Syclant (QC: 3/3) (GP 0/2)

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QC: 3/3
GP: 0/2


Syclant is a versatile mixed attacker thanks to its respectable base 116 Attack, base 114 Special Attack and its great base 121 Speed tier, leaving Syclant outsped only by Stratagem, some speedy Mega Evolutions, and a few others. Syclant's Mountaineer is a unique ability enabling it to be immune to Rock-type moves when switching in, which grants Syclant a greatly appreciated immunity to Stealth Rock. Overall, Syclant is able to function as an effective revenge killer, and its access to different boosting moves provides a bit of a guessing game for the opponent. However, Syclant suffers from a poor defensive typing and is quite frail and taken out by many forms of priority. Syclant struggles to defeat many dedicated walls and is often stretched thin when trying to set up. Overall, Syclant's offensive prowess is notable not for its sheer power but for its great speed and versatility.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Bug Buzz / U-turn
move 3: Earthquake / Earth Power
move 4: Superpower / Spikes
item: Life Orb
ability: Mountaineer
nature: Naive
evs: 12 Atk / 244 SpA / 252 Spe

Ice Beam is Syclant's most reliable offensive option, as it hits common Pokemon such as Cyclohm and Tomohawk for massive damage. Bug Buzz is Syclant's strongest Bug-type STAB move, and its ability to hit through Substitute is extremely useful. It also provides decent coverage against common CAP Pokemon such as Aurumoth. U-turn is a safe scouting move that can deal sufficient damage thanks to STAB. Earthquake and Earth Power are both coverage moves and do a good amount of damage to Heatran, Mollux, and other Fire-types. Earthquake is often better for use against specially defensive Mollux and Heatran, though Earth Power can hit Plasmanta harder. Superpower is great to use against Tyranitar and Chansey, while Spikes punishes the opponent for switching.

Set Details
The EVs here are distributed in maximum speed, enough attack to 2HKO Chansey with Superpower, and the rest is in Special Attack. Life Orb gives Syclant a bit of extra power, which compensates its mediocre offensive stats. Mountaineer is Syclant's best ability in conjunction with scouting and switching via U-turn, as it enables Syclant to be immune to Stealth Rock. The Naive nature is to preserve Syclant's offensive stats while outspeeding Pokemon like Cawmodore, which can KO Syclant if using other natures.

Usage Tips
This set functions the best after Pokemon with priority are removed. Due to Syclant's bad defenses, never send it out on a hit if it isn't resisted, and it should usually be brought in to revenge kill, or by a slow U-Turn or Volt-Switch.

Team Options
Any bulky Pokemon which resists common priority (such as Cyclohm) can be a very good teammate for Syclant. Pokemon that benefit from Syclant's ability to defeat Dragon, Dark, Psychic, etc types, such as Mollux and Plasmanta are good teammates. Pokemon with Heal Bell like Cyclohm and Sylveon can provide support in case Syclant is crippled by paralysis. Lastly, Pokemon that resist the Fire and Rock moves that target Syclant, such as Colossoil and Arghonaut, make good partners as well. Slow U-Turn users like Colossoil, Mega Scizor, and Rotom-Wash are also appreciated as partners, as it allows Syclant to switch in safely.

name: Mixed Sash
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: U-Turn
move 3: Ice Shard / Spikes
move 4: Earthquake / Earth Power
item: Focus Sash
ability: Mountaineer
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Ice Beam is Syclant's reliable Ice STAB, and U-Turn gives nice momentum against Chansey and other formidable forces. Ice Shard and Spikes can be used to play around with Sucker Punch Colossoil. Ice Shard is a useful priority move that makes revenge killing even easier, and it can target threats such as Landorus-Therian and even net damage against Prankster Tomohawk before it uses Roost. Spikes can specifically be used to set up an entry hazard when Syclant is lowered to its sash and can't do much more. Earthquake and Earth Power are Syclant's best coverage that can hit many Fire and Electric types. Earthquake hits the more specially defensive Mollux and Heatran, whereas Earth Power is usually better against Plasmanta.

