ORAS OU Diamonds from Sierra Leone

Diamonds from Sierra Leone

I tried building a few teams around the new Mega Evolutions and ultimately focused on Mega Diancie. I wanted to build a team that utilized Mega Diancie because I think it has a lot of potential that is being overshadowed by the newer Megas. While it doesn't have the incredible power of Mega Salamence nor the bulk of Mega Slowbro, it does have a lot of unique traits that help it stand out like a diamond in the rough (get it? lolol). In particular, Mega Diancie is the only Pokemon with Magic Bounce that can also learn Stealth Rock. This makes it great at controlling hazards. Thus, I decided to pair it with Talonflame.

The goal of this team is to sweep with Talonflame so the rest of team focuses on supporting it. Mega Diancie and Latios provide hazard control while Azumarill breaks down walls for Talonflame. Magnezone and Landorus-T form a Volt-Turn core that helps bring Talonflame in safely. I realize that the OR/AS metagame is still hectic but I think this team will only get better once obvious suspects are dealt with. I named the team after the Kanye West song of the same title.

In-Depth Analysis


Diancie @ Diancite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 16 Atk / 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
Mega Diancie is the team's Stealth Rock user and one of two hazard controllers. It has the unique combination of Stealth Rock and Magic Bounce, allowing it to control hazards easily. Its typing gives it an advantage against common Defoggers while Magic Bounce lets it block Stealth Rock attempts from slower users like Smeargle, Heatran and Tyranitar. It's also one of the few SR users that can beat Mega Sableye. This makes Mega Diancie great for breaking the common Heatran + Mega Sableye core. Unfortunately, Diancie has a hard time Mega Evolving safely against offensive teams due to its low base speed and weaknesses to common types. However, even if it doesn't get to Mega Evolve, Diancie is a fairly reliable Stealth Rock user since it has respectable bulk with 150/150 defenses. Once it has Mega Evolved, Diance turns into a formidable offensive threat, boasting 160/160 offenses and 110 base speed. It acts as an offensive check to Mega Pinsir, Mega Charizard X and Y, Keldeo, Mega Sableye, and more. Mega Diancie complements Talonflame nicely, providing decent hazard control with Magic Bounce and shutting down a lot of annoying Pokemon like defensive Heatran and Stallbreaker Mew.

Diamond Storm is Diancie's signature move and it helps check Bird-Spam teams. Moonblast provides secondary STAB and nails Dragon types super-effectively. Earth Power rounds out coverage, hitting things like Heatran and Jirachi. Nothing resists the combination of Rock, Fairy, and Ground other than Bronzong, giving Diancie incredible neutral coverage. With base 110 speed, high attacking stats, and great coverage neutral coverage, Mega Diancie is a pretty good offensive Stealth Rock user since it's good at forcing switches. 16 Attack EVs guarantee that Diamond Storm OHKOs 252 HP / 168 Def Zapdos after SR damage. It also guarantees the OKHO against Mega Charizard X with no bulk investment. Speed is maxed to outrun Keldeo and Terrakion while speed tying with other base 110 speed Pokemon like Latios and Mega Gallade. The remaining EVs are added to special attack to boost the power of Moonblast and Earth Power. Naive nature was chosen over Hasty to help check Bird-Spam better.


Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 32 Atk / 224 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Earthquake
- Defog
Mega Diancie's Magic Bounce isn't the most reliable way of handling hazards so I decided to add Latios, the best offensive Defogger in OU, to the team. Reliable hazard removal is required since this team does a high amount of switching and Talonflame has a crippling 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Latios also acts as an offensive check to things like Keldeo, Charizard Y, and Landorus-I. Latias could work here as well since Healing Wish is incredible on offensive teams. However, I prefer Latios' power and access to Earthquake. With Metagross' and Diancie's new Mega Evolutions, the Lati twins gained two new checks. Latios' access to Earthquake ensures that they can't come in safely while Latias is left fairly helpless against them. Earthquake also nails Heatran and Tyranitar, some common Talonflame checks.

