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This concept by Amitghosh was approved for discussion. Is this concept worth pursuing? If so, what questions could we ask? How could we improve this? Everyone is free to discuss the following submission as if this was a concept discussion.

Name: Priority Protection

General Description: A Pokemon that can discourage and be a good check to priority.

Justification: Since the era of Gen 6, priority has been an extremely overused concept. Most of the Pokemon in the OU tier have a good priority, which allows it to faint others quickly. It's extremely rare these days to find someone whose team doesnt have a single priority user. This concept will have a positive effect on the metagame, by discouraging simply priority, and opening spaces for new methods of using Pokemon other than priority. It also allows us to learn more about the tier about what will happen to it when priority is discouraged

Questions to be answered:
  • Will a single Pokemon be able to discourage priority?
  • Will the OU tier improve when priority is discouraged?
  • Will discouraging of priority help other playstyles find a way into threatlists?
  • Will this benefit any mons greatly?
Explanation: Priority is a factor that defines the game greatly, and affects the viability of many Pokemon. If there was no Gale Wings, Talonflame may have never even been seen in OU, and some Pokemon who are weak to priority Brave Bird would have risen greatly. With priority, it is also extremely simple to defeat mons with low defenses, however good their speed is. While this concept does not mean to drop Talon into NU, it just means to help the OU tier become a better place for other Pokemon to also come in and carve out their own spot in the list of threats.
Priority causes a lot of issues for more offensively-based teams, especially HO. Teams like stall do not care about priority at all, offense has the biggest issue with priority. The idea would be a Pokemon on that can fit onto offensive teams and discourage priority at the same time.
The real unanswered question here is how we're going to do it.
Priority is used to 'outspeed' faster mons and hit first, possibly getting a revenge kill or a bit of chip damage. There are a few ways we can discourage this:

1) Quick Guard/Protect
- Quick Guard is literally just Protect for priority, and is only really used in Doubles.
- Protect can give the Pokemon leftovers recovery enough to avoid getting KO'd by a priority move.
- Both of these have the problem that they don't really discourage priority, just stop it for 1 turn.

2) Other Priority
- Extreme Speed, with +2 priority, it 'outpseeds' common priority and hits first. If there are two Pokemon with priority moves, but one is faster, it brings about a similar situation.
- If the opponent knows that their priority is going to be hitting last anyway, then they will more likely to be discouraged from using priority and will use a stronger attack, with the exception of Technician users.
- A Custom Ability which allows the Pokemon to have more priority than the opponent when the foe is using a priority attack could be used.
- Sableye takes advantage of Prankster Recover, immunity to Mach Punch and Extreme Speed and the ability to bulk common priority attacks (except Talonflame's Brave Bird) to cripple the opponent with a burn and then use its priority recovery to stay alive while the opponent racks up burn damage or is forced to switch.
- However, using priority to discourage priority seems to be against the point of the concept, as it just brings more priority.

3) Bulk
- To some extent, bulky Pokemon who will easily tank priority attacks discourage the use of them, because the foe is more likely to use a stronger attack to dent the Pokemon's bulk or switch out into a better match-up.

What this concept needs is a solid way of discouraging priority (something better than things I came up with), and even then, whether or not a single Pokemon can discourage priority on its own, without being over-centralizing or broken is questionable.
There are a few issues in play here that make this a difficult concept to work with. First off, as Alfalfa mentioned, more defensive, bulky teams don't really care much about priority. Offensive mons will be going first anyways against them, and so they priority makes no difference. Instead, it is the offensive teams that worry about priority. This definitely limits what we have to work with, since traditionally, the mons that don't care about priority and the mons that need help dealing with priority don't fit on the same team archetypes. That alone is not so big of an issue though. If that was the only problem, we could probably deal with it.

However, as Khosro mentioned, there are really only so many ways we can deal with priority. You can block it, but there is nothing you can really do with that other than delay the inevitable. You can outprioritize it, but that is really just increasing priority use, not discouraging it. Or, you can have a mon that can take the priority moves and not really care about them. This last one is the only thing that is really feasible to do, but there are tons of Pokemon like that which exist already. They just A) don't really fit on the teams that most need priority protection, and/or B) can only handle a limited scope of priority users. The fact is that priority nowadays is so powerful and so varied that few, if any Pokemon can take on all the kinds of priority out there. Resistances to one common priority move may leave you vulnerable to others, and many priority pack powerful non priority moves as well, making switch ins difficult.

