Forme Freaks - Get Your Rotom On - UU and above open!

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Hoopa alternate forms' stats: 80/105/90/170/130/105

Hoopa Orbit Hoop: Fairy/Ghost; +Moonblast
Hoopa Jewelry Hoop: Steel/Ghost; +Flash Cannon
Hoopa Closed-Paraebola Hoop: Electric/Ghost; +Parabolic Charge
Hoopa Helix Hoop: Water/Ghost; +Aqua Ring
Hoopa Basketball Hoop: Fighting/Ghost; +Aura Sphere

All flavor for this is various rings/hoops/whatever that occur in the world
Orbit is fairy because outerspace
Jewelry is steel because metal
Closed-Paraebola is electric because parabolic charge
Helix is water because a lot of helix swirls are from seashells
Basketball is fighting because it's a sport and was chosen because there's not many other hoops out there
Let's just do Hoopa. If there's any overlap, we can adjust it later.

ninja'd literally by a microsecond
Taking Lugia then
Formes: 106/85 (-5)/150 (+20)/100 (+10)/174 (+20)/140 (+30)-Pressure
Lugia-Submerged, Water/Flying, +Scald
Lugia-Rising Cave, Rock/Flying, +Power Gem
Lugia-Emerging Light, Fairy/Flying, +Dazzling Gleam
Lugia-Raging Storm, Dragon/Flying, +Draco Meteor
Lugia-Full Thunderstorm, Electric/Flying, +Discharge
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Ugh. Been really busy lately so I'm not going to be able to finish Ogre.

warriorman222, it's yours. Could you try and make it mirror my Don forms (in stats)? Obviously you're free to do whatever you want with it now that it's yours. Just a suggestion.
Ugh. Been really busy lately so I'm not going to be able to finish Ogre.

warriorman222, it's yours. Could you try and make it mirror my Don forms (in stats)? Obviously you're free to do whatever you want with it now that it's yours. Just a suggestion.
Thanks! I couldn't find Groudon so i'm just gonna make my own thing.


I can't believe they wasted half the BST on a useless stat or Primogre. Well then Trollfreak, I will fix that! With flavor based on shortened Latin names of underwater creatures, the new Kyogre stands tall above all! It might be better than Primogre,

Kyogre-Exoco: Water/Flying + Aeroblast
Flying Fish. cool. there is no gliding move and Fly and Bounce are both stupid, so a blast of air while shooting out of water is plausible.

Kyogre-Anguil: Water/Electric + Volt Switch
Your average Eel in King of the Sea form. Thunder exists so Volt switch was fine. Some eels shock you then run.

Kyogre-Brachy: Water/Ground + Earth power
Crabs have hard shells. So why not Steel or Rock? Because some of them live outside of water. Get that? I thought so.

Kyogre-Caule: Water/Grass + Seed Flare
Green Seaweed. Not much flavor found in grass moves, so i decided to pick a nuke.

Kyogre-Carcha: Water/Dark+ Night Daze
Some Great White Sharks attack prey at night. So there.

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyogre-Anguil Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Assault Vest Primal Kyogre: 356-422 (88.1 - 104.4%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

Yea. With max investment and an impossible Vest, Specs Eelogre can OHKO Primal Kyogre. Plus since the vest really can't be there, Thunder OHKOs no mater what invest it has. Outspeed and kill. Man. Ubers 2 might become a reality.
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Azelf (Psychic): 80 | 125 | 70 | 125 | 70 | 115; Levitate; +Nothing
Azelf-Discipline (Psychic/Fighting): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Close Combat
Azelf-Control (Psychic/Fairy): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Moonblast
Azelf-Restraint (Psychic/Dark): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Dark Pulse
Azelf-Volition (Psychic/Normal): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Swords Dance
Azelf-Desire (Psychic/Steel): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Doom Desire

5 different willpowers for 5 different idk.

Fighters tend to be trained in the art of Discipline. (And fight at close quarters)
Control is typically a nice thing to have, especially around others, so I made it fairy type. (Moonblast requires control over the moon's energy)
Restraining someone isn't exactly the nicest thing to do, so I made it a dark thing. (Dark pulse restrains the foe by flinch-hax)
Volition is a primal instinct, so it's present in normal humans. (Dancing can be done by a normal human as well)
Desire was too good of an opportunity to pass up once I saw it for steel type (LOL DOOM DESIRE BECAUSE DESIRE GET IT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Azelf (Psychic): 80 | 125 | 70 | 125 | 70 | 115; Levitate; +Nothing
Azelf-Discipline (Psychic/Fighting): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Close Combat
Azelf-Control (Psychic/Fairy): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Moonblast
Azelf-Restraint (Psychic/Dark): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Knock Off
Azelf-Volition (Psychic/Normal): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Swords Dance
Azelf-Desire (Psychic/Steel): 80 | 155 | 65 | 155 | 80 | 125; Levitate; +Doom Desire

5 different willpowers for 5 different idk.

