Worst Pokemon Sprites?


I can't be the only one who finds this sprite a bit goofy and odd... it reminds me a bit of that old song, Puff the Magic Dragon. But hey, Dragonite has always looked a bit funny and not the least bit intimidating like other dragon types.

I can't be the only one who finds this sprite a bit goofy and odd... it reminds me a bit of that old song, Puff the Magic Dragon. But hey, Dragonite has always looked a bit funny and not the least bit intimidating like other dragon types.
(not sure which one is worse though)
Archeops' model kinda reminds me of Liberace... Sortof. Like it kinda looks like an old man in a skin tight suit with fur and colourful feathers.


Holy crap pokemon made a pokemon based off of liberache, pokemon is secretly pro lgbt rights! Oglemi confirmed as the director of the next pokemon game!...SINNOH CONFIRMED.....PRAISE THE HELIX!
Technically*, that's a model, not a sprite.
But I agree:

Gen V: Awesome

Gen VI: Why are you standing?

*Dang, I wish that Archeops had Technician as its ability so that would be a pun! But then it would wreck everything.

They did buff Pidgeot in Gen VI slightly (91 Speed to 101 Speed).

The sprite makes more visual sense while moving. :)
I retract my prior statement to a degree. The flapping feels a bit awkward and not very elegant, though (unlike Ho-oh, for example).
But that makes a lot of sense thematically - it was supposed to be the first bird that wasn't that great at flying; so it's going on primal instinct and has a very primitive way of doing so. Compare a caveman's hunting methods to a modern hunter's methods.
Technically*, that's a model, not a sprite.
But I agree:

Gen V: Awesome

Gen VI: Why are you standing?

*Dang, I wish that Archeops had Technician as its ability so that would be a pun! But then it would wreck everything.

They did buff Pidgeot in Gen VI slightly (91 Speed to 101 Speed).

Archeops is my favorite pokemon because of its Gen 5 sprite. The erratic but stable looking wing flapping, the great colors and feather details, and its upright and ready-to-strike posture was so appealing it was a staple on my in game team. The stuffy, fat, Gen VI model makes it look like it's too busy trying to stay up to fight and makes its plumage look like a terrible coat.
I myself usually think of Gengar. It's kinda funny that shiny Gengar is so similar to the regular one, while shiny M-Gengar is freaking white.
Yeah, since they're actually forced to design colours for shinies since sprites don't exist anymore, a lot of Gen 6 'mon/megas are a LOT more creative than previous gens.
I myself usually think of Gengar. It's kinda funny that shiny Gengar is so similar to the regular one, while shiny M-Gengar is freaking white.
I actually had to put my Gengar in a separate box with other shinies just to remind myself that it is in fact shiny and I wasn't ripped off.

Although if I don't catch myself, I'll pass by that box and wonder why he's there.
Am I the only one who can easily see the different color schemes of Shiny and regular (non-mega) Gengar? Now Shiny Garchomp I still have a hard time identifying from the regular.

But anyway, on the subject of bad shiny sprites, Shiny Crobat. Nuff said