But even beyond all that, its hard to really argue that even if such a Pokemon could exist that could tank any priority user in the game, that this would actually do something to discourage priority. The utility of priority is not so much in the power but in the ability to hit before your opponent. If you are forcing the opponent to switch to their "priority counter" and getting a free hit in, that is pretty much a win most of the time. I just don't see how you could possibly discourage that.
To be able to do this concept successfully, we would need to make a pokemon that can take on:

Mega Scizor
Meta Metagross
Choice Band Talonflame
Bulk Up/Swords Dance Talonflame

and win.

There's just too many different attacking types these threats are attacking with for any sane mon to possibly be able to take all of them on and win without being hilariously overpowered. You'd need to take on an onslaught of STAB Steel/Psychic/Fire/Flying/Water/Fairy/Fighting/Dark/Ice moves coming from attacking stats as high as base 140 + tough claws.

Can't see this being feasible.
this is impossible because on order to take on priority users you have to be able to switch in to them and no pokemon could be able to switch into talonflame/metagross/scizor/azu/sharp/mamoswine like nyttyn said, it's ridiculous. idk why this concept keeps cropping up
Okay, it's unfeasible to tackle priority head on, but there's a reason this concept keeps coming up in various forms and that's because it's a major part of the metagame right now.

Captain Obvious says let's take a look at what characteristics priority moves are:
-goes first.
-mostly physical.
-relatively low bp (not including ability/item modifiers right now).
-limited to Normal, Ice, Steel, Fighting, Dark, Water, Ghost and Flying types.
-used to get the jump on faster pokemon; no real point using priority if the opponent is slower.
-most of the common users are between 45 and 80 speed, with some outliers (Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Metagross). And then there's lesser seen but still OU viable 'mons like Infernape as a singular example.

What things don't care about priority?
-Slow as fuck 'mons, but that means the priority users can just use a higher BP move instead.
-Certain physically defensive 'mons.
-Sometimes priority users themselves.
-Pokemon that benefit from going last.

So can we create something that outspeeds the majority of the priority users (and resists the things it doesn't), but somehow punishes them for using priority and going first?
I can think of two moves that would fulfill this right now; and there are some abilities that our priority users would rather not activate if they can help it, especially if their priority doesn't do much damage.

Birkal said in the OP: What questions can we ask? How can we improve this concept?
I know he also asked 'Is this concept worth pursuing?' A lot of you seem to think not, and while I'm not in total disagreement with you (the way the concept proposes to explore priority makes it a very tough ask) I feel inclined to try and improve it/make it into something doable rather than simply just shooting it down.

If not through the concept in the OP how can we explore priority/priority users through CAP?
So can we create something that outspeeds the majority of the priority users (and resists the things it doesn't), but somehow punishes them for using priority and going first?
I can think of two moves that would fulfill this right now; and there are some abilities that our priority users would rather not activate if they can help it, especially if their priority doesn't do much damage.

Justified and similar abilities are the only thing that comes to mind.
Outspeeding priority users is kinda pointless, since they are going to use priority anyway, and the approach you suggest doesn't solve the problems jas and nyttyn put forward.

However, I must commend your determination to not give up.
Not really, I'm not talking about outprioritizing them, I'm talking about pressuring them into choosing whether it's worth using a priority move and suffering a consequence or take a hit but maybe retaliate with a stronger move worth using over priority, maybe nets a KO.
Payback and Metal Burst exist, and there are a few abilities which physical attackers don't like, and much less so if their priority won't KO or deal enough damage for the cost.
By outspeeding their base speed combined with certain moves and abilities, it forces them into thinking twice about clicking that priority move.

All in all though, my point of posting was mainly to invigorate alternative approaches to the whole idea of priority
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If you outspeed them, surely that'll increase the chance that they'll use priority?

What you're talking about is bulk, unless you want to run something more gimmicky like Sturdy/Focus Sash Metal Burst - A Pokemon with such good bulk that it doesn't mind most priority and enough speed to force most priority users to use priority, plus an ability or move, such as Payback, which punishes this. However, a single Pokemon can't bulk every single priority user, without being broken af. Similarly, without being too over-centralizing like Aegislash was, a single Pokemon will not have the usage to single-handedly discourage Pokemon to stop using priority, especially since Pokemon like Scizor and Talonflame rely heavily upon their priority moves.
I find this concept rather interesting, though I believe there is no way to completely discourage priority outside of creating a new ability, item or move - it is a core feature of the battling scene, after all.

