
My bad I had thought they were physical. Why not use them with Mpidgy then, as they have good high base power and offer good coverage? (electric type also offering volt switch, which is not awful at all)
feel free to do that on your team but I mentioned fighting pidgeot mainly because I have a fighting type birdspam team.
This took entirely too long for me to write up between various distractions and delays. But here's an overall look at the various types and what they provide of note.

Overshadowed. Dragon Dance is cool, but Steel provides Shift Gear. Draco Meteor is big, but Psychic provides the stronger Psycho Boost -and Mega Ampharos is the only Pokemon that gets STAB on Draco Meteor without already getting Draco Meteor. Dragon Tail is nifty, but Fighting provides Circle Throw. You could build a team that wants to give Mega Ampharos Draco Meteor and gift other Pokemon Dragon Dance and wants Dragon Tail more than Circle Throw because of Ghosts, but more likely you'll go to some other type with a more amazing movepool.

Seriously, it's notables are

-Dragon Dance

-Draco Meteor

-Dragon Tail

all of which can be outperformed elsewhere. So unless you want the conjunction of two, preferably all three of these, Dragon is probably not the type to take.

Supreme offense. It also has some actual utility. Notables include

-Sacred Fire. Almost as powerful as Earthquake with a 50% chance to Burn. A way to fairly reliably burn Magic Bouncers in particular, though they trend towards Special offense. Also frees you from Freeze, I guess. If you have Serene Grace, it's a more reliably way to Burn targets than Will O Wisp!

-Flame Charge. Physical attack that raises Speed in the process. It's no Quiver Dance or Shift Gear, but it can be nice.

-Flare Blitz. Keep in mind Sheer Force can cancel out its small chance to Burn the target in exchange for being a spammable 150~ BP move. You can't say that about the other 120 BP recoil attacks.

-Heat Crash. Spammable no disadvantage up to 120 BP move. Can be good for really, really heavy Pokemon. Would be fantastic for Groudon.

-V-Create. Strongest move in the game, bar suicide moves. Very abusable with Contrary too!

-Blue Flare. Straight upgrade over Fire Blast.

-Eruption. 150 BP at full health is great for fast sweepers.

-Fiery Dance. Only 80 BP, but it has a 50% chance of raising your Special Attack, so it can be worth the move slot.

-Magma Storm. Traps and does good damage, but is inaccurate. Could be a good Mega Pidgeot take? Maybe?

-Mystical Fire. Very nice for walls wanting to screw with Special attackers.

-Overheat. Mostly notable because it's alongside all this other stuff. Contrary abuse!

-Will O Wisp. The only Status move other than Sunny Day. Screw Physical attackers!

Lotta firepower, lotta Burning, some stat gains.

Most notable for having the best priority.

-Aqua Jet. Hello priority.

-Water Shuriken. Best priority available to just anyone, overall.

-Scald. Burning fools without using Fire.

-Aqua Ring. Passive healing.

-Water Spout. Eruption, but Water.

Surprisingly little good stuff one Water, actually.

Lots of tools, weighted toward stall, including Cotton Guard, Leech Seed, Spore...

-Horn Leech. Only Physical leech other than Drain Punch.

-Giga Drain. Special leech, though Oblivion Wing is strictly better.

-Wood Hammer. 120 BP recoil move. Could be nice for Rock Head/Magic Guard Pokemon.

-Seed Flare. 120 BP Special attacking move that has good odds of harshly lowering the target's Special Defense. For a Serene Grace Pokemon (Like Togekiss) it can be a fantastic wallbreaker support tool, even if they resist/doubly resist Grass!

-Solar Beam. Coverage for sun teams. Mostly notable for being something you could add to, for instance, Heliolisk.

-Cotton Guard. Best Defense boost in the game.

-Forest's Curse. Could actually be useful, if a bit gimmicky, for a Pokemon that can hit Grass types super effectively -such as Talonflame.

-Spore. Need I say more? Alternatively, Grass Whistle can be used by No Guarders even on Grass types.

-Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain, Synthesis, and Ingrain for recovery. Nice.

-Spiky Shield. 100% better than Protect.

-Worry Seed. For when you want to suppress Abilities.

The other supreme offense, but less so. But it has actual support tools! Notables include...

-Circle Throw! Forced-switching for everyone! Except against Ghosts.

-Storm Throw. Who cares about your Defense?

