OU Manaphy

I wrote this up -- it's ready for QC check number three!

I wasn't sure about removing Heart Swap, so I kept it for now, but I'll gladly remove it if told otherwise :)
2 Things:

**Revenge-killers**: Manaphy is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves, so Thundurus, Raikou, Mega Manectric, Celebi, and Mega Sceptile can all revenge kill it.

For the electric types here, mention that they have to be wary of the tg 3 attacks set which often carries wacan berry. Mega Sceptile cant KO at full with giga drain, so maybe mention that.

**Unaware Clefable**: 252/96+ Unaware Clefable is never 2HKOed after SR in the Rain by Timid Manaphy and can use it as CM setup fodder.

Unaware clef is always 2hkoed in the rain by timid or modest surf, so specify that it needs the sdpef to avoid the 2hko from scald in the rain. Clefable doesnt need 96 Spdef to avoid that 2hko btw: 252 SpA Manaphy Scald vs. 252 HP / 44+ SpD Clefable in Rain: 156-184 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Also, that could probably be worded a little better, along the lines of "Unaware Clefable with a Calm nature and some Special Defense investment avoids the 2HKO from Timid Manaphy's Scald in the rain, and can use Manaphy as setup fodder for Calm Minds."

Hope that helped :s
2 Things:

**Revenge-killers**: Manaphy is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves, so Thundurus, Raikou, Mega Manectric, Celebi, and Mega Sceptile can all revenge kill it.

For the electric types here, mention that they have to be wary of the tg 3 attacks set which often carries wacan berry. Mega Sceptile cant KO at full with giga drain, so maybe mention that.
Great points! I fixed that.
**Unaware Clefable**: 252/96+ Unaware Clefable is never 2HKOed after SR in the Rain by Timid Manaphy and can use it as CM setup fodder.

Unaware clef is always 2hkoed in the rain by timid or modest surf, so specify that it needs the sdpef to avoid the 2hko from scald in the rain. Clefable doesnt need 96 Spdef to avoid that 2hko btw: 252 SpA Manaphy Scald vs. 252 HP / 44+ SpD Clefable in Rain: 156-184 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Also, that could probably be worded a little better, along the lines of "Unaware Clefable with a Calm nature and some Special Defense investment avoids the 2HKO from Timid Manaphy's Scald in the rain, and can use Manaphy as setup fodder for Calm Minds."

Hope that helped :s
I know it doesn't need 96 EVs, but 96 is the standard mixed defensive set, which is used to beat LO Thundurus.

You're totally right about the weird phrasing though. I'll fix it up a bit :)
for the tail glow+rain dance and 3 atks sets, mention that screens support is especially helpful for it, since manaphy usually has trouble setting up and also prevents it from being picked off by attacks that would normally ko it after a bit of prior damage. in oo, i would mention substitute and iron defense as alternative set up moves. not much other then that, this is pretty comprehensive. 3/3
for the tail glow+rain dance and 3 atks sets, mention that screens support is especially helpful for it, since manaphy usually has trouble setting up and also prevents it from being picked off by attacks that would normally ko it after a bit of prior damage. in oo, i would mention substitute and iron defense as alternative set up moves. not much other then that, this is pretty comprehensive. 3/3
Thanks a lot!

This is ready for GP now.
(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)


Initially, Manaphy comes off as relatively average. Its stats are good, but not great. Its Speed stat is especially mediocre, as when coupled with Manaphy's Water-typing, it allows for causes Manaphy to get revenge killed easily by the many Electric-type in OU, including Thundurus, Manectric, and Raikou. Thankfully, the adorable Prince of the Sea has a few tricks up its sleeve that allow it to escape mediocrity and become one of the most threatening Pokemon in OU. With one use of the move Tail Glow, Manaphy's Special Attack more than doubles. This quick access to extreme power, complemented by Manaphy's better than average bulk, allows it to set up on and destroy many common defensive Pokemon, including but not limited to such as Mega Sableye, Mega Slowbro, Clefable, Mega Charizard X, Heatran, Gliscor, and Quagsire. Furthermore, Manaphy works extremely well in the rain, and usually has a free moveslot for Rain Dance. In the rain, Manaphy where it is capable of 2HKOing even Chansey, (RC) and, thanks to Hydration, instantly heals from status; (SC) it also usually has a free moveslot for Rain Dance. Manaphy can also use Rest alongside either Tail Glow or Calm Mind to abuse this ability, as in the rain, it allows it to instantaneously heal all of its HP while evading the sleep status, furthermore improving Manaphy's performance against defensive teams even more.

