OU Chansey


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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

QC: 3/3 (ben gay, AM, liberty32)
GP: 2/2 (P Squared, Goddess Briyella)


Astronomical HP and Special Defense, combined with the ability to use Eviolite, makes Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike that of her sister Blissey, Chansey's augmented physical bulk with Eviolite allows her to take powerful physical hits, making her a staple on defensively oriented teams. Wish and Natural Cure allow Chansey to heal her teammates and absorb status for them, while access to Seismic Toss and Toxic helps prevent her from being setup bait. Even with two ways of dealing damage, Chansey is still very passive, and because of this she is largely shut down by Taunt. Chansey's defensive typing is also rather poor for a wall, as Normal-types have no resistances and only an immunity to Ghost. Couple this with Eviolite Chansey's inability to hold Leftovers, and it is not all that difficult to wear her down. Chansey is also extremely reliant on Eviolite and loses much of her usefulness if hit by Knock Off or, less commonly, Trick. Nonetheless, Chansey is still one of the best walls in the OU metagame and is a must-use on any stall team.

De Blob
name: De Blob
move 1: Toxic / Thunder Wave
move 2: Softboiled
move 3: Seismic Toss
move 4: Heal Bell / Wish
ability: Natural Cure
item: Eviolite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Bold


Toxic and Thunder Wave allow Chansey to cripple opposing offensive Pokemon with a status effect, thus cutting their sweeps short. Soft-Boiled gives Chansey easy recovery, prolonging her presence on the field. It is crucial to keep Chansey healthy with Soft-Boiled, because she lacks Leftovers. Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence and will break Substitutes if the foe has less than 404 HP. Heal Bell lets Chansey act as a cleric, while Wish is an alternative way to recover HP and can be used to heal Chansey's teammates. Alternatively, Protect allows Chansey to stall out the foe with Toxic and heal herself safely with Wish, while Stealth Rock can be used to punish opposing switch-ins, allowing Chansey's teammates to sweep more easily.

Set Details

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates. Natural Cure grants Chansey an essential immunity to status problems, and Eviolite makes Chansey even bulkier, boosting her Defense and Special Defense by 1.5x.

Usage Tips

Chansey's main jobs are tanking hits and spreading status. Lum Berry and Substitute are major problems for this set, as the foe can stop Chansey's attempt to give it a status ailment. Though Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence, she remains serious Taunt bait and will do little for the team if affected. Be cautious when trying to pass Wishes to teammates with low health, as the opponent can recognize this and send in a check or counter of their own. Moreover, because Roar and Whirlwind hit through Protect, Chansey can be phazed out when attempting to heal herself with Wish. If you are running Protect, use the move to scout users of Knock Off and Trick in order to preserve Chansey's Eviolite, as she is completely reliant on the item to tank hits well. Chansey is also very vulnerable to wallbreakers due to her lack of Leftovers. If you predict that a check or counter to Chansey is about to switch in, use Wish and go from there.

Team Options

Chansey works very well on dedicated stall teams, so she should be paired with stall team staples such as Quagsire, Clefable, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Entry hazard removal is necessary, as Taunt users will easily force Chansey out, and you will be switching Pokemon around a lot in order to keep passing Wishes, provided you are running Wish. Starmie, Skarmory, and Zapdos can remove entry hazards while providing defensive utility. As Chansey will force a lot of switches herself, an entry hazard setter makes for a good partner. Tentacruel can both set and remove entry hazards, making it a prime choice. A user of Taunt such as Gengar or Mega Gardevoir can help against Pokemon with Substitute and phazing moves. You also need teammates that Chansey can support; you can pair her with nearly any setup sweeper in order to keep said sweeper healthy. Setup Pokemon that she can support include Bisharp, Keldeo, and Mega Altaria. A Mega Evolution such as Mega Scizor or Mega Venusaur can take a Knock Off for Chansey in order to preserve her Eviolite.

Other Options

Counter can net a surprise KO against physical attackers, but Chansey doesn't typically have room for the move. It also requires great prediction to use properly. Healing Wish can be used to bring one of Chansey's teammates back to full health, but Chansey is already a good enough cleric with Wish or Heal Bell.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting-types**: There are plenty of them in the OU metagame. Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Breloom are all Pokemon that hit Chansey for super effective damage on her weaker Defense stat.

**Wallbreakers**: Due to Chansey's lack of Leftovers, wallbreakers wear her down easily. For example, Knock Off Landorus-T 2HKOes Chansey after Knocking Off her Eviolite, physically based Kyurem-B often 2HKOes Chansey with a Life Orb-boosted Dragon Claw, Mega Gardevoir can Taunt Chansey and 3HKO her with Psyshock, and Taunt Gengar walls Chansey completely.

**Pokemon with Knock Off**: As Chansey relies heavily on Eviolite to tank attacks, she loses much of her tanking ability if hit by a Knock Off from the likes of Conkeldurr, Bisharp, and Tornadus-T.