-Close Combat. Brutal attacking ability. Also potentially good for Contrary -such as Shuckle making itself a better wall. Contrary abuse-wise, overshadowed by...

-Superpower. Normally a bad move overshadowed by Close Combat, but Contrary users appreciate it. Of course, Malamar already gets it and Serperior hasn't had it released yet...

-Counter. Could be a nasty surprise, with proper prediction and/or Sashes/Sturdy.

-Dynamic Punch. Of course, Doublade is the only Physically competent No Guard user that doesn't already get it...

-Drain Punch! One of the only Physical leeching moves.

-Flying Press. Well, actually, it's kinda stupid and crappy. But it's still notable for allowing you to take Fighting and then add Flying coverage in a limited way to some of your Pokemon!

-Focus Punch. Ridiculously strong, and combined with Substitute could be obnoxious. Focus Punch Poison Heal Gliscor? You can also just predict a switch successfully, though that's riskier.

-Hammer Arm. Quite strong, and a great way to get Malamar outspeeding some things.

-High Jump Kick. When the target absolutely, positively, needs to die right now. I'd stick with Close Combat most of the time myself, but High Jump Kick is stronger.

-Mach Punch. Good priority move!

-Vacuum Wave. The only Special priority of the game.

-Power Up Punch. Mostly notable if you're Mega Kangaskhan. Which already gets it. Eh.

-Sacred Sword. Bad Storm Throw, given Evasion boosters are banned.

-Seismic Toss. Who needs Attack?

-Aura Sphere. Oh thank Arceus, Special Fighting coverage that doesn't suck!

-Secret Sword. Even better: Special Fighting coverage that says FU to Eviolite Chansey!

-Focus Blast. Potentially good for Mega Pidgeot, mostly.

-Bulk Up. Overshadowed by Coil, but it's in here with all this other great stuff anyway...

Fighting: extremely diverse and good!

Some interesting things, though not many.

-Coil. Super Bulk Up! Particularly good for Pokemon that want to not miss, such as Head Smashers.

-Acid Spray. What I said about Seed Flare, except 100% reliable unless your opponent has a Steel type. Also it has crap BP.

-Clear Smog. For resetting the enemy's stats without resetting your own.

-Acid Armor. Coil is better most of the time, but hey.

-Toxic. For what few things don't already get it.

-Toxic Spikes. When absolutely positively everything on the enemy team needs to be Poisoned.

-Sludge Wave. For those Special Sheer Forcers that don't already get it. So Camerupt-Mega.

-Gastro Acid. For when you want to suppress Abilities.

A few neat tools.

-Ice Shard. More priority.

-Freeze Dry. Screw you Water types!

-Blizzard. For Hail teams, specifically.

-Frost Breath. Auto-crit Special move.

-Glaciate. Super Icy Wind! Not that great in Singles, but still.

-Haze. Block set-up Pokemon.

-Generally, Ice coverage, which is quite nice.

Some amazing stuff.

-Quiver Dance. Murder everything. Mega Gardevoir says hi!

-Tail Glow. Murder everything.

-Bug Bite. Steal Berries could be nice, particularly for Technicians who want Bug coverage?

-Fell Stinger. For finishing blows.

-U-Turn. Amazing of course.

-Defend Order. Wallin'.

-Heal Order. Healin'.

-Powder. Surprise! Fire moves are useless against my Mega Scizor!

-Sticky Web. Excellent Speed control all around.

Only a few good tools, but they're quite good.

-Fairy coverage, which is great.

-Moonlight. It's decent healing. Keep in mind it heals more in Sun and less in other weathers.

-Misty Terrain. A kind of poor man's Safeguard.

-Geomancy. Yeah, murder everything. Just don't waste that Power Herb!

Utility in a box. And crappy attacking moves. But also Psycho Boost!

-Mirror Coat. Ha ha, screw all you Special attackers. Except the Dark ones.

-Psycho Boost. BAM!

-Mist Ball/Luster Purge. Not amazing, but 100% reliable with Serene Grace.

-Psystrike. Screw all you Special walls! Except the Dark ones and to a lesser extent the Psychic and Steel ones.

-Stored Power. Oh god.

-Synchronoise. Fighting and Poison types can use this to counter their counterparts, I guess.

-Calm Mind. Combine with Stored Power for hideous results!

-Cosmic Power. Wallin'. Also what I said about Calm Mind, but less so.

-Gravity. Can't block my Ground moves now, can you?

