NU Prinplup


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Despite its low Speed stat and lack of recovery moves, Prinplup shines as one of the premier Defog users in the NU tier. There are very few Pokemon in NU with access to Defog that don't also have a weakness to Stealth Rock, and on teams where this becomes an issue Prinplup can be especially helpful. Even fewer Pokemon have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog; the only other option is Archeops. These support options paired with surprisingly good bulk and solid defensive typing make Prinplup a solid option for many bulkier and balanced teams.

name: Defog
move 1: Defog
move 2: Scald
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Toxic
ability: Torrent
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Bold


Defog allows Prinplup to support many Pokemon in the tier that are weak to entry hazards. Scald is a reliable STAB move backed by the chance to burn foes. Scald allows Prinplup to threaten common Stealth Rock setters such as Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, and Crustle. It should also be noted that Scald is boosted by Torrent when Prinplup is below 1/3 of its maximum HP. Stealth Rock allows Prinplup to support its teammates by weakening powerful Flying- and Fire-type attackers such as Archeops and Typhlosion upon switching in. Stealth Rock can be set up reliably thanks to Prinplup's impressive bulk. Toxic hits bulky Water-types that switch in on Scald and Defog, such as Mantine, Quagsire, and Seismitoad . Grass Knot can be used to hit Seismitoad and Quagsire for more immediate damage.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense investment backed by Eviolite gives Prinplup the Defense to tank almost every physical attack in the tier, while also maintaining solid Special Defense. Prinplup's bulk allows it to use Defog against powerful attackers such as Sawk and Mega Steelix. An alternative EV spread utilizing maximum HP and maximum Special Defense investment with a Calm nature gives Prinplup a better matchup versus powerful special attackers such as Typhlosion and Mesprit.

Usage Tips

Prinplup relies heavily on its Eviolite to take on powerful attackers, so switching Prinplup into Pokemon that commonly carry Knock Off is not recommended. Prinplup also needs to watch out for Pokemon with the abilities Defiant and Competitive, as using Defog will give them free boosts to their Attack or Special Attack stat, respectively. Pawniard poses an especially large threat to Prinplup, thanks to Defiant and STAB Knock Off. Taunt users such as Mismagius and Qwilfish can prevent Prinplup from setting Stealth Rock and removing entry hazards with Defog. Prinplup can use its low Speed stat to take advantage of faster Pokemon, especially those unafraid of Scald, attempting to set up Stealth Rock by first going for Toxic and proceeding to Defog until the foe faints from Toxic damage. Aim to come in on Fire- and Water-type Pokemon to Defog, as they pose the smallest threat to Prinplup. If need be, Prinplup can also survive super effective attacks from the likes of Heliolisk, Rotom, and Virizion. Be sure to remember Prinplup lacks a reliable form of recovery, so allowing it to take unnecessary damage is not recommended.

Team Options

Stealth Rock-weak Pokemon such as Scyther, Typhlosion, and Swellow appreciate Defog support from Prinplup. Fire-type Pokemon such as Magmortar, Ninetales, and Flareon can take some pressure off Prinplup by dealing with powerful Fire-type attackers such as Typhlosion. Prinplup can reciprocate by taking Water-type attacks aimed at Fire-type partners. Grass-types such as Gourgeist and Vileplume appreciate Prinplup taking Fire-type attacks and can also deal with Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Prinplup. Fighting-type Pokemon such as Sawk and Hariyama pair well with Prinplup and provide a way to deal with an opposing Pawniard; Sawk also appreciates Defog support if it chooses to run Sturdy. Pokemon with access to Wish such as Audino, Flareon, and Togetic can allow Prinplup to stick around longer. Audino can also use Heal Bell to remove status effects from Prinplup.

