Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Anyone willing to do 9 "quick battles" with me?
I gotta check 54 eggs again...

Visit my chat room again if you're willing to.
Can anyone help me move some Pokemon between XY and ORAS? I'm very early in the game, so I'm not sure if it will let me.
Does any kind soul have a garchompite they would be willing to forgo, either as a gift of kindness or for something that my meagre inventories could offer?
Does any kind soul have a garchompite they would be willing to forgo, either as a gift of kindness or for something that my meagre inventories could offer?
I can give you this. PM/VM me your 3DS friend code (mine is in my signature) and I'll hop online :).
WTF!!!! i really dont understand... i was in a fight some minutes ago and in the Battle, my Timid mega- Houndoom gets outspeeded by a Arcinine. He first uses extremspeed and then he used Close combat on my Houndoom.! How the f... is that possible? hes arcanine is not Scarfd since he used two diffrent attacks. And it wasnt quick claw on the poke ! anybody ?
WTF!!!! i really dont understand... i was in a fight some minutes ago and in the Battle, my Timid mega- Houndoom gets outspeeded by a Arcinine. He first uses extremspeed and then he used Close combat on my Houndoom.! How the f... is that possible? hes arcanine is not Scarfd since he used two diffrent attacks. And it wasnt quick claw on the poke ! anybody ?
Do you have the replay code? Also, how many speed evs do you have on your Houndoom?
Serebii said:
Dragon Ascent
Location: Meteor Falls

After completing the Delta Episode, when you return to Meteor Falls, you will find Zinnia's grandmother right in the middle of the first floor. Speak to her, and she says she'll be happy to teach your Rayquaza the special move, Dragon Ascent, if it has previously forgotten it. Rayquaza needs to know Dragon Ascent to Mega Evolve.

Does the bolded mean that only ORAS rayquaza can mega evolve? Let me know.

Also looking for a Red Orb and Latiosite. EDIT: Sceptilite as well please. PM me if you'd like to trade. Second question, was there anything else I missed by only buying Alpha Sapphire besides the ability to reset the legends only found in OR?

Serebii said:
Immediately after capturing it, Zinnia teaches it Dragon Ascent and challenges you to a battle. It can Mega Evolve without holding a Mega Stone, but needs to know Dragon Ascent to do so.
Does this mean no Shiny mega Rayquaza? :(
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Looking for a cloner to clone 1 copy of 2 eggs. (Cloner can keep a copy.)

Also, hatching location for a Togepi??
Looking for a cloner to clone 1 copy of 2 eggs. (Cloner can keep a copy.)

Also, hatching location for a Togepi??
Radiant Chamber is good for Togepi (if you can be bothered to go through the hassle of getting there). Otherwise Prism Tower, Parfum Place or Glittering Cave work reasonably too.
Radiant Chamber is good for Togepi (if you can be bothered to go through the hassle of getting there). Otherwise Prism Tower, Parfum Place or Glittering Cave work reasonably too.

I thought about Radiant Chamber but I'm getting someone to hatch it for me so it's a hassle to that person seeing as they aren't a friend or anything...
Thanks for the suggestions!
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