Smogon Premier League VI - Week 4

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the Team Raiders vs the Circus Maximus Tigers

ORAS OU: Leftiez vs The DragonKnight
ORAS OU: Steve Angello vs sebixxl :heart:
ORAS Ubers: Melee Mewtwo vs Fireburn
ORAS UU: JeyTheGrey vs JabbaTheGriffin
ORAS RU: New Breed vs FAJI
ORAS NU: Dat Blast vs Soulgazer
ORAS Doubles: Mizuhime vs Lunar.
BW OU: Lyconik vs Thatsjustpeachy
DPP OU: Marshall.Law vs Fakes
ADV OU: kael vs undisputed
GSC OU: Bedschibaer vs Jorgen
RBY OU: The_Chaser vs Floppy

the Cryonicles vs the Wifi Wolfpack

ORAS OU: Reymedy vs Adam
ORAS OU: Living So Zambian vs Mencemeat
ORAS Ubers: malefic vs aim
ORAS UU: badabing vs radianthero156
ORAS RU: Spirit vs Calloflochie
ORAS NU: giara vs blunder
ORAS Doubles: kingofmars vs Soul_Survivor
BW OU: Ojama vs Shoka
DPP OU: Go10 vs Tamahome
ADV OU: BKC vs Danilo
GSC OU: Picollo vs Colchonero
RBY OU: Lutra vs The_Joker

the Indie Scooters vs the Firebot Falcons

ORAS OU: liberty32 vs Tesung
ORAS OU: Henry vs Toxzn
ORAS Ubers: Hack vs PROBLEMS
ORAS UU: IronBullet93 vs Bugzinator
ORAS RU: Windsong vs Pearl.
ORAS NU: RiCH HOMiE CA$ED vs meeps
ORAS Doubles: Lohgock vs TheFourthChaser
BW OU: Aqualouis vs High Impulse
DPP OU: Honor vs TV-Rocka
ADV OU: Alf' vs Golden Sun
GSC OU: Lavish Spawn vs Bomber92
RBY OU: Isa vs marcoasd

the Congregation of the Classiest vs the Alpha Ruiners

ORAS OU: ben gay vs Lady Bug
ORAS OU: chimpact vs PDC
ORAS Ubers: Jibaku vs steelphoenix
ORAS UU: Lowgock vs Meru
ORAS RU: Hikari vs Bouffalant
ORAS NU: FLCL vs iTeddeh
ORAS Doubles: Braverius vs idiotfrommars
BW OU: CTC vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Bad Ass vs august
ADV OU: adv vs dekzeh
GSC OU: Mr.E vs Tiba
RBY OU: Raish vs Hantsuki
good luck, sharks.
ORAS OU: Leftiez vs The DragonKnight - leftiez, is just too strong.
ORAS OU: Steve Angello vs sebixxl - frens n_n
ORAS OU: Reymedy vs Adam
ORAS OU: Living So Zambian vs Mencemeat
ORAS OU: liberty32 vs Tesung-too hot
ORAS OU: Henry vs Toxzn may the best win
ORAS OU: ben gay vs Lady Bug - ben 10!!!
ORAS OU: chimpact vs PDC - Again????????
ORAS OU: Inflikted vs Sinclair - should be a nice one
ORAS OU: Kevin Garrett vs Destiny Device-

ORAS UU: IronBullet93 vs Bugzinator
ORAS NU: giara vs blunder
BW OU: CTC vs SoulWind-best bw match in this season
ORAS Ubers: Jibaku vs steelphoenix-go steeljackal *-*

ORAS NU: blarajan vs Finchinator-@_@

rby lmao

activity bull

concerning my game vs hack - I stated to him monday I was definitely unable to play on the weekend. Now, I've been active and online every day since monday and now its Thursday i should be online for a few more hours today aswell.

I know i didn't follow proper protocall by respoding via forums etc etc, which I'll admit i was an idiot for doing so. But every day i've been active the scooters player has been online for atleast 3-4 hours a day whether its forums/skype/ps and i feel atleast the smallest bit of effort to go through with this could have been made. Not saying that everyone should be avabile for my times but when i'm active 4/7 days a week and stated i cant play the last 2 days of the week i expect some type of agreement must have been come to i mean i dedicated a few hours today to make myself more active. Tomorrow I cant play as I'm in London getting fucked up for a few days and i dont feel like coming back early on a sunday to play a pokemon match, I mean you really think i'd take my laptop to my friends lmao (scooters players said this to me).

End of situation, I don't want to play sunday but I'll be forced to in whatever state i come back in around 10pm my time which i think is very unfair for myself as i've showed enough avalibility.

Just to clarify this post is not a direct attack at hack but im explaining my situation for you guys so my team doesn't get fucked up by the scooters claiming bullshit
'if you really think i'm being unreasonable you're as deluded as this guy is about being a CK model'
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