**Gothitelle**: Gothitelle can trap Chansey with Shadow Tag and Trick its Choice Specs or Choice Scarf onto Chansey to lock her into a single move. After this, another foe can use Chansey as setup bait and KO her. Because Chansey is generally a team's check to special wallbreakers, the ability to trap and remove her can make the team very vulnerable to a sweep from a powerful special attacker such as Mega Charizard Y or Landorus.

**Pokemon with Taunt**: If Chansey is hit by Taunt from a Pokemon such as Gengar, Talonflame, or Gliscor, she will be unable to do much, and the opponent can subsequently use her as setup bait.

**Status Avoiding**: Chansey cannot spread status to Pokemon behind a Substitute, so sweepers such as Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo can use the move to gain a free turn of setup. Furthermore, if the Pokemon has a maximum HP of 404 or higher, Seismic Toss will fail to break the Substitute in one hit. Similar to Substitute, Lum Berry provides Pokemon with protection from Chansey's attempts to status them. Dragonite, for example, enjoys Lum Berry to protect itself from a single Toxic or Thunder Wave.

**Setup Sweepers**: Pokemon that do not mind Toxic or Thunder Wave, such as Swords Dance Gliscor, Calm Mind Clefable, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Mega Sableye, and Swords Dance Bisharp, can all use Chansey as setup bait.
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Strong physical attackers / fighting types / wallbreakers / certain setup sweepers (like sub cm Keldeo, tg rd Manaphy, Cm mega sableye, Cm clef, Sd Gliscor, etc - those are the only ones try to think of more) in c&c, they're pretty important.
Split them up into sections however you like, but make sure to have the general idea.
Strong physical attackers / fighting types / wallbreakers / certain setup sweepers (like sub cm Keldeo, tg rd Manaphy, Cm mega sableye, Cm clef, Sd Gliscor, etc - those are the only ones try to think of more) in c&c, they're pretty important.
Split them up into sections however you like, but make sure to have the general idea.
Added. Does it look okay so far?
Added. Does it look okay so far?
The first section shouldn't be just physical fighting types, as the best fighting type in the tier is a special attacker (Keldeo), and while secret sword hits the physical defense it's obviously not a physical attacker.

You may want to combine the substitute and lum section into status avoiding.

Mega Gallade shouldn't be in the knock off section because it's going to threaten Chansey with close combat anyways.

Wallbreakers should have a section too with stuff like knock off landorus-I which can 2hko with focus blast after it knocks off eviolite, mixed kyurem-b has a decent shot of 2hkoing with outrage (although the they usually run roost on the LO set), Mega gardevoir needs a mention somewhere, as Psyshock 3hkoes and it often runs taunt, mixed Hydreigon can 2hko with superpower after some prior damage, LO taunt 3 attacks gengar takes a massive shit on Chansey, and maybe nasty plot togekiss that runs lum or heal bell.
The first section shouldn't be just physical fighting types, as the best fighting type in the tier is a special attacker (Keldeo), and while secret sword hits the physical defense it's obviously not a physical attacker.

You may want to combine the substitute and lum section into status avoiding.

Mega Gallade shouldn't be in the knock off section because it's going to threaten Chansey with close combat anyways.

Wallbreakers should have a section too with stuff like knock off landorus-I which can 2hko with focus blast after it knocks off eviolite, mixed kyurem-b has a decent shot of 2hkoing with outrage (although the they usually run roost on the LO set), Mega gardevoir needs a mention somewhere, as Psyshock 3hkoes and it often runs taunt, mixed Hydreigon can 2hko with superpower after some prior damage, LO taunt 3 attacks gengar takes a massive shit on Chansey, and maybe nasty plot togekiss that runs lum or heal bell.
Yeah, there's a lot that I'm missing here. Back into WIP mode.
Fair enough.

You might want to play some stall (if you haven't already) to get a feel of how Chansey plays as a pokemon, that will help a lot when working on the usage tips.
Perhaps. After making all the necessary edits, I think this is looking good for the most part.
Non-QC opinions incoming.

Chansey is passive because she has to resort to Toxic and S-Toss, not in spite of having them.

Mention in the 101 Subs part at the top that it's fully invested Mons with base 99 or lower she can't break. It sounds like you're talking about uninvested ones, which requires an HP stat of 132 or so.

The Mons in "Setup Sweepers" can probably be rolled into "Status Avoiding" since every one you listed falls under the latter category. Most status-prone sweepers won't try to setup on Chansey unless they threaten her before they buff up or don't care about status.

