XY OU Burning Storm

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost

This is the monster of the team.This Pokemon is a great mid and late game sweeper.Fire Blast is the best move for Charizard Mega Y it can 2hko almost anything with neutral effect. Solarbeam is there to deal with rocks and waters. Focus Blast is for Hetarans and Tyarnitars. With access to roost it can heal itself.

Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake

The second member resits electric and rock type moves which is a vital check to Charizard. It is the hazard setter of my team. slack off helps in recovering hp while whirlwind can blew those baton passers. Earthquake is a STAB move so why not? i need something to do damage after all.

Excadrill @ Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin

This is the spinner of my team. Sand rush provides Excadrill great speed in sandstorm its a good partner for Hippowdon. Earthquake is a powerful STAB move which ohko's alot of pokemons. Iron head is also a STAB move to hit lando-t and other flying types. Rock slide is there to ohko pokemons like volcarona Talonflame and mega zard Y.

Gothitelle @ Choice Specs
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power[Fire]
- Trick

This Pokemons Plays an important role in the team it can trap and trick chansey and other stallers. Psychic a STAB move which can do more damage to mega venusaur than psyshock etc. ThunderBolt is used to kill flying pokemons like skarmory etc and water types like gyarados etc.HP fire can kill ferro and scizor.

Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pursuit
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch

This is the pursuit trapper of my team it can pursuit trap alot of pokemons. knock off is a powerful STAB move. While Iron head is also a Mighty STAB move. Sucker punch has both priority and STAB which can be useful in the meta. Defiant is an awesome ability against defog and lando-Ts,etc.

Keldeo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
Evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Secret sword
-Icy wind

At last I saw that I need check for greninja,lando-t etc,so I added keldeo.
Scald is a STAB move + it can burn the foe, Hydro Pump is a powerful STAB which can destroy a lot of things. Secret Sword is also a STAB move and the best thing it does damage in defense. At last Icy Wind to ko lati twins or to decrease their speed so that somebody can check that further.
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Hey charlix, What about posting a importable of your team.

By the way you have made too many mistakes in your team which are described below point wise :-

1) You should use adamant nature for your excadrill because in sandstorm it can out speed any pokemon in entire tier so there no use of jolly nature and with adamant nature it becomes more powerful.

2) If you want to trap and kill stallers like chansey then rest is must. You must put rest on your gothitelle otherwise you can't heal yourself. You should use choice scarf instead of choice specs because this will help you to kill high speed killers like gengar etc with psychic and respectively. You should use psychic instead is psyshock as there is no use of psyshock. I know you have put it for chansey but you can manage it with trick and rest and psychic deals more damage. You should change its move set a little bit which is follow-

Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt / Energy Ball
- Rest
- Trick

3) For bisharp you should use same thing as suggested for excadrill. As you have no need of speed as you have priority attack which is sucker punch. Use adamant nature on it

Your team has more weakness but I am in a hurry so I will post it later when I have time.

Okay bye. Lol...
Hey charlix, What about posting a importable of your team.
^ I approve of this ^
By the way you have made too many mistakes in your team which are described below point wise :-

1) You should use adamant nature for your excadrill because in sandstorm it can out speed any pokemon in entire tier so there no use of jolly nature and with adamant nature it becomes more powerful.

2) If you want to trap and kill stallers like chansey then rest is must. You must put rest on your gothitelle otherwise you can't heal yourself. You should use choice scarf instead of choice specs because this will help you to kill high speed killers like gengar etc with psychic and respectively. You should use psychic instead is psyshock as there is no use of psyshock. I know you have put it for chansey but you can manage it with trick and rest and psychic deals more damage. You should change its move set a little bit which is follow-
Psyshock lets it get around AV Conkeldurr more effectively, which is problematic for the team. Additonally, Scarf Gothitelle is just too weak to do its job reliably, and Gengar isn't exactly something that Gothitelle should be trapping anyway: especially on a team with Pursuit Bisharp.
Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt / Energy Ball
- Rest
- Trick

