Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Are you sure, cause i think a perfect latios is gonna take a hell of a long time (already spent like 2 days)
You're going to (usually) have to spend a lot longer than that if you want a tradable/useable soft reset. Though if you're just using it for personal use you can have a bit lower standards. Still, you can do better than that.
Are you sure, cause i think a perfect latios is gonna take a hell of a long time (already spent like 2 days)
Yeah, I've been SRing for Latias for a month now. Pick a goal and stick to it, it helps

Edit: Of course I'm aiming for 30+ in all relevant stats, so I've thrown out a few with 4 30+ and a 27-29. It's all about what you want to keep

Edit2: Literally just got a 27-29/x/30-31/30-31/30-31/30-31 kill me now :/
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I'm looking for a 0 speed IV Ditto. I don't care what nature it is though my preference is towards Quiet or Brave.

I don't have much to trade except a shiny 5 IV Bagon and some 6 IV Dittos. The Bagon doesn't have Dragon Dance sadly but lol at least it's shiny?

Ditto (Nickname: Most TR)
OT: Most (23986)
(genderless) - brave - limber
EVs: UT (Lv. 63)

I can trade you this if you want. You don't need to give me anything valueable in return.
Just put a random mon on gts and request a lv. 60-70 ditto. I'll trade it to you asap.
Just let me know what poke you put up (preferably via vm).

Ditto (Nickname: Most TR)
OT: Most (23986)
(genderless) - brave - limber
EVs: UT (Lv. 63)

I can trade you this if you want. You don't need to give me anything valueable in return.
Just put a random mon on gts and request a lv. 60-70 ditto. I'll trade it to you asap.
Just let me know what poke you put up (preferably via vm).

THANK YOU. I've been catching Dittos all day and the results have been.... depressing.
alright another shiny legend mespirit this time the answer is probatly no but would it have any competetive use its nature is timid its ivs are

12 30 30 30 10 16
13 31 31 31 11 17
Does anyone have any suggestions on what my Tepig's 4th egg move should be? I have bred Body Slam, Curse and Sucker Punch onto it. I'm considering Heavy Slam and Yawn.
Looking for a Protean Froakie with Hidden Power Fire, contact me via PM if you've got that, I have many 5 IVs Pokemon and even some Flawless ones
I have some with HP Fire, they aren't perfect though. You can have one for free if you'd like, just leave a message on my profile.
What's the most efficient way to SR for Calm Thundurus? I already know it's max possible stats for Calm Nature is: 154 / x / 90 / 145 / 110 / 131

So far what I've been doing:
- I have the first pokemon, Gardevoir, with a Calm nature and Ability Synchronize, fainted.
- I lead off with Smeargle, with a speed stat of 130. This way I see if Thundurus' speed is 131.
- Use Spore. If Thundurus' goes first, it has a speed stat of 131 = 31 IV in Speed
- Switch into Staraptor, with a speed stat of 132 and HP Stat of 153, to use Final Gambit
Here's the problem, Thundurus' has a chance to use Agility before I spore it, allowing it to outspeed Staraptor and possibly wake up before Final Gambit.

Is this the most efficient way possible? Or is there something else more effective?
What's the most efficient way to SR for Calm Thundurus? I already know it's max possible stats for Calm Nature is: 154 / x / 90 / 145 / 110 / 131

So far what I've been doing:
- I have the first pokemon, Gardevoir, with a Calm nature and Ability Synchronize, fainted.
- I lead off with Smeargle, with a speed stat of 130. This way I see if Thundurus' speed is 131.
- Use Spore. If Thundurus' goes first, it has a speed stat of 131 = 31 IV in Speed
- Switch into Staraptor, with a speed stat of 132 and HP Stat of 153, to use Final Gambit
Here's the problem, Thundurus' has a chance to use Agility before I spore it, allowing it to outspeed Staraptor and possibly wake up before Final Gambit.

Is this the most efficient way possible? Or is there something else more effective?

If you have a second 3DS and a second game, you can use a Speed Power when Staraptor is out to put it's speed ahead (after giving it a Choice Scarf).
I have a question. So my male pokemon in the daycare has 4 egg moves. My female pokemon has 4 different egg moves. Would the offsprings have the female egg moves or the males. Also can riolu breed with another riolu I would think they can but considering there baby pokemon I just wanted to ask to make sure
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