Christmas Giveaway! [COMPLETE]

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Welcome to the Christmas Giveaway

What do you need to do:
- You can only post in this giveaway once and answer only once.
- You need to have access to the wifi to trade with me on pokemon X and Y.
- You can only try answering one of the four questions in this giveaway
- If you answer the question correctly, you get the pokemon of the giveaway - Snover
- If you answer the question wrong, you won't get the pokemon of the giveaway but you will receive a Chansey (so that way you or anybody won't feel like you have compete in the giveaway for nothing)
- These two pokemon, the Snover and the Chansey, are non-redistributable
- If you're confused about this giveaway and don't understand any of it because of the way how I worded info and the statements, just feel free to let me and I'll see if I can clarify it
- I haven't been in the giveaway section for a long time and I'm not used to some of the changes. So if I have done something that is against the rules or that violates the rules of the giveaway (even if I have read the rules) and I didn't pay close attention to it, just fill free to let me know and I'll try fixing it.
- Also, if you answer the question correctly, you can choose to the get either the Chansey or the Snover. :)

To the mods: I'll let you know when I'm ready to have this giveaway close. But if I haven't let any of you know before the 48 hours are over, you can close it. Thank you.

Pokemon Questions:
1.) Which one of Ash's Pokemon defeated Dragonite at the Orange League?
Answer: Pikachu - By SkylarGreen
2.) Which one of Ash's Pokemon defeated Darkrai at the Sinnoh League?
Answer: Sceptile - By Spydreigon
3.) What Pokemon did Santa Claus had when Ash, Misty, & Brock first met him?
Answer: Jynx - By havokchomp123
4.) What Pokemon can crush stones if it's fangs are harder than steel?
Answer: Gyarados - By Buckert
5.) What Pokemon did the Pokedex said is considered a Carnivore that eats any living thing including pokemon trainers?
Hint: You can find the answer on the episode when Ash's Charmeleon evolved into Charizard.
Answer: Aerodactyl - By ShadowE

~The Pokemon in this Giveaway~​


Diabolico's Snover (♀)
Nature: Quiet
OT: Henkyo
Ability: Snow Warning
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/00
EV's: UT
Moves: Mist
Who gets the Snover:
SkylarGreen - Received
ShadowE - Received

havokchomp123 - Received


Diabolico's Chansey (♀)
Nature: Calm
OT: Henkyo
Ability: Serene Grace
IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EV's: UT
Moves: Aromatherapy, Heal Bell, Counter, and Seismic Toss
Who gets the Chansey:
Spydreigon - will receive it tomorrow
Buckert - Received
Cloud_Motion - Received
Duetis - will receive it tomorrow

I hope you all enjoy it. Have fun. And MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D

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5) I recall something about Kyurem eating people :p

But Bellsprout is also carnivorous from what I recall, so I'd guess him or his evolutions.
3) I believe it was jynx if not mistaken

That is correct. ;)

havokchomp123 - you might want to add me to your follow list so that way I can send you a message to ask for your FC and which one of the two pokemon you wanted. If you rather not, you can edit your post on my giveaway so that way we won't spam in this giveaway. Thank you.

5) I recall something about Kyurem eating people :p

But Bellsprout is also carnivorous from what I recall, so I'd guess him or his evolutions.

I'm sorry but I'm afraid that's not the correct answer. :(
Good try though. ;)

But you will receive a chansey for competing. ;)

So for the next user who wants to try answering Question #5, I'll leave a friendly under the question in a minute.
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5.) What Pokemon did the Pokedex said is considered a Carnivore that eats any living thing including pokemon trainers?
An I able to compete or is to late because there are no more questions to answer :(
Also to question 5 is it omastar? I promise i didnt look at the answer
An I able to compete or is to late because there are no more questions to answer :(
Also to question 5 is it omastar? I promise i didnt look at the answer

I'm afraid it is over, Ozay. I'm sorry. :(

To the Mods - If you see this post, please close this thread. Thank you.
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