tigres n ducks (and other stuff) [new: hex flawless adamant totodile]

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Adamant Rock Head Bagon in Great Ball or Poke Ball (with Dragon Dance) 31/31/31/x/31/31 for the HP Ice Raikou?

the one in a great ball has dd right? if so then ya that works for me.

Hi, are you interested in any of these for your 5iv and/or HP Grass Raikou?
Lugia Bold 30/20-21/31/28-29/31/31
Latias Calm 31/4/28/31/31/31
Thundurus Timid 31/31/31/31/12-13/31
Terrakion Jolly 31/31/31/6-9/24-25/31
All except Latias were SR'd by me on my AS. Latias was SR'd by a friend on his AS. I can also offer a 31/31/31/31/31/31 female HA Skrelp in a Dive Ball with the egg move Play Rough. I'd rather do a skrelp + legend for your 5iv Raikou or a legend for the HP grass one.

ummm out of all of those i guess the lugia? i already have a skrelp so i'll do lugia for whichever raikou you'd prefer.
the one in a great ball has dd right? if so then ya that works for me.
Yes, in Great Ball with DD. I have Jolly ones ready but can start breeding for Adamant now. :)

Edit: Your female Adamant Rock Head Bagon 31/31/31/x/31/31 with DD in Great Ball is ready, can trade now!
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it's not quite Jolly Dream Ball, but would you be interested in this for a female Lure Ball Magikarp (only care about the ball. I'll do the IVs myself):

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Scrappy
EMs: Double-Edge / Hammer Arm / Counter / Foresight (lol)
I've got a X/31/31/31/31/31 spitback ready in my box, if you want me to continue to 5 or do Jolly I'll need more time ^^
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CMT for the HP Ice Raikou?

how about that regen alomomola for the kou?

Yes, in Great Ball with DD. I have Jolly ones ready but can start breeding for Adamant now. :)

Edit: Your female Adamant Rock Head Bagon 31/31/31/x/31/31 with DD in Great Ball is ready, can trade now!

i missed this since i was driving home from class but pm me on the forums or on IRC when/if you're around, i'll be around the rest of the night

it's not quite Jolly Dream Ball, but would you be interested in this for a female Lure Ball Magikarp (only care about the ball. I'll do the IVs myself):

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Scrappy
EMs: Double-Edge / Hammer Arm / Counter / Foresight (lol)
I've got a X/31/31/31/31/31 spitback ready in my box, if you want me to continue to 5 or do Jolly I'll need more time ^^

bruh i don't think you understand just how many straight flawless magikarp I have from masuda breeding, it's actually easier to give you one of those than it is to find a spitback lmao. the adamant spitback you have is fine w/ me ^_^

edit: also i added another excellent SReject kou to the OP, check it out if you enjoy my tears!
Hi, I'm interested in getting a female Pachurisu. Please CMT. I also have Heavy Ball Numel I plan to breed that hasn't made it on my thread yet. If you find more things you like, I'd also be interested in your Cresselia, but I only have breedables available...
Hi, I'm interested in getting a female Pachurisu. Please CMT. I also have Heavy Ball Numel I plan to breed that hasn't made it on my thread yet. If you find more things you like, I'd also be interested in your Cresselia, but I only have breedables available...

how about a heavy ball machop + nest ball chikorita for pachi + cress?
That actually would make it easier for me since it's only 25% female. Which ability would you prefer, Guts or No Guard?

Edit: Male or female Chikorita?

ability doesnt matter as I have ability capsules and neither are an HA. also idc about chikorita's gender, ik male is way easier to get.
Hi, CMT for the cool HP Ice Raikou pls. In case you don't see anything, I can easily breed you a Jolly Dream Ball Kangaskhan if you still need it.
Hi, CMT for the cool HP Ice Raikou pls. In case you don't see anything, I can easily breed you a Jolly Dream Ball Kangaskhan if you still need it.

that 4th gen stunky with sucker punch / defog looks pretty cool :]
ability doesnt matter as I have ability capsules and neither are an HA. also idc about chikorita's gender, ik male is way easier to get.
I'm working on breeding some EMs onto Machop (Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Ice Punch), so if you don't mind waiting a bit, I'll get you one with them. I'll let you know when everything's ready and I'm able to trade. I already have a Chikorita ready for you.
Hey, can you CMT for the 31/10/31/31/31/31 Cress?

how about that hp ice minun for the cress?

I'm working on breeding some EMs onto Machop (Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Ice Punch), so if you don't mind waiting a bit, I'll get you one with them. I'll let you know when everything's ready and I'm able to trade. I already have a Chikorita ready for you.

no rush, just pm me when they're both ready

tbh i seriously doubt those legends are legit; the odds you got a 6IV Jolly Shiny Landorus from a 6th gen game are so exceedingly low (4x10^-7%) that i can't accept it without either proof or reputation, and it appears you have neither. sorry :(
Hey, I'm trying to kill two birds with 1 stone, but ofc, the RNGesus looked at me and laughed. But since I just got a HP Ice Ditto, hopefully it'll be better.
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