Draco Meteor is Latios' main STAB attack which punches holes in anything that isn't a Steel or Fairy type. However, its special attack drop side effect means that it shouldn't be used recklessly. Otherwise, Latios turns into setup fodder which this team cannot afford. Psychic provides secondary STAB that takes care of Fighting and Poison types. I prefer it over Psyshock for this team because it scores a clean 2HKO on Rotom-W without having to resort to Draco Meteor. Rotom-W is a big problem for this team so being able to eliminate it without turning into setup fodder is crucial. Psychic also 2HKOs physically defensive Clefable and Mega Altaria, which are otherwise solid checks for Latios. As previously mentioned, Earthquake dents common Latios switch-ins like Metagross, Jirachi, Heatran, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. The ATK EVs guarantee that Earthquake OHKOs max HP Heatran and 2HKOs 24 Def Mega Gardevoir after Stealth Rock damage. Speed is maxed to outrun Keldeo and Terrakion while speed tying with other base 110 speed Pokemon like Mega Gallade and Gengar. The rest are added to special attack to boost the power of Draco Meteor and Psychic.


Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
- Swords Dance
Talonflame is the team's sweeper but it also fills many other roles on this team. For example, it's a great revenge killer thanks to its high speed and priority Brave Bird. With the introductions of Mega Sceptile, Mega Gallade, and Mega Lopunny in OR/AS, Talonflame's priority Brave Bird is more useful than ever since all three of them are significant threats that are weak to Flying. Talonflame is also my secondary answer to Steel types if I can't afford to have Magnezone locked into a move. Aside from Heatran, it has a good match up against most Steel types thanks to its Fire typing. Unlike Magnezone, Talonflame naturally outspeeds Mega Metagross and offensive Mega Scizor and can nail them with Flare Blitz.

Brave Bird and Flare Blitz provide STAB. While their recoil effect is annoying, they both have incredibly high base power that offsets Talonflame's lackluster attack stat. Roost provides Talonflame with reliable recovery, letting it heal off the recoil damage it sustains. Roost also gains priority thanks to Gale Wings which can come in handy against faster Pokemon. Swords Dance boosts Talonflame's attack significantly. It is generally used when the opposing team is sufficiently weak enough so that Talonflame can easily sweep. I use max speed to at least speed tie with opposing Talonflame. However, a lot of them don't run max speed so my Talonflame usually comes out on top. Talonflame also outspeeds Raikou and Thundurus and can KO them with a boosted Flare Blitz, effectively eliminating two of its best checks. Sharp Beak boosts the power of Brave Bird while also bluffing a Choice Band set early game.


Azumarill @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
OR/AS wasn't particularly kind to Azumarill. The presence of new Megas like Slowbro and Metagross are big problems for Azumarill. Furthermore, Azumarill was once one of the few reliable checks to Greninja but it can no longer check it at all thanks to Gunk Shot. Despite all these factors, CB Azumarill is still a phenomenal wallbreaker and a huge threat to offensive teams. Only a small number of Pokemon can safely switch-in on its Huge Power Choice Band boosted attacks. Even the new defensive behemoths introduced in OR/AS, Mega Sableye, Mega Altaria, and Mega Latias, are OHKO'd by Play Rough. Azumarill is also incredibly valuable against Sand teams since it's a huge threat to a lot of the Pokemon commonly found on them. For example, Aqua Jet can OHKO Excadrill who is otherwise a big threat to this team if Sand Rush is active. It also OHKOs Mega Aerodactyl after Stealth Rock damage, eliminating one of Talonflame's best checks. Basically, Azumarill's purpose on this team is to break down walls so that Talonflame can sweep late game. The two have pretty good offensive synergy together since Talonflame easily sets up on the bulky Grass types that Azumarill hates. Likewise, Azumarill is a good check to a lot of Talonflame's counters, like Tyranitar and Excadrill.

The moveset is standard. Aqua Jet provides the team with another form of priority. It's great for picking off weakened threats. Waterfall and Play Rough provide additional STAB options that hit incredibly hard thanks to Choice Band and Huge Power. I opted for Knock Off in the last slot for its ability to remove the opponent's item. It's great for removing Leftovers, Evolites, and especially Shed Shell. A lot of Steel types are beginning to use Shed Shell because of Magnezone, and Azumarill usually lures in Skarmory and Ferrothorn easily. This prevents them from switching out when Magnezone attempts to trap them. Attack EVs are maxed to hit as hard as possible. The speed EVs allow Azumarill to outrun Tyranitar with no speed investment. The rest of the EVs are added to HP to improve bulk.


Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Latios, Azumarill, Landorus-T, and especially Mega Diancie all despise Steel types and appreciate having them removed so that they can wreck havoc. Talonflame also likes having Ferrothorn removed so that it doesn't need to take Iron Barbs + Flare Blitz recoil damage. Thankfully, Magnezone can easily trap most of the common Steel types if they aren't carrying Shed Shell. Magnezone is not only my answer to most Steel types, it is also my main answer to bulky Water types. If you haven't already noticed, bulky Water types are a huge problem for this team. That's why I prefer Choice Specs over the more popular Choice Scarf set for this team. Thanks to the power offered by Choice Specs, Magnezone can OHKO physically defensive Mega Slowbro and even has a good chance of OHKOing it after a Calm Mind boost. It also OHKOs Alomomola, Suicune, and does enough damage to Rotom-W with Volt Switch so that it falls within in the KO range of Mega Diancie's Moonblast and Latios' Psychic. Its slower Volt Switch allows my other Pokemon to come in unscathed which is very beneficial for this frail team.

Unfortunately, Specs Magnezone isn't as useful against offense due to its low speed. Nonetheless, it can usually tank a hit and hit back hard before being relegated to death fodder. The moveset is fairly straightforward. Volt Switch forms a nice Volt-Turn core with Landorus-T while Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon provide additional STAB options. Flash Cannon is great for eliminating pesky Fairies as well. Hidden Power Fire is primarily used for Ferrothorn and slower Scizor. Max speed allows Magnezone to outspeed max speed Adamant Azumarill, most Mega Venusaur, CroCune, and slower variants (108 speed EVs or less) of Specially Defensive Heatran. Special attack is maxed to hit as hard as possible.


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 20 Def / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
Landorus-T is one of the best Pokemon in the metagame right now. It just does so much for this team in a single slot. It is a fantastic pivot that provides momentum with U-turn, and utility with Intimidate and Knock Off. Thanks to Choice Scarf, it also doubles as a phenomenal revenge killer for Pokemon like Greninja and Charizard-X, which are big threats to the team. Its Electric immunity keeps it safe from being crippled by Thunder Wave. It also comes in handy against opposing Volt-Turn teams since it's a complete stop to any Choice-locked Volt Switch users like Magnezone and Raikou. Speaking of Volt-Turn, Landorus-T completes the Volt-Turn core with Magnezone. They have great synergy together, with Magnezone resisting Landorus-T's 4x Ice weakness while Landorus-T provides a Ground immunity to switch in on Earthquakes aimed at Magnezone.

Earthquake provides STAB and is great for revenge killing things like Charizard X. It isn't used unless absolutely needed though. Otherwise, Landorus-T turns into easy setup bait for just about any Flying type or Levitator. U-turn is by far the most commonly used move, providing scouting and a great way to bring in a teammate safely. Stone Edge forms the famous QuakeEdge combo with Earthquake and is primarily used for checking bird-spam teams. I opted for Knock Off in the last slot since it provides a lot of utility. It's a very spammable move that removes pesky Leftovers, Evolites, and Shed Shells, making it easier for this team to break past walls. It's also great for revenge killing Latios/Latias and Gengar. Attack is maxed to hit as hard as possible. 236 speed EVs with a Jolly nature are enough to outrun +1 Adamant Charizard X, Jolly Scarf Excadrill, and Adamant Scarf Garchomp. The remaining EVs are added to Defense to reduce the chances of being OHKO'd by +1 Jolly Charizard X's Flare Blitz.

Threat List
Rain Offense
Terrible match up for this team since half of it is weak to water. With rain active, Swift Swimmers easily outspeed my team. Most of them resist my only forms of priority or are bulky enough to tank them.

It has a hard time switching in safely, but if it does, something usually dies. Talonflame and Landorus-T can revenge kill it, as can Azumarill if it is sufficiently weakened.

Mega Manectric
It's annoying since it outspeeds my entire team except for Landorus-T, and it's bulky enough to tank my priority. Landorus-T can revenge kill but being locked into Earthquake isn't ideal.

Mega Gardevoir
If it gets in safely, something usually dies. Talonflame is a decent answer to it though, OHKOing with Brave Bird after SR damage.

It's a problem for a lot of offensive teams and mine is no exception. Magnezone outspeeds Adamant variants and can KO with Volt Switch. Belly Drum versions a a huge problem if Talonflame dies early.

Diancie @ Diancite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 16 Atk / 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock

Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 32 Atk / 224 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Earthquake
- Defog

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
- Swords Dance

Azumarill @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Knock Off

Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 20 Def / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
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I think that this is an excellent team, but there is one thing that I have to say. Greninja is a significantly better water type than Azumarill in the attacking and speed departments, and it doesn't need to lock itself into CB/CSP as well as taking down many strong megas like mega slowbro mega salemence (with no boosts or sub) mega metagross (no agility boosts) and others a lot easier than azumarill can. It may get suspected soon due to a combination of all of these factors, but it is great to use it while you can!

