Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I am looking for a drillbur/excadrill with mold breaker. I can ofer 5 iv pokes or a breeding servise. The current 5iv pokes that i have are jolly gible with outrage jolly regenerator mienfoo with knock off and timid gastly, there are more but those are my best in my oppinion.
im looking for a 5iv male sneasle with fake out egg move
I am looking for a drillbur/excadrill with mold breaker. I can ofer 5 iv pokes or a breeding servise. The current 5iv pokes that i have are jolly gible with outrage jolly regenerator mienfoo with knock off and timid gastly, there are more but those are my best in my oppinion.
i have plenty of mold breaker drillburs. i can get you one for free. adamant or jolly? i need your fc. mine is in my sig
does anyone have a timid hp fire ditto? preferably 31/even/31/30/31/30 iv spread. I have a quiet 31/31/31/31/31/0 ditto I RNG'd for trade.
Keep or Toss? Does the Defense kill it? About to leave for 3 hours, so I'll plug in the 3DS and check back to see what people think.

Raikou - #243 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 26 - 27
Def: 24 - 25
SpA: 30
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Raikou - #243 (Timid) : 31 / 26 - 27 / 24 - 25 / 30 / 31 / 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Grass
Keep or Toss? Does the Defense kill it? About to leave for 3 hours, so I'll plug in the 3DS and check back to see what people think.

Raikou - #243 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 26 - 27
Def: 24 - 25
SpA: 30
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Raikou - #243 (Timid) : 31 / 26 - 27 / 24 - 25 / 30 / 31 / 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Grass
Toss for trade. Keep for personal.
Keep or Toss? Does the Defense kill it? About to leave for 3 hours, so I'll plug in the 3DS and check back to see what people think.

Raikou - #243 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 26 - 27
Def: 24 - 25
SpA: 30
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Raikou - #243 (Timid) : 31 / 26 - 27 / 24 - 25 / 30 / 31 / 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Grass
I might actually keep that it's pretty usable and almost perfect you will find some trade I'm sure.
Cool, ready when you are.
Thanks again bud :]. I had just realized I never had the items to breed on ORAS lol.

Keep or Toss? Does the Defense kill it? About to leave for 3 hours, so I'll plug in the 3DS and check back to see what people think.

Raikou - #243 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 26 - 27
Def: 24 - 25
SpA: 30
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Raikou - #243 (Timid) : 31 / 26 - 27 / 24 - 25 / 30 / 31 / 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Grass
Hmm, the Hidden power certainly makes it tough to decide. I would personally toss if you plan to trade it. It leaves too much room for someone to reset a better HP grass one.
So I ko'd groudon during the story because I thought I could reset for him again after the elite 4 but I just went to the cave of origin to start and he isn't I missing something?
Trying to reset for a good Latios on OR - if I have a fainted Timid Synchronise Ralts in the lead spot should Latios be the same nature? It doesn't seem to be working :-(
So I ko'd groudon during the story because I thought I could reset for him again after the elite 4 but I just went to the cave of origin to start and he isn't I missing something?

You might have to beat the E4 again, or complete the Delta Episode if you haven't already.
That sync rate is 100% only for in-game Lati@s (along with Cosplay Pikachu), the sync rate is the normal 50% for Eon Ticket Lati@s.

He's SRing the in-game Latios on Omega Ruby so that's not what's wrong. I remember I tried to use a fainted syncher lead too and it seemed to fail, it started working if the syncher wasn't fainted though.

When latios joins your party the synch has to be kept in the can't be the one you send to the pc

well this explained my problem... :$
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He's SRing the in-game Latios on Omega Ruby so that's not what's wrong. I remember I tried to use a fainted syncher lead too and it seemed to fail, it started working if the syncher wasn't fainted though.
I used a fainted Synch for the in-game Latios, and the only time it didn't work was when I mistakenly sent it back to the PC upon receiving Latios.
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