Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 43 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Also, is there any point in SR-ing the event Pinsir? The only thing I can think of that's special about is its Cherish Ball, but that doesn't even match :/

Not really except for collectors and people who have the compulsion to SR every wondercard. Besides, Cherish goes with everything.

Edit: Don't listen to Jebus. He's wrong.

Edit2: Or TyVip. Look at that gorgeous blue/red contrast. Groudon doesn't define who you are, Kyogre. You're gorgeous no matter what ball you're in.
Not really except for collectors and people who have the compulsion to SR every wondercard. Besides, Cherish goes with everything.

If i was a kyogre i would kill the myself if the ball color represents my "best friends" Groudon
Not really except for collectors and people who have the compulsion to SR every wondercard. Besides, Cherish goes with everything.

Edit: Don't listen to Jebus. He's wrong.
I guess I'll just grab it and get it out of the way then.
Both of you are wrong, the best ball is definitely Premier (to the point where I caught my flawless Yveltal in one :P )

If i was a kyogre i would kill the myself if the ball color represents my "best friends" Groudon
Agreeing with rufusdrumknott here, the match with the accents and the contrast make it really quite suitable =]
Well, I just remembered that I had promised Trev full-redis rights on the gengar that I SR'd for. So technically he has 2 of the best gengars in his thread .-. (I can't believe I had forgot about it I should've stopped at around 500+ resets and gave him a crappy one lol)
excellent point
im late to this, but i think jolly is prefered. that way you can speed tie mega-sceptile at best. also good for volt-turn core. if you're going for SD set, you're already getting an atk boost from SD so you might as well keep the momentum going, get atks off with high speed and also make sure you outspeed scarf ttar/other certain scarfers. also for volt/turn core, scarf magnezone is a great partner with it as it can elimate ferro, skarm, exca, scizor, flying types and maybe dragons/heatran depending on what hp you run ice or ground but i think fire is prefered. you also can partner it with hasty latios w/ eq, draco, psyshock, defog to get rid of pesty dragons and surprise heatran, and to get rid of rocks
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im late to this, but i think jolly is prefered. that way you can speed tie mega-sceptile at best. also good for volt-turn core. if you're going for SD set, you're already getting an atk boost from SD so you might as well keep the momentum going, get atks off with high speed and also make sure you outspeed scarf ttar/other certain scarfers. also for volt/turn core, scarf magnezone is a great partner with it as it can elimate ferro, skarm, exca, scizor and maybe dragons/heatran depending on what hp you run ice or ground but i think fire is prefered. you also can partner it with hasty latios w/ eq, draco, psyshock, defog to get rid of pesty dragons and surprise heatran
yes you're late enough that I already bred it flawless adamant from 0 iv hgss import....oh well :(
Heavy is not as nice a match as I could hope but I'll go for that one.

That would be awesome! Just lending though? :p I can't go online right now though, shall I let you know when I can pick it up?
When I meant lend, I meant as in you can have it. xD Sorry for the confusion. And yea, that's perfectly fine by me. Just VM/PM whenever. I'll be busy tm from 6AM EST-3PM EST (may go until 7PM EST), so any time after that works. If those times don't work, I can give it to you on Saturday hopefully.
Heavy is not as nice a match as I could hope but I'll go for that one.
You could always help start a new trend and go with Premier :P
Anyways, does anyone happen to have female spitbacks of Heavy Ball Onix/Steelix and/or Love Ball Swablu/Altaria? Nature and IVs don't matter. I can offer some spitbacks in rare balls in return =]
Sorry everyone , Golden Gate (West Coast) is the best steelix there is
I did this because it is pure gold, turn out it got a mega so yeah


Golden Gate
Female Sassy Rock Head Steelix
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Would it be allowed if I could make a poke semi-redis and whenever someone wants to trade the said poke that I could tell them if it's worth the other pokemon that is being traded or would that be a douche move?
Would it be allowed if I could make a poke semi-redis and whenever someone wants to trade the said poke that I could tell them if it's worth the other pokemon that is being traded or would that be a douche move?

Douche move if someone other than you is trading it. It's their decision who to trade it to and what to trade it for. If you're the one trading it, it's your choice.
Would it be allowed if I could make a poke semi-redis and whenever someone wants to trade the said poke that I could tell them if it's worth the other pokemon that is being traded or would that be a douche move?
Yeah, unfortunately you just gotta rely on the person you trade it to being reasonable with what he trades for lol.
So back here from last night, turns out I am way too lazy so I am seeking a female HP Fire Dive Ball HA Eevee. A 4IV spitback is fine provided it's most of the spread. Is there anyone who has one?

Also please Arceus, I don't want a shiny
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