Tournament Other Metagames Premier League - Week 2

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hey Valmanway could you put in a sub for glabia?
"galbia: i think me playing AAA was an error because i havent played it ever, i'll ask for a sub"
if you don't believe it, you can check his profile, it's still there. thanks in advance
Yeah, I was gonna sub him, but I completely lost track of time. Lost Soul will sub in for AAA, if that's ok with him.
Well, i never agreed to that scheduled time in the first place because i only just got on and saw it just now so yea XD, but i can try to be on earlier then my usual time of 2-4 pm to 10 pm, I'll try to get on between 6am-11am but be warned I'm usually still passed out during those times haha.
Well, i never agreed to that scheduled time in the first place because i only just got on and saw it just now so yea XD, but i can try to be on earlier then my usual time of 2-4 pm to 10 pm, I'll try to get on between 6am-11am but be warned I'm usually still passed out during those times haha.
I hear that being really really sleepy helps you be good at Pokemon. You should try that in your match.
sorry for double posting but unless LS can make my time tommorow I'll need a sub from valman. Its hard to see how you could miss it when its a very acessable time range and we share a timezone.
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