General Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone, I'm Hydreigonvector and I just recently set up my account here. I've been playing Pokémon since Generation III, but have only started battling competitively since X and Y, although I've been interested in the competitive side for a long time and have been reading Smogon articles since Gen IV. I think I'm a somewhat decent player, although I'm definitely still learning and I can't build teams for the life of me. :P I definitely want to learn more about good teambuilding and competitive battling in general, and get to know more people who are into competitive battling.

Favourite Pokémon: Hydreigon (obviously) and Glalie (not so obviously)
Favourite Generation: Generation 3
Favourite Starter: Froakie
Favourite Type: Ice
Favourite Move: Leech Seed
What's up everyone, I'm Yukabacera, sometimes known as Nekizalb. I've been using Smogon as a resource for a looong time, but today finally decided to become an official member. I love competitive Pokemon because there really isn't another metagame like it -- and it still amazes me how I can relive my (early) childhood in Alpha Sapphire and play it as a casual player, then hop on Showdown and claw my way up the ladder (to like My current goal is to learn more about teambuilding, since that's really my weakness, and put together a stall team to annoy the heck out of friends and enemies ;)

Since everyone is doing it:
Favorite Pokemon: Blaziken (That avatar though...)
Favorite Generation: Gen III had better pokemon, but Gen IV had a better region, characters, and story.
Favorite Starter: Torchic
Favorite Type: Can't decide
Favorite Move: Sky Uppercut
Hey everyone, I'm Hydreigonvector and I just recently set up my account here. I've been playing Pokémon since Generation III, but have only started battling competitively since X and Y, although I've been interested in the competitive side for a long time and have been reading Smogon articles since Gen IV. I think I'm a somewhat decent player, although I'm definitely still learning and I can't build teams for the life of me. :P I definitely want to learn more about good teambuilding and competitive battling in general, and get to know more people who are into competitive battling.

Favourite Pokémon: Hydreigon (obviously) and Glalie (not so obviously)
Favourite Generation: Generation 3
Favourite Starter: Froakie
Favourite Type: Ice
Favourite Move: Leech Seed
Hey Hydreigonvector!
Do you by any chance know Spydreigon? Welcome to the Gen 3 club (if it existed :/ )! I would recommend visiting the rooms of the tiers you like to get an edge while battling in them. You can also PM a mentor if you would like some one on one tutoring in a specific tier. A mentor can also help with teambuilding; plus you can also go here for some more teambuilding help, and for information about the different tiers. Have fun battling!
What's up everyone, I'm Yukabacera, sometimes known as Nekizalb. I've been using Smogon as a resource for a looong time, but today finally decided to become an official member. I love competitive Pokemon because there really isn't another metagame like it -- and it still amazes me how I can relive my (early) childhood in Alpha Sapphire and play it as a casual player, then hop on Showdown and claw my way up the ladder (to like My current goal is to learn more about teambuilding, since that's really my weakness, and put together a stall team to annoy the heck out of friends and enemies ;)

Since everyone is doing it:
Favorite Pokemon: Blaziken (That avatar though...)
Favorite Generation: Gen III had better pokemon, but Gen IV had a better region, characters, and story.
Favorite Starter: Torchic
Favorite Type: Can't decide
Favorite Move: Sky Uppercut
Hey Yukabacera!
Glad you decided to join! As for Alpha Sapphire: I loved the original games and I also love the remakes! I also started as a casual player, but now I have started to edge a bit more towards the competitive side. Teambuilding skills can be improved by PMing a mentor and/or reading the guide I have linked to above. (As for stall teams and the people who use them..... :[ ).

As for the Favorite stuff, I think I'm gonna put mine in my signature! :D (Credits to Phantom0x0 for starting the trend!)
Hi, I'm D-Raven, I've been playing competitive from generation IV. I've been lurking on smogon for years and now I've finally signed up. I currently focus on Oras Ou but I've played pretty much every generation. You can often find me on PS though I use a lot of alts to test new teams. I'm not a very good builder and i tend to use some gimmick stuff ('til it works) because I don't like to play the same stuff over and over. I' m here to get better as a player and to become part of a much larger community
Nice to meet you all, feel free to ask me anything :)
Hi Guys

I'm Arthur and I'm 14 and from Christchurch. I played a ton of XY when it came out, and got really into it when I learnt about IV breeding etc. Because of the fact it's nigh impossible to get a legitimate 5/6iv legendary, I learnt about Showdown a few days ago, and really liked it. I was talking to a mod about how I can improve so he linked me here earlier today and now here I am.
Hi guys is there forum where I can ask people their opinons on one pokemon I've been thinking of making and see what they use or do I have to list 6 pokemon
Hi guys, I'm iArees, 19...first game pokemon gold, favourite game would be platinum. I'm a bit late on competitive battling. I've tried but wasn't that good.