Other Options

Ice Beam can be used to hit Grass- and Flying-types for super effective damage. This is helpful against Xatu and Vileplume especially, as they are immune to Toxic. Icy Wind is an alternative to Ice Beam that also lowers the foe's Speed one stage; this can make Pokemon such as Lilligant easier for teammates to revenge kill. Yawn can be used to force switches and give Prinplup opportunities to Defog or set up Stealth Rock. Whirlpool can be used to trap foes Prinplup has a favorable matchup with and attempt to Toxic stall them.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Archeops, Mismagius, and Qwilfish prevent Prinplup from using Defog, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. In addition, Archeops and Qwilfish can set entry hazards, although Archeops has to be wary of Scald.

**Grass-types**: Unless Prinplup carries Ice Beam, most Grass-type Pokemon are a hard stop to Prinplup. Offensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Lilligant, Virizion, and Exeggutor can switch in and threaten Prinplup with their super effective STAB moves. Grass-types that have the ability to remove status or an immunity to Toxic, such as Vileplume, Roselia, and Lum Berry Exeggutor, give Prinplup even more trouble.

**Electric-types**: Prinplup typically struggles against Electric-type Pokemon such as Rotom and Electivire, as it usually has to choose between losing a good chunk of its health to Defog away entry hazards or give up momentum by allowing the opponent to Volt Switch on your switch-in. Heliolisk's Dry Skin gives it an immunity to Water-type attacks, making it extremely difficult for Prinplup to take down.

**Residual Damage**: Prinplup doesn't have access to recovery, so taking repeated hits from Pokemon such as Typhlosion can wear it down rather quickly. Status conditions such as poison and burn also wear it down, as Prinplup typically stays in for more than one turn.


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Kiyo, you're welcome for the free likes :^)

Also when will this be done?
k skeleton is written, i was pretty lazy with capitalization and g/p stuff in general so please don't nitpick I more than likely know and will fix it during the writing phase. If anyone wants to come up with an optimal mixed defensive spread I'd be more than happy to mention it if not give it the main suggestion, also ice beam in oo or moves guys? any other c&c would be appreciated, i don't feel pawn is enough off a threat to mention in c&C because honestly prinp beats it like 50% of the time even with the defog boost or w.e.

anyways qc ready have at it
Mention that Scald allows Prinplup to threaten most Stealth Rock users like Mega Steelix, Crustle, Mega Camerupt, Garbodor, etc...

Mention examples of notable Taunt users that Prinplup often faces, such as Qwilfish, Archeops, and Samurott (if SpD); former two can continue setting up hazards while the latter denies you an opportunity to Defog / SR.

Grass-types that are immune to Toxic (like Plume) or can cure status (Aromatherapy, Lum Eggy) should receive special mention since they can outlast Prinplup and give it a hard time; examples of offensive Grass-types like Lilli, Viriz, and Eggy also need to be specified. Roselia in particular is a nightmare for Prinplup to face as it shrugs off Prinplup's attacks with bulk + Natural Cure, and sets up hazards in Prinplup's face.

You should only list one EV spread on the main set (obviously the preferable one for the meta); you can still talk about both spreads in Set Details.

Do this shit and QC 1/3

dun feel like winning
remove the grass knot slash, only mention it in moves.

add these in oo:
  • icy wind to slow down something for a teammate (could help against like a lilligant that you cant afford to let gain boosts in speed) really situational so OO.
  • ice beam too
  • yawn/sing
  • whirlpool to trap something to give your teammates setup opportunity (situational as fuck, but its prinplup and can have up to 2 free slot if you have SR on another pokemon so why not)
add in c&c that since prinplup doesn't have recovery, it can easily get worn down by status/repeated hits.

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implemented punch and sg's checks. also added mention of healing wish and wish users in team options.
-idk if spdefprinp can really 'wall' Magmortar, so maybe just mention typh?
252+ SpA Life Orb Magmortar Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Prinplup: 156-185 (46.9 - 55.7%)
-In usage tips, mention pokemon that it can commonly switch-in on to defog / pokemon it needs to gtfo on.
-that second last one about defogging first stealth rocking second is way too self explanatory :\ leave it in if you have to, but it seems like unnecessary filler lol
-remove sing from oo hello
status conditions such as toxic and burn also have similar effects on prinplup as it usually needs to stay in for more than one turn.
-seems really awkward to mention they have similar effects. just say that statuses wear it down rather quickly due to it normally staying in for more than 1 turn, and lack of lefties.

