Tournament SPLC Commencement


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Hello and welcome to SPLC. Since the main SPL is lame and didn't include LC, we are having our own mini SPL. The slots are 3 ORAS / 1 Tangma / 1 BW2 / 1 DPP. prem will be hosting and sucks

The teams are
  • Happy Hoppips managed by Corporal Levi
  • Riolu Renegades managed by blarajan
  • Snivy Subterfuge managed by Jac
  • Aipom Army managed by Rowan #aipomarmy
  • Cottonee Crusaders managed by Goddess Briyella
  • Les Charpenti Terribles managed by QuoteCS
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Tirtougas managed by macle #tmnt
Players will sign up in a thread that will be posted after this. Managers will try out players and there will be a draft hopefully either the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th of January. There will be a scrub team comprised of players who did not get drafted so there will be 8 teams.


By request, logs of the event and formatted final teams with everyone's final prices. Congrats to all of you who were drafted, and best of luck to those who will end up on our 8th team!
Manager: Corporal Levi

Players: queenlucy (15k) / absdaddy (17k) / glassglaceon (20k) / thefenderstory (7.5k) / yagura (18.5k) / aerow (11k) / Aaron's Aron (3k) / Enki (3k) / Goao (3k) / Pancham (3k)
Manager: blarajan

Players: heysup (31.5k) / apt-get (18.5k) / galbia (5.5k) / kratosmana (10k) / atomicllamas (7.5k) / unfixable (4.5k) / -tsunami- (3k) / kavatika (3k) / danilo (3k) / tahu (3k) / dice (3k) / pdc (3k) / Tomahawk (3.5k)
Manager: Jac

Players: catcherandtherai (12k) / mambo (30k) / vileman (19k) / fatty (20k) / little gk (9k) / praj.pran (5k) / Splashyship (5k)
Manager: Rowan

Players: obvious power (28 bids, 31.5k) / zeriloa (17k) / amaura (7.5k) / ZoroarkForever (7k) / the avalanches (5k) / sken (5k) / laurel (8k) / d4rr3n (3.5k) / chieliee (7.5k) / mylo xyloto (3.5k) / Celsius (3k)
Manager: Goddess Briyella

Players: the unlucky one (18k) / hawkstar (26.5k) / water drone (5k) / superpowerdude (12.5k) / boo836 (8k) / innovamania (4k) / eren yeager (5k) / raseri (6k) / sparktrain (4k) / asterya (3k) / Steeljackal<3 (3k) / sparkychild (4k)
Manager: QuoteCS

Players: cxinlee (16k) / ggggd (12k) / melonz (13k) / litchi (7k) / Kingmidas (7.5k) / draconinja (7.5k) / fiend hound (6.5k) / tricking (8k) / omastar42 (3.5k) / iss (12k) / sanosuke (3k) / prime legionnaire (3k)
Manager: macle

Players: fitzy72 (21k) / Calloflochie (22k) / sweep (11k) / Artemisa (16k) / flcl (13k) / lasagna (3k) / Pako (4k) / Vermillion Project (3k) / blood totem (3k) / Imanalt (4k)
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join #aipomarmy if you wanna try out vs me

e: if I know you and played you before don't bother tbh, more directed at people who i have no idea if they're good or not
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Find me on IRC in #♥♥♥ to tryout for Cottonee Crusaders!