Ray Jay
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  • so for the longest time i thought the mustache was the eyes and the eyes were ears and oh god its so weird im so confused
    Aaron's Aron
    Aaron's Aron
    Until I read your comment just now, I thought so too...
    /me's mind is blown
    Hey imma have to face u for lc swizz tour,im gmt +5:30,im kinda free this week so Imma be online on ps a lot,hit me up when ur ready or tell me when ur free :)
    yo, we're paired for round 2 of the l c swiss tour. when would you like to play? I'm pretty much completely free, so just let me know what time works best for you and we should be good to go
    Hi paired for lc swiss tour. I'm gmt 0, when do you want to play?
    Hmm Can you play today around that time? Monday will be hard for me. Also tomorrow I'll be able in my afternoon/night
    Ray Jay
    Ray Jay
    Yes for sure! Let's do today at 11:30 PM GMT 0.
    Hey I might be awake today ,wht do u think?
    [00:23:12] +Masterclass: when y'all had that selfie competition
    [00:23:15] +Masterclass: with BKC and our LCer
    [00:23:17] +Masterclass: forgot his name
    [00:23:19] %BKC: RAY JAY
    [00:23:20] %Dice: lamo
    [00:23:21] +Masterclass: Ray jay
    [00:23:21] %Dice: ray jay
    [00:23:23] %BKC: dice had such a crush on him
    [00:23:27] %Dice: i still do
    i agree ray jay is exceedingly cute also ray play zf for my tour tomorrow
    Hey, can you edit the thing about pming me out of the LC index? I don't have to edit that one thread w/ the preliminary pokedex subforum around now
    Ray Jay
    Ray Jay
    Haven't touched that thread in months, so it's not mine to mess with; perhaps contact one of the mods
    Hi, I saw on the Google doc that you have a safari with smeargle. Is it cool if we add each other? I can give you a 5iv mudkip spitback for your trouble :-)
    i miss you :( dice jerks off to your selfie every day
    yeah man same here, although your exit paved the way for one of the greatest player in the history of all Nintendo games
    Ray Jay
    Ray Jay
    Pls link me to some of based fitzys replays
    Ray Jay
    Ray Jay
    Also my gf found that pic on my comp and said I was weird
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