Capitalize all your pokemon names during writeup to make it easier on GP :[

qc 2/3
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-idk if spdefprinp can really 'wall' Magmortar, so maybe just mention typh?
252+ SpA Life Orb Magmortar Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Prinplup: 156-185 (46.9 - 55.7%)
-In usage tips, mention pokemon that it can commonly switch-in on to defog / pokemon it needs to gtfo on.
-that second last one about defogging first stealth rocking second is way too self explanatory :\ leave it in if you have to, but it seems like unnecessary filler lol
-remove sing from oo hello

-seems really awkward to mention they have similar effects. just say that statuses wear it down rather quickly due to it normally staying in for more than 1 turn, and lack of lefties.

Capitalize all your pokemon names during writeup to make it easier on GP :[

qc 2/3
implemented, i kinda bs'd the UT on switch in's to defog but i'll expand when i write this. I'm gonna leave in teh tip on defog and rocks, it seems like filler but i think its at least worth a passing mention since its a reason people dont run prinplup in the first place.
wrote this. ready for 3rd check.

also is it worth it to keep the mentions of Heliolisk in? I suppose its a relatively easy fix if we want to just leave them in until the suspect process is over. (assuming that broken pos gets banned)
I'd remove mentions of Heliolisk just to save time later, lol. It's pretty obvious Heliolisk is getting banned with a super majority.

I personally only see small GP mistakes, nothing QC related. But I can't actually give you a check you cause I was the one who gave 2/3.
gl getting someone from QC to give that last check, lol :pirate:

edit: 175 hours exactly is how long it took you to write this. Well done!
Are HW users really that exceptional teammates? I don't know about you but honestly I wouldn't want to waste my Healing Wish on a passive mon like Prinplup, and I don't think it should be listed especially when it's not like Healing Wish users pair especially well with Prinplup when they pair well with pretty much any mon.

You could maybe mention that Prinplup is mainly the one that supports its teammates thanks to reliable hazard control, so you could mention stuff that love Defog support like Scyther, Typhlosion, Swellow, etc

When mentioning Icy Wind in OO talk about how it allows opponents such as fast mons or speed boosting foes (eg. QD Lilli) attempting to set up on it easier to revenge kill
Are HW users really that exceptional teammates? I don't know about you but honestly I wouldn't want to waste my Healing Wish on a passive mon like Prinplup, and I don't think it should be listed especially when it's not like Healing Wish users pair especially well with Prinplup when they pair well with pretty much any mon.

You could maybe mention that Prinplup is mainly the one that supports its teammates thanks to reliable hazard control, so you could mention stuff that love Defog support like Scyther, Typhlosion, Swellow, etc

When mentioning Icy Wind in OO talk about how it allows opponents such as fast mons or speed boosting foes (eg. QD Lilli) attempting to set up on it easier to revenge kill

removed mention on healing wish, added examples for sr weak mons, mentioned teammates revenge killing with icy wind



Despite its low Speed stat, (RC) and lack of recovery moves, (AC) Prinplup shines as one of the premier Defog users in the NU tier. There are very few Pokemon in NU with access to Defog that don't also have a weakness to Stealth Rock, and on teams where this becomes an issue Prinplup can be especially helpful. Even fewer Pokemon have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog; (SC) the only other option is Archeops. These support options paired with surprisingly good bulk and solid defensive typing make Prinplup a solid option for many bulkier and balanced teams.

name: Defog
move 1: Defog
move 2: Scald
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Toxic
ability: Torrent
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
nature: Bold


Defog allows Prinplup to support many Pokemon in the tier that are weak to entry hazards. Scald is a reliable STAB move backed by the chance to burn foes. Scald allows Prinplup to threaten common Stealth Rock setters such as Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, and Crustle. It should also be noted that Scald can be boosted by Torrent when Prinplup is below 1/3 of its maximum HP. Stealth Rock allows Prinplup to support its teammates by weakening powerful Flying- and Fire-type attackers such as Typhlosion and Archeops upon switching in. Stealth Rock can be set up reliably thanks to Prinplup's impressive bulk. Toxic hits bulky Water-types such as Mantine, Quagsire, and Seismitoad that switch in on Scald and Defog. Grass Knot can be used to hit Seismitoad and Quagsire for more immediate damage.

