Type of the Month Club Giveaway [September] - Psychic - Completed

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Oh sorry for not copy pasting. Ill add you in a few im in a battle with some guy thats taking the entire move timer to do any thing. Haha if you are getting ready to call it a night let me know and ill forfeit.
Haha, running fast enough to run into the future...I like it.

This is actually a direct trade giveaway, so if you could add my FC and be online, I'd appreciate it. :)

While I normally prefer it when you copy/paste the whole listing, you did provide enough detail to distinguish which pokemon you want, so that's acceptable. I'm adding you now, and I'll be online in a few minutes.
Ok adding you now bud.
Will I get a pokemon if I post about a superpower that has already been listed but I want it because of different reasons? If yes, I would like to run as fast as Flash and here is reason. The pokemon I want is:

Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
IV Spread:31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Memento, Encore, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond
OT: Tate
ID: 28293
Redistribution Policy: Fully-Redis
Will I get a pokemon if I post about a superpower that has already been listed but I want it because of different reasons? If yes, I would like to run as fast as Flash and here is reason. The pokemon I want is:

Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
IV Spread:31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Memento, Encore, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond
OT: Tate
ID: 28293
Redistribution Policy: Fully-Redis

Your picture link was nice, but I'm a bit unhappy that you used the same power as the guy above you. If you could have a different superpower, what would it be and why? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to think about it: I'll be around to give away pokemon this evening at 6 EDIT: this evening at 9:30-10 (no giveaway pokes now). I'm adding your request to the OP now.
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Your picture link was nice, but I'm a bit unhappy that you used the same power as the guy above you. If you could have a different superpower, what would it be and why? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to think about it: I'll be around to give away pokemon this evening at 6 (no giveaway pokes now). I'm adding your request to the OP now.
If that's the case then it would be awesome if I could tame every animal. What is more badass than a lion to have by your side?
Still wanting the Ralts
If that's the case then it would be awesome if I could tame every animal. What is more badass than a lion to have by your side?
Still wanting the Ralts

I like that one, that's pretty cool, and original. I've got your ralts set aside. I forgot that today is Thursday, so I'll be online later than usual this evening. Expect me closer to 9:30 or 10. If this thread is locked before then, and US evenings don't work for you timing-wise, I'll pass the pokemon to another club member to send it to you. :)
I like that one, that's pretty cool, and original. I've got your ralts set aside. I forgot that today is Thursday, so I'll be online later than usual this evening. Expect me closer to 9:30 or 10. If this thread is locked before then, and US evenings don't work for you timing-wise, I'll pass the pokemon to another club member to send it to you. :)
I don't think we will be able to trade today because for me it's 21:40 right now
should this entry be acceptable, i would like for us to have our trade on saturday since i am busy tomorrow. my ign is rebecca and my fc is 0173-1523-3949.

pokémon i am aiming for:


Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Anticipation
IV Spread: 31/27/31/31/31/31
Moves: Yawn, Stored Power, Wish
OT: Gregory
ID: 09156
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 3

question: if you had a superpower, what power would it be, and why?

answer: if i were to have a superpower, i would choose localized imagination realization. now, this superpower may seem overpowered as fuk, and granted, it kinda is, but this localized imagination realization is different than more traditional iterations of reality manipulation because i cannot directly change other people (e.g. i can't imagine someone dying / having a change in personality, or a despot collapsing from a heart attack, but i can harden my skin to levels beyond diamond or conjure a gun that i can use in self-defense, since that doesn't directly change anyone besides myself) with my realized imagination and because my changes have to be somewhat realistic (e.g. i cannot summon a living chimera because they don't naturally exist, but i can duplicate myself because i am real). examples: running late to class? no worry, i can just dilate time around me so i never come in late. do i have schedule conflicts coming up? just duplicate myself once, have my copy attend the event that conflicted with my schedule, and simply disperse of him once it's done. i'll gain full knowledge of what my clone experienced, so nobody will suspect anything unusual. should the clone disperse me instead, then that's ok, because we're the exact same being, and as such, there will be no net change done to me. this localized imagination realization also has some interesting effects should i ever be forced into a fight. if i'm at a numbers disadvantage, i can just simply clone myself, arm the clones, and disperse of them when the fight is over. should i face injuries, i could heal them by simply imagining that they were healed. if i want to be able to fight at the level of martial artists masters, my imagination would allow me to do such a thing.

i hope this wasn't too long, and if you think my logic is weird, trust me, i also think my logic is weird. have a nice day!
should this entry be acceptable, i would like for us to have our trade on saturday since i am busy tomorrow. my ign is rebecca and my fc is 0173-1523-3949.

pokémon i am aiming for:


Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Anticipation
IV Spread: 31/27/31/31/31/31
Moves: Yawn, Stored Power, Wish
OT: Gregory
ID: 09156
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 3

question: if you had a superpower, what power would it be, and why?

answer: if i were to have a superpower, i would choose localized imagination realization. now, this superpower may seem overpowered as fuk, and granted, it kinda is, but this localized imagination realization is different than more traditional iterations of reality manipulation because i cannot directly change other people (e.g. i can't imagine someone dying / having a change in personality, or a despot collapsing from a heart attack, but i can harden my skin to levels beyond diamond or conjure a gun that i can use in self-defense, since that doesn't directly change anyone besides myself) with my realized imagination and because my changes have to be somewhat realistic (e.g. i cannot summon a living chimera because they don't naturally exist, but i can duplicate myself because i am real). examples: running late to class? no worry, i can just dilate time around me so i never come in late. do i have schedule conflicts coming up? just duplicate myself once, have my copy attend the event that conflicted with my schedule, and simply disperse of him once it's done. i'll gain full knowledge of what my clone experienced, so nobody will suspect anything unusual. should the clone disperse me instead, then that's ok, because we're the exact same being, and as such, there will be no net change done to me. this localized imagination realization also has some interesting effects should i ever be forced into a fight. if i'm at a numbers disadvantage, i can just simply clone myself, arm the clones, and disperse of them when the fight is over. should i face injuries, i could heal them by simply imagining that they were healed. if i want to be able to fight at the level of martial artists masters, my imagination would allow me to do such a thing.

i hope this wasn't too long, and if you think my logic is weird, trust me, i also think my logic is weird. have a nice day!