Here is a good set that i use:
Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Gunk Shot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump/Low kick
- Dark Pulse/Low kick

If you are having a tough time with Tyranitar, Ferrothorn or other steel types not named Skarmory than you can run low kick to do more damage to these threats.
232 Speed EVs ensures that Landorus-T will always out-speed Choice Scarf Jolly Excadrill. You only need 12 more EVs from defense to speed, so I suggest you make such change.

This team does run the issue of being very Salamence weak, but even prepared teams can lose to it anyways.

Talonflame does not need maximum Speed, it only needs 168 Speed EVs to outrun Timid Starmie, Raikou, and Scarf Magnezone.

Aside from that, your team looks solid. Good luck!
I think that this is an excellent team, but there is one thing that I have to say. Greninja is a significantly better water type than Azumarill in the attacking and speed departments, and it doesn't need to lock itself into CB/CSP as well as taking down many strong megas like mega slowbro mega salemence (with no boosts or sub) mega metagross (no agility boosts) and others a lot easier than azumarill can. It may get suspected soon due to a combination of all of these factors, but it is great to use it while you can!

Here is a good set that i use:
Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Gunk Shot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump/Low kick
- Dark Pulse/Low kick

If you are having a tough time with Tyranitar, Ferrothorn or other steel types not named Skarmory than you can run low kick to do more damage to these threats.

The evs for Greninja should be 40 ATK/216 SP/252 Speed to OHKO Azumarrill.
Thanks for the suggestions!

I think that this is an excellent team, but there is one thing that I have to say. Greninja is a significantly better water type than Azumarill in the attacking and speed departments, and it doesn't need to lock itself into CB/CSP as well as taking down many strong megas like mega slowbro mega salemence (with no boosts or sub) mega metagross (no agility boosts) and others a lot easier than azumarill can. It may get suspected soon due to a combination of all of these factors, but it is great to use it while you can!

Here is a good set that i use:
Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Gunk Shot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump/Low kick
- Dark Pulse/Low kick

If you are having a tough time with Tyranitar, Ferrothorn or other steel types not named Skarmory than you can run low kick to do more damage to these threats.

I agree that Greninja is a lot better than Azumarill in general, but I think Azumarill is still a better fit for this team. It checks Sand Rush Excadrill and Mega Aerodactyl which are otherwise big problems for this team. Plus, its bulk and typing makes it better against rain offense.

232 Speed EVs ensures that Landorus-T will always out-speed Choice Scarf Jolly Excadrill. You only need 12 more EVs from defense to speed, so I suggest you make such change.

This team does run the issue of being very Salamence weak, but even prepared teams can lose to it anyways.

Talonflame does not need maximum Speed, it only needs 168 Speed EVs to outrun Timid Starmie, Raikou, and Scarf Magnezone.

Aside from that, your team looks solid. Good luck!

I bumped Landorus-T's speed EVs up to 236 to outrun Jolly Scarf Excadrill and Adamant Scarf Garchomp. I don't think either are really relevant anymore but it doesn't hurt I guess.

I'm aware that Talonflame doesn't need max speed to outrun those threats but I think max speed is better. Being able to beat opposing Talonflame, or speed-tie at worst, is better than some inconsequential bulk imo. Talonflame isn't really meant to take hits anyways.

And yes, MegaMence is a huge threat to the team. Quick ban please :(
A fellow user of Mega Diancie! It's good to see that I'm not the only one with an RMT based around the diamond princess. My first nitpick is actually Stealth Rock on Mega Diancie. Her awful initial base 50 speed means that's how fast she's gonna be on the first turn of Mega Evolution, so you may find that Protect or Substitute may work better. Alternatively, Rock Polish or Calm Mind can work too.

Your Latios is pretty cool, too. I like how you packed Defog even though you have a user of Magic Bounce, as that puts too much pressure on Diancie to remove and place hazards. You might want to consider going to Timid and running Hidden Power Fire over Earthquake. I've tried this, and Latios is a relatively good Steel-type lure because not every Latios runs it. It's best to conceal Hidden Power Fire and then unleash its fury upon a Scizor or Ferrothorn...just keep in mind that Latios takes a big chunk from Bullet Punch. You absolutely don't have to change it to this, just a thought.

The Talonflame Swords Dance set is just great alongside Mega Diancie, as the right team support gives it many opportunities to set up. Nobody wants to take a +2 Brave Bird, and then it packs Roost as well. No changes here.