3) For bisharp you should use same thing as suggested for excadrill. As you have no need of speed as you have priority attack which is sucker punch. Use adamant nature on it
Bisharp needs to run max speed to outpace a variety of defensive threats like M-Venu, Landorus-T and Rotom-W, as you really don't want to be relying on sucker punch vs them due to the former's Leech Seed and the latter's Will-O-Wisp, while the ability to OHKO defensive Landorus-T on switch-in after a boost from Defog and Stealth Rock damage almost 100% of the time is huge (+3 252+ Atk Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Landorus-T: 325-384 (85.3 - 100.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock): especially considering how it will most likely have taken damage from Stealth Rock more than once, increasing that chance to 100% instead of near 100%. It can't OHKO defensive Landorus-T under those conditions with Sucker Punch (+3 252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Landorus-T: 270-318 (70.8 - 83.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery), and being overly reliant on it creates way too many opportunities to give it a free switch, and then not being able to outpace and OHKO while being OHKO'd in return with Earthquake means that Landorus-T is still living while your main wallbreaker, defog-discouraging 'mon and semi-reliable cleaner. Speaking of cleaning, it can't do it reliably without running max speed as it makes it overly reliant on the unreliable Sucker Punch. wow I said WAYYY more than I thought I would for that one
Your team has more weakness but I am in a hurry so I will post it later when I have time.

Okay bye. Lol...
comments in bold below their respective parts.
Hey charlix, What about posting a importable of your team.

By the way you have made too many mistakes in your team which are described below point wise :-

1) You should use adamant nature for your excadrill because in sandstorm it can out speed any pokemon in entire tier so there no use of jolly nature and with adamant nature it becomes more powerful.

2) If you want to trap and kill stallers like chansey then rest is must. You must put rest on your gothitelle otherwise you can't heal yourself. You should use choice scarf instead of choice specs because this will help you to kill high speed killers like gengar etc with psychic and respectively. You should use psychic instead is psyshock as there is no use of psyshock. I know you have put it for chansey but you can manage it with trick and rest and psychic deals more damage. You should change its move set a little bit which is follow-

Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt / Energy Ball
- Rest
- Trick

3) For bisharp you should use same thing as suggested for excadrill. As you have no need of speed as you have priority attack which is sucker punch. Use adamant nature on it

Your team has more weakness but I am in a hurry so I will post it later when I have time.

Okay bye. Lol...
Sorry I posted wrong,drill is adamant
Jolly bisharp works its fine.
I don't want to trap and kill chansey I just want to trick it,then any pokemon can kill it easily
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I am back ,
Your threat list is as follow :-

1) Crawdunt

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 717-847 (241.4 - 285.1%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 380-447 (90.4 - 106.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 884-1045 (244.8 - 289.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Choice Specs Gothitelle: 598-707 (198.6 - 234.8%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 707-832 (259.9 - 305.9%)

-252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 192-227 (59.2 - 70%)
Lol sweeps whole team. After a dragon dance it is unstoppable.

2) Azumarill (Choice Band)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 582-686 (195.9 - 230.9%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 306-362 (72.8 - 86.1%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 714-842 (197.7 - 233.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Gothitelle: 280-330 (93 - 109.6%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 952-1124 (350 - 413.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 584-690 (180.2 - 212.9%)

I am tired so I am directly writing their name -

-Latios (Choice Specs with surf)
-Heracross Mega
-Mega Sharpendo
-Mega Pinsir
and many more like mega medichamp with ice.
You can check out this on

As you can see your team is too weak to water types I suggest you to add amoonguss which can check many threats to your team like keldeo, sharpendo, azumarill, and many water types. You can use it instead of gothitelle.

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Foul Play
Hi! I see your team is slightly based around sand, so why do you run Hippowdon AND Charizard Y?
When he megas, your sand is canceled out.

Instead of Hippowdon, I would actually run Tyranitar so you can get Stealth Rock up easily. Here's a set you could use.

Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Sp Def / 96 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Pursuit/Crunch
- Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Earthquake
- Thunder Wave/ Ice Beam

That's the set that I usually use for a bulky set up Tyranitar. I believe it will help your team more than Hippowdon will.
Other than that, your team is pretty good. Good luck with it.

Hope it helps.
Hey dude i see that on your Bisharp's item is Life Orb, run Black Glasses over Life Orb because the role of Life Orb is to bring of the power of all of the moves of Bisharp like that you can sweep all the opposing team with Swords Dance while han Black Glasses can be used to avoid recoil while still boosting Bisharp's more commonly used Dark-type moves
I am back ,
Your threat list is as follow :-

1) Crawdunt

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 717-847 (241.4 - 285.1%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 380-447 (90.4 - 106.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 884-1045 (244.8 - 289.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Choice Specs Gothitelle: 598-707 (198.6 - 234.8%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 707-832 (259.9 - 305.9%)

-252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 192-227 (59.2 - 70%)
Lol sweeps whole team. After a dragon dance it is unstoppable.