Set Details
Focus Sash is for surviving strong hits with 1 HP, while Mountaineer is for the extremely useful immunity to Stealth Rock. Syclant's EVs maximize Special Attack and Speed in order to make maximize its capability's as a revenge killer. An alternate EV spread of 88 Atk / 158 SpA / 252 Spe can be used in order to OHKO Heatran with Earthquake after Stealth Rock damage. A Naive nature is for outspeeding Pokemon like Cawmodore who would otherwise easily KO Syclant, with the added benefit of letting Syclant attack with both physical and special moves.

Usage Tips
Due to its bad defenses, Syclant should not be switched in against an unresisted hit, and should only be brought in via a slow U-Turn or Volt Switch or to revenge kill. This set can act as an emergency check to a set-up sweeper, and always survive with one HP and retaliate, unless there are spikes on the field or Syclant has previously been damaged in some other way. As a result, preserving Syclant's sash is extremely valuable. If running Spikes, this set also proves sufficient as a suicide lead.

Team Options
As U-Turn can gain good momentum against Chansey, Syclant pairs well with Gothitelle (as it can trap Chansey and Trick it or damage it). Syclant greatly appreciates the support from Rapid Spinners or Defoggers (like Tomohawk, Kitsunoh, Colossoil, Zapdos, Skarmory) as they can remove Spikes that would break Syclant's Focus Sash. Cyclohm and Chansey can take attacks from speedy threats such Talonflame and Stratagem. Syclant's ability to defeat Psychic and Dragon types is in turn appreciated by Pokemon such as Mollux. Slow U-Turn or Volt Switch users such as Mega Scizor and Rotom-Wash are greatly appreciated as well.

name: Tail Glow
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Earth Power
item: Focus Sash / Babiri Berry
ability: Mountaineer
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Tail Glow gives Sylcant a massive Special Attack boost, which quickly turns it into a specially offensive threat. Bug Buzz is the most powerful Bug move Syclant learns, and it's notable for hitting through substitute as well. Ice Beam is Syclant's reliable Ice STAB that can deal a solid amount of damage to many Pokemon like Tomohawk and Cyclohm. Earth Power is Syclant's coverage move to deal with Pokemon like Heatran or Mollux, which would otherwise wall it.

Set Details
Focus Sash enables Syclant to have greater set up opportunities, whereas Babiri Berry is only notable for making sure that Cawmodore doesn't come in and KO with Bullet Punch after Syclant has set up. Mountaineer is for the extremely handy immunity to Stealth Rocks to preserve the Focus Sash, and the EV spread is maximum Special Attack and Speed. A Timid nature allows Syclant to outspeed Cawmodore and foes with 120 base speed, such as Alakazam.

Usage Tips
Before sending out Syclant, be sure to eliminate any Pokemon which may have a priority move or a paralyzing move as both can cripple Syclant and stop its sweep. Syclant proves efficient as a wallbreaker with this set, and it can potentially 2HKO Chansey after two Tail Glows. This set can also act as an emergency check to an opposing set-up sweeper, allowing Syclant to survive with one HP thanks to Focus Sash and retaliate.

Team Options
A good partner for Syclant is any Pokemon that can handle common priority moves such as Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet, or Talonflame's Brave Bird; in this regard Cyclohm makes a great partner. Cyclohm and other Heal Bell users, and even Wish passers, can help rid Syclant of crippling status or restore Syclant to full HP in order to keep a Focus Sash useful. Rapid Spinners or Defoggers (Colossoil, Skarmory, etc) can get rid of Spikes are also great partners. Gothitelle is also useful, as it can cripple special walls like Chansey by tricking its choice item.

Other Options
Ice Punch may be considered as a replacement for Ice Shard on the mixed sets, but the fact that it leaves Syclant without priority is pretty detrimental. Focus Blast may be considered instead of Earth Power, as it has high power along with the ability to hit threats such as Stratagem. Compound Eyes is not as useful as Mountaineer in most situations, but it at least makes the more powerful moves like Blizzard have reliable accuracy. Swords Dance is a usable move for Syclant for powering up its physical attacks, but it is generally outclassed by the other sets. Choice Band is also somewhat viable, as it makes U-turn quite powerful, but it can hinder Syclant's unpredictability. Hidden Power Fire may be used to damage Scizor on the switch, which is useful, but Syclant generally won't want to stay in against most Steel-types to start with.