-Guard Split and Power Split. Steal durability and offense!

-Heal Block. Now anything can deny any wall its healing.

-Heart Swap. Steal everything!

-Imprison. I'm sorry, was that move important?

-Hypnosis. No Guard users can get great use out of this.

-Lunar Dance. It's potentially pretty good, particularly with a Prankster.

-Light Screen and Reflect. Dual Screens on anything!

-Magic Coat. Unexpectedly, you get hit with your own status move.

-Magic Room. No items for five turns.

-Power Trick. Mega Slowbro sweep!

-Psycho Shift. What status?

-Role Play and Skill Swap. Regigigas and Slaking say "hi".

-Trick. Item swappin'.

-Trick Room. Everything is it's own setter!

-Wonder Room. Screw with attackers and defenders alike.

So yeah Psychic is ridiculous utility.

A ridiculous array of useful options, though one of the weaker straight offenses.

-Foul Play. No offense? No problem!

-Knock Off. Yeah.

-Pursuit. Pursuit-trap everything.

-Sucker Punch. Yep.

-Snarl. Keep damaging and dropping stats.

-Dark Void. Sleep them!

-Hone Claws. Great for moves that miss.

-Nasty Plot. Special set-up for everyone.

-Parting Shot. Switch on anything except Magic Bounce. Force-switch Magic Bounce. (Why have I never seen that in Balanced Hackmons, anyway?)

-Snatch. Whoops, did you want that?

-Switcheroo. Item swappin'.

-Taunt. Status shutdown on anything.

-Topsy-Turvy. Set-up? More like let-down.

So yeah, Dark is epic. Not as much stuff as Psychic, but probably more useful stuff.

Kinda meh, though Pranksters can do obnoxious things with Destiny Bond.

-Hex. 130 BP Ghost move against statused targets is actually pretty impressive if you plan on statusing the enemy anyway.

-Shadow Sneak. Priority.

-Night Shade. Who needs offensive stats?

-Curse. There are Ghosts that don't get it, and if for some reason you decide to run a Ghost Typemons team, it's an acceptable alternative to Bulk Up -or superior for Trick Room.

-Destiny Bond. Yeah, screw you too!

-Trick Or Treat. Gimmicky overall, but could be good.

A great offensive type, and has several utility moves too, actually.

-Bolt Strike. 130 BP Physical move off a good type is nothing to laugh at. Particularly great for Pokemon with Accuracy advantages -Hone Claws, Compound Eyes, or No Guard all work. Or you can take Fusion Bolt to not miss.

-Nuzzle. Paralyze even Magic Bouncers 100% reliably, break Sashes and Sturdy, cheer.

-Volt Tackle. It's slightly weaker than Bolt Strike, but for Rock Head Pokemon it's no disadvantage and perfect accuracy.

-Charge Beam. Special Power Up Punch, sort of. Honestly outclassed by set up moves on other types, but if you're running Electric anyway...

-Electro Ball. Deoxys Speed says hi.

-Electroweb. Electric Icy Wind. Not that great when Glaciate exists and Ice is an even better offensive type, but if you're running Electric anyway, go for it.

-Thunder. For rain teams.

-Volt Switch. Very good! Outclassed by U-Turn and Parting Shot for reliability, but it's the only Special switching move.

-Zap Cannon. Really, only for Mega Pidgeot. But it's cool.

-Electric Terrain. Not amazing, but Sleep protection could be cool -put it on a Pokemon with native Spore/Sleep immunity and have them set it before switching out.

-Electrify/Ion Deluge. Place on something with Motor Drive/Lightning Rod/Volt Absorb and laugh maniacally.

-Magnet Rise. I dunno, maybe Heatran will appreciate it?

-Thunder Wave. Mostly notable for Pranksters -Nuzzle is almost always superior otherwise.

Probably the overall best type to take, for all that its offenses are iffy in BP and utility.

-Shift Gear. Best Physical set-up move in the game, right here.

-King's Shield. Ha ha screw your Physical attackers that make contact. (Keep in mind it does not block Status moves)

-Bullet Punch. Hooray priority!

-Gear Grind. 100 BP that can get past Substitutes and Sashes and Sturdy is pretty good, especially if you've got Technician to make it 150 BP.

-Gyro Ball. Best Trick Room move in the game.

-Heavy Slam. Extremely powerful for the extremely heavy, though most of the best users are either Uber or already get it.