I think there should be a section in C&C about Pursuit, since its users can consistently force Chansey out (especislly Bisharp with the threat of Knock Off) and wear her down for teammates.
i would actually swap out protect with wish and give softboiled the slot to itself. reason being is that wish+protect is already accomplished by wish+softboiled, with softboiled acting as an immediate form of recovery with the same reliability as wish+protect. protect however is already a very passive option to have which the opponent can easily play around, limiting chansey's overall surviability by solely relying on wish. though, you can give mention of protect in moves along with wish, as it is still useful to scout choice items and racking up residual damage. in team options, mention how chansey is the premiere face of dedicated stall teams and that it should be paired with obvious partners in skarm, clef, m-sableye, quag, etc. take out stealth rocks in oo and mention it in moves. chansey is a very viable stealth rocker if your team is lacking and in need of one. you can mention healing wish in oo in place of that. not much else to chansey tho, 1/3
i would actually swap out protect with wish and give softboiled the slot to itself. reason being is that wish+protect is already accomplished by wish+softboiled, with softboiled acting as an immediate form of recovery with the same reliability as wish+protect. protect however is already a very passive option to have which the opponent can easily play around, limiting chansey's overall surviability by solely relying on wish. though, you can give mention of protect in moves along with wish, as it is still useful to scout choice items and racking up residual damage. in team options, mention how chansey is the premiere face of dedicated stall teams and that it should be paired with obvious partners in skarm, clef, m-sableye, quag, etc. take out stealth rocks in oo and mention it in moves. chansey is a very viable stealth rocker if your team is lacking and in need of one. you can mention healing wish in oo in place of that. not much else to chansey tho, 1/3
Done. Ready for QC #2!
echoing what boltsandbombers said. you need to deslash protect as well, i only stated for it to be mentioned in moves, not be given a main slash D:
Mention some more solid Knock Off absorbers such as Mega Venusaur in your team options. Same deal with the hazard removers cause Excadrill isn't the only good one that can be used on teams that Chansey are usually found on. Tentacruel, Starmie, Skarmory, Zapdos are some examples to include in your analysis along with reasonings of what they provide for defensive utility. Mention Conkeldurr under the sections correlated to Knock Off because Chansey is not only a momentum killer but when faced against something like this or anything it is being checked by, it can become even more detrimental. With that being said under usage tips mention that if a presumed check or counter that it can escape from is about to come in it's better to just use Wish in that instance and go from there. Put a stronger emphasis on Gothitelle in checks and counters because Chansey is generally the defensive check to dangerous special wall-breakers such as Charizard-Y and Lando-I and as such teams that lose Chansey and don't have a back up plan such as Cresselia could be prone to getting cleaned by these wall-breakers. QC 2/3 when you beef up team options and these details.
Mention some more solid Knock Off absorbers such as Mega Venusaur in your team options. Same deal with the hazard removers cause Excadrill isn't the only good one that can be used on teams that Chansey are usually found on. Tentacruel, Starmie, Skarmory, Zapdos are some examples to include in your analysis along with reasonings of what they provide for defensive utility. Mention Conkeldurr under the sections correlated to Knock Off because Chansey is not only a momentum killer but when faced against something like this or anything it is being checked by, it can become even more detrimental. With that being said under usage tips mention that if a presumed check or counter that it can escape from is about to come in it's better to just use Wish in that instance and go from there. Put a stronger emphasis on Gothitelle in checks and counters because Chansey is generally the defensive check to dangerous special wall-breakers such as Charizard-Y and Lando-I and as such teams that lose Chansey and don't have a back up plan such as Cresselia could be prone to getting cleaned by these wall-breakers. QC 2/3 when you beef up team options and these details.
Thanks- did these. Writing now.

EDIT: Written.
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add gengar to the list of checks and counters with pokemon with taunt and consider this a 3/3
GP 1/2
add remove

Astronomical HP and Special Defense combined with the ability to use Eviolite make Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike her sister Blissey, Eviolite allows (implies Eviolite is Blissey's sister) Chansey can use Eviolite to take powerful physical hits, making her a staple on defensively minded teams. Wish and Natural Cure allow Chansey to heal her teammates and absorb status for them, while access to Seismic Toss and Toxic help prevent her from being setup bait. Even with two ways of dealing damage so, Chansey is still very passive even with two ways of dealing damage, and because of this she is largely shut down by Taunt. Chansey's defensive typing is also rather poor for a wall, as Normal-types have only one resistance. Couple this with Chansey's inability to hold Leftovers, and it is not all that difficult to wear her down. Chansey is also extremely reliant on Eviolite, (remove comma) and loses much of her usefulness if hit by Knock Off or, less commonly, Trick. Nonetheless, Chansey is still one of the best walls in the OU metagame and is a must-use on any stall team.

