Widdly's Wunderbares Warehouse {closed}

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I just need to get it cloned and probably should be able to trade tonight, unless you can clone it for me? (Nvm about the cloning, $teele has volunteered to do it for me so I should be able to trade anytime tonight).
Yeah I can't clone either way :( should be done EVing Bulba shortly so whenever you want to trade will be great.
Nature: Impish | Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, Earthquake, U-Turn
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
OT: Trogdor | ID: 02272
Level 40 UT
hi im interested in this pokemon

I got a competitive shiny Lapras in a Moon ball and a shiny competitive Scizor in a sport ball,I also have a shiny snorlax in a heavy ball
all these pokemon are flawless
If you are interested,hit me up and ill give you more details
I absolutely adore your Safari Mence. I don't have enough to reopen my trade thread yet but I can offer a
31/31/31/30/31/31 Bold Latias or a 31/31/31/x/30/31 Rayquaza from ORAS. I can also offer you some 5th gen Pokemon like flawless Keldeo or a shiny project.
I absolutely adore your Safari Mence. I don't have enough to reopen my trade thread yet but I can offer a
31/31/31/30/31/31 Bold Latias or a 31/31/31/x/30/31 Rayquaza from ORAS. I can also offer you some 5th gen Pokemon like flawless Keldeo or a shiny project.
Is the Latias ORAS born? Otherwise might like a Keldeo since the only one I have is HP ghost = useless in the meta.
Would you be interested in trading one of your 5IV froakies with protean for a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marill that knows Belly Drum/Aqua Jet and has huge power?
I'm interested in that cool Jolly Landorus you just got, can you nickname it? I can give you the Bold Cleffa you requested earlier in return.
Not sure on the redis... probs gonna make it no-redis for the time being but might change it up in the future. Also I'm interested in your OR tornadus, I'll let you know when I have clones of Lando

Oh I was really interested in it being semi-redis that way I can SR for a Adamant/Impish one and offer both offensive/defensive Lando on my thread. Oh well let me know when you can trade :)
CMT for the Landorus I can breed these pokemon from the breeding section, I won't do the others right now.

  • Dive Ball: Omanyte, Cranidos, Anorith, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Tirtouga, Burmy Hoppip, Wingull, Nidoran,Mantine, Carvanha, Feebas, Frillish, chinchou, clamperl, Wailmer and Blue Basculin
  • Heal Ball: Lileep, Omanyte, Cranidos, Karrablast, Aerodactyl, Carvanha, Alomomola, Miltank and Sentret
  • Nest Ball: Lileep Hoppip, Minun, Wingull and Kabuto
  • Net Ball: Blue Basculin,Goldeen, Anorith, Cranidos and Tirtouga
  • Great Ball: Cranidos, Zubat, Taillow, Anorith and Karrablast
  • Ultra Ball: Shieldon
  • Repeat Ball: Darumaka, Goldeen and Plusle
  • Timer Ball: Anorith, Cranidos, Aerodactyl, Shieldom, Shelmet and Karrablast
  • Premier Ball: Anorith, Aerodactyl, Aron, Plusle, Shieldon, Shelmet, Karrablast, Feebas, Meowth, Buneary, Glameow, Relicanth, Boufallant, Skitty, Sentret, Kabuto and Darumaka
  • Dusk Ball: Anorith, Carvanha Aerodactyl, Taillow, Tirtouga and Shelmet
  • Quick Ball: Aerodactyl, Carvanha, Minun, Anorith, Omanyte, Burmy and Shieldon.
  • Cyndaquil: Dive, Great, Timer, Repeat, Nest, Ultra and Premier
  • Totodile: Dive, Great, Net, Nest and Premier
  • Chikorita: Dive, Nest, Repeat, Ultra and Premier
  • Level Ball : Cubone, Doduo, Electabuzz, Hoothoot, Kangaskhan, Magikarp, Onix, Phanpy, Rhyhorn, Smeargle, Stanler, Sudowoodo, Makuhita, Numel, Spoink, Combee, Burmy,Spinda and Slakoth
  • Love Ball : Caterpie, Clefairy, Delibird, Jigglypuff, Burmy, Lickitung, Slugma, Chatot, Makuhita and Meditite
  • Moon Ball : Caterpie, Girafarig, Growlithe, Mantine, Miltank, Pidgey, Clamperl, Swablu, Burmy, Whishcash and Buizel.
  • Fast Ball : Drowzee, Lickitung, Shuckle, Luvdisc, Remoraid.
  • Friend Ball : Farfetch'd, Smeargle, Stanler, Burmy and Taillow
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