I'd say that, so far, we've been going at it wrong. Instead of trying to cover all facets of "discouraging priority" we should focus on only one. Perhaps, instead of switching into priority or out-prioritizing it or trying to cover all types of priority (steel, fighting, water, dark, ghost, etc.), punishing priority targeted at the user is a better approach. Similar to the concept used for Volkraken, an approach that puts the opponent in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation might be the way to go. However, this is already looking similar to Volkraken, with the use of the Analytic ability.

Upon reading Toebag's post above, Analytic immediately popped in my mind. Imagine something that your opponent would normally want to out-prioritize (or just out-speed, really, but may not necessarily be able to) to knock-out as soon as possible, knowing full-well that doing so means that what they are attacking may survive the attack and retaliate with a very hard-hitting move that's being boosted due to being out-sped. Here's a (rough) theoretical example:

  • Let's say this thing is normally very fast, say almost Deoxys-S fast
  • Has enough bulk to survive any priority at least once, whether that be through typing or raw stats
  • But not enough bulk to survive any average base power move (base 80+ STAB, etc.)
  • Has decent, but not average, attacking stats, such as <100, but enough to threaten [most] common priority users
  • An ability that functions under certain circumstances that priority moves satisfy, such as Analytic
  • Finally, moves that benefit from going after the opponent, such as Payback... or just some decent hitting moves (maybe STAB boosted)
The problem becomes now, how does one accomplish something like this without making something that can't be out-sped, even by a Choice Scarf, and hits relatively hard even without its Analytic boost? Make it very frail? Well, nothing's out-speeding it in the first place to even get a hit in. You can't make it too offensively weak, as that makes it simply speedy fodder.

I ran some calculations (not that many, but enough to get a feel or the direction I was taking) using a modified Abra. I started from there and bumped up the stats until is could survive a few different priority moves with differing type combos. A few of those combos were: Dark/Rock, Dark/Steel, Dark/Fighting, and Dark/Ice. While none of these combos can survive all forms of priority, they could survive quite a bit from a few different OU threats - and none could, due to the stats I used, survive any other normal moves from these threats (Meteor Mash Metagross, Iron Tail Lucario, Play Rough Azumarill, Drain Punch Conkledurr). True, that most of these moves were quite powerful from the get-go due to STAB and abilities, but you should get the point.

If you're curious, the stats I eventually found some solid ground with were:
70 HP / 90 Atk / 65 Def / 90 Sp. Atk / 65 Sp. Def / 155 Spd = 535
252 Atk/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Spd
+Atk - Sp. Def
Life Orb
Analytic, assuming the opponent went first (aka, priority)
Earthquake, Gunk Shot, and Payback too weak even with STAB/power boost...
Like I said, it's still very rough, but I think, with some tweaking, something we are looking for can be found. I'd love to see some more talk on this - not necessarily what I've posted, but anything to hamper priority!

Did I forget anything?
If you want to hit hard against priority, how about Revenge or Avalanche? They hit as hard as most high-power physical moves if you get hit, with Azumarill being one of the few priority users who resists both.
Payback is almost like the two mentioned, but with 10 points less power, and regular priority. I actually use to use a Hariyama with Revenge, Payback, and was trying to find a bulky mon that could run all three "revenge" types for coverage.

I was thinking, what about a Rock Type with sturdy, and a rock type priority move while having very high base speed. Will out prioritize both Talonflame and Mega-Pinsir while hitting them x4 damage. OR maybe make it fast and sorta bulky, BUT with 80 base attack? Since at x4 and with STAB, it still OHKO's them anyway.

But that only answers those two,
So can we create something that outspeeds the majority of the priority users (and resists the things it doesn't), but somehow punishes them for using priority and going first?