2) Azumarill (Choice Band)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 582-686 (195.9 - 230.9%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 306-362 (72.8 - 86.1%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 714-842 (197.7 - 233.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Gothitelle: 280-330 (93 - 109.6%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 952-1124 (350 - 413.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 584-690 (180.2 - 212.9%)

I am tired so I am directly writing their name -

-Latios (Choice Specs with surf)
-Heracross Mega
-Mega Sharpendo
-Mega Pinsir
and many more like mega medichamp with ice.
You can check out this on

As you can see your team is too weak to water types I suggest you to add amoonguss which can check many threats to your team like keldeo, sharpendo, azumarill, and many water types. You can use it instead of gothitelle.

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Foul Play
My keldeo is faster than craw after a dragon dance 2.
So crawdaunt isn't a problem
And what should I remove for ammonguss?
I am back ,
Your threat list is as follow :-

1) Crawdunt

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 717-847 (241.4 - 285.1%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 380-447 (90.4 - 106.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 884-1045 (244.8 - 289.4%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Choice Specs Gothitelle: 598-707 (198.6 - 234.8%)

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 707-832 (259.9 - 305.9%)

-252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 192-227 (59.2 - 70%)
Lol sweeps whole team. After a dragon dance it is unstoppable.

2) Azumarill (Choice Band)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 582-686 (195.9 - 230.9%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 306-362 (72.8 - 86.1%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 714-842 (197.7 - 233.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Gothitelle: 280-330 (93 - 109.6%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 952-1124 (350 - 413.2%)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Choice Scarf Keldeo: 584-690 (180.2 - 212.9%)

I am tired so I am directly writing their name -

-Latios (Choice Specs with surf)
-Heracross Mega
-Mega Sharpendo
-Mega Pinsir
and many more like mega medichamp with ice.
You can check out this on

As you can see your team is too weak to water types I suggest you to add amoonguss which can check many threats to your team like keldeo, sharpendo, azumarill, and many water types. You can use it instead of gothitelle.

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Foul Play

Hey sid most of these "threats " that you say are easily handled.by charilax team. For example charizard y solarbeams all the water types you just mentioned. Latios is handled by bisharp with Sucker Punch and pursuit. Moreover most of the latitwins run life orb and don't carry surf. The only problematic threat is mega cross which also can be KOed by Zard Y.

And for charilax as Sparkl3y said t-tar is a better sand setter than Hippowdon. Amd Zard Y kinda goes against the team as it cancels the sand. You could run Zard X instead.

Hope I helped glhf battling
Hey sid most of these "threats " that you say are easily handled.by charilax team. For example charizard y solarbeams all the water types you just mentioned. Latios is handled by bisharp with Sucker Punch and pursuit. Moreover most of the latitwins run life orb and don't carry surf. The only problematic threat is mega cross which also can be KOed by Zard Y.

And for charilax as Sparkl3y said t-tar is a better sand setter than Hippowdon. Amd Zard Y kinda goes against the team as it cancels the sand. You could run Zard X instead.

Hope I helped glhf battling
Than bro but I made this team around zardY I can manage the weather (I have experience about that :p) but replacing hippo will make my team mega pinsir weak and ttar isn't that defensive like hippo
And I have questions may I remove goth?
And may I give my bisharp black glasses?
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I am back ,
Your threat list is as follow :-

1) Crawdunt

- 252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 717-847 (241.4 - 285.1%)

2) Azumarill (Choice Band)

- 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 582-686 (195.9 - 230.9%)

-Latios (Choice Specs with surf)
-Mega Sharpedo
-Mega Pinsir
Mega Medichamp with ice.
You can check out this on

If Zard is out, sun drops water to .67x And your top 2 threats would be outspeed by him and 1(2)HKO'd by Solarbeam.
In sun: 252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Solar Beam vs. 0 HP / 252 SpD Choice Band Azumarill: 278-328 (81.5 - 96.1%)
48.4% - 57.2% from aqua jet.
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