De Blob
name: De Blob
move 1: Toxic / Thunder Wave
move 2: Softboiled
move 3: Seismic Toss
move 4: Heal Bell / Wish
ability: Natural Cure
item: Eviolite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Bold


Toxic and Thunder Wave allow Chansey to cripple opposing offensive Pokemon with a status effect, thus cutting their sweeps short. Soft-Boiled gives Chansey easy recovery, prolonging her presence on the field. It is crucial to keep Chansey healthy with Soft-Boiled, (comma) because she lacks Leftovers. Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence, (remove comma) and will break Substitutes if the foe has fully invested base 99 HP or lower. Heal Bell lets Chansey act as a cleric, while Wish is an alternative way to recover HP, (remove comma) and can be used to heal Chansey's teammates. Alternatively, Protect allows Chansey to stall out the foe with Toxic, (remove comma) and heal herself safely with Wish, while Stealth Rock can be used to punish opposing switch-ins, allowing Chansey's teammates to sweep more easily.

Set Details

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates. Natural Cure grants Chansey an essential immunity to status problems, and Eviolite makes Chansey even bulkier, boosting her Defense and Special Defense by 1.5x.

Usage Tips

Chansey's main jobs are tanking hits and spreading status. Lum Berry and Substitute are major problems for this set, as the foe can stop Chansey's attempt to give it a status ailment. Though Seismic Toss allows gives Chansey to get around this with some offensive presence, she remains serious Taunt bait and will do little for the team if affected. Be cautious when trying to pass Wishes to teammates with low health, as the opponent can recognize this and send in a check or counter of their own. Moreover, because Roar and Whirlwind hit through Protect, Chansey can be phazed out when attempting to heal herself with Wish. If you are running Protect, use the move to scout users of Knock Off and Trick in order to preserve Chansey's Eviolite, as she is completely reliant on the item to tank hits well. Chansey is also very vulnerable to wallbreakers due to her lack of Leftovers. If you predict that a check or counter to Chansey is about to switch in, use Wish and go from there.

Team Options

Chansey works very well on dedicated stall teams, so she should be paired with stall team staples such as Quagsire, Clefable, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Entry hazard removal is necessary, as Taunt users and (and something?) easily force Chansey out, and you will be switching Pokemon around a lot in order to keep passing Wishes, provided you are running Wish. Starmie, Skarmory, and Zapdos can remove entry hazards while providing defensive utility. As Chansey will force a lot of switches herself, an entry hazard setter makes for a good partner. Tentacruel can both set and remove entry hazards, making it a prime choice. A user of Taunt such as Gengar and or (you said "a user", which is singular, so this has to be "or") Mega Gardevoir can help against Pokemon with Substitute and phazing moves. You also need teammates that Chansey can support; you can pair her with nearly any setup sweeper in order to keep said sweeper healthy. Setup Pokemon that she can support include Bisharp, Keldeo, and Mega Altaria. A Mega Evolution such as Mega Scizor or Mega Venusaur can take a Knock Off for Chansey in order to preserve her Eviolite.

Other Options

Counter can net a surprise KO against physical attackers, but Chansey doesn't typically have room for the move. It also requires great prediction to use properly. Healing Wish can be used to bring one of Chansey's teammates back to full health, but Chansey is already a good enough cleric with Wish and/or Heal Bell.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting-types**: There are plenty of them in the OU metagame. Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Breloom are all Pokemon that hit Chansey super effectively on her weaker Defense stat.

**Wallbreakers**: Due to Chansey's lack of Leftovers, wallbreakers wear her down easily. For example, Knock Off Landorus-T 2HKOes Chansey after Knocking Off her Eviolite, physically based Kyurem-B often 2HKOes Chansey with a Life Orb-boosted Dragon Claw, Mega Gardevoir can Taunt Chansey and 3HKO her with Psyshock, and Taunt Gengar walls Chansey completely.

**Pokemon with Knock Off**: As Chansey relies heavily on Eviolite to tank attacks, she loses much of her tanking ability if hit by a Knock Off from the likes of Conkeldurr, Bisharp, and Tornadus-T.

**Gothitelle**: Gothitelle can trap Chansey with Shadow Tag, (remove comma) and Trick its Choice Specs or Choice Scarf onto Chansey to lock her into a single move. After this, another foe can use Chansey as setup bait and KO her. Because Chansey is generally a team's check to special wallbreakers, the ability to trap and remove her can make the team very vulnerable to a sweep from a powerful special attacker such as Mega Charizard Y or Landorus.

**Pokemon with Taunt**: If Chansey is hit by Taunt from a Pokemon such as Gengar, Talonflame, or Gliscor, she will be unable to do much, and the opponent can subsequently use her as setup bait.

**Status Avoiding**: Chansey cannot spread status to Pokemon behind a Substitute, so sweepers such as SubCM Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo can use the move to gain a free turn of setup. Furthermore, if the Pokemon has a 404 maximum HP of 404 (404 HP not found...) or higher, Seismic Toss will fail to break the Substitute in one hit. Similar to Substitute, Lum Berry provides Pokemon with protection from Chansey's attempts to status them. Dragonite, for example, enjoys Lum Berry to protect itself from a single Toxic or Thunder Wave.