Checks and Counters
**Priority**: Most powerful priority moves, such as Talonflame's Brave Bird and Scizor's Bullet Punch, can easily defeat Syclant if its sash is broken or seriously maim it otherwise.
**Paralysis**: Paralysis ruins Syclant's Speed, allowing many slower threats to outspeed and KO it easily.
**Arghonaut**: Arghonaut can wall Syclant thanks to resistances to its STAB types. This in turn allows Arghonaut precious time to set up.
**Faster Sweepers**: Stratagem and other faster Pokemon (including scarfed Pokemon) can KO Syclant by outspeeding and taking advantage of Syclants frail defenses.
**Special Walls**: Special walls like Chansey and Sylveon tank most of Syclant's moves, and can then proceed to stall or damage it. However, Chansey needs to watch out for Superpower variants, and Tail Glow set up can let Syclant overpower most special roadblocks.
**Bulky Attackers**: Kyurem-B, Keldeo, Azumarill and similar attackers can survive a hit from Syclant and KO back. However, Kyurem-B needs to watch out for Superpower variants.
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You have no Other Options section and your checks and counters list is very inadequate/vague. Priority users in general could replace your last slot in checks/counters rather than keeping your current wording. Paralysis universally screws over syclant, so adding that somewhere is needed. Definitely elaborate on your special/physical walls comment and provide some specific examples.

I'll check back in on this later.
You have no Other Options section and your checks and counters list is very inadequate/vague. Priority users in general could replace your last slot in checks/counters rather than keeping your current wording. Paralysis universally screws over syclant, so adding that somewhere is needed. Definitely elaborate on your special/physical walls comment and provide some specific examples.

I'll check back in on this later.

Thanks, I edited the parts that you mentioned.
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Ok, to be honest, while I have never thought Syclant has been that great in the 6th gen meta, I do think it definitely has uses. With that said, I have always believed Tail Glow to be the most overhyped thing ever, and actually a pretty bad set for Syclant. While I'm sure that some other people will disagree, the fact is, Syclant, beyond being frail, is also ridiculously vulnerable to priority. In my experience, against quality players, the best TG Syclant ever does is get a 1 for 1 trade.

Furthermore, as just a general note, I have never been enamored with Focus Sash as an item for Syclant. It is only functional if it comes in after a KO, and is totally useless if Spikes, Toxic Spikes or Sandsorm is on the field. Mountaineer is a nice ability, but it is no Magic Guard, and really should not be played as if it is.

While I will not say I recommend removing or changing anything without at least hearing from some other people first, it has always been my opinion that Syclant is far more useful as a Life Orb revenge killer with 4 Attacks than as a sweeper in its own right. My preferred set has always been Ice Beam/Bug Buzz/Earth Power/Superpower.
In my opinion, there needs to be an all-out attacker set, as Syclant is definitely functional without a boosting move. The current Tail Glow and Swords Dance sets rely on opposing priority users and faster mons being gone as well as there being no Spikes/Sand, or else Syclant is getting no more than one KO. I'm gonna suggest adding this mixed set, similar to the one jas uses

Syclant @ Life Orb
Ability: Mountaineer
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- Bug Buzz
- Earthquake / Earth Power
- Superpower / Spikes

Basically, this functions as an excellent revenge killer with its high speed and Life Orb boosted attacks. Ice Beam and Bug Buzz are Syclant's strongest STAB options. Earthquake is usually better than Earth Power since it secures the OHKO on Heatran and hits Mollux harder. However, Earth Power can hit things like Krilowatt harder. Superpower nabs the OHKO on Ttar and 2HKOs Chansey. Spikes is a viable alternative since Syclant forces a lot Pokemon out, and punishes the opponent for switching.

