock, 5IV.
-Eevee Anticipation, Timid nature, with Wish, 5IV.
-Sneasel Pickpocket, Jolly nature, with Ice Shard and Fake Out, 5IV.
-A SHINY KB Rapidash Flame Body, Jolly nature, with Flare Blitz and Megahorn and Low Kick and Wild Charge, 5IV.
-A SHINY not KB Sneasel.

What are the Diancie's IVs?
Looking for Iron Fist Timburr. PM me so we can make a deal.

EDIT:Preferably female in a nice pokeball.

EDIT 2 : Also, is this abilty better than Guts or sheer force ? See, I was going to use him in a trick room team with the attack fling, and he would be holding an Iron ball so he could be even slower than usual, and when thrown, Iron ball does 120 damage. Iron fist would be for Mach punch and Drain punch
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Gt91 If you still need a sturdy carbink, I can breed one for you it's careful tough (don't ask me why, I got the parent on wonder trade...)

Public question:
Best egg moves and ball for this:

? I am definetely not doing:

My personal favorites are safari and premier.
Gt91 If you still need a sturdy carbink, I can breed one for you it's careful tough (don't ask me why, I got the parent on wonder trade...)

Public question:
Best egg moves and ball for this:

? I am definetely not doing:

My personal favorites are safari and premier.
Heal imo :]

Got this little girl for shits and giggles, shes not perfect but I think shes cute.


Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Ability: Oblivious
Moves: Yawn, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Curse
Spread: 30/31/31/31/31/31
ID: 22144
OT: Japanese
That makes me so happy! Look at it! It's a ball of cuteness <3
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