That was a wonderfully well-thought-out answer! ^_^

Though, what happens if the clone doesn't want to be dispersed and doesn't want to disperse you? Technically, when you copied yourself, you created new life; would you feel comfortable destroying him for convenience? Or being destroyed yourself? Can you force him to give you the memories he's received since being separated from you; take away his independent identity? Or can you co-exist peacefully? Would you share your resources? Would you over-populate the world with clones of yourself? I find this power has some interesting conundrums, lol. Great power, great responsibility.

EDIT: Am around now, and will be around for a few hours. :) Reply when you're ready to trade, Trinitrotoluene :)
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I want this:
Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magic Guard
IV Spread:31/xx/31/30/31/00 (HP Fire)
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Trick
OT: Jordan
ID: 46299
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 1
And now my answer:
If you had a superpower, what power would it be, and why?
If i had one superpower, it will be the control of ice, because its something than i can approach,like the freezing of food to preserve it, or the creation of my own ice cream.
I want this:
Gender: Male
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magic Guard
IV Spread:31/xx/31/30/31/00 (HP Fire)
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Trick
OT: Jordan
ID: 46299
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 1
And now my answer:
If you had a superpower, what power would it be, and why?
If i had one superpower, it will be the control of ice, because its something than i can approach,like the freezing of food to preserve it, or the creation of my own ice cream.

Sure! I'll need your FC and IGN, please. Mine is in my sig (will be using EnGarde).
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If you had a superpower, what power would it be, and why?

If I had a superpower, it would be shapeshifting. With shapeshifting, the possibilities are endless. I'm assuming that the entire body would shift, and only the mind would stay the same, so technically, if you shifted into young people when your current shape got older, you could live forever, barring any sudden, fatal deaths. I'm not really sure how taxing it would be health-wise to shift, but I'm assuming it'd be a little painful to shift, so that kind of bars shifting into a healthy body when you are dying of a fatal wound or something. I could turn into the President, or I could turn into celebrities, or I could turn into animals; seriously, theres no end to the opportunities with shapeshifting. So uh yeah thats my answer. Thankydoodles

Could I get one of the gothita?
Bred by: Lady Valkyrie
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/22/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
Moves: Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Miracle Eye, Mirror Coat.
OT: Valkyrie
ID: 54521
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 3

My IGN is Jessen, and my FC is: 4484-9251-0562
If i had a super power i would like to be able to stop time because who wouldn't want to stop time you could pull pranks and stuff on people and move stuff around and out of places and just mess with everyone i would like to request
Gender: Female
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Analytic
IV Spread:31/13/31/31/31/00
Moves: Disable, Cosmic Power,Barrier, Nasty Plot
OT: Twan
ID: 19653
Redistribution Policy: Fully-Redis
Stock: 3

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Hi! If I had a super power it would be to be able to learn multiple languages very easily, I know that super power is kinda lame and down to earth. But that super power would be very practical in a normal life, and since I can't speak my families' native language I would like to be able to learn it(I tried>_<). I had always been left out and ostracized by family since I can't communicate deeply with them, and honestly I don't think I ever had a legit deep conversation with my parents ever. Uh so that's why I would like this superpower...Oh I also would like to request the Munna..

Bred By: EnGarde
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Ability: Telepathy
IV Spread:31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Barrier, Healing Wish, Baton Pass, Helping Hand
OT: Lahire
ID: 19749
Redistribution Policy: Non-Redis
Stock: 2
Oh yeah my FC and IGN are in my signature!

Some interesting powers here, for sure! Please make sure you register my FC, none of you have done so yet. Reply here to let me know you're around, but please give me 5-10 minutes at least to see your message before signing off! Sometimes I'm so busy playing, I don't see your message straight off.


M-Sableye - Solosis
Trinitrotoluene - Shiny Eevee

I'm adding your guys to the open requests list. Let me know when you're around as well.


Arhan - Selene, Shiny Lunatone
SkylarGreen - Moonball Ralts

You guys still have open requests. Do you still want the pokemon? Let me know. :)

EDIT: Arhan - Saw your message: we can trade Sunday.
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Some interesting powers here, for sure! Please make sure you register my FC, none of you have done so yet. Reply here to let me know you're around, but please give me 5-10 minutes at least to see your message before signing off! Sometimes I'm so busy playing, I don't see your message straight off.


M-Sableye - Solosis
Trinitrotoluene - Shiny Eevee

I'm adding your guys to the open requests list. Let me know when you're around as well.


Arhan - Selene, Shiny Lunatone
SkylarGreen - Moonball Ralts

You guys still have open requests. Do you still want the pokemon? Let me know. :)

EDIT: Arhan - Saw your message: we can trade Sunday.
Oh sorry about that, I'll be online for a couple more hours so take your time!..And I got your friend code
I can trade in about 4-5 hours

I'll probably be asleep after more than 2-3 hours, but if you're good for 14-16 hours, that'd probably work for me (I live in US eastern time, and it's already 10 pm here).

Oh sorry about that, I'll be online for a couple more hours so take your time!..And I got your friend code

Are you able to trade right now? I'll hop online and send munna now. :)
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