Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 42 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Dusk Ball Kabuto because I want to be different...but I'll settle for nest ball if no one has dusk
Dream Ball Cranidos
Luxury Ball Shieldon

Preferably with their HAs (not required, just preferred)

Offering: Anything in my thread. Willing to do a 2/3:1 depending on gender ratios. I have some special ball pokemon not listed in my thread as well, so PM me if you have any of the above and hopefully we can work out a trade. :)
Anyone have egg move phantump? I'm aiming to end up with a 4em female with HA, but if anyone has a male with a few moves on it, that would really help speed up the process :D I have other 4em pokemon and rareball females that I can send in exchange.
Keep or Toss?


[718] Zygarde
OT: Pokéguy (Y, 11246) (Lv. 71)
Nature: Impish - Ability: Aura Break
IVs: 31/25/29/28/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: I reset this; Nest Ball has a really crappy catch rate on a level 70. It's weird, it just makes me want it more; lol.

EDIT: Tossed, because of what Shady said:
Def toss (you should keep doing it for yourself anyway since near-flawless/flawless kalos legends in matching pokeballs are the most valuable pokemon possible atm imo.

I owe him credits, so I'll go for a better one.

EDIT2: Can someone get my Blissey from level 50 to level 83, in less than 5 minutes, with Powersaved rare candies? PM me if you can help.
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Also suggestions on egg moves for the following pokemon: Dunsparce/Magcargo/Weezing/Muk/Arbok
I'll say moon ball, because I'm biased and love moon ball. :P

Dunsparce: Ancientpower would go well with serene grace. Them stat boosts.
Magcargo: Heat wave? (I have some with that, but from what I understand you need to breed from older-gen pokemon that know it. I used my old dreamworld slugma that had it.)
Weezing: Curse looks good. Maybe toxic spikes?
Muk: Curse, shadow sneak and haze are probably what I will breed on mine.
Arbok: I'm going to breed some with sucker punch at some point. :)

Also suggestions on egg moves for the following pokemon: Dunsparce/Magcargo/Weezing/Muk/Arbok
Moon because it's awesome. Also you could call it "Lone Wolf"... That was a shit pun.
As for dem EMs...
Dunsparce: IDK
Magcargo: Curse, Heat Wave, Memento, Stockpile
Weezing: Curse, Stockpile, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split
Muk/Arbok: IDK and IDRC :p
Quick question-- Should I be posting here if I am looking for a handful move-tutored pokemon from previous generation, but do not care much about their ivs?

What's better? HP Fire or HP Bug on Wailord?

Personally I would go for HP Fire for potential grass switch ins. Also hits electric normally. While Bug just hits normal on both grass/electric switch ins.
But haven't played competitive in a while, so second opinions are welcome.

Edit: My memory has mistaken me, forgot Bug actually hit grass also double. It just depends what you are more afraid off to face. Not sure if most teams have grass or electric types these days, but you can't go wrong either way. Breed two to surprise opponents who seen you use one before with the other HP? ;)
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