Compound Eyes definitely needs a mention in Other Options since Syclant has some moves to make good use of it (Blizzard, Focus Blast, Stone Edge)
Thats a Wallbreaker, not a stallbreaker
It is? Ok then, I'll edit stallbreaker to wallbreaker

In my opinion, there needs to be an all-out attacker set, as Syclant is definitely functional without a boosting move. The current Tail Glow and Swords Dance sets rely on opposing priority users and faster mons being gone as well as there being no Spikes/Sand, or else Syclant is getting no more than one KO. I'm gonna suggest adding this mixed set, similar to the one jas uses

Syclant @ Life Orb
Ability: Mountaineer
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- Bug Buzz
- Earthquake / Earth Power
- Superpower / Spikes

Basically, this functions as an excellent revenge killer with its high speed and Life Orb boosted attacks. Ice Beam and Bug Buzz are Syclant's strongest STAB options. Earthquake is usually better than Earth Power since it secures the OHKO on Heatran and hits Mollux harder. However, Earth Power can hit things like Krilowatt harder. Superpower nabs the OHKO on Ttar and 2HKOs Chansey. Spikes is a viable alternative since Syclant forces a lot Pokemon out, and punishes the opponent for switching.

Compound Eyes definitely needs a mention in Other Options since Syclant has some moves to make good use of it (Blizzard, Focus Blast, Stone Edge)

Ok, I'll edit this set in
Swords Dance is not a good set. You are much better off running a dragon dance or quiver dance pokemon that gains the speed. The best set that I think you do not have listed is the mixed set:

Syclant @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mountaineer
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Spikes/ice shard
- Earth Power

Spikes is nice because its one layer of hazards and can play around sucker punch from colossoil. Ice shard is annoying because it can finish off tomohawk or colossoil when they are low on health. U-turn gives nice momentum, especially when a chansey swaps in expecting tail glow. It partners very well with goth for this reason. Earth power hits mollux and heatran.

This is my recommendation.
Spark's Life Orb set is already mixed. Not sure if I like animus's of spark's mixed set more, but I've seen more sets that look like spark's. Might be possible to merge the two sets simply by slashing U-turn with Bug Buzz onto spark's Life Orb set.
I mean, Life Orb is ok, its just I like having the sash to live and be able to revenge. Especially with mega salamence, syclant with ice shard can break a sub, sash, and then ice shard again which does around half damage. I like U-turn for momentum, and while having bug buzz kills more psychic types and does much better against mega slowbro for instance, u-turn is just a preference for me.
Physical attacking is not bad, but generally the coverage granted by a SD set is fairly mediocre. I personally think it is more of something for Other Options than anything else. Similarly, when it comes to Physical attacking, I actually think Choice Band is a fairly decent set. Again, probably only good enough for an OO mention, but when it comes to physical attacking, immediate power behind your priority and your U-Turn are greatly appreciated.

On a different note, it is absolutely crucial to mention Rapid Spinners/Defoggers as partners if you are going to use any Focus Sash sets. Immunity to SR is nice, but Spikes utterly ruin the entire point of the item if you cannot clear them. While I personally think Sash is not that great of an item to begin with (LO 4 Attacks the best :p), if you are going to run it, you have to support it. Simply counting on your opponent not having spikes is going to cost you far too many games to ever be worth it.
One of the major roadblocks that is preventing me from QCing this is that you still have Tail Glow listed as the first set. If you're adamant about keeping it, then move it to the last slot and slash Babiri Berry in the item slot to help take a +0 Caw Bullet Punch (at least spikes won't break Babiri). Additionally, your checks and counters list should have some level of explanation for each threat.
One of the major roadblocks that is preventing me from QCing this is that you still have Tail Glow listed as the first set. If you're adamant about keeping it, then move it to the last slot and slash Babiri Berry in the item slot to help take a +0 Caw Bullet Punch (at least spikes won't break Babiri). Additionally, your checks and counters list should have some level of explanation for each threat.

I would change the orders of the sets and place the mixed sash set on top because it sees the most use. I would put the LO last because I almost never see the life orb variant. Then I'll QC.
The reason syclant is good is because of its sash and it's ability to avoid rocks... Much better than LO imo.

Edit: I'm actually going to slightly retract what I said. Sashed is the best set when trying to use syclant solely as a momentum giver or as a Pokemon that can reliably sash a threat and revenge kill. LO is much better as an actual attacker as it facilitates ohkoes on many of the common cap Pokemon. The order here is fine, I would just note under the LO set that Syclant is most effective after super effective priority users have been eliminated. On that condition I will QC.

