Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 42 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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lol that's what I thought

But since I like posting pictures I'll post this anyways:
The one I have just happens to be a masterball what was I thinking
Looks good, I admit. If I ever rng a shiny one it will be in a net ball.

Usually I don't even consider net ball. At all.^^
Well I'm training my hexaflawless shiny one rn so if someone wants to clone it I don't mind distributing it. Not mine so not sure if it was hacked, though shiny and 6 IV come on. If you ever do RNG one though, hook a brother up HAHA
Note: it doesnt know defog :(
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Well I'm training my hexaflawless shiny one rn so if someone wants to clone it I don't mind distributing it. Not mine so not sure if it was hacked, though shiny and 6 IV come on. If you ever do RNG one though, hook a brother up HAHA
Note: it doesnt know defog :(
If you aren't sure if something is hacked, don't offer it here. You really need to read our rules more closely before posting here again.
Would anyone able to help me out with a quick check battle please? Can't seem to find a passerby to mooch off of today...
If anyone has a parent I can borrow for destiny bond houndour or one that already knows it that would help me tons. Also looking for HP Ice Manectric.

Edit: what do you guys think for the last slot? This is what smogon recommends.
(This would be used with sun support)
Nasty Plot
Fire Blast
Dark Pulse
Taunt/Flame Charge/D Bond
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I just hatch a shiny Calm Togepi with IV spread 31/31/31/31/31/16 that i deciced to train as an sp.defensive set (like the one in the Smogon Pokedex) is it battle competibable?
Another question since i hatch it in gen6 it doesn't have tutor move like heal bell or defog. What move should i use in the last slot? I have trouble chose between Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere or Flamethrower
Just got 5 para hex in a row today and still somehow win the match ;) .

If you think you have a bad day, think again lol .

Also, pull off a surprise scarf moxie gyarados , 5-0 sweep
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