Pokemon Dojo [3/12/24 Update - Marks & Masters Update]

Hey, for the female HA Froakie spitback could I get a female HA Skrelp? Whichever nature is easiest for you to bred on it is fine :).
That would be great. I am actually working on getting some EMs on it since someone else also requested it, so if you don't mind waiting for a bit, I'll be able to get Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, and Haze on it. I'll let you know when I have it ready.
That would be great. I am actually working on getting some EMs on it since someone else also requested it, so if you don't mind waiting for a bit, I'll be able to get Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, and Haze on it. I'll let you know when I have it ready.

That's fine. No worries. Contact me when you're ready.
I have a female Dive ball HA calm Poliwag (egg move: Encore), I'm interested in a luxury ball Vullaby (yup still the same haha)?
If you agree to that, would you be okay to do flawless for a flawless?
any stuff that is apricorn ball you want? just wanna help people who wants apricorn balll stuff

Edit: interested in HA turtwig, piplup and skrelp. can give you safari scyther and maybe shellders
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Fyi I'm only able to trade Fri-Mon and I'll have to breed for a female. Don't think I have any right now.

Edit: I have one female left. Good thing I started saving females. Phew! Has Yawn, Superpower, Sucker Punch, and Heavy Slam.
That's fine, I will have to work on the magby this weekend and I should have it by wednesday
any stuff that is apricorn ball you want? just wanna help people who wants apricorn balll stuff

Edit: interested in HA turtwig, piplup and skrelp. can give you safari scyther and maybe shellders
Nothing in particular I can think of atm, but if you could list a few, I'll pick some for the Pokemon you want.
Im new to this whole breeding process, if anyone would be willing to help me via voice chat on oras it would be greatly appreciated. I also need some help learning about ivs, in all honesty im a noob to the game! My friend code is 0404-6273-6664