Won't work, because the entire concept is built around "discouraging priority". Priority is highly used on offensive teams simply because it allows offensive teams to preserve momentum, and revenge pokemon at the same time. Sure, they can use choice scarf, but typically HO wants to avoid bringing in a scarfer to revenge and then have to deal with an opponents sweeper now setting up on that same choice locked scarfer, and the momentum it just lost. Therefore, in order to discourage priority, you would need to create something that forced HO into using scarfers rather than priority pokemon...which pretty much involves packing a hugely powerful sweeper that resists any if not all priority moves, and can devastate offensive teams after a single turn of set up. You kinda need to be something like Steel / Ghost with Water Absorb and like, Shell Smash or something to take bullshit from most of the priority moves in the game, and we already made like, Cawmodore which sets up on most prio mons anyway. This concept just wouldn't be successful, because to achieve the kind of negative impact you would need to bring against HO to force a decrease in prio, potentially results in a hugely over centralising CAP in the first place.
I submitted a concept similar to this one for the previous CAP, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I disagree with the opinion that this concept isn't feasible. If you think of this concept as "unconditionally defeat every common user of priority", then I agree it would take an overpowered or centralizing Pokemon to fulfill. But that's not what this concept calls for. It's simply calls for a Pokemon that discourages the opponent's use of priority attacks, which there are countless ways of doing.

On a sweeper, moves like Coil and Bulk Up can raise a Pokemon's Defense to take less damage from priority moves. A CAP can just be faster than most priority users and have the ability to switch in on just the priority moves. We don't even have to discourage players from placing Talonflame or Bisharp on their team, we just have to discourage the opponent's use of priority moves. If we can just create a Pokemon that stops Talonflame from Brave Birding, Azumarill from Aqua Jetting, Metagross from Bullet Punching, etc. This is not an impossible concept, and it absolutely does not require needing to switch in on every priority move in the game and still win. That's just ridiculous.
I submitted a concept similar to this one for the previous CAP, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I disagree with the opinion that this concept isn't feasible. If you think of this concept as "unconditionally defeat every common user of priority", then I agree it would take an overpowered or centralizing Pokemon to fulfill. But that's not what this concept calls for. It's simply calls for a Pokemon that discourages the opponent's use of priority attacks, which there are countless ways of doing.

On a sweeper, moves like Coil and Bulk Up can raise a Pokemon's Defense to take less damage from priority moves. A CAP can just be faster than most priority users and have the ability to switch in on just the priority moves. We don't even have to discourage players from placing Talonflame or Bisharp on their team, we just have to discourage the opponent's use of priority moves. If we can just create a Pokemon that stops Talonflame from Brave Birding, Azumarill from Aqua Jetting, Metagross from Bullet Punching, etc. This is not an impossible concept, and it absolutely does not require needing to switch in on every priority move in the game and still win. That's just ridiculous.

It does not, but it does require you to, at the very least, be able to take on the most common users of prioirty. The problem is that priority users are just way too varied - they're all physical attackers, sure, but they're just way too varied. Even if you can beat some of them, you can't beat the others, and if you can't beat all of them, you won't discourage priority - you'll just change which ones are more popular.

It's just not feasible. Again, STAB Steel/Bug/Psychic/Fire/Flying/Water/Fairy/Fighting/Dark/Ice/Ground/Dragon. Or, to put them in the combos they come in: Steel/Bug, Steel/Dark, Steel/Psychic, Fire/Flying, Water/Fairy, Fighting, Ice/Ground, Flying/Bug, Fighting/Grass, Dragon/Flying. I'm sure I've even missed one or two, but that list should speak miles of how absurd it is to try and take on priority in OU. It certainly doesn't hurt matters that some of them have access to boosting moves (Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, Belly Drum), making it even more absurd of a notion to attempt to take them on with a single mon. And that's not even mentioning coverage, or the fact that many of these pokemon also have extremely high attacking stats.

Prioirty isn't just Talonflame, Azumaril, and Metagross. It's Metagross, Azumaril, Bisharp, Scizor, Talonflame, Gallade, Pinsir, Diggersby, Mamoswine, Breloom, Dragonite, Conkeldurr, Kabutops, Weavvile, and Crawadunt. 15 pokemon attacking all from different angles, from Band, to Setup, to even flat out offensively tanking.

You aren't taking on even most, or even half of those with a single mon. That is madness, to say the least. Even trying to take on Talonflame, Azumaril, and Metagross would require being able to take on Choice Band Talonflame, Swords Dance Talonflame, Assault Vest Azumarill, Belly Drum Azumaril, Choice Band Azumaril, and Mega Metagross. All with a single mon. And that still wouldn't accomplish the concept because there's still 12 other prioirty users you failed to address.

in short: no it's not happening. discouraging priority is not going to happen, because it's on too many pokemon, and those pokemon are far too varied. you can discourage individual users of priority, but you cannot discourage priority moves.
If we can just create a Pokemon that stops Talonflame from Brave Birding, Azumarill from Aqua Jetting, Metagross from Bullet Punching, etc. This is not an impossible concept, and it absolutely does not require needing to switch in on every priority move in the game and still win. That's just ridiculous.