Tail Glow + Rain Dance
name: Tail Glow + Rain Dance
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Scald
move 4: Energy Ball / Ice Beam / Psychic / Rest
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Timid


Tail Glow is essential for the set, as it allows Manaphy to boost its otherwise mediocre Special Attack very quickly. Rain Dance is also imperative to the set. First, it augments the power of Scald by 1.5 so that Manaphy can 2HKO Chansey after two uses of Tail Glow boosts. Second, Rain Dance removes other weathers, (RC) and thus allows Manaphy to effectively cripple sand teams: it removes Tyranitar's Special Defense boost and Excadrill's Speed boost. Finally, Rain Dance activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which means that makes Manaphy is immune to all status in the rain. Scald is a reliable and decently powerful STAB move that has a nifty 30% chance to afflict a burn on a switch in. (I mean, it can also burn if the opponent stays in... Unless the switch-in part is especially important I'd just leave it out; otherwise make sure to hyphenate switch-in) It can ever 2HKOs even 2HKO Chansey in the rain after Manaphy has used Tail Glow twice, so a more powerful option isn't essential necessary. However, Scald does is not have a 100% chance guaranteed to 2HKO Unaware Clefable after Stealth Rock. Surf guarantees the 2HKO on Unaware Clefable, (RC) and should be used if your team is extremely weak to it. Energy Ball is a very useful fourth move that lets Manaphy beat all of the bulky waters that it cannot with only Scald, such as Calm Mind Mega Slowbro, Suicune, Gastrodon, and Rotom-W. Ice Beam is also a viable option that allows Manaphy to handle Grass- and Dragon- types, including Celebi, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Sceptile. Psychic allows Manaphy to cover Mega Venusaur. Finally, Rest lets Manaphy recover all damage taken so that it can continue its sweep without having to be wary of defensive Pokemon wearing Manaphy down. It's very useful against stall teams that have no Pokemon capable of 2HKOing Manaphy, such as Quagsire, Alomomola, and Chansey. Additionally, it works very well in tandem with Rain Dance, as if used in the rain, Manaphy never has to spend a turn asleep. However, it's only recommended if you're fine with only having one attack, (RC) and thus being incapable of handling Water resistant Pokemon that resist Water.

Set Details

160 Speed EVs and a Timid Nature let Manaphy outspeed neutrally natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Charizard, (comma) as well as Jolly Excadrill, (comma) Mega Pinsir on the turn it Mega Evolves, (comma) and Kyurem-B. (less awkward punctuation) A Modest Nature could be used with the same EVs if you only care about Manaphy outspeeding Adamant Excadrill. Maximum Special Attack EVs are used so that Manaphy can hit as hard as possible, and the remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. Leftovers allows Manaphy to slowly recover off damage throughout the match, which is very useful for setting up against Pokemon with Toxic or Seismic Toss. If Manaphy is using Rest, a bulkier spread, 248 HP / 108 Def / 136 SpA / 16 Spe with a Modest Nature, can be used. This spread ensures Manaphy outspeeds Bisharp, beats Calm Mind Magic Guard Clefable, and has enough physical bulk to beat Mega Altaria and Mega Metagross.