Set Details

Maximum HP and maximum Defense investment backed by Eviolite gives Prinplup the Defense to tank almost every physical attack in the tier, while also maintaining solid Special Defense. Prinplup's bulk allows it to use Defog on against powerful attackers such as Sawk and Mega Steelix. An alternative EV spread utilizing maximum HP and maximum Special Defense investment with a Calm nature gives Prinplup a better matchup versus powerful special attackers such as Typhlosion and Mesprit.

Usage Tips

Prinplup relies heavily on its Eviolite to take on powerful attackers, so switching Prinplup into Pokemon that commonly carry Knock Off is not recommended. Prinplup also needs to watch out for Pokemon with the abilities Defiant and Competitive, (AC) as using as going for Defog will give them free boosts to their Attack or Special Attack stat. Pawniard poses an especially large threat to Prinplup, thanks to Defiant and STAB Knock Off. Taunt users such as Mismagius and Qwilfish can prevent Prinplup from setting Stealth Rock and removing entry hazards with Defog. Prinplup can use its low Speed stat to take advantage of faster Pokemon, especially those unafraid of Scald, attempting to set up Stealth Rock by first going for Toxic and proceeding to Defog until the foe faints from Toxic damage. Aim to come in on Fire- and Water-type Pokemon to Defog as they pose the smallest threat to Prinplup. If need be, (AC) Prinplup can also live super effective attacks from the likes of Heliolisk, Rotom, and Virizion. Be sure to remember, (RC) Prinplup lacks a reliable form of recovery so allowing it to take unnecessary damage is not recommended.

Team Options

Stealth Rock-weak Pokemon such as Scyther, Typhlosion, and Swellow appreciate Defog support from Prinplup. Fire-type Pokemon such as Magmortar, Ninetales, and Flareon can take some pressure off Prinplup by dealing with powerful Fire-type attackers such as Typhlosion. Prinplup can reciprocate by taking Water-type attacks aimed at Fire-type partners. Grass-types such as Gourgeist and Vileplume appreciate Prinplup taking Fire-type attacks and can also deal with Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Prinplup. Fighting-type Pokemon such as Sawk and Hariyama pair well with Prinplup and provide a way to deal with an opposing Pawniard; (SC) Sawk also appreciates Defog support if it chooses to run Sturdy as its ability. Pokemon with access to Wish such as Audino, Flareon, and Togetic can allow Prinplup to stick around longer. Audino can also use Heal Bell to remove status effects from Prinplup.

Other Options

Ice Beam can be used to hit Grass- and Flying-types for super effective damage. This is helpful against Xatu and Vileplume especially as they are immune to Toxic. Icy Wind is an alternative to Ice Beam that also lowers the opponents Speed one stage; (SC) this can make Pokemon such as Lilligant easier for teammates to revenge kill. Yawn can be used to force switches and allow Prinplup opportunities to Defog or set up Stealth Rock. Whirlpool can be used to trap foes you have Prinplup has a favorable matchup with and attempt to Toxic stall them.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Archeops, Mismagius, and Qwilfish prevent Prinplup from using Defog, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. In addition, Archeops and Qwilfish can set entry hazards, however Archeops has to be wary of Scald.

**Grass-types**: Unless Prinplup carries Ice Beam, most Grass-type Pokemon are a hard stop to Prinplup. Offensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Lilligant, Virizion, and Exeggutor can switch in and threaten Prinplup with their super effective STAB moves. Grass-types that have the ability to remove status or an immunity to Toxic, such as Vileplume, Roselia, and Lum Berry Exeggutor, (AC) give Prinplup even more trouble.