-Metal Burst. Universal Counter/Mirror Coat! Just need to be slow. Fear Eviolite Chansey carrying this. Keep in mind it's not negative priority, though.

-Doom Desire. It's 140 BP and Special, so that's cool. It's also delayed, sooo...

-Iron Defense. For anything that wants to Physically wall and doesn't already have this or Acid Armor or whatever.

A lot fewer things that impress than some types, but what it's got is pretty ridiculous.

Actually not very good. It does provide Spikes...

-Earthquake/Precipice Blades. The latter is a direct upgrade over the former if you have an No Guard or Compound Eyes, and either way, Ground coverage if you need it.

-Spikes. As I already said.

-Bone Rush. Mega Heracross says hi.

-Bonemerang. Punch through Substitutes etc.

Yeah that's about it. There's some more stuff that would actually be pretty impressive in Doubles/Triples, like Rototiller and Land's Wrath, but this is Singles.

An excellent offensive type, except that it's overall overshadowed by other types with stronger moves. But it also provides some utility, including the completely unique Stealth Rock.

-Stealth Rock. As I already said.

-Power Gem on anything! FInally!

-Head Smash. Rock Head/Magic Guard Pokemon love this.

-Rock Blast. For the Skill Linker that don't already get it.

-Diamond Storm. More reliable than any other Physical Rock move, and with a nifty side effect.

-Rock Wrecker. It's a recharge move, but who cares when you can do stuff like

0- Atk Life Orb Starmie Giga Impact vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard Y: 489-577 (164.6 - 194.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

this. (For some reason Rock Wrecker isn't in Calc, so I used Giga Impact as the base) Look at that! Starmie only has 75 Attack, this is with a minus Attack nature, and even without the Life Orb it's a OHKO!

-Smack Down. Poor man's Gravity.

-Rock Polish. If all you need is Speed, Rock does in fact have that. Mostly notable for just being there if you want Rock's other stuff.

Not amazing, and in particular difficult to get a coherent team benefit out of, but still got some utility.

It's a good offensive type with some nifty tools.

-Oblivion Wing. Best leech in the game.

-Tailwind. Speed!

-Acrobatics/Brave Bird/Dragon Ascent. Powerful Flying coverage fitting different builds/needs.

-Aeroblast. Special Flying coverage, the best overall.

-Hurricane. Mostly notable for Rain teams, since the only Special No Guarder already has Hurricane.

-Roost. Healing.

-Defog. Hazard clearing for anything!

-Mirror Move. Silly, but potentially useful.

Not a ton of stuff, but still pretty solid, especially since it's a very strong offensive type.

TEG edit: Added hide tags. Please be considerate of our users on mobile and just in general! ^-^
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This took entirely too long for me to write up between various distractions and delays. But here's an overall look at the various types and what they provide of note.

Overshadowed. Dragon Dance is cool, but Steel provides Shift Gear. Draco Meteor is big, but Psychic provides the stronger Psycho Boost -and Mega Ampharos is the only Pokemon that gets STAB on Draco Meteor without already getting Draco Meteor. Dragon Tail is nifty, but Fighting provides Circle Throw. You could build a team that wants to give Mega Ampharos Draco Meteor and gift other Pokemon Dragon Dance and wants Dragon Tail more than Circle Throw because of Ghosts, but more likely you'll go to some other type with a more amazing movepool.

Seriously, it's notables are

-Dragon Dance

-Draco Meteor

-Dragon Tail

all of which can be outperformed elsewhere. So unless you want the conjunction of two, preferably all three of these, Dragon is probably not the type to take.

Supreme offense. It also has some actual utility. Notables include

-Sacred Fire. Almost as powerful as Earthquake with a 50% chance to Burn. A way to fairly reliably burn Magic Bouncers in particular, though they trend towards Special offense. Also frees you from Freeze, I guess. If you have Serene Grace, it's a more reliably way to Burn targets than Will O Wisp!

-Flame Charge. Physical attack that raises Speed in the process. It's no Quiver Dance or Shift Gear, but it can be nice.

-Flare Blitz. Keep in mind Sheer Force can cancel out its small chance to Burn the target in exchange for being a spammable 150~ BP move. You can't say that about the other 120 BP recoil attacks.

-Heat Crash. Spammable no disadvantage up to 120 BP move. Can be good for really, really heavy Pokemon. Would be fantastic for Groudon.