Even if you are discouraging the common priority users from using priority, they can just use a non-priority move, KO, and then go on to use priority later. As nyttyn pointed out, there are so many sets on just those 3 Pokemon (and nyttyn missed out BU Talon too), and so much coverage, that it is impossible to make a single mon that takes on all of them. You need to cover for Fire (Flare Blitz), Flying (Brave Bird), Bug (U-turn), Steel (Steel Wing, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash), Water (Aqua Jet, Waterfall), Fairy (Play Rough), Ground (Bulldoze, Earthquake), Dark (Knock Off), Fighting (Superpower), Psychic (Zen Headbutt), Ice (Ice Punch), Electric (Thunder Punch). While Thunder Punch MegaGross, Steel Wing Talon and Bulldoze Azu are not really common at all, that still means you have to cover 11 different type attacks, coming from Choice Band Pokemon, Belly Drummers, Swords Dancers and Tough Claws users. That's not at all easy to do, without making the CAP broken.

And even if we manage to somehow make a Pokemon that isn't broken which can take on Talonflame, Azumarril and MegaGross, the 3 most common users, the effect of the Pokemon on priority in general will not be that strong. Talonflame will still use Brave Bird, Azumarril will still use Aqua Ket and MegaGross will still use Bullet Punch. The utility of priority is too good for a single, not broken Pokemon to stop.
Doesn't priority have a lot of switch ins already? I mean, you've got your Rotom-W for Brave Birds, Bullet Punches, Aqua Jets, Ice Shards, for example.
Yeah any player can predict a switch and use one of the other moves regardless and that still will happen.

We can't expect to universally discourage priority with just one pokemon. What we can do is create a pokemon that discourages priority use against itself, and I think that's a more reasonable aim for this concept to take.
Also, keep in mind that we don't have to be able to tank priority from every single viable priority user. By making such a Pokemon to be able to discourage priority from MOST of its common users, we won't necessarily be "changing which ones are more popular". The priority users that aren't as popular are lesser-used for a reason, and I find it hard to believe that this single CAP will noticeably drive up the usage of less common priority users.

Like DLC said, there are many ways to go about making the ability for a Pokemon to hit first be much less desirable than using a different move. In fact, we already have Pokemon that don't care about priority and punish most users of it, such as Ferrothorn. It's slow and has Iron Barbs to deal chip damage to priority users, as most of them are physical. Yes, this concept is nebulous on the surface, but we can narrow it down.
Also, keep in mind that we don't have to be able to tank priority from every single viable priority user. By making such a Pokemon to be able to discourage priority from MOST of its common users, we won't necessarily be "changing which ones are more popular". The priority users that aren't as popular are lesser-used for a reason, and I find it hard to believe that this single CAP will noticeably drive up the usage of less common priority users.

Like DLC said, there are many ways to go about making the ability for a Pokemon to hit first be much less desirable than using a different move. In fact, we already have Pokemon that don't care about priority and punish most users of it, such as Ferrothorn. It's slow and has Iron Barbs to deal chip damage to priority users, as most of them are physical. Yes, this concept is nebulous on the surface, but we can narrow it down.

But even if we are discouraging priority from most of its common users, as I said in my previous post, they can just not use priority for a turn or 2, and instead KO this CAP, then go on to spam prio as much as the please later on. While it may be that the CAP has achieved its job, it has not done a lot more than delay the priority. Even with just the 3 most common prio users, Talon, MegaGross and Azu, nevermind MOST priority users, the variety between just these 3 Pokemon is too much for a single Pokemon to handle without being broken.
But even if we are discouraging priority from most of its common users, as I said in my previous post, they can just not use priority for a turn or 2, and instead KO this CAP, then go on to spam prio as much as the please later on. While it may be that the CAP has achieved its job, it has not done a lot more than delay the priority. Even with just the 3 most common prio users, Talon, MegaGross and Azu, nevermind MOST priority users, the variety between just these 3 Pokemon is too much for a single Pokemon to handle without being broken.

