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This isn't so much a suggestion for the simulator but rather for the forums, but w/e.

Would it be at all possible to get a thread on here that A) contains a link to a list of all the possible permutations in Randbats (not listing every single set, but rather a simple list what items, abilities, and moves a mon might have), and to also have said thread provide changelogs for updates to Randbats? Could it even be placed in the Other Metas forum?
Could we possibly have a way to /hidejoins or /showjoins for specific rooms? Like, say I want to turn off showjoins in only the lobby because huge blocks of people come and join at once, but keep it on in the other rooms. Could that work?
This isn't so much a suggestion for the simulator but rather for the forums, but w/e.

Would it be at all possible to get a thread on here that A) contains a link to a list of all the possible permutations in Randbats (not listing every single set, but rather a simple list what items, abilities, and moves a mon might have), and to also have said thread provide changelogs for updates to Randbats? Could it even be placed in the Other Metas forum?
I'm not sure about a change log but you may be looking for this.
This isn't so much a suggestion for the simulator but rather for the forums, but w/e.

Would it be at all possible to get a thread on here that A) contains a link to a list of all the possible permutations in Randbats (not listing every single set, but rather a simple list what items, abilities, and moves a mon might have), and to also have said thread provide changelogs for updates to Randbats? Could it even be placed in the Other Metas forum?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, forum suggestions go here (although they do have to be more formal):
Possibly an "or" operator for the Dexsearch command, it could help ALOT with searches. ie:

I need a pokemon that can heal itself, use wish and heal status problems.
Current option to find that pokemon:

Write all of these:

Using "or" operator:

And the results will be shown this way:

And this will probably be unbroadcastable. Possibly add an option to omit Smeargle in the results

Can Delta Stream be made functional? It doesn't seem to work on PS!, or at least it isn't shown working. Same for DeL and PrS.
These moves are relatively new, and have recently been added on PS!. It takes time to make such things work. They most likely know about this and are trying to make them work on PS!.
Now, I know this may be a hard-to-realize suggestion, but I think it would be nice if PS could implement multiple languages I mean, the PS community is huge and comes from various places from the world (no need for me to tell that, as Country-related lobbies already exist) and, while English is fine and all, some people may actually prefer playing on the simulator with their native language.
If this suggestion goes anywhere further, I'd want to apply as the Italian Translator.
Thanks for your attention.
Now, I know this may be a hard-to-realize suggestion, but I think it would be nice if PS could implement multiple languages I mean, the PS community is huge and comes from various places from the world (no need for me to tell that, as Country-related lobbies already exist) and, while English is fine and all, some people may actually prefer playing on the simulator with their native language.
If this suggestion goes anywhere further, I'd want to apply as the Italian Translator.
Thanks for your attention.
That's honestly not a bad suggestion. I just find it a little odd, because as you mentioned, there a language rooms. But also most web-browsers come with a built in Translator tool. Also, English is basically the language everyone knows, maybe not fluently tho. Not saying this cancels out your suggestion, but it's just a heads-up I guess. I'd still love to see a translate feature and am willing to help on that if need be.
well there's one thing about this, what do you want to have translated? if you want things like the teambuilder etc. then that'll probably work pretty well, if you mean the whole chat, well...that's complicated although I have seen it done before.
well there's one thing about this, what do you want to have translated? if you want things like the teambuilder etc. then that'll probably work pretty well, if you mean the whole chat, well...that's complicated although I have seen it done before.
When I talked about translations, I meant mainly all the game-related stuff. That includes moves, abilities, battle messages and, of course, the teambuilder
Been thinking of 2 new features which would make our life a lot easier in the chats.

1. A command that forces the chat to clear for everyone. This way the spammers would be less annoying.
2. A button / command to delete 1 line from the chat, like the community has. They have a button with 'delete' at the end of a sentence, which will delete that specific sentence for all the other users.
How about a mod command that allows them to remove a message from the chat. (like a button on the right of the message or something, instead of some complicated command). It would make chats cleaner without having to /clear, and it would be undo-able.It'd probably be mostly for long links, spam, and doritos.

Kasumi, sorta like this ^
Whenever I do /rank Defiance007 all I see is a mess. Defiance007 People with OCD can't handle it.
For the sake of sanity, can there be a command to clear all your stats without making a new account?
E.g /clear stats /rank, clear
while that might be useful and I get why you want this there is a problem with this, you could keep clearing your ladder very easily and you would keep going back up very easily and win very easily etc. which wouldn't be fun for new players because you don't want good players showing up every time while you don't even know what you're doing right?
while that might be useful and I get why you want this there is a problem with this, you could keep clearing your ladder very easily and you would keep going back up very easily and win very easily etc. which wouldn't be fun for new players because you don't want good players showing up every time while you don't even know what you're doing right?

How is this any different than making an alt to ladder? If you're unsatisfied with your rating or W/L ratio, then you would make an alt, ladder up, and "win very easily."
1: A friends list where you add each other and get notified when the other person is on
2: If you are on showdown, and you have more then 2 pm boxes open, there should be a notification for someone who is pming you but that you can't see because they are the 3rd or 4th person pming you, sometimes they have something important to say, but you dont realize they said it until half an hour later when it isn't important anymore.
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