-V-Create. Strongest move in the game, bar suicide moves. Very abusable with Contrary too!

-Blue Flare. Straight upgrade over Fire Blast.

-Eruption. 150 BP at full health is great for fast sweepers.

-Fiery Dance. Only 80 BP, but it has a 50% chance of raising your Special Attack, so it can be worth the move slot.

-Magma Storm. Traps and does good damage, but is inaccurate. Could be a good Mega Pidgeot take? Maybe?

-Mystical Fire. Very nice for walls wanting to screw with Special attackers.

-Overheat. Mostly notable because it's alongside all this other stuff. Contrary abuse!

-Will O Wisp. The only Status move other than Sunny Day. Screw Physical attackers!

Lotta firepower, lotta Burning, some stat gains.

Most notable for having the best priority.

-Aqua Jet. Hello priority.

-Water Shuriken. Best priority available to just anyone, overall.

-Scald. Burning fools without using Fire.

-Aqua Ring. Passive healing.

-Water Spout. Eruption, but Water.

Surprisingly little good stuff one Water, actually.

Lots of tools, weighted toward stall, including Cotton Guard, Leech Seed, Spore...

-Horn Leech. Only Physical leech other than Drain Punch.

-Giga Drain. Special leech, though Oblivion Wing is strictly better.

-Wood Hammer. 120 BP recoil move. Could be nice for Rock Head/Magic Guard Pokemon.

-Seed Flare. 120 BP Special attacking move that has good odds of harshly lowering the target's Special Defense. For a Serene Grace Pokemon (Like Togekiss) it can be a fantastic wallbreaker support tool, even if they resist/doubly resist Grass!

-Solar Beam. Coverage for sun teams. Mostly notable for being something you could add to, for instance, Heliolisk.

-Cotton Guard. Best Defense boost in the game.

-Forest's Curse. Could actually be useful, if a bit gimmicky, for a Pokemon that can hit Grass types super effectively -such as Talonflame.

-Spore. Need I say more? Alternatively, Grass Whistle can be used by No Guarders even on Grass types.

-Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain, Synthesis, and Ingrain for recovery. Nice.

-Spiky Shield. 100% better than Protect.

-Worry Seed. For when you want to suppress Abilities.

The other supreme offense, but less so. But it has actual support tools! Notables include...

-Circle Throw! Forced-switching for everyone! Except against Ghosts.

-Storm Throw. Who cares about your Defense?

-Close Combat. Brutal attacking ability. Also potentially good for Contrary -such as Shuckle making itself a better wall. Contrary abuse-wise, overshadowed by...

-Superpower. Normally a bad move overshadowed by Close Combat, but Contrary users appreciate it. Of course, Malamar already gets it and Serperior hasn't had it released yet...

-Counter. Could be a nasty surprise, with proper prediction and/or Sashes/Sturdy.

-Dynamic Punch. Of course, Doublade is the only Physically competent No Guard user that doesn't already get it...

-Drain Punch! One of the only Physical leeching moves.

-Flying Press. Well, actually, it's kinda stupid and crappy. But it's still notable for allowing you to take Fighting and then add Flying coverage in a limited way to some of your Pokemon!

-Focus Punch. Ridiculously strong, and combined with Substitute could be obnoxious. Focus Punch Poison Heal Gliscor? You can also just predict a switch successfully, though that's riskier.

-Hammer Arm. Quite strong, and a great way to get Malamar outspeeding some things.

-High Jump Kick. When the target absolutely, positively, needs to die right now. I'd stick with Close Combat most of the time myself, but High Jump Kick is stronger.

-Mach Punch. Good priority move!

-Vacuum Wave. The only Special priority of the game.

-Power Up Punch. Mostly notable if you're Mega Kangaskhan. Which already gets it. Eh.

-Sacred Sword. Bad Storm Throw, given Evasion boosters are banned.

-Seismic Toss. Who needs Attack?

-Aura Sphere. Oh thank Arceus, Special Fighting coverage that doesn't suck!

-Secret Sword. Even better: Special Fighting coverage that says FU to Eviolite Chansey!

-Focus Blast. Potentially good for Mega Pidgeot, mostly.

-Bulk Up. Overshadowed by Coil, but it's in here with all this other great stuff anyway...

Fighting: extremely diverse and good!

Some interesting things, though not many.

-Coil. Super Bulk Up! Particularly good for Pokemon that want to not miss, such as Head Smashers.