Fighters tend to be trained in the art of Discipline.
Control is typically a nice thing to have, especially around others, so I made it fairy type.
Restraining someone isn't exactly the nicest thing to do, so I made it a dark thing.
Volition is a primal instinct, so it's present in normal humans.
Desire was too good of an opportunity to pass up once I saw it for steel type (LOL DOOM DESIRE)
Already gets knock off
Taking Lugia then
Formes: 106/85 (-5)/150 (+20)/100 (+10)/174 (+20)/140 (+30)-Pressure
Lugia-Submerged, Water/Flying, +Dive Really? Dive? Why not Scald?
Lugia-Rising Cave, Rock/Flying, +Power Gem
Lugia-Emerging Light, Fairy/Flying, +Dazzling Gleam While Dazzling Gleam is a good move, Moonblast is much, much better.
Lugia-Raging Storm, Dragon/Flying, +Dragon Breath Hm, 60 BP or Dragon Pulse, 85 BP... Hmm....
Lugia-Full Thunderstorm, Electric/Flying, +Thunder In all honesty, I would definitely go with Discharge, because Lugia is quite bulky, and could use the paralysis chance.

Comments in pink, change (at least to me) in bold.
Lugia already gets Thunder and Dive, so those won't work for new moves. Also, I guess I'd replace Dragon Breath with Draco Meteor since it already gets Dragon Pulse. Everything else is fine though.
Es tiempo

Electric / Flying | 79/115/70/125/80/111 BST 580 | Prankster / Defiant (HA)

Thundurus-Thor | Electric / Steel | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Meteor Mash
Thundurus-Zeus | Electric / Fighting | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Close Combat
Thundurus-Indra| Electric / Water | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Aqua Tail
Thundurus-Xolotl | Electric / Dragon | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Dragon Claw
Thundurus-Set | Electric / Ground | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Thousand Waves

I couldn't think of anything clever for the naming (storms would of been cute but steps on Tornadus's toes), so I based it off some Thunder Gods in mythology (I'm going off Wikipedia because I'm an uncultured swine) I chose to do Defiant > Prankster and physically based because I still wanted normal Thundy to be used This thing is probably a better mixed attack though, even with the lowered SpA.
Es tiempo

Electric / Flying | 79/115/70/125/80/111 BST 580 | Prankster / Defiant (HA)

Thundurus-Thor | Electric / Steel | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Meteor Mash
Thundurus-Zeus | Electric / Fighting | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Close Combat
Thundurus-Indra| Electric / Water | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Aqua Tail
Thundurus-Xolotl | Electric / Dragon | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Dragon Claw
Thundurus-Set | Electric / Ground | 79/135/85/120/115/126 BST 660 | Defiant | +Thousand Waves

I couldn't think of anything clever for the naming (storms would of been cute but steps on Tornadus's toes), so I based it off some Thunder Gods in mythology (I'm going off Wikipedia because I'm an uncultured swine) I chose to do Defiant > Prankster and physically based because I still wanted normal Thundy to be used This thing is probably a better mixed attack though, even with the lowered SpA.
That's plenty clever for me. For all my formes I use Smogon Dex, Bulbapedia, Wikipedia or Google Translate. It's not a lack of culture, rather a lack of extremely excessive knowledge. So don't feel bad I'm worse.

Set "is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion".A thousand arrows being rained down onto you seems more foreign and violent then waves that supposedly bury you to some degree. Plus 1K Arrows seems better to me.
That's plenty clever for me. For all my formes I use Smogon Dex, Bulbapedia, Wikipedia or Google Translate. It's not a lack of culture, rather a lack of extremely excessive knowledge. So don't feel bad I'm worse.

Set "is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion".A thousand arrows being rained down onto you seems more foreign and violent then waves that supposedly bury you to some degree. Plus 1K Arrows seems better to me.

I could change it Arrows if you want. My thinking behind Waves was that it's like a miniature sandstorm that traps the foe. Also yes, Arrows would generally be better on something like Thundy-I, although Waves does prevent double switches and it has electric STAB to smack Flying-types anyways (except for, funnily enough, Thundy-T. Oh, and Emolga.)
I could change it Arrows if you want. My thinking behind Waves was that it's like a miniature sandstorm that traps the foe. Also yes, Arrows would generally be better on something like Thundy-I, although Waves does prevent double switches and it has electric STAB to smack Flying-types anyways (except for, funnily enough, Thundy-T. Oh, and Emolga.)
I guess normal Thundy has a small, obscure, nonexstent niche. Also writing while listening to the nightmare-inducing Master Core theme... Holy shit Nintendo since when did you make good music?
Also my quote there was shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia.
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