QC 2/3
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Just want to say I'm with HeaL on LO being the best item. Sash is very underwhelming as an item, since 1 HP Pokemon are very easy to revenge kill. As such, Sash users are much better suited to revenge kill themselves rather than sweep. Syclant is not bad at that job, certainly, and the mixed sash set is a perfect example of that. But unless you are using it in that manner, its really a waste of an item. I've always been pretty outspoken about saying that I think Tail Glow Focus Sash is a pretty bad set. I know the other QC people may disagree, but I have never used it successfully except against pretty bad players. Any time you are going offensive with Syclant, you are either cleaning up a team, or you are hitting and running. LO is a wonderful item for this, since it gives a nice power boost at the cost of durability (which is something that is irrelevant 95% of time). With that said, since I doubt I am going to convince anyone else to drop Tail Glow as a set, I don't really have any major comments on anything to change. Just wanted to state that opinion.
- Mention that its low defenses leave it quite susceptible to priority

Life Orb
- Change the EV spread to 12 Atk / 244 SpA / 252 Spe. The slight Attack investment ensures standard Chansey is 2HKOed by Superpower after Stealth Rock damage.

- Slash U-turn next to Bug Buzz, as this allows Syclant to scout throughout the match without fear of taking damage (besides LO)
- In addition to Heatran/Mollux, mention that EQ/Earth Power also provide coverage against Fire-types in general, as they resist Syclant's Ice/Bug STAB combination.

Set Details:
- Explanation of the item choice (Life Orb) and ability choice (Mountaineer) should go here as well. Even though it may seem obvious, it still needs to be explained here.
- Explanation of the EVs should be here as well (Speed is maximized, enough Attack to 2HKO Chansey w/ Superpower after Stealth Rock, rest put into Special Attack).

Usage Tips:
- Mention that its terrible bulk means it should never be switched directly in unless on a resisted hit; it should only be brought in as a revenge killer, or perhaps via a slow U-turn or Volt Switch.

Team Options:
- Even with EQ/Earth Power, Ground-types such as Colossoil and Landorus that can handle Fire- and Rock-types pair well with Syclant.
- Mention Heal Bell users such as Cyclohm, Chansey, and Sylveon, as they can tank strong hits aimed at Syclant, and heal it of crippling status. Cyclohm in particular pairs well, as it resists Flying-, Fire-, and Steel-type attacks, all of which Syclant despise.

Mixed Sash
- Instead mention that Ice Shard is useful for picking off weakened foes; it does diddly squat to Tomohawk w/out Life Orb.
- Make the fourth slot Earthquake / Earth Power, both have their merits

Set Details:
- Explain the item choice, ability, and EV spread.

Usage Tips:
- Avoid cross-referencing sets if possible
- Explain that this set can act as an emergency check to a setup sweeper, as it is guaranteed to tank one strong hit and retaliate, as long as Spikes aren't up.
- Explain that Syclant should not be switched in, and only brought in to revenge kill, or via slow U-turn/Volt Switch.

Team Options:
- Mention that Spikes removal is imperative to this set's success, and specific examples of Rapid Spin users (Colossoil, Tomohawk) and Defog users (Kitsunoh, Zapdos, Skarmory).

Tail Glow
Set Details:
- Explain Focus Sash, the ability, and the EV spread.

Usage Tips:
- Mention that it should be used as a late-game cleaner, after you have worn down the opposing team enough to sweep

Team Options:
- Gothitelle makes for a good partner to remove special walls such as Chansey.
- Mention some examples of Heal Bell users, as well as Rapid Spin / Defog users.

Other Options:
- Mention Hidden Power Fire to hit Scizor on the switch, as it doesn't really mind any of Syclant's other moves too much.

Checks and Counters:
- The Stratagem mention should be broadened to Faster Pokemon. Almost any faster Pokemon can act as a revenge killer to Syclant due to its pitiful defenses, examples being Stratagem, Mega Manectric, Mega Beedrill, as well as Choice Scarf users.
- Mention some common priority that Syclant fears under the priority section, such as Talonflame's Brave Bird and Scizor's Bullet Punch.
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