-Acid Spray. What I said about Seed Flare, except 100% reliable unless your opponent has a Steel type. Also it has crap BP.

-Clear Smog. For resetting the enemy's stats without resetting your own.

-Acid Armor. Coil is better most of the time, but hey.

-Toxic. For what few things don't already get it.

-Toxic Spikes. When absolutely positively everything on the enemy team needs to be Poisoned.

-Sludge Wave. For those Special Sheer Forcers that don't already get it. So Camerupt-Mega.

-Gastro Acid. For when you want to suppress Abilities.

A few neat tools.

-Ice Shard. More priority.

-Freeze Dry. Screw you Water types!

-Blizzard. For Hail teams, specifically.

-Frost Breath. Auto-crit Special move.

-Glaciate. Super Icy Wind! Not that great in Singles, but still.

-Haze. Block set-up Pokemon.

-Generally, Ice coverage, which is quite nice.

Some amazing stuff.

-Quiver Dance. Murder everything. Mega Gardevoir says hi!

-Tail Glow. Murder everything.

-Bug Bite. Steal Berries could be nice, particularly for Technicians who want Bug coverage?

-Fell Stinger. For finishing blows.

-U-Turn. Amazing of course.

-Defend Order. Wallin'.

-Heal Order. Healin'.

-Powder. Surprise! Fire moves are useless against my Mega Scizor!

-Sticky Web. Excellent Speed control all around.

Only a few good tools, but they're quite good.

-Fairy coverage, which is great.

-Moonlight. It's decent healing. Keep in mind it heals more in Sun and less in other weathers.

-Misty Terrain. A kind of poor man's Safeguard.

-Geomancy. Yeah, murder everything. Just don't waste that Power Herb!

Utility in a box. And crappy attacking moves. But also Psycho Boost!

-Mirror Coat. Ha ha, screw all you Special attackers. Except the Dark ones.

-Psycho Boost. BAM!

-Mist Ball/Luster Purge. Not amazing, but 100% reliable with Serene Grace.

-Psystrike. Screw all you Special walls! Except the Dark ones and to a lesser extent the Psychic and Steel ones.

-Stored Power. Oh god.

-Synchronoise. Fighting and Poison types can use this to counter their counterparts, I guess.

-Calm Mind. Combine with Stored Power for hideous results!

-Cosmic Power. Wallin'. Also what I said about Calm Mind, but less so.

-Gravity. Can't block my Ground moves now, can you?

-Guard Split and Power Split. Steal durability and offense!

-Heal Block. Now anything can deny any wall its healing.

-Heart Swap. Steal everything!

-Imprison. I'm sorry, was that move important?

-Hypnosis. No Guard users can get great use out of this.

-Lunar Dance. It's potentially pretty good, particularly with a Prankster.

-Light Screen and Reflect. Dual Screens on anything!

-Magic Coat. Unexpectedly, you get hit with your own status move.

-Magic Room. No items for five turns.

-Power Trick. Mega Slowbro sweep!

-Psycho Shift. What status?

-Role Play and Skill Swap. Regigigas and Slaking say "hi".

-Trick. Item swappin'.

-Trick Room. Everything is it's own setter!

-Wonder Room. Screw with attackers and defenders alike.

So yeah Psychic is ridiculous utility.

A ridiculous array of useful options, though one of the weaker straight offenses.

-Foul Play. No offense? No problem!

-Knock Off. Yeah.

-Pursuit. Pursuit-trap everything.

-Sucker Punch. Yep.

-Snarl. Keep damaging and dropping stats.

-Dark Void. Sleep them!

-Hone Claws. Great for moves that miss.

-Nasty Plot. Special set-up for everyone.

-Parting Shot. Switch on anything except Magic Bounce. Force-switch Magic Bounce. (Why have I never seen that in Balanced Hackmons, anyway?)

-Snatch. Whoops, did you want that?

-Switcheroo. Item swappin'.

-Taunt. Status shutdown on anything.

-Topsy-Turvy. Set-up? More like let-down.

So yeah, Dark is epic. Not as much stuff as Psychic, but probably more useful stuff.

Kinda meh, though Pranksters can do obnoxious things with Destiny Bond.

-Hex. 130 BP Ghost move against statused targets is actually pretty impressive if you plan on statusing the enemy anyway.

-Shadow Sneak. Priority.

-Night Shade. Who needs offensive stats?