**Setup Sweepers**: Pokemon that do not mind Toxic or Thunder Wave, (comma) such as Swords Dance Gliscor, Calm Mind Clefable, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Mega Sableye, and Swords Dance Bisharp, (comma) can all use Chansey as setup bait.
GP 1/2
add remove

Astronomical HP and Special Defense combined with the ability to use Eviolite make Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike her sister Blissey, Eviolite allows (implies Eviolite is Blissey's sister) Chansey can use Eviolite to take powerful physical hits, making her a staple on defensively minded teams. Wish and Natural Cure allow Chansey to heal her teammates and absorb status for them, while access to Seismic Toss and Toxic help prevent her from being setup bait. Even with two ways of dealing damage so, Chansey is still very passive even with two ways of dealing damage, and because of this she is largely shut down by Taunt. Chansey's defensive typing is also rather poor for a wall, as Normal-types have only one resistance. Couple this with Chansey's inability to hold Leftovers, and it is not all that difficult to wear her down. Chansey is also extremely reliant on Eviolite, (remove comma) and loses much of her usefulness if hit by Knock Off or, less commonly, Trick. Nonetheless, Chansey is still one of the best walls in the OU metagame and is a must-use on any stall team.

De Blob
name: De Blob
move 1: Toxic / Thunder Wave
move 2: Softboiled
move 3: Seismic Toss
move 4: Heal Bell / Wish
ability: Natural Cure
item: Eviolite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Bold


Toxic and Thunder Wave allow Chansey to cripple opposing offensive Pokemon with a status effect, thus cutting their sweeps short. Soft-Boiled gives Chansey easy recovery, prolonging her presence on the field. It is crucial to keep Chansey healthy with Soft-Boiled, (comma) because she lacks Leftovers. Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence, (remove comma) and will break Substitutes if the foe has fully invested base 99 HP or lower. Heal Bell lets Chansey act as a cleric, while Wish is an alternative way to recover HP, (remove comma) and can be used to heal Chansey's teammates. Alternatively, Protect allows Chansey to stall out the foe with Toxic, (remove comma) and heal herself safely with Wish, while Stealth Rock can be used to punish opposing switch-ins, allowing Chansey's teammates to sweep more easily.

Set Details

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates. Natural Cure grants Chansey an essential immunity to status problems, and Eviolite makes Chansey even bulkier, boosting her Defense and Special Defense by 1.5x.

Usage Tips

Chansey's main jobs are tanking hits and spreading status. Lum Berry and Substitute are major problems for this set, as the foe can stop Chansey's attempt to give it a status ailment. Though Seismic Toss allows gives Chansey to get around this with some offensive presence, she remains serious Taunt bait and will do little for the team if affected. Be cautious when trying to pass Wishes to teammates with low health, as the opponent can recognize this and send in a check or counter of their own. Moreover, because Roar and Whirlwind hit through Protect, Chansey can be phazed out when attempting to heal herself with Wish. If you are running Protect, use the move to scout users of Knock Off and Trick in order to preserve Chansey's Eviolite, as she is completely reliant on the item to tank hits well. Chansey is also very vulnerable to wallbreakers due to her lack of Leftovers. If you predict that a check or counter to Chansey is about to switch in, use Wish and go from there.

Team Options

Chansey works very well on dedicated stall teams, so she should be paired with stall team staples such as Quagsire, Clefable, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Entry hazard removal is necessary, as Taunt users and (and something?) easily force Chansey out, and you will be switching Pokemon around a lot in order to keep passing Wishes, provided you are running Wish. Starmie, Skarmory, and Zapdos can remove entry hazards while providing defensive utility. As Chansey will force a lot of switches herself, an entry hazard setter makes for a good partner. Tentacruel can both set and remove entry hazards, making it a prime choice. A user of Taunt such as Gengar and or (you said "a user", which is singular, so this has to be "or") Mega Gardevoir can help against Pokemon with Substitute and phazing moves. You also need teammates that Chansey can support; you can pair her with nearly any setup sweeper in order to keep said sweeper healthy. Setup Pokemon that she can support include Bisharp, Keldeo, and Mega Altaria. A Mega Evolution such as Mega Scizor or Mega Venusaur can take a Knock Off for Chansey in order to preserve her Eviolite.

Other Options

Counter can net a surprise KO against physical attackers, but Chansey doesn't typically have room for the move. It also requires great prediction to use properly. Healing Wish can be used to bring one of Chansey's teammates back to full health, but Chansey is already a good enough cleric with Wish and/or Heal Bell.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting-types**: There are plenty of them in the OU metagame. Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Breloom are all Pokemon that hit Chansey super effectively on her weaker Defense stat.

**Wallbreakers**: Due to Chansey's lack of Leftovers, wallbreakers wear her down easily. For example, Knock Off Landorus-T 2HKOes Chansey after Knocking Off her Eviolite, physically based Kyurem-B often 2HKOes Chansey with a Life Orb-boosted Dragon Claw, Mega Gardevoir can Taunt Chansey and 3HKO her with Psyshock, and Taunt Gengar walls Chansey completely.