Even if we expand the list to the top 5 most common prio users (Talon, Gross, Azu, Bisharp, and Scizor), any sufficiently fast pokemon with both Fire and Electric attacks can probably OHKO the entire list. Heck, you have to make your way all the way down to Conkelldur to find a Priority user that doesn't get trounched by one of these two types of moves. Remember, the reason Priority is good in the first place is that it allows you to attack before something that would normally outspeed you. It doesn't matter if these Pokemon have other moves that could work if they don't get a chance to use them.
It needs to be faster than Talon, and possibly Rock Polish MegaGross, but also bulk +6 Aqua Jet from Azumarril, and also have the power to OHKO AV Azu and Bulky MegaGross.

So basically, it's really fast, has great bulk and good offenses. Which sounds like its on the road to being broken.
It needs to be faster than Talon, and possibly Rock Polish MegaGross, but also bulk +6 Aqua Jet from Azumarril, and also have the power to OHKO AV Azu and Bulky MegaGross.

So basically, it's really fast, has great bulk and good offenses. Which sounds like its on the road to being broken.

It only really needs to have one of those qualities. Typing can fix the rest. Most likely just the OHKO Megagross part. Nearly every typing combination that resists common priority typing also resists Fairy attacks and many resist Fire attacks, so Talonflame and Azu are going to be severely neutered trying to get past this thing. At that point, you really only need enough speed to get past an unboosted Megagross and some degree of offensive ability, to the tune of maybe 115-120 in its dominant attack stat.
It only really needs to have one of those qualities. Typing can fix the rest. Most likely just the OHKO Megagross part. Nearly every typing combination that resists common priority typing also resists Fairy attacks and many resist Fire attacks, so Talonflame and Azu are going to be severely neutered trying to get past this thing. At that point, you really only need enough speed to get past an unboosted Megagross and some degree of offensive ability, to the tune of maybe 115-120 in its dominant attack stat.

While this sounds as if it could be balanced, I'm struggling to find a typing that bulks Fire/Flying/Steel/Psychic/Water/Fairy/Dark/Fighting/Ground, meaning that this Azu/Talon/MegaGross is going to struggle to switch in on us. Water/Steel bulks a lot of it, but it is still weak to Azu's Superpower, weak to MegaGross' EQ and neutral to Talon's Flare Blitz. However, if we just want a mon which can beat these 3 1v1, then this is achievable. Something to consider: If we are going to be faster, doesn't that encourage them to use their prio moves, even if just for a bit of chip damage?

2 ways we can do this:
Fast and Powerful:
Stats: Outspeeds unboosted MegaGross. Enough power to OHKO all three. Mediocre bulk at best.
Typing: Resists Water (Azu's Aqua Jet), resists Steel (MegaGross' Bullet Punch and to a much lesser extent, Talon's Steel Wing), resists Flying (Talon's Brave Bird) and resists Fire (Talon's Flare Blitz)
Moves: Electric (Thunderbolt/Volt Switch/Thunder Punch) beats Talon and Azu, Fire/Ground/Dark/Ghost (probably Fire offers best coverage) beats MegaGross.
Purpose: Beat Talon, Azu and MegaGross 1v1 (can't switch in) by outspeeding Azu and MegaGross, resisting their priority attacks, and OHKOing all of them

Bulky and Powerful:
Typing: Resists as much as possible of Water/Fairy/Steel/Psychic/Fire/Flying/Dark/Fighting/Ground
Moves: Does it get reliable recovery? Does it get high BP moves, such as Fire Blast for MegaGross, to enable it to get KOs? Again, probably going to need Electric (T-bolt/Discharge/Volt Switch/Thunder Punch) for Azu and Talon.
Stats: A lot of physical bulk - it needs to take some really powerful hits. Enough speed to outspeed Max Speed Azu without investment, depending on whether or not it gets reliable recovery. Enough power to OHKO all of them, depends on whether or not it gets reliable recovery.
Purpose: Bulk MegaGross, Talon and Azu, including on the switch, and take them down, either through reliable recovery and 2 or 3 KOing them or by OHKOing them with powerful moves.