-Curse. There are Ghosts that don't get it, and if for some reason you decide to run a Ghost Typemons team, it's an acceptable alternative to Bulk Up -or superior for Trick Room.

-Destiny Bond. Yeah, screw you too!

-Trick Or Treat. Gimmicky overall, but could be good.

A great offensive type, and has several utility moves too, actually.

-Bolt Strike. 130 BP Physical move off a good type is nothing to laugh at. Particularly great for Pokemon with Accuracy advantages -Hone Claws, Compound Eyes, or No Guard all work. Or you can take Fusion Bolt to not miss.

-Nuzzle. Paralyze even Magic Bouncers 100% reliably, break Sashes and Sturdy, cheer.

-Volt Tackle. It's slightly weaker than Bolt Strike, but for Rock Head Pokemon it's no disadvantage and perfect accuracy.

-Charge Beam. Special Power Up Punch, sort of. Honestly outclassed by set up moves on other types, but if you're running Electric anyway...

-Electro Ball. Deoxys Speed says hi.

-Electroweb. Electric Icy Wind. Not that great when Glaciate exists and Ice is an even better offensive type, but if you're running Electric anyway, go for it.

-Thunder. For rain teams.

-Volt Switch. Very good! Outclassed by U-Turn and Parting Shot for reliability, but it's the only Special switching move.

-Zap Cannon. Really, only for Mega Pidgeot. But it's cool.

-Electric Terrain. Not amazing, but Sleep protection could be cool -put it on a Pokemon with native Spore/Sleep immunity and have them set it before switching out.

-Electrify/Ion Deluge. Place on something with Motor Drive/Lightning Rod/Volt Absorb and laugh maniacally.

-Magnet Rise. I dunno, maybe Heatran will appreciate it?

-Thunder Wave. Mostly notable for Pranksters -Nuzzle is almost always superior otherwise.

Probably the overall best type to take, for all that its offenses are iffy in BP and utility.

-Shift Gear. Best Physical set-up move in the game, right here.

-King's Shield. Ha ha screw your Physical attackers that make contact. (Keep in mind it does not block Status moves)

-Bullet Punch. Hooray priority!

-Gear Grind. 100 BP that can get past Substitutes and Sashes and Sturdy is pretty good, especially if you've got Technician to make it 150 BP.

-Gyro Ball. Best Trick Room move in the game.

-Heavy Slam. Extremely powerful for the extremely heavy, though most of the best users are either Uber or already get it.

-Metal Burst. Universal Counter/Mirror Coat! Just need to be slow. Fear Eviolite Chansey carrying this. Keep in mind it's not negative priority, though.

-Doom Desire. It's 140 BP and Special, so that's cool. It's also delayed, sooo...

-Iron Defense. For anything that wants to Physically wall and doesn't already have this or Acid Armor or whatever.

A lot fewer things that impress than some types, but what it's got is pretty ridiculous.

Actually not very good. It does provide Spikes...

-Earthquake/Precipice Blades. The latter is a direct upgrade over the former if you have an No Guard or Compound Eyes, and either way, Ground coverage if you need it.

-Spikes. As I already said.

-Bone Rush. Mega Heracross says hi.

-Bonemerang. Punch through Substitutes etc.

Yeah that's about it. There's some more stuff that would actually be pretty impressive in Doubles/Triples, like Rototiller and Land's Wrath, but this is Singles.

An excellent offensive type, except that it's overall overshadowed by other types with stronger moves. But it also provides some utility, including the completely unique Stealth Rock.

-Stealth Rock. As I already said.

-Power Gem on anything! FInally!

-Head Smash. Rock Head/Magic Guard Pokemon love this.

-Rock Blast. For the Skill Linker that don't already get it.

-Diamond Storm. More reliable than any other Physical Rock move, and with a nifty side effect.

-Rock Wrecker. It's a recharge move, but who cares when you can do stuff like

0- Atk Life Orb Starmie Giga Impact vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard Y: 489-577 (164.6 - 194.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

this. (For some reason Rock Wrecker isn't in Calc, so I used Giga Impact as the base) Look at that! Starmie only has 75 Attack, this is with a minus Attack nature, and even without the Life Orb it's a OHKO!

-Smack Down. Poor man's Gravity.

-Rock Polish. If all you need is Speed, Rock does in fact have that. Mostly notable for just being there if you want Rock's other stuff.

Not amazing, and in particular difficult to get a coherent team benefit out of, but still got some utility.

