Jebus Christ's Holy Giveaway

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Also it has been 24 hours since the start of the giveaway, so people are free to request more than one pokemon now

Thanks. Whilst I'm online, and its now FFA, could I grab a lotad? I've been meaning to breed one for a while, but I haven't had time. Put up a lv 30 rufflet

EDIT: Sniped... I put a Lv 1 hawlucha up now. It's female and japanese. IGN Phil
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Thanks. Whilst I'm online, and its now FFA, could I grab a lotad? I've been meaning to breed one for a while, but I haven't had time. Put up a lv 30 rufflet

EDIT: Sniped... I put a Lv 1 hawlucha up now. It's female and japanese. IGN Phil

Dang, you have the worst luck with sniping lol. Done.
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