Super Speed Double Battle

Got to share a funny team I came across on day 1.

He had Ninjask and Staraptor leading, I led Whimsicott and Gyarados. I sub up and Protect to scout his set. Both Pokémon proceed to use Final Gambit. Ninjask's was blocked due to Protect, but Staraptor wound up giving its life to kill a substitute. Lel.

Basic strategy of this gimmick team was to clear the field with double FGs and clean up with Mega-Luke. Guess he wasn't counting on Prankster subs...

My shitty gimmick team(s).

Top half's general strategy was to KO something turn one with final gambit (quick guard preventing fake outs and stuff), then perish song and survive the three turns, twaving lapras if necessary to make sure it was the slowest thing on the field at the end. Sheer cold on lapras was because I didn't know what else to do with that moveslot and since it was fully invested in defenses, any attack would be hitting like a wet noodle anyway. I didn't use it very much at all.

When it worked it was great, but since I had no experience using final gambit, it took me a few battles to learn how to best use it.

Things that shut it down:
1) Focus sashes or otherwise failing to KO something with staraptor. I really wish I put ice shard over sheer cold on lapras to pick off things that survived by a sash, since otherwise I had no way of getting the game down to a 2v2 besides getting lucky with sheer cold.
2) Things that just hit too hard for lapras to survive. It's important to final gambit stuff like mawiles on turn one otherwise they just plough through lapras and KO it too soon.
3) Opposing taunters. Only faced one of these (some guy with a sableye). Managed to hold it off with quick guard for a while but then he KO'd meowstic and then taunted lapras. Luckily he then went full retard on the last turn, giving me the win.

Some videos where it went off successfully:

Bottom half was probably more successful overall, and was probably an exercise in awareness for the opponent. I'd lead with zoroark and whimsicott. Here's the thing that people should've noticed though: there was no intimidate (or hyper cutter) message when I sent out the not-mawile. (I know it also has sheer force but who uses that?) I still rused a ton of people with it though.

Tailwind on whimsicott ended up being more useful than I initially anticipated, letting zoroark outspeed stuff like kingdra in rain (which led to a situation where I got a night daze accuracy drop on it, making hydro pump miss 3 times in a row) and also helped mmaw clean up a lot better.

I kinda wished I replaced safeguard on whimsicott with moonblast, dazzling gleam, or helping hand though. I mean I'm sure it prevented a scald burn somewhere along the line but otherwise there were quite a few turns where it just sat there doing nothing.

There were other times though where whimsicott was basically controlling the entire battle. Mawile is a huge status magnet but the threat of an encore led to the opponents not wanting to use any of them. Encoring fake outs, protects, dragon dances, etc was always great, especially when the battle was down to 2v2 and they couldn't switch out, letting me encore+taunt their status moves and forcing them to struggle. Taunting/encoring also made sucker punching everything really easy.

Overall I came in the high 1500s with a score of something like 18-12. I wasn't expecting to do well at all but I had fun and that's what mattered.

Some videos of this team:
I must have gotten the end time confused, because I went to play my last eight matches a little while ago and found out it was over. Oh well. I ended 12-10 for what I did play. Lesson learned.

Here's the team I wish I'd brought for this:

Something bulky with Soundproof and Protect + Explosion Normal Gem Lickilicki + Whatever the bulkiest Perish Song-user is. Clear the field on turn one and Perish Song. Something would have to be able to take out Ghost types, but whatever.

You didn't miss anything by not playing at the end. I think I must've been getting a lot of point-snipers, because after reviewing my battle vids of the last day, I realized pretty much all of the teams (except the one with *fly* salamence, lol) were using scarfed rock slide users, or aerodactyl (using rock slide). There must've been a memo in some other discussion group that said that strategy was most useful.

I was playing fairly late on the 3rd day (a few hours before the cut-off time).
I didn't see this thread until now, but I played in this and went 22-8 and ended up ~1700.

I wrote a long account of it here, but here's my team:

originally made the team based around Moltres, because I wanted to use my newly caught Moltres. I tested the team out with a couple buds who also competed and found that Moltres sucked, so changed it to Salamence with very little testing. I also had a second team in my battle box which I never used; it was there in case I hated this team after day 1/2.

Trishula (Salamence) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast - Dragon Pulse - Draco Meteor - Hydro Pump

Standard ScarfMence. The choice scarf was a both a gift and a curse during my 30 matches. Not being able to switch out made it a pain, since if Mawile died first I'd be locked in. On the other hand, being very fast was very useful, and I'd often use one attack and then switch out so I could get another intimidate off.

Infernity (Mawile) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect - Sucker Punch - Iron Head - Play Rough

My mega and a second intimidate. No team can stop everything with only 3 pokemon, but I figured most teams would use physical attackers, and I could shut those down. This combo did just that. Its a standard Mawile, with the 8 speed to outspend other Mawile (which directly led to one win). I knew Kanga would be one of the most common Pokemon used, and this is one of the few pokemon which stop it. It can also take a Megagarchomp EQ and hit back with Play Rough (but you already knew that).

Rude Kaiser (Lapras) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 4 Atk / 124 Def / 116 SpA / 36 SpD
Sassy Nature IVs: 8 Spe
- Ice Shard - Freeze-Dry - Hydro Pump - Protect

I copied the Evs from an article on Nugget Bridge, so they're used to survive something. Had I not put Mence in at the last second, I would have probably invested more into Special Defense, since I have 2 intimidates, but Lapras more than bulky enough without it. Lapras was undoubtably the MVP of the team, though. Ideally it comes in taking a weak rock slide, and then wreck. Ice shard does a sizeable amount against a lot of pokemon, especially after a +2 boost, and nothing short of a mega-manetric Thunder can KO it in one hit. Freeze Dry was my only way of dealing with water types, but it on its own stops Rain Dance (although I only saw 1 rain dance team in 30 battles). Its also slow enough to stop TR, and slays dragons and fire types alike. 8 Speed IVs is just a random number I got from breeding, although according to the article I took the EVs from, 2 Speed IVS are needed to outspend minimum speed Aegislash, not that it ever mattered to me here.
Hey guys, feel free to continue to discuss your teams and your results but I manage the leaderboard thread now so feel free to post your rankings screenshots there. I'll make a separate entry for Wi-Fi tournaments showing off Smogon's accomplishments if we get submissions!
I did better in this comp than in the Battle of Legends, but I still have a long way to go before I reach my goal of becoming a 1700 rated player. Maybe I need to spend less time breeding/TSV hatching, lol...

Super Speed Doubles Ranking.png
I've just gotten my feet wet, but I'm 6-2 with Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Talonflame. I'm seeing a lot of Earthquake, anyone else?

PS: If I ever divert from my core strategy, I have Sylveon, Gyardos (non-mega), and Rotom-H. I'll try to get a full bio up when I can
I've just gotten my feet wet, but I'm 6-2 with Garchomp, Kangaskhan, and Talonflame. I'm seeing a lot of Earthquake, anyone else?

PS: If I ever divert from my core strategy, I have Sylveon, Gyardos (non-mega), and Rotom-H. I'll try to get a full bio up when I can

Uhh...did you post in the wrong place? This comp has been finished for over a week now. If you're posting your final results and score, that's cool. :)

If you're looking to post results and current score on the Smogon leaderboard, I'd recommend posting here.
That's the final score, sorry for causing confusion. The second part is because I still play this challenge on PS or in-game w/ friends