So I'm here to learn more about competitive battling, really hope you guys can teach me a thing or two. Still playing x and y at the moment until i get my hands on oras. I heard about smogon while watching a video on competitive battling which lead me to here and i hope signing up would help me improve by interacting with you guys. So hi :)
Hi guys is there forum where I can ask people their opinons on one pokemon I've been thinking of making and see what they use or do I have to list 6 pokemon
Hey! There are many individual Pokemon discussion threads, as well as onsite analyses on Smogon, where you may find various movesets for Pokemon along with suitable teammates. If you have made a complete team, but wish to seek advice, the Rate My Team section is ideal for the purpose. Welcome to smogon, and feel free to ask myself or any other mentors questions that you might have!

Hi guys, I'm iArees, 19...first game pokemon gold, favourite game would be platinum. I'm a bit late on competitive battling. I've tried but wasn't that good.

So I'm here to learn more about competitive battling, really hope you guys can teach me a thing or two. Still playing x and y at the moment until i get my hands on oras. I heard about smogon while watching a video on competitive battling which lead me to here and i hope signing up would help me improve by interacting with you guys. So hi :)
Hi! For the very basics of battling, you may request a Mentor who mentors in the given tier. You can find the mentor list here. If you wish to have a more in-depth knowledge of the metagame, you should try signing up in the Battling 101 forum. Spots fill up very quickly, though, so make sure to sign up as quickly as possible.
Hello everyone guys!
I'm a 18, i'm a timd guy and i live in italy.
I've played "competitive" during 4th gen, but using trash team, but when i buy oras games i start "study" for a serius competition in games, and during this i found smogoon and i think that there i can improve my skills in teambuilding, breeding, traning ecc, and why not my English skills, becouse i can't speek English at all :-)
Hello everyone guys!
I'm a 18, i'm a timd guy and i live in italy.
I've played "competitive" during 4th gen, but using trash team, but when i buy oras games i start "study" for a serius competition in games, and during this i found smogoon and i think that there i can improve my skills in teambuilding, breeding, traning ecc, and why not my English skills, becouse i can't speek English at all :-)
Hi! Welcome to smogon! If you're looking to breed or Wi-Fi battle, you should probably check out the Wi-Fi subforum. Smogon offers Battling 101 programmes so you can improve your battling skills at a certain tier. You can also request a Mentor in this thread to teach you if you feel like you won't be able to commit to Battling 101. While we don't offer any way in particular that you can improve your English, regular speaking/posting definitely helps!
Hey, not exactly new since this account is a bit old, but very underwhelming post count so obv not that active

So I go by Deetrain on the showdown and im relatively new to competive...this is the first gen where I tried it out and I love it alot. Has become a very engaging hobby. Love OU by far my favorite tier. My favorite pokemon games have to be GSC for nostalgia but ORAS for overall greatness ( i think they got everything down pat).

My favorite pokemon is Conkeldurr (I'm aware of my typo in my account name :() just because hes so boss. I mostly play WIFI, and even have a YT channel with wifi content (linked in sig if interested). But i do ladder a bit on showdown, my peak is 1900 for OU, and Ive laddered succesfully for the past 2 ou supsects.

I like these forums because I love the discussion of the metagame , as well as many different sets and spreads mons can run.

I am trying to get a bit better at the game as its fun and very cool on the competitve side, so I'm hoping to get more involved in the forums, and hope i can be a positive member in some way.
Hey everyone. I'm CulDeSac, 21 and in the glorious USA.
Game wise, red version was my first video game ever. I've played just about every version of the main series. HG/SS is probably my favorite. Thing is, I've played them very casually until now. No EV training, no online, no breeding or anything. Now i'm getting the hang of it and looking to get competitive. Particularly in ORAS and XY online. Smogon is pretty awesome so far, I love the vast amount of hard data.
Otherwise, gaming, anime and reading take up the most of my time (as well as my delightful job.) I'm always up for conversation!
Hey everyone. I'm CulDeSac, 21 and in the glorious USA.
Game wise, red version was my first video game ever. I've played just about every version of the main series. HG/SS is probably my favorite. Thing is, I've played them very casually until now. No EV training, no online, no breeding or anything. Now i'm getting the hang of it and looking to get competitive. Particularly in ORAS and XY online. Smogon is pretty awesome so far, I love the vast amount of hard data.
Otherwise, gaming, anime and reading take up the most of my time (as well as my delightful job.) I'm always up for conversation!
gen 2 for the win!!! whats your friend code??
hey all i had a question, i'm not really new i posted here before i wanted to know which forum i could go to add peoples friend codes and look for trades.
I believe I put it on my profile. Honestly, I got AS before Y so I've got a decent team on there but I haven't done much online. Just kinda goofing off at the battle resort.
yea i started with red and had silver all the way upuntil black. then when ss came out thats where i made my first team. i traded my original team up from my old games so they wouldnt get unused.
hey all i had a question, i'm not really new i posted here before i wanted to know which forum i could go to add peoples friend codes and look for trades.
The Wi-Fi subforum is ideal for your needs.
gen 2 for the win!!! whats your friend code??
I believe I put it on my profile. Honestly, I got AS before Y so I've got a decent team on there but I haven't done much online. Just kinda goofing off at the battle resort.
yea i started with red and had silver all the way upuntil black. then when ss came out thats where i made my first team. i traded my original team up from my old games so they wouldnt get unused.
Although such discussions are encouraged, you should probably do this via VMs.
Hi Guys