Usage Tips

Manaphy excels against stall teams. Basically, if you're up against one, identify any Pokemon that Manaphy's coverage doesn't allow it to beat. Eliminate that Pokemon, get Manaphy in, and then sweep. The amount of time Manaphy needs to set up depends on your opponent's team. For example, if your opponent has a Chansey, Manaphy's going to need to set up two Tail Glows and use Rain Dance right after in order to win. However, if your opponent's team is significantly less bulky, only one use of Tail Glow may be enough. An easy way to set up is to switch in on various Calm Mind users, including Mega Sableye and Mega Slowbro, boost with Tail Glow faster than they can with Calm Mind, and then crush them with one of Manaphy's powerful moves. Manaphy isn't a wall, but it isn't frail at all, (comma) so don't worry about taking a +1 Shadow Ball from Mega Sableye: it won't sting that much. If Magnezone is one of Manaphy's teammates, be wary about using Rain Dance, as it weakens Magnezone's Hidden Power Fire, (AC) and thus can prevent it from checking Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Unless Manaphy's running Rest, don't switch directly into Chansey. Manaphy only beats it if it starts out at 100 full health, as Manaphy has to use needs five turns to beat it, (RC) and Manaphy can only take 5 five Seismic Tosses before fainting.

Manaphy's performance against offensive teams is mixed. It is relatively slow, so it can get revenge killed easily by offensive Grass-types, such as Mega Sceptile and Serperior, and offensive Electric-types, such as Mega Manectric and Thundurus. However, it's also relatively bulky. Manaphy can tank a hit from Landorus, Landorus-T, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Lopunny, and more and subsequently attack them. Thus, Manaphy can act as a last resort check to these offensive Pokemon for your team.

Team Options

Magnezone is an amazing partner because of its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. However, its Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary when using Rain Dance. Politoed can also make for a great teammate because of the rain it summons. Tornadus-T, Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus all appreciate Manaphy's rain's ability to increase the accuracy of their STAB moves. While Manaphy can deal with Chansey, but it's an annoying endeavor, so Pokemon with Knock Off, such as Weavile and Bisharp, make great teammates; they can remove Chansey's Eviolite and thus make it easier to KO. Manaphy hates Electric-types, so Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard-X Charizard X, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Mega Charizard X and Venusaur are inhibited by Manaphy's rain, and that Hippowdon's Sand Stream (I mean, if you're that annoyed by it, Sand Force Hippo is always an option I guess) removes the rain it. Amoonguss, however, appreciates the rain because it removes its Fire weakness.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe
nature: Bold


Calm Mind slowly boosts Manaphy's Special Attack and Special Defense, which allows Manaphy to eventually become very powerful and impenetrable specially with special attacks. Scald is a decently powerful STAB move that has a fair chance to burn any switch-ins. (add hyphen) Rain Dance is an incredibly useful move for Manaphy, as it multiplies the power of Scald by 1.5, removes other weathers, and activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which means that makes Manaphy is immune to all status in the rain. Rain Dance works especially well with Rest, as when Rest is used in the rain, it heals all Manaphy's of all of its HP and doesn't force it to be asleep at the beginning of the next turn.

Set Details

16 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Adamant Bisharp. Manaphy already has Calm Mind to boost its special bulk, so the remaining EVs are put in Defense and HP, with the slight emphasis on Defense. A Bold nature is used to further bolster Manaphy's Defense and lower its Attack to lower Foul Play and confusion damage. (you have to lower something, this is self-explanatory really) Leftovers are used for the their passive recovery they allow for.