**Pokemon with Knock Off**: As Chansey relies heavily on Eviolite to tank attacks, she loses much of her tanking ability if hit by a Knock Off from the likes of Conkeldurr, Bisharp, and Tornadus-T.

**Gothitelle**: Gothitelle can trap Chansey with Shadow Tag, (remove comma) and Trick its Choice Specs or Choice Scarf onto Chansey to lock her into a single move. After this, another foe can use Chansey as setup bait and KO her. Because Chansey is generally a team's check to special wallbreakers, the ability to trap and remove her can make the team very vulnerable to a sweep from a powerful special attacker such as Mega Charizard Y or Landorus.

**Pokemon with Taunt**: If Chansey is hit by Taunt from a Pokemon such as Gengar, Talonflame, or Gliscor, she will be unable to do much, and the opponent can subsequently use her as setup bait.

**Status Avoiding**: Chansey cannot spread status to Pokemon behind a Substitute, so sweepers such as SubCM Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo can use the move to gain a free turn of setup. Furthermore, if the Pokemon has a 404 maximum HP of 404 (404 HP not found...) or higher, Seismic Toss will fail to break the Substitute in one hit. Similar to Substitute, Lum Berry provides Pokemon with protection from Chansey's attempts to status them. Dragonite, for example, enjoys Lum Berry to protect itself from a single Toxic or Thunder Wave.

**Setup Sweepers**: Pokemon that do not mind Toxic or Thunder Wave, (comma) such as Swords Dance Gliscor, Calm Mind Clefable, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Mega Sableye, and Swords Dance Bisharp, (comma) can all use Chansey as setup bait.
You are the best! Did all of this.


Astronomical HP and Special Defense,(AC) combined with the ability to use Eviolite,(AC) make makes Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike that of her sister Blissey, Chansey can use Eviolite to Chansey's augmented bulk with Eviolite allows it to take powerful physical hits, making her a staple on defensively minded oriented teams. Wish and Natural Cure allow Chansey to heal her teammates and absorb status for them, while access to Seismic Toss and Toxic help helps prevent her from being setup bait. Even with two ways of dealing damage, Chansey is still very passive, and because of this,(AC) she is largely shut down by Taunt. Chansey's defensive typing is also rather poor for a wall, as Normal-types have only one resistance (Normal has no resistances lol) no resistances and only an immunity to Ghost. Couple this with Eviolite Chansey's inability to hold Leftovers, and it is not all that difficult to wear her down. Chansey is also extremely reliant on Eviolite and loses much of her usefulness if hit by Knock Off or, less commonly, Trick. Nonetheless, Chansey is still one of the best walls in the OU metagame and is a must-use on any stall team.

De Blob
name: De Blob
move 1: Toxic / Thunder Wave
move 2: Softboiled
move 3: Seismic Toss
move 4: Heal Bell / Wish
ability: Natural Cure
item: Eviolite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Bold


Toxic and Thunder Wave allow Chansey to cripple opposing offensive Pokemon with a status effect, thus cutting their sweeps short. Soft-Boiled gives Chansey easy recovery, prolonging her presence on the field. It is crucial to keep Chansey healthy with Soft-Boiled, because she lacks Leftovers. Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence and will break Substitutes if the foe has fully invested base 99 HP or lower less than 404 HP (how many mons have base 99 HP?). Heal Bell lets Chansey act as a cleric, while Wish is an alternative way to recover HP and can be used to heal Chansey's teammates. Alternatively, Protect allows Chansey to stall out the foe with Toxic and heal herself safely with Wish, while Stealth Rock can be used to punish opposing switch-ins, allowing Chansey's teammates to sweep more easily.

Set Details

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates. Natural Cure grants Chansey an essential immunity to status problems, and Eviolite makes Chansey even bulkier, boosting her Defense and Special Defense by 1.5x.

Usage Tips

Chansey's main jobs are tanking hits and spreading status. Lum Berry and Substitute are major problems for this set, as the foe can stop Chansey's attempt to give it a status ailment. Though Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence, she remains serious Taunt bait and will do little for the team if affected. Be cautious when trying to pass Wishes to teammates with low health, as the opponent can recognize this and send in a check or counter of their own. Moreover, because Roar and Whirlwind hit through Protect, Chansey can be phazed out when attempting to heal herself with Wish. If you are running Protect, use the move to scout users of Knock Off and Trick in order to preserve Chansey's Eviolite, as she is completely reliant on the item to tank hits well. Chansey is also very vulnerable to wallbreakers due to her lack of Leftovers. If you predict that a check or counter to Chansey is about to switch in, use Wish and go from there.