I'm Arthur and I'm 14 and from Christchurch. I played a ton of XY when it came out, and got really into it when I learnt about IV breeding etc. Because of the fact it's nigh impossible to get a legitimate 5/6iv legendary, I learnt about Showdown a few days ago, and really liked it. I was talking to a mod about how I can improve so he linked me here earlier today and now here I am.
Hey Arthur Radley!
You can PM a mentor if you would like some help improving your competitive skills. In addition, if you like legendaries, try out the Ubers tier (if you haven't already) and see how you like it! Have fun!
Hey, not exactly new since this account is a bit old, but very underwhelming post count so obv not that active

So I go by Deetrain on the showdown and im relatively new to competive...this is the first gen where I tried it out and I love it alot. Has become a very engaging hobby. Love OU by far my favorite tier. My favorite pokemon games have to be GSC for nostalgia but ORAS for overall greatness ( i think they got everything down pat).

My favorite pokemon is Conkeldurr (I'm aware of my typo in my account name :() just because hes so boss. I mostly play WIFI, and even have a YT channel with wifi content (linked in sig if interested). But i do ladder a bit on showdown, my peak is 1900 for OU, and Ive laddered succesfully for the past 2 ou supsects.

I like these forums because I love the discussion of the metagame , as well as many different sets and spreads mons can run.

I am trying to get a bit better at the game as its fun and very cool on the competitve side, so I'm hoping to get more involved in the forums, and hope i can be a positive member in some way.
Hi Dee Train!
OU is also my favorite tier! :) Have you visited the "OverUsed" room in Showdown? It's a fun place to discuss the tier and strategies, etc. My favorite game is Emerald but I love ORAS, too. My peak in OU was NOWHERE NEAR yours (1420 I think :c ). If you have any questions, please ask away. Have a good time!
Hi could anybody give me a in-depth explanation about the smogons metorship/ help. I want to join but I have many questions.

-what is it
-do we have to pay
-where can I join
-how will it help me

I hope someone can anwser my questions because I'm interested in joining
I was looking for the general metagame discussion forum and found it :) some of my friends from showdown were telling me about the greninja suspect testing and I wanted to see what all the hullaballoo was about. That's actually why I made an account in the first place
If you're still confused be sure to check out the Smogon Primer!
Hi could anybody give me a in-depth explanation about the smogons metorship/ help. I want to join but I have many questions.

-what is it
-do we have to pay
-where can I join
-how will it help me

I hope someone can anwser my questions because I'm interested in joining
The Mentorship Program is where you get a mentor to help you with competitive battling and if you need other help such as getting around the forums. They help you build teams, predict, etc. Having a mentor help you out can teach you a lot about competitive battling, and I would recommend getting one to help you.
You do NOT have to pay. Everything is free here at Smogon! :D
You can usually get a mentor by visiting the "Competitive Tutoring" room in Showdown and PMing one and asking them to help you in a specific tier. You can also try by PMing one here at Smogon. Have fun and good luck!
Hello! I am FF9_ziddyT! I'm actually pretty new to the competitive scene, but I've already been hooked and playing since June! I make battle strategies for the Pokemons who people generally don't use that often. I've already posted a Swalot battle strategy. It's interesting in my opinion. XD
Hello! I am FF9_ziddyT! I'm actually pretty new to the competitive scene, but I've already been hooked and playing since June! I make battle strategies for the Pokemons who people generally don't use that often. I've already posted a Swalot battle strategy. It's interesting in my opinion. XD
Hey FF9_ZiddyT!
Welcome to Smogon! I love it when people are original with their Pokemon sets. :D If you have any questions, ask away; otherwise, have a great time making creative sets!