It's a good offensive type with some nifty tools.

-Oblivion Wing. Best leech in the game.

-Tailwind. Speed!

-Acrobatics/Brave Bird/Dragon Ascent. Powerful Flying coverage fitting different builds/needs.

-Aeroblast. Special Flying coverage, the best overall.

-Hurricane. Mostly notable for Rain teams, since the only Special No Guarder already has Hurricane.

-Roost. Healing.

-Defog. Hazard clearing for anything!

-Mirror Move. Silly, but potentially useful.

Not a ton of stuff, but still pretty solid, especially since it's a very strong offensive type.

TEG edit: Added hide tags. Please be considerate of our users on mobile and just in general! ^-^
Well, I at least have used Parting Shot to force-switch Magic Bouncers in BH. It's not really the best because it lets them choose their switch-in, though.

And no love for the possibility of Sheer Force Bolt Strike? Also Heavy Slam + Shift Gear on Mega Metagross. That's 942.9 kg of PAIN! You're welcome.
Mega Metagross is scary on pretty much all teams (Fire gives it V-Create, Electric gives it Bolt Strike, Bug gives it U-Turn, ect). I think the scariest it's in is Steel though - Tough Claws Heavy Slam along with Shift Gears makes this thing an ungodly nightmare to fight.
As usual thousand waves coverage makes it scary too. Honestly thundy can go, but I still think unreleased moves in general should not be in this meta
After sleeping on it, Thundurus seriously needs a ban. What can it not do? Prankster is an almost broken ability in general, sableyes very low stat total is the only thing holding it back from being a centralizing threat in every meta in existence, and klefki is annoying as shit despite it being legal in mediocremons (lol). Thundurus is just too good for it in this meta, considering it can use almost any move it wants to beat x opponent. Bug even has spider web of all things, and stuff like prankster quiver dance. Dark gets prankster parting shot and topsy-turvy, and with thundys power and ability to tank weaker priority, it is hilariously annoying to face. Fire teams give it ammo in wisp and sunny day, ground teams give it thousand arrows for coverage...so this thing fits on almost any team, is overcentralizing to all offensive teams, and literally can wipe out tons of momentum in one foul swoop. Yeah, Tan Bundurus.
Double post, but:

Espeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Stored Power
- Heal Order
- Dazzling Gleam

The point of this set is that it cannot be statused, and gains quite a bit of power for stored power each turn. This makes it a very difficult set for stall teams to get through, as not much can wall it's coverage (given that stored power gets powerful enough to break through resists after a couple of boosts). The biggest issues it has are that dark teams can force it out with parting shot or pokemon running sucker punch. If you can get rid of pranksters, it can break most dark teams, though.
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Double post, but:

Espeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Stored Power
- Heal Order
- Dazzling Gleam

The point of this set is that it cannot be statused, and gains quite a bit of power for stored power each turn. This makes it a very difficult set for stall teams to get through, as not much can wall it's coverage (given that stored power gets powerful enough to break through resists after a couple of boosts). The biggest issues it has are that dark teams can force it out with parting shot or pokemon running sucker punch. If you can get rid of pranksters, it can break most dark teams, though.

Small nitpick but fling/scald/sludge bomb/tspikes/etc can still status. bisharp is still a solid check to that, on any type. Definitely a threat tho, A lot of special sweepers get a huge boost with quiver dance/heal order
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Thundurus is banned.

I don't have time for a lengthy explanation, but I can take care of that later.

Have fun!
Since Thundurus got banned, would you consider banning Tornadus as well, or is he considerably weaker to not be worth mentioning? He has similar stats and the ability Prankster as well.
But tornadus doesn't get nasty plot unlike thundurus that's why he got banned sure it gets it here but thundurus is much more broken
Also lack of volt switch and difference in typing, along with hurricane having garbage accuracy meaning the quiverdance sets are also far weaker on it than on thundy
Better run hp ground or even with overheat/vcreate heatran just laughs at you

Honestly? I can see it working

252 SpA Life Orb Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Heatran: 32-39 (8.3 - 10.1%) -- possibly the worst move ever
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Serperior Hidden Power Ground vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Heatran: 328-390 (85.1 - 101.2%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

I mean, Serp still has issues but it's not completely terrible. You also have Overheat to hit other mons that could try and stop you. A set of Leaf Storm / HP Ground / Overheat / Will-o-Wisp or V-Create could work.