Pokemon Showdown! Battle Spot Room Tournament (Final Round!)

Just posting to say that aorta beat matt weasely but for w/e reason cant post in this thread. Updated the match ups with aorta winning and leer winning.
Does anybody know why goast has disappeared? I'd kinda like to battle him before the tournament is over. :s
A lot of people who have made new accounts just frequent the Battle Spot room, try and find him there, also make sure to post on his wall asking when you should battle. If there is no response by the deadline than you will get an activity win, which means that since you actively pursued trying to get a battle you will advance to the next round, the key word is actively though so make sure you continue to try and get a battle with him.
A lot of people who have made new accounts just frequent the Battle Spot room, try and find him there, also make sure to post on his wall asking when you should battle. If there is no response by the deadline than you will get an activity win, which means that since you actively pursued trying to get a battle you will advance to the next round, the key word is actively though so make sure you continue to try and get a battle with him.

So he's under a new name now?
I played TheEpicBro and won.




The question we have is whether switching teams between matches is allowed. If it is then I guess my win stands, if not then I concede - I changed my entire line up after match one.

I'm having trouble synching up with my doubles opponent, I know the deadline is tonight and I dont expect it to be resolved - VM convo on my profile.