Usage Tips

With a physically defensive spread, Manaphy becomes surprisingly bulky. Choice Band Talonflame, Mamoswine, Mega Metagross, Landorus-T, Choice Specs Keldeo, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Aerodactyl are all examples of common Pokemon from which Manaphy avoids the 2HKO. Manaphy can switch in on these Pokemon, use Rain Dance and then Rest, and then proceed to slowly set up Calm Minds against any offensive team with these Pokemon. However, its checks and counters, namely Grass-, Electric-, and Dragon-types, must be removed before Manaphy can sweep an offensive team. Manaphy should use Calm Mind when the opponent has multiple special attackers whose hits you know Manaphy will have to tank in order to win: examples include Landorus-I Landorus, Latios, and Mega Gardevoir. Calm Mind Manaphy functions much better against defensive teams, as it can easily set up on passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Alomomola, and Quagsire. Whenever you predict that Manaphy will need to use Rest in two turns, Manaphy should use Rain Dance so that Manaphy doesn't find itself asleep without the healing rain. Be careful about Mega Charizard Y, Hippowdon, and or Tyranitar switching in on Rest, as then this will render Manaphy will be rendered helpless for two turns.

Team Options

Magnezone can make for a great teammate, as it traps Ferrothorn and beats it with Hidden Power Fire. However, Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary as Manaphy when using Rain Dance. Manaphy absolutely despises dealing with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Goodra, Raikou, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Hippowdon's Sand Stream removes Manaphy's rain. Politoed can also be a great teammate, as it can set up rain for Manaphy in a pinch, (RC) and thus can potentially heal it of its sleep status if it had to use Rest at a time when there was no rain.

Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
name: Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Surf / Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Energy Ball / Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
ability: Hydration
item: Wacan Berry / Lum Berry
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid


Tail Glow is essential for the set, as it allows Manaphy to max out its Special Attack in two turns, (RC) and thus be able to crush defensive teams in spite of its mediocre stats. Surf is a reliable STAB move that, at +6, (RC) and when Manaphy is with a Modest nature, has a pretty good chance to 2HKO Chansey. Scald should only be used if this chance to 2HKO Chansey isn't needed for your team, (RC) and instead you'd prefer having a 30% burn chance. Ice Beam is a necessary coverage move that allows Manaphy to beat Grass- and Dragon- types, including Latias, Mega Ampharos, Celebi, and Amoonguss. Energy Ball is another very useful move that lets Manaphy handle bulky Water-types, including Suicune, Gastrodon, Mega Slowbro, Alomomola, and Rotom-W. Psychic can be used instead if Mega Venusaur is a major concern to your team, and Hidden Power Fire can be used if Manaphy needs to beat Ferrothorn but you can't fit Magnezone on your team.

Set Details
160 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature let Manaphy outspeed neutrally natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, including Mega Charizard Y and Gardevoir; Jolly Excadrill; Mega Pinsir before it Mega Evolves; and Kyurem-B. A Modest nature with the same EVs could be used if you care only about outspeed Adamant Excadrill and below, (RC) and would prefer the better chance to 2HKO Chansey. 164 Speed EVs are necessary for the above if Manaphy opts to use HP Fire. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to allow Manaphy to hit as hard as possible. The remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. A Wacan Berry lets Manaphy lure and beat one Electric-type Pokemon one-on-one, (ad hyphens) and while a Lum Berry lets Manaphy recover from Toxic, which it may need to take in order to set up properly. It also removes heals (less ambiguous) paralysis from common users of Thunder Wave, such as Klefki.

Usage Tips

This set is used to hurt balanced teams that Manaphy couldn't with only two attacks. For example, if Manaphy uses Rain Dance, it has to choose between using Energy Ball, Ice Beam, and Psychic, and thus cannot hit both Amoonguss and Mega Slowbro. However, this set can. This set is also useful for combatting hyper offensive teams, as their main response to Manaphy is usually a powerful Electric-type Pokemon. Thanks to the Wacan Berry, Manaphy actually can tank the Electric-type attack and subsequently KO the Electric-type, which can make way for Manaphy to sweep the rest of the team. This set also performs well against defensive teams, and as it can use passive Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, Mew, and Alomomola as setup bait, (RC) and then proceed to fire off very powerful moves. A Lum Berry makes this even easier, as it prevents Manaphy from being afflicted by status moves for a turn once. (less ambiguous)