Everything else is pretty fine, except that three of your mon are choiced. Seems like a bit much to me, but hope this helps.
My first nitpick is actually Stealth Rock on Mega Diancie. Her awful initial base 50 speed means that's how fast she's gonna be on the first turn of Mega Evolution, so you may find that Protect or Substitute may work better. Alternatively, Rock Polish or Calm Mind can work too.
Mega Diancie is outclassed by Mega Sableye and the newly-buffed Mega Absol (now able to run both Play Rough and Knock Off on the same set) as a magic bouncer if it doesn't run Stealth Rock. Additionally, it forgoes its main niche in being the only SR user that can reliably beat Mega Sableye, as stated in the RMT, and it is its only niche in OU at this time (aside from checking Mega Salamence, but its fucked over by Earthquake/Aqua Tail/Iron Tail variants anyway, making it unreliable in that role)
Your Latios is pretty cool, too. I like how you packed Defog even though you have a user of Magic Bounce, as that puts too much pressure on Diancie to remove and place hazards. You might want to consider going to Timid and running Hidden Power Fire over Earthquake. I've tried this, and Latios is a relatively good Steel-type lure because not every Latios runs it. It's best to conceal Hidden Power Fire and then unleash its fury upon a Scizor or Ferrothorn...just keep in mind that Latios takes a big chunk from Bullet Punch. You absolutely don't have to change it to this, just a thought.
I think that Earthquake Latios is better suited to the team as it struggles vs Heatran quite a bit.
Everything else is pretty fine, except that three of your mon are choiced. Seems like a bit much to me, but hope this helps.
Multiple choiced mons is perfectly fine, and it works well on this team IMO.

Just my two cents on your comments. Feel free to prove me wrong with a counter-argument ;P
I forgot about this thread, been too caught up with Omega Ruby :P
I removed MegaMence from my threat list since it's looking like it will be headed to banland soon.

A fellow user of Mega Diancie! It's good to see that I'm not the only one with an RMT based around the diamond princess. My first nitpick is actually Stealth Rock on Mega Diancie. Her awful initial base 50 speed means that's how fast she's gonna be on the first turn of Mega Evolution, so you may find that Protect or Substitute may work better. Alternatively, Rock Polish or Calm Mind can work too.

Your Latios is pretty cool, too. I like how you packed Defog even though you have a user of Magic Bounce, as that puts too much pressure on Diancie to remove and place hazards. You might want to consider going to Timid and running Hidden Power Fire over Earthquake. I've tried this, and Latios is a relatively good Steel-type lure because not every Latios runs it. It's best to conceal Hidden Power Fire and then unleash its fury upon a Scizor or Ferrothorn...just keep in mind that Latios takes a big chunk from Bullet Punch. You absolutely don't have to change it to this, just a thought.

The Talonflame Swords Dance set is just great alongside Mega Diancie, as the right team support gives it many opportunities to set up. Nobody wants to take a +2 Brave Bird, and then it packs Roost as well. No changes here.

Everything else is pretty fine, except that three of your mon are choiced. Seems like a bit much to me, but hope this helps.

gamer boy covered a lot of what I wanted to say but I'll add some additional thoughts.

Protect would help Diancie a lot against offense but I don't really have room for it on its moveset. Nothing else on this team has room for Stealth Rock. Plus, I feel like SR + Magic Bounce is Mega Diancie's main niche. I haven't done extensive testing on other Diancie sets but I found them underwhelming when I tried them. The RP set feels inferior to RP Landorus or Megagross because it doesn't hit as hard as they do and it has a harder time setting up. RP sets are best against offensive teams and those are the teams Diancie struggles against because of its low base speed and typing. The CM set lacks the incredible stallbreaking power of CM Gardevoir or Landorus. Diancie can't even 2HKO Chansey at +2 with Psyshock while Landorus/Gardevoir have a good chance of doing so at only +1.

HP Fire is really good on Latios in general but I prefer Earthquake for this team. I already have Magnezone to trap most Steels which HP Fire would hit, but Earthquake nails Heatran and Megagross. Magnezone can't really handle those. Hitting opposing Diancie and Tyranitar is nice too.

3 Choiced Pokemon can be difficult to play with but it isn't that bad if you predict correctly. This team has pretty good hazard control so they can usually switch in and out without having to worry about hazard damage. Landorus-T and Magnezone are usually Volt Turning so they don't stay in that often, while CB Azumarill is very difficult to switch into anyways.