Well, I realize I don't need them (I already have the shiny charm), but I just want to completely fill it out, just for my well-being.Hoopa is unreleased, and so can't be traded here. Plus, you don't need it for Dex completion.
Well, I realize I don't need them (I already have the shiny charm), but I just want to completely fill it out, just for my well-being.Hoopa is unreleased, and so can't be traded here. Plus, you don't need it for Dex completion.
Can anyone clone for me? You can keep a copy.
I'll take you up on that offerDoes anyone want a free 6IV lux ball female jolly poison touch croagunk with drain punch? I only have one to giveaway
alright cool, give me a second, ill shoot ou a PM when im readyI'll take you up on that offer
Let me know if you still need helpLooking for an ability capsule and a trustworthy cloner :)
I need 5-6 copies of three pokemon. Two of which you may keep copies of for yourself, one I can give you semi-redistribution rights over.
Pmed you!Let me know if you still need help
honestly I would be fine with giving any of my shinnies out especially to new users but hint of advice more information on the shinnies you are offering would be nice like the OT and ID etc... You might want to also run a hack check on the mew as well I mean hey you never know. Either ways I may not have a good shiny ralts to offer but I do have a thread with a few shinnies that are competitive. I can help you out if you wish.Hmm... Does anyone have a shiny gallade? I just hatched one, but it has a relaxed nature and horrible iv's. the thing is, I've come to a point where any shiny I find would be on my team (I have never found a shiny before, and have a liking to them; also, I'm building a team around gallade), but I can't use a gallade that bad. So, could anyone offer a shiny gallade that at least doesn't have a speed reducing nature (a speed raising nature wouldn't be bad :D)? I have a 6iv shiny mew to trade. Thanks!
FC: 4184-3048-1292
IGN: Josh
Welcome back! I don't have either of the pokemon you're requesting, but you can contact a moderator and ask them to unlock your thread for you. :)hey guys, I just came back to the forums with my new Omega Ruby game an I'm looking for an adamant HA Mudkip and Modest HA Pidgey with Defog, right now I only have XY stuff to trade, so pls, cmt and see if theres something you like!
EDIT: it seems my trade thread its locked :( do you guys know how do I unlock it? or I need to create a new one? D:
Ultra ball ftw.Best ball for Shiny Groudon (Gen III)?
Oh, thank you! Well, I'm quite sure the mew is fine, but I don't really know XD. I mean, it does say it's from the hoenn region (as in, faraway island). Sorry if I sound noobish; this is all new to me. But anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!honestly I would be fine with giving any of my shinnies out especially to new users but hint of advice more information on the shinnies you are offering would be nice like the OT and ID etc... You might want to also run a hack check on the mew as well I mean hey you never know. Either ways I may not have a good shiny ralts to offer but I do have a thread with a few shinnies that are competitive. I can help you out if you wish.
pm me everything about the mew the stats ID OT etc...Oh, thank you! Well, I'm quite sure the mew is fine, but I don't really know XD. I mean, it does say it's from the hoenn region (as in, faraway island). Sorry if I sound noobish; this is all new to me. But anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!