**Electric-types**: Prinplup typically struggles against Electric-type Pokemon such as Rotom and Electivire as it usually has to choose between losing a good chunk of its health to Defog away entry hazards or give up momentum by allowing the opponent to Volt Switch on your switch-in. Heliolisk's ability Dry Skin gives it an immunity to Water-type attacks, this makes making it extremely difficult for Prinplup to take down.

**Residual Damage**: Prinplup doesn't have access to recovery, so taking repeated hits from Pokemon like Typhlosion can wear it down rather quickly. Status conditions such as poison and burn also wear it down as Prinplup typically stays in for more than one turn.


A lot of you sentences were structured to have semicolons instead of commas; I either changed most of them to semicolons or added conjunctions. Keep that in mind for the future.
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A lot of you sentences were structured to have semicolons instead of commas; I either changed most of them to semicolons or added conjunctions. Keep that in mind for the future.

Implemented. Thanks, I'll review use of the semicolon. Also, I've really got to stop trying to use STAB as a noun.
2/2 \o/

Despite its low Speed stat and lack of recovery moves, Prinplup shines as one of the premier Defog users in the NU tier. There are very few Pokemon in NU with access to Defog that don't also have a weakness to Stealth Rock, and on teams where this becomes an issue Prinplup can be especially helpful. Even fewer Pokemon have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog; the only other option is Archeops. These support options paired with surprisingly good bulk and solid defensive typing make Prinplup a solid option for many bulkier and balanced teams.

name: Defog
move 1: Defog
move 2: Scald
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Toxic
ability: Torrent
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef SpD
nature: Bold


Defog allows Prinplup to support many Pokemon in the tier that are weak to entry hazards. Scald is a reliable STAB move backed by the chance to burn foes. Scald allows Prinplup to threaten common Stealth Rock setters such as Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, and Crustle. It should also be noted that Scald is can be boosted by Torrent when Prinplup is below 1/3 of its maximum HP. Stealth Rock allows Prinplup to support its teammates by weakening powerful Flying- and Fire-type attackers such as Archeops and Typhlosion (match order) and Archeops upon switching in. Stealth Rock can be set up reliably thanks to Prinplup's impressive bulk. Toxic hits bulky Water-types that switch in on Scald and Defog, such as Mantine, Quagsire, and Seismitoad that switch in on Scald and Defog. Grass Knot can be used to hit Seismitoad and Quagsire for more immediate damage.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense investment backed by Eviolite gives Prinplup the Defense to tank almost every physical attack in the tier, while also maintaining solid Special Defense. Prinplup's bulk allows it to use Defog against powerful attackers such as Sawk and Mega Steelix. An alternative EV spread utilizing maximum HP and maximum Special Defense investment with a Calm nature gives Prinplup a better matchup versus powerful special attackers such as Typhlosion and Mesprit.

Usage Tips

Prinplup relies heavily on its Eviolite to take on powerful attackers, so switching Prinplup into Pokemon that commonly carry Knock Off is not recommended. Prinplup also needs to watch out for Pokemon with the abilities Defiant and Competitive, as using Defog will give them free boosts to their Attack or Special Attack stat, respectively. Pawniard poses an especially large threat to Prinplup, thanks to Defiant and STAB Knock Off. Taunt users such as Mismagius and Qwilfish can prevent Prinplup from setting Stealth Rock and removing entry hazards with Defog. Prinplup can use its low Speed stat to take advantage of faster Pokemon, especially those unafraid of Scald, attempting to set up Stealth Rock by first going for Toxic and proceeding to Defog until the foe faints from Toxic damage. Aim to come in on Fire- and Water-type Pokemon to Defog, (comma) as they pose the smallest threat to Prinplup. If need be, Prinplup can also live survive super effective attacks from the likes of Heliolisk, Rotom, and Virizion. Be sure to remember Prinplup lacks a reliable form of recovery, (comma) so allowing it to take unnecessary damage is not recommended.