Team Options

Chansey works very well on dedicated stall teams, so she should be paired with stall team staples such as Quagsire, Clefable, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Entry hazard removal is necessary, as Taunt users will easily force Chansey out, and you will be switching Pokemon around a lot in order to keep passing Wishes, provided you are running Wish. Starmie, Skarmory, and Zapdos can remove entry hazards while providing defensive utility. As Chansey will force a lot of switches herself, an entry hazard setter makes for a good partner. Tentacruel can both set and remove entry hazards, making it a prime choice. A user of Taunt such as Gengar or Mega Gardevoir can help against Pokemon with Substitute and phazing moves. You also need teammates that Chansey can support; you can pair her with nearly any setup sweeper in order to keep said sweeper healthy. Setup Pokemon that she can support include Bisharp, Keldeo, and Mega Altaria. A Mega Evolution such as Mega Scizor or Mega Venusaur can take a Knock Off for Chansey in order to preserve her Eviolite.

Other Options

Counter can net a surprise KO against physical attackers, but Chansey doesn't typically have room for the move. It also requires great prediction to use properly. Healing Wish can be used to bring one of Chansey's teammates back to full health, but Chansey is already a good enough cleric with Wish or Heal Bell.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting-types**: There are plenty of them in the OU metagame. Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Breloom are all Pokemon that hit Chansey super effectively for super effective damage on her weaker Defense stat.

**Wallbreakers**: Due to Chansey's lack of Leftovers, wallbreakers wear her down easily. For example, Knock Off Landorus-T 2HKOes Chansey after Knocking Off her Eviolite, physically based Kyurem-B often 2HKOes Chansey with a Life Orb-boosted Dragon Claw, Mega Gardevoir can Taunt Chansey and 3HKO her with Psyshock, and Taunt Gengar walls Chansey completely.

**Pokemon with Knock Off**: As Chansey relies heavily on Eviolite to tank attacks, she loses much of her tanking ability if hit by a Knock Off from the likes of Conkeldurr, Bisharp, and Tornadus-T.

**Gothitelle**: Gothitelle can trap Chansey with Shadow Tag and Trick its Choice Specs or Choice Scarf onto Chansey to lock her into a single move. After this, another foe can use Chansey as setup bait and KO her. Because Chansey is generally a team's check to special wallbreakers, the ability to trap and remove her can make the team very vulnerable to a sweep from a powerful special attacker such as Mega Charizard Y or Landorus.

**Pokemon with Taunt**: If Chansey is hit by Taunt from a Pokemon such as Gengar, Talonflame, or Gliscor, she will be unable to do much, and the opponent can subsequently use her as setup bait.

**Status Avoiding**: Chansey cannot spread status to Pokemon behind a Substitute, so sweepers such as Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo can use the move to gain a free turn of setup. Furthermore, if the Pokemon has a maximum HP of 404 or higher, Seismic Toss will fail to break the Substitute in one hit. Similar to Substitute, Lum Berry provides Pokemon with protection from Chansey's attempts to status them. Dragonite, for example, enjoys Lum Berry to protect itself from a single Toxic or Thunder Wave.

**Setup Sweepers**: Pokemon that do not mind Toxic or Thunder Wave, such as Swords Dance Gliscor, Calm Mind Clefable, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Mega Sableye, and Swords Dance Bisharp, can all use Chansey as setup bait.

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Astronomical HP and Special Defense,(AC) combined with the ability to use Eviolite,(AC) make makes Chansey the ultimate wall in OU. Unlike that of her sister Blissey, Chansey can use Eviolite to Chansey's augmented bulk with Eviolite allows it to take powerful physical hits, making her a staple on defensively minded oriented teams. Wish and Natural Cure allow Chansey to heal her teammates and absorb status for them, while access to Seismic Toss and Toxic help helps prevent her from being setup bait. Even with two ways of dealing damage, Chansey is still very passive, and because of this,(AC) she is largely shut down by Taunt. Chansey's defensive typing is also rather poor for a wall, as Normal-types have only one resistance (Normal has no resistances lol) no resistances and only an immunity to Ghost. Couple this with Eviolite Chansey's inability to hold Leftovers, and it is not all that difficult to wear her down. Chansey is also extremely reliant on Eviolite and loses much of her usefulness if hit by Knock Off or, less commonly, Trick. Nonetheless, Chansey is still one of the best walls in the OU metagame and is a must-use on any stall team.

De Blob
name: De Blob
move 1: Toxic / Thunder Wave
move 2: Softboiled
move 3: Seismic Toss
move 4: Heal Bell / Wish
ability: Natural Cure
item: Eviolite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Bold


Toxic and Thunder Wave allow Chansey to cripple opposing offensive Pokemon with a status effect, thus cutting their sweeps short. Soft-Boiled gives Chansey easy recovery, prolonging her presence on the field. It is crucial to keep Chansey healthy with Soft-Boiled, because she lacks Leftovers. Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence and will break Substitutes if the foe has fully invested base 99 HP or lower less than 404 HP (how many mons have base 99 HP?). Heal Bell lets Chansey act as a cleric, while Wish is an alternative way to recover HP and can be used to heal Chansey's teammates. Alternatively, Protect allows Chansey to stall out the foe with Toxic and heal herself safely with Wish, while Stealth Rock can be used to punish opposing switch-ins, allowing Chansey's teammates to sweep more easily.