It seems to me that Bulk is borderline impossible to pull off, considering the power that CB Azu and MegaGross have, so Fast and Powerful seems the way to go. For a typing, Water + Flying resist or Electric + Fire resist does the job. In terms of stats, 111 Speed outspeeds unboosted Mega Gross, while around 115 SpA with Specs means Fire Blast OHKOs MegaGross, while 125 does the same with Life Orb. However, even 125 Specs STAB T-bolt doesn't OHKO AV Azu, so it may be that this CAP is forced to go physical so as to avoid having to have monstrous SpA (180 SpA to OHKO AV Azu with STAB Specs T-bolt). However, 150 Attack without STAB (or 140 Atk with STAB) is needed to OHKO MegaGross with Banded Flare Blitz. These monster offenses present us with a problem: To beat MegaGross (that's the non-Bulky one too), Azumarril (and its AV set) as well as Talon. We need to either have a Pokemon which takes powerful attacks like CB Azu and Tough Claws MegaGross, or we have a Pokemon which outspeeds them and OHKOs them with its powerful offense. Both of which are on the edge of being broken.
While this sounds as if it could be balanced, I'm struggling to find a typing that bulks Fire/Flying/Steel/Psychic/Water/Fairy/Dark/Fighting/Ground, meaning that this Azu/Talon/MegaGross is going to struggle to switch in on us. Water/Steel bulks a lot of it, but it is still weak to Azu's Superpower, weak to MegaGross' EQ and neutral to Talon's Flare Blitz. However, if we just want a mon which can beat these 3 1v1, then this is achievable. Something to consider: If we are going to be faster, doesn't that encourage them to use their prio moves, even if just for a bit of chip damage?

2 ways we can do this:
Fast and Powerful:
Stats: Outspeeds unboosted MegaGross. Enough power to OHKO all three. Mediocre bulk at best.
Typing: Resists Water (Azu's Aqua Jet), resists Steel (MegaGross' Bullet Punch and to a much lesser extent, Talon's Steel Wing), resists Flying (Talon's Brave Bird) and resists Fire (Talon's Flare Blitz)
Moves: Electric (Thunderbolt/Volt Switch/Thunder Punch) beats Talon and Azu, Fire/Ground/Dark/Ghost (probably Fire offers best coverage) beats MegaGross.
Purpose: Beat Talon, Azu and MegaGross 1v1 (can't switch in) by outspeeding Azu and MegaGross, resisting their priority attacks, and OHKOing all of them

Bulky and Powerful:
Typing: Resists as much as possible of Water/Fairy/Steel/Psychic/Fire/Flying/Dark/Fighting/Ground
Moves: Does it get reliable recovery? Does it get high BP moves, such as Fire Blast for MegaGross, to enable it to get KOs? Again, probably going to need Electric (T-bolt/Discharge/Volt Switch/Thunder Punch) for Azu and Talon.
Stats: A lot of physical bulk - it needs to take some really powerful hits. Enough speed to outspeed Max Speed Azu without investment, depending on whether or not it gets reliable recovery. Enough power to OHKO all of them, depends on whether or not it gets reliable recovery.
Purpose: Bulk MegaGross, Talon and Azu, including on the switch, and take them down, either through reliable recovery and 2 or 3 KOing them or by OHKOing them with powerful moves.

It seems to me that Bulk is borderline impossible to pull off, considering the power that CB Azu and MegaGross have, so Fast and Powerful seems the way to go. For a typing, Water + Flying resist or Electric + Fire resist does the job. In terms of stats, 111 Speed outspeeds unboosted Mega Gross, while around 115 SpA with Specs means Fire Blast OHKOs MegaGross, while 125 does the same with Life Orb. However, even 125 Specs STAB T-bolt doesn't OHKO AV Azu, so it may be that this CAP is forced to go physical so as to avoid having to have monstrous SpA (180 SpA to OHKO AV Azu with STAB Specs T-bolt). However, 150 Attack without STAB (or 140 Atk with STAB) is needed to OHKO MegaGross with Banded Flare Blitz. These monster offenses present us with a problem: To beat MegaGross (that's the non-Bulky one too), Azumarril (and its AV set) as well as Talon. We need to either have a Pokemon which takes powerful attacks like CB Azu and Tough Claws MegaGross, or we have a Pokemon which outspeeds them and OHKOs them with its powerful offense. Both of which are on the edge of being broken.

Azumarill in general is really easy to wear down, so not being able to OHKO its Assault Vest set is not that big of a deal. If you are talking about OHKOing all three of them from the get-go so you do not have to worry about them all together, then you are pushing the limits too far. However, if you want it to resist Water / Steel / Flying / Fire, then Water / Electric, not Water / Steel, will resist all of those priority moves. Electric STAB also allows you to do more damage to Assault Vest Azumarill if you really want to protect yourself from it.
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