Team Options

Stealth Rock-weak Pokemon such as Scyther, Typhlosion, and Swellow appreciate Defog support from Prinplup. Fire-type Pokemon such as Magmortar, Ninetales, and Flareon can take some pressure off Prinplup by dealing with powerful Fire-type attackers such as Typhlosion. Prinplup can reciprocate by taking Water-type attacks aimed at Fire-type partners. Grass-types such as Gourgeist and Vileplume appreciate Prinplup taking Fire-type attacks and can also deal with Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Prinplup. Fighting-type Pokemon such as Sawk and Hariyama pair well with Prinplup and provide a way to deal with an opposing Pawniard; Sawk also appreciates Defog support if it chooses to run Sturdy. Pokemon with access to Wish such as Audino, Flareon, and Togetic can allow Prinplup to stick around longer. Audino can also use Heal Bell to remove status effects from Prinplup.

Other Options

Ice Beam can be used to hit Grass- and Flying-types for super effective damage. This is helpful against Xatu and Vileplume especially, (comma) as they are immune to Toxic. Icy Wind is an alternative to Ice Beam that also lowers the opponents foe's Speed one stage; this can make Pokemon such as Lilligant easier for teammates to revenge kill. Yawn can be used to force switches and allow give Prinplup opportunities to Defog or set up Stealth Rock. Whirlpool can be used to trap foes Prinplup has a favorable matchup with and attempt to Toxic stall them.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Archeops, Mismagius, and Qwilfish prevent Prinplup from using Defog, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. In addition, Archeops and Qwilfish can set entry hazards, however although Archeops has to be wary of Scald.

**Grass-types**: Unless Prinplup carries Ice Beam, most Grass-type Pokemon are a hard stop to Prinplup. Offensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Lilligant, Virizion, and Exeggutor can switch in and threaten Prinplup with their super effective STAB moves. Grass-types that have the ability to remove status or an immunity to Toxic, such as Vileplume, Roselia, and Lum Berry Exeggutor, give Prinplup even more trouble.

**Electric-types**: Prinplup typically struggles against Electric-type Pokemon such as Rotom and Electivire, (comma) as it usually has to choose between losing a good chunk of its health to Defog away entry hazards or give up momentum by allowing the opponent to Volt Switch on your switch-in. Heliolisk's Dry Skin gives it an immunity to Water-type attacks, making it extremely difficult for Prinplup to take down.

**Residual Damage**: Prinplup doesn't have access to recovery, so taking repeated hits from Pokemon like such as Typhlosion can wear it down rather quickly. Status conditions such as poison and burn also wear it down, (comma) as Prinplup typically stays in for more than one turn.
2/2 \o/

Despite its low Speed stat and lack of recovery moves, Prinplup shines as one of the premier Defog users in the NU tier. There are very few Pokemon in NU with access to Defog that don't also have a weakness to Stealth Rock, and on teams where this becomes an issue Prinplup can be especially helpful. Even fewer Pokemon have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog; the only other option is Archeops. These support options paired with surprisingly good bulk and solid defensive typing make Prinplup a solid option for many bulkier and balanced teams.

name: Defog
move 1: Defog
move 2: Scald
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Toxic
ability: Torrent
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef SpD
nature: Bold


Defog allows Prinplup to support many Pokemon in the tier that are weak to entry hazards. Scald is a reliable STAB move backed by the chance to burn foes. Scald allows Prinplup to threaten common Stealth Rock setters such as Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, and Crustle. It should also be noted that Scald is can be boosted by Torrent when Prinplup is below 1/3 of its maximum HP. Stealth Rock allows Prinplup to support its teammates by weakening powerful Flying- and Fire-type attackers such as Archeops and Typhlosion (match order) and Archeops upon switching in. Stealth Rock can be set up reliably thanks to Prinplup's impressive bulk. Toxic hits bulky Water-types that switch in on Scald and Defog, such as Mantine, Quagsire, and Seismitoad that switch in on Scald and Defog. Grass Knot can be used to hit Seismitoad and Quagsire for more immediate damage.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense investment backed by Eviolite gives Prinplup the Defense to tank almost every physical attack in the tier, while also maintaining solid Special Defense. Prinplup's bulk allows it to use Defog against powerful attackers such as Sawk and Mega Steelix. An alternative EV spread utilizing maximum HP and maximum Special Defense investment with a Calm nature gives Prinplup a better matchup versus powerful special attackers such as Typhlosion and Mesprit.

