NU Smogcast

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Hi everyone! The NU Staff is interested in getting a NU Smogcast going. For those of you who don't know what a smogcast is, you can find an example here. We're looking for a few different things with this thread. They are as follows:

If you are interested in participating in the NUcast, please send me a PM with your timezone and availability. If you are not an established member of the NU community or have a Pokemon presence on youtube, please dont send an application as you'll be rejected.

For those who aren't interested in participating, as well as those who are, you can use this thread to discuss what kind of things you would like to see discussed in the first NUcast of XY.
I could do it I'm +7 EST and available 10 am-2 pm EST most days. That is if I qualify ;o.
If you are interested in participating in the NUcast, please send me a PM with your timezone and availability. If you are not an established member of the NU community or have a Pokemon presence on youtube, please dont send an application as you'll be rejected.
Deej Dy is it really hard to read everything? :[

@OT I don't know if it was planned to be like that, but I would rather see discussion about how viable team styles are in the meta rather than individual pokemon or such. There's too little focus on the teams right now and more about the mons that can fit on a team if you ask me.

edit: ninja'd by food :[
okey im in tentatively i suppose, should be able to make time. note to all potential panelists: webcam is _strongly_ preferred. it makes it easier for viewers to track who is talking in addition to making it easier for viewers to connect on a somewhat personal level.
If you're planning on laddering/battling during the cast can you record just the battle instead of switching between who is talking like last cast?
Not too many people are talking about ideas, but here goes mine =)

I mean this is the first NUCast for X/Y, so there's a lot to talk about. Tier changes stuff, that's the most development, Spiritomb is big, I guess Omastar has replacements in both roles he played. I think Kabutops was slightly overhyped going into the tier shifts. Hee's good, but that's obviously expected of a mon that dropped from a tier above, and he's nowhere near the 'op' dominating force people hyped him up to be, at least not yet! I still see more Feraligatrs, and for a good reason, I think. Going more into individual Pokemons, I guess I we could talk a lot about them. What's common, what's good, what's underrated, what's bad. What's a good fun surprise set, etc. But then I guess there's only so much to talk about. Especially if we're going to do several of these smogcasts, we'd run out of shit to say if we only talked about individual mons stuff. It'd be OK for the first cast, I suppose, it's obviously something that's good to cover, but it's also the most obvious thing to talk about as well.

One other thing we could talk about is teambuilding. I don't exactly remember what was the way people put it, but I've seen this on IRC a couple of times I believe, and this formula for building a good team that goes something like "priority user / sr user / 2 fight resist / something something" I don't remember the exact detail, and it's not an exact formula as it is more of a checklist, but it's a pretty good representation of a really standard team right now, so I guess that's one interesting thing to talk about. Why does this work? Why is it usually not a good idea to not take one of the required slots? If you want to deviate from it, what are the things that you should keep in mind? Obviously, this is more or less intended for balanced / bulky offensive teams: rain teams obviously don't follow this type of format, and neither do most other hyper offensive teams or stall teams. Is there something like that for other types of teams? It'd be a decent segue to stall, probably the playstyle that's most easily represented by a checklist.

Well I guess battling's fun too mons talk is mons talk it kind of gets all similar after a while.
One other thing we could talk about is teambuilding. I don't exactly remember what was the way people put it, but I've seen this on IRC a couple of times I believe, and this formula for building a good team that goes something like "priority user / sr user / 2 fight resist / something something" I don't remember the exact detail, and it's not an exact formula as it is more of a checklist, but it's a pretty good representation of a really standard team right now, so I guess that's one interesting thing to talk about. Why does this work? Why is it usually not a good idea to not take one of the required slots? If you want to deviate from it, what are the things that you should keep in mind? Obviously, this is more or less intended for balanced / bulky offensive teams: rain teams obviously don't follow this type of format, and neither do most other hyper offensive teams or stall teams. Is there something like that for other types of teams? It'd be a decent segue to stall, probably the playstyle that's most easily represented by a checklist.

lol I think that when you heard that it was me or other ppl joking about it; thats my framework for my offense teams

sr lead + prio (kanga 90% of the time) + ghost (fighting resist #1) + water (fire resist) + grass (water check) + fighting resist #2 (can be a psychic, a fairy (slurpuff mostly, other fairy just doesn't fit on such a team), can be a glue that can somewhat deal with fighting-types well too) :')

not saying that i made this, but ive been using thise framework for a while now and it has been working quite well

edit: i do agree that a cast about teambuilding might be interesting to do
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yup yup that's what i was talking about XD

well what i said above is not the only thing about teambuilding, but that's why it's a good topic, it's something that we can talk about basically forever
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I think cool topics to talk about would be:
  • Teambuilding obv
  • Underated goodies like Vigoroth and Sneasel
  • fgt OP shit like Gatr and Mesprit
  • The entire Spinner vs Defogger discussion
  • All the A-vest shenanigans
  • Different Types and Typings and how they influence the tier
  • how annoying stall is
  • Weather in general.
  • Theorymon around next meta mabye?
ok since Zebraiken and Raseri are johns im gonna post

we are gonna try to do one in october. im sure they will post when it will happen, but just wanted to bump this so that we can have more ideas for topics.

can be ideas for the first cast and for future casts.

here's what we have rn

NU Casts ideas

1- Teambuilding? Like talk about how we make offense, balance, stall, etc.

2- Talk about NU in general; like how the metagame shifted since it started back in May. talk about things that used to be NU(?) and talk about the metagame in general.

3- Maybe we could commentate NU Open Finals when it happens? (or we leave that to SmogonU people)

4- Weather?

5- Talk about our favorite Pokemons / cores / underrated threats
6- Q&A?

7- a Versace Python Cased Smogcast (this is needed)

8- maybe a NU SPL6 coverage?

9- a PS live?

10- discussing about BW2 NU vs XY NU (whats different, whats similar, which one we prefer, etc)
if you have any questions for anyone specific or as a whole about NU, please do post them here! it's not guaranteed that we will answer it, but we can try =)
most interesting things on that list in my opinion are

teambuilding (maybe)
nu open
nu live

also the 19th sunday would be ideal for me
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