My Little Ponyta Giveaway

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Doing a fairly simple giveaway. Been breeding these ponies for SV hatching and now I'm left with a bunch of spitbacks. IVs tend to range from 4-5 imperfect, but there are a few with 3IVs or lower. Unfortunately I didn't mark them, so while I will try and hand over the ones with better IVs first, part of what you get will be up to luck. All of them are female.


Jolly * Flash Fire or Run Away
EMs: Morning Sun ~ Hypnosis ~ Double-Edge ~ Low Kick

The Rules:
1. Catch a Fletchling and put it up on the GTS
2. Ask for a female Ponyta between the levels of 1-10
3. Do this before posting here.
4. Post here and let me know your IGN if it isn't in your sig​

If you prefer a certain ability, let me know and I'll try to comply. This giveaway will either last for the next 48 hrs. or as soon as I run out of stock.
Could I get a flash fire one please. IGN Phil. Message: P3DS

I think it got sniped. Looked through three pages, but didn't find it. :( I'll be around for about another 30-60 min, so I should be able to respond fast if you put another up.
Deposited a fletching, thanks for doing this!

Put up a level 2 male Fletchling.

I'm heading away from the computer so I won't be able to check if you've sent it or not straight away, but thanks in advance if you get it.
Put one up. Couldnt ask for a female though since its not in my pokedex yet.

Deposited a fletching, thanks for doing this!

Put up a level 2 male Fletchling.

I'm heading away from the computer so I won't be able to check if you've sent it or not straight away, but thanks in advance if you get it.

Sent to both of you. :D Sorry for the delay, I was at work.

I've got one up ATM. Hasn't been sniped yet

I'm not seeing it, so that one must have been swiped? I don't mind doing a regular trade because for some reason your Fletchlings appear to popular on the GTS. XD
Sent to both of you. :D Sorry for the delay, I was at work.

I'm not seeing it, so that one must have been swiped? I don't mind doing a regular trade because for some reason your Fletchlings appear to popular on the GTS. XD

I'd noticed it. I can't really get on today, so there is one more fletchling up. If not, I maybe on later. (p.s. I think they are popular because they are LV 1 spitbacks I have lying around XD)
I'd noticed it. I can't really get on today, so there is one more fletchling up. If not, I maybe on later. (p.s. I think they are popular because they are LV 1 spitbacks I have lying around XD)

I can't believe it. It's not there. D: If they're getting swiped that quick, then yeah, normal trade is the only way to go. Feel free to PM me when you have the chance and let me know what your timezone is and what times/days are good for you to trade along with your FC. My schedule isn't too packed so I'm sure I can find a time to be on when you are. And no worries about trying to trade before this giveaway ends. I'd be happy to give you one even after the 48hrs. are up, but yeah, PM probably works best so we don't clutter this thread. :)
It did. What level is the Ponyta? If I could specify the level on the GTS, that would help prevent sniping. Also, I think I forgot to mention this before, but I would like one with Flash Fire. I shall deposit another Fletchling as soon as you reply to this post.

Kind of listed it in the original post under the rules:

2. Ask for a female Ponyta between the levels of 1-10

And I'll be sure to send you one with flash fire.
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