Usage Tips

Prinplup relies heavily on its Eviolite to take on powerful attackers, so switching Prinplup into Pokemon that commonly carry Knock Off is not recommended. Prinplup also needs to watch out for Pokemon with the abilities Defiant and Competitive, as using Defog will give them free boosts to their Attack or Special Attack stat, respectively. Pawniard poses an especially large threat to Prinplup, thanks to Defiant and STAB Knock Off. Taunt users such as Mismagius and Qwilfish can prevent Prinplup from setting Stealth Rock and removing entry hazards with Defog. Prinplup can use its low Speed stat to take advantage of faster Pokemon, especially those unafraid of Scald, attempting to set up Stealth Rock by first going for Toxic and proceeding to Defog until the foe faints from Toxic damage. Aim to come in on Fire- and Water-type Pokemon to Defog, (comma) as they pose the smallest threat to Prinplup. If need be, Prinplup can also live survive super effective attacks from the likes of Heliolisk, Rotom, and Virizion. Be sure to remember Prinplup lacks a reliable form of recovery, (comma) so allowing it to take unnecessary damage is not recommended.

Team Options

Stealth Rock-weak Pokemon such as Scyther, Typhlosion, and Swellow appreciate Defog support from Prinplup. Fire-type Pokemon such as Magmortar, Ninetales, and Flareon can take some pressure off Prinplup by dealing with powerful Fire-type attackers such as Typhlosion. Prinplup can reciprocate by taking Water-type attacks aimed at Fire-type partners. Grass-types such as Gourgeist and Vileplume appreciate Prinplup taking Fire-type attacks and can also deal with Grass- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Prinplup. Fighting-type Pokemon such as Sawk and Hariyama pair well with Prinplup and provide a way to deal with an opposing Pawniard; Sawk also appreciates Defog support if it chooses to run Sturdy. Pokemon with access to Wish such as Audino, Flareon, and Togetic can allow Prinplup to stick around longer. Audino can also use Heal Bell to remove status effects from Prinplup.

Other Options

Ice Beam can be used to hit Grass- and Flying-types for super effective damage. This is helpful against Xatu and Vileplume especially, (comma) as they are immune to Toxic. Icy Wind is an alternative to Ice Beam that also lowers the opponents foe's Speed one stage; this can make Pokemon such as Lilligant easier for teammates to revenge kill. Yawn can be used to force switches and allow give Prinplup opportunities to Defog or set up Stealth Rock. Whirlpool can be used to trap foes Prinplup has a favorable matchup with and attempt to Toxic stall them.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Archeops, Mismagius, and Qwilfish prevent Prinplup from using Defog, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. In addition, Archeops and Qwilfish can set entry hazards, however although Archeops has to be wary of Scald.

**Grass-types**: Unless Prinplup carries Ice Beam, most Grass-type Pokemon are a hard stop to Prinplup. Offensive Grass-type Pokemon such as Lilligant, Virizion, and Exeggutor can switch in and threaten Prinplup with their super effective STAB moves. Grass-types that have the ability to remove status or an immunity to Toxic, such as Vileplume, Roselia, and Lum Berry Exeggutor, give Prinplup even more trouble.

**Electric-types**: Prinplup typically struggles against Electric-type Pokemon such as Rotom and Electivire, (comma) as it usually has to choose between losing a good chunk of its health to Defog away entry hazards or give up momentum by allowing the opponent to Volt Switch on your switch-in. Heliolisk's Dry Skin gives it an immunity to Water-type attacks, making it extremely difficult for Prinplup to take down.

**Residual Damage**: Prinplup doesn't have access to recovery, so taking repeated hits from Pokemon like such as Typhlosion can wear it down rather quickly. Status conditions such as poison and burn also wear it down, (comma) as Prinplup typically stays in for more than one turn.

Implemented. This is done.
I'm sorry Kiyo I can't upload this either, you don't finish analyses so something probably isn't finished.