Set Details

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates. Natural Cure grants Chansey an essential immunity to status problems, and Eviolite makes Chansey even bulkier, boosting her Defense and Special Defense by 1.5x.

Usage Tips

Chansey's main jobs are tanking hits and spreading status. Lum Berry and Substitute are major problems for this set, as the foe can stop Chansey's attempt to give it a status ailment. Though Seismic Toss gives Chansey some offensive presence, she remains serious Taunt bait and will do little for the team if affected. Be cautious when trying to pass Wishes to teammates with low health, as the opponent can recognize this and send in a check or counter of their own. Moreover, because Roar and Whirlwind hit through Protect, Chansey can be phazed out when attempting to heal herself with Wish. If you are running Protect, use the move to scout users of Knock Off and Trick in order to preserve Chansey's Eviolite, as she is completely reliant on the item to tank hits well. Chansey is also very vulnerable to wallbreakers due to her lack of Leftovers. If you predict that a check or counter to Chansey is about to switch in, use Wish and go from there.

Team Options

Chansey works very well on dedicated stall teams, so she should be paired with stall team staples such as Quagsire, Clefable, Skarmory, and Mega Sableye. Entry hazard removal is necessary, as Taunt users will easily force Chansey out, and you will be switching Pokemon around a lot in order to keep passing Wishes, provided you are running Wish. Starmie, Skarmory, and Zapdos can remove entry hazards while providing defensive utility. As Chansey will force a lot of switches herself, an entry hazard setter makes for a good partner. Tentacruel can both set and remove entry hazards, making it a prime choice. A user of Taunt such as Gengar or Mega Gardevoir can help against Pokemon with Substitute and phazing moves. You also need teammates that Chansey can support; you can pair her with nearly any setup sweeper in order to keep said sweeper healthy. Setup Pokemon that she can support include Bisharp, Keldeo, and Mega Altaria. A Mega Evolution such as Mega Scizor or Mega Venusaur can take a Knock Off for Chansey in order to preserve her Eviolite.

Other Options

Counter can net a surprise KO against physical attackers, but Chansey doesn't typically have room for the move. It also requires great prediction to use properly. Healing Wish can be used to bring one of Chansey's teammates back to full health, but Chansey is already a good enough cleric with Wish or Heal Bell.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting-types**: There are plenty of them in the OU metagame. Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Breloom are all Pokemon that hit Chansey super effectively for super effective damage on her weaker Defense stat.

**Wallbreakers**: Due to Chansey's lack of Leftovers, wallbreakers wear her down easily. For example, Knock Off Landorus-T 2HKOes Chansey after Knocking Off her Eviolite, physically based Kyurem-B often 2HKOes Chansey with a Life Orb-boosted Dragon Claw, Mega Gardevoir can Taunt Chansey and 3HKO her with Psyshock, and Taunt Gengar walls Chansey completely.

**Pokemon with Knock Off**: As Chansey relies heavily on Eviolite to tank attacks, she loses much of her tanking ability if hit by a Knock Off from the likes of Conkeldurr, Bisharp, and Tornadus-T.

**Gothitelle**: Gothitelle can trap Chansey with Shadow Tag and Trick its Choice Specs or Choice Scarf onto Chansey to lock her into a single move. After this, another foe can use Chansey as setup bait and KO her. Because Chansey is generally a team's check to special wallbreakers, the ability to trap and remove her can make the team very vulnerable to a sweep from a powerful special attacker such as Mega Charizard Y or Landorus.

**Pokemon with Taunt**: If Chansey is hit by Taunt from a Pokemon such as Gengar, Talonflame, or Gliscor, she will be unable to do much, and the opponent can subsequently use her as setup bait.

**Status Avoiding**: Chansey cannot spread status to Pokemon behind a Substitute, so sweepers such as Substitute + Calm Mind Keldeo can use the move to gain a free turn of setup. Furthermore, if the Pokemon has a maximum HP of 404 or higher, Seismic Toss will fail to break the Substitute in one hit. Similar to Substitute, Lum Berry provides Pokemon with protection from Chansey's attempts to status them. Dragonite, for example, enjoys Lum Berry to protect itself from a single Toxic or Thunder Wave.

**Setup Sweepers**: Pokemon that do not mind Toxic or Thunder Wave, such as Swords Dance Gliscor, Calm Mind Clefable, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Mega Sableye, and Swords Dance Bisharp, can all use Chansey as setup bait.

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Thank you so much Bri! Upload time.