Type of the Month Club Giveaway [September] - Psychic - Completed

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I wish I had the power to control my body temperature. Small thing, I know. I'm rather sickly so I get the worst headaches when it's hot and when it's cold, I start sneezing like mad. I'd be so much more productive if I could control my body temperature - no more lying in bed for a couple of days every time the weather changes!

Would love to have this awesome guy, if you still have one. I should be around your evening tomorrow :)

Nickname: Boris
Gender: Genderless
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
IV Spread:31/31/31/06/31/31
Moves: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Trick, Stealth Rock
OT: Misty
ID: 00001
If I could get a superpower, it would be tha ability to cast illusions like zoroark. With that ability, I would be able to go literally anywhere, and be undetected. That, or be able to cause absolute mischief and chaos (Who doesn't want to make movies feel more real ) ;)

Would I be able to get this guy. Absolutely love xatu.

Gender: Male
Nature: Calm
Ability: Magic Bounce (HA)
IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
Moves: Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch, Feather Dance, Haze
OT: Jan
ID: 04270
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 3

IGN: Phil
FC: 1461-6185-4413
Time Zone: GMT
Last edited:
RNG’d By: .com
Nickname: Selene
Gender: Genderless
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
IV Spread:31/01/30/31/30/30 (HP Rock)
Moves: Stealth Rock, Pain Split, Earth Power, Signal Beam
OT: Misty
ID: 00001
Redistribution Policy: Fully-Redis
Stock: 2

If I had a superpower, it would be extreme speed, I am very impatient so. I want stuff done quickly, besides I want to finish my thread and Homework much quicker
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted the power to teleport, it would be great to go where you want instantly, however the last few months have made me wish I had a different power, the power to heal. This friday my wife will be 36 weeks pregnant and she has been noxious and hurt from the start, she has a really rough time and all you can do is be there for her. But you can't take away her pain or feelings. If I could choose a superpower now, it would be the power to heal. Just to take away her pain and noxiousness, even if it was just for a day so she could sleep a bit again.

If possible I would like to receive:

Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
IV Spread:31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Memento, Encore, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond
OT: Tate
ID: 28293
Redistribution Policy: Fully-Redis
Stock: 3

Timezone GMT+1 (Netherlands)
I would wield psychokinesis/telekinesis as my superpower, being able to move anything with my mind, including making myself levitate and stuff. It could be used for all sorts of purposes from the trivial stuff like carrying groceries and moving furniture, to the really large scale feats like shifting rubble or landslides in disaster zones or even lift sunken ships from the ocean depths.

If it is not too much trouble I would like to have

Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magic Guard
IV Spread:31/xx/31/30/31/00 (HP Fire)
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Trick
OT: Jordan
ID: 46299
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 3

Boris - Shiny Metang
Selene, Shiny Lunatone
Moonball ralts

Definitely some interesting superpowers there! I'm just popping in quickly to check how things are progressing, I'll be able to trade with you guys this evening (I'm thinking around 6 PM US eastern time). I'm editing the OP to reflect that you guys have asked for these pokemon, so if you guys aren't able to trade during the time that I'm available, I'll ask another club member with better timezone access to help get the pokemon to you.
If I had a super power I would like for it to be the ability to teleport. It would be awesome because in my case as a college student sometimes I am so stressed out that I need a break but living in a huge city is almost impossible to take a break in a quite place with all the city sound around me. I would teleport to a distant place where there was no one and just relax for a few hours there before I would be ready to go back home and hit the books again.

Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magic Guard
IV Spread:31/xx/31/30/31/00 (HP Fire)
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Trick
OT: Jordan
ID: 46299
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 2
If I had a super power I would like for it to be the ability to teleport. It would be awesome because in my case as a college student sometimes I am so stressed out that I need a break but living in a huge city is almost impossible to take a break in a quite place with all the city sound around me. I would teleport to a distant place where there was no one and just relax for a few hours there before I would be ready to go back home and hit the books again.

Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magic Guard
IV Spread:31/xx/31/30/31/00 (HP Fire)
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Trick
OT: Jordan
ID: 46299
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 2

Was following the new updates for ORAS, so I didn't see your post. Another teleporter, eh? Maybe...the 3rd, iirc, in the thread? Haha, must be a more popular power than I expected, lol.

Let me know if you're still around, and I'll send solosis.
Was following the new updates for ORAS, so I didn't see your post. Another teleporter, eh? Maybe...the 3rd, iirc, in the thread? Haha, must be a more popular power than I expected, lol.

Let me know if you're still around, and I'll send solosis.
Yep I think it's a cool super power, nothing compared to super man but a good one and useful indeed,
I am available now so if you are still around I can trade now :)
By the way my fc is 1075 1699 3820 and ign is GC7
Yep I think it's a cool super power, nothing compared to super man but a good one and useful indeed,
I am available now so if you are still around I can trade now :)
By the way my fc is 1075 1699 3820 and ign is GC7

Sorry, you're getting buried under the enormous amount of alerts I'm getting on ORAS updates. -_-

You haven't added me yet. My IGN is lark and my FC is 4914-3671-9440.
Adding you now and going online

Sorry for the long delay, I hope you enjoy solosis! Also, if you don't mind getting spoiled, I'd recommend checking out the new updates for ORAS. We're getting a lot of new info right now. :)
Derp, my IGN is EnGarde, not Lark (I'm using my cloning account, not my primary account, lol).
Haha yeah I noticed the ign was wrong,
Thank you by the way :)
And I guess I'll drop by the ORAS discussion and check it out :)
I like what the flash has going on so sign me up for that. Could run around all over the place. Could even run fast enough to go forward in time to the ORAS release!
I was looking at that shiny Lunatone in the Poke Ball. I just love it. I have a pokemon in the gts right now so if you get on let me know.
I like what the flash has going on so sign me up for that. Could run around all over the place. Could even run fast enough to go forward in time to the ORAS release!
I was looking at that shiny Lunatone in the Poke Ball. I just love it. I have a pokemon in the gts right now so if you get on let me know.

Haha, running fast enough to run into the future...I like it.

This is actually a direct trade giveaway, so if you could add my FC and be online, I'd appreciate it. :)

While I normally prefer it when you copy/paste the whole listing, you did provide enough detail to distinguish which pokemon you want, so that's acceptable. I'm adding you now, and I'll be online in a few minutes.
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