Team Options

Magnezone is amazing for its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. If Manaphy opts to use a Lum Berry over a Wacan Berry, Manaphy will be unable to deal with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Mega Altaria, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon can be useful. Rain support from Politoed is also appreciated, as this set has no way of augmenting its STAB-move's STAB move's power further or of activating Hydration. This set, especially if using a Timid Nature, has difficulty dealing with Chansey, so strong wallbreakers and setup sweepers, such as Mega Gallade, Mega Scizor, Reuniclus, and SD Swords Dance Landorus-T, (AC) can prove to be great teammates. If Manaphy isn't running Energy Ball, it's very weak to Mega Slowbro. Partners such as Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus are thus really helpful. If not running Psychic, Manaphy is really weak to Mega Venusaur. Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Reuniclus, Latios, Hawlucha, and Kyurem-B remedy this problem. Thanks to Because of (positive connotation is preferred for 'thanks to') Manaphy's only decent Speed, it can often find it hard to set up. This problem can be helped with dual screen users, such as Azelf, who which can temporarily double Manaphy's bulk.

Other Options

Manaphy has U-turn and Knock Off, so with a Damp Rock it could make for a utility lead for dedicated rain teams. A specially defensive set with Scald, U-turn, Rain Dance, and Rest can be a great addition to a stall team that needs checks a check to Heatran, Landorus, and Gengar. It's an unexpected set that, thanks to U-turn, generates a lot of momentum. It also prevents Manaphy from being trapped by Gothitelle. The set works great in a VoltTurn core with Gliscor. Heart Swap also has potential, but it's very reliant on your opponents. It should be used in lieu of a boosting move, (RC) and allows Manaphy to steal boosts from Mega Slowbro, Rock Polish Landorus, and Agility Mega Metagross. Rindo Berry can be used to negate Manaphy's Grass weaknesses for one turn, (RC) and thus let it perform better against fast Grass-types such as Serperior and Mega Sceptile. Substitute is an option on either Tail Glow set to ease set up setup and fare better against offensive teams. Acid Armor can be used on any of the sets to ease set up setup, but it either limits Manaphy's coverage or its recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Mega Sceptile counter all sets that lack Ice Beam. Amoonguss counters all sets that lack Psychic or Ice Beam, (RC) and also is useful for its ability to negate all of Manaphy's stat boosts with Clear Smog. Mega Venusaur beats all sets lacking Psychic. Provided Ferrothorn has Power Whip, it beats Manaphy lacking Hidden Power Fire, but it must be cautious if it sees Magnezone as a teammate.

**Dragon-types**: Manaphy without Ice Beam can be checked by various Dragon-types, such as Latias, Latios, Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Goodra, and Dragalge. Do note that a +6 Scald in the rain OHKOes most of them, but that situation can easily be avoided by switching into Manaphy when it hasn't boosted yet. Kyurem-B is unique as a Dragon-type that is neutral to takes neutral damage from Ice-type moves, so it's especially good at checking all Manaphy sets. However, it must be wary of switching in on Scald, as it has a 30% chance of burning it, (RC) and thus halving the power of Fusion Bolt, its way of KOing Manaphy.

**Revenge-killers**: Manaphy is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves, so Thundurus, Raikou, Mega Manectric, Celebi, and Mega Sceptile can all revenge kill it. However, Electric-types do have to be wary of the Wacan Berry lure set, and Mega Sceptile can actually never OHKO Manaphy with Giga Drain.

**Unaware Clefable**: Unaware Calm Mind Clefable with a Calm nature and some Special Defense investment avoids the 2HKO from Timid Manaphy's Scald in the rain and can use Manaphy as setup fodder for Calm Minds.

**Pokemon immune to Water**: Toxicroak is immune to Scald, resists Energy Ball, and heals from rain, and thus it is a pain to deal with. It completely walls the Calm Mind set, but the Tail Glow sets can beat it if they run Psychic or Ice Beam. Seismitoad and Gastrodon are immune to Water likewise, and thus wall the Calm Mind set. However, both are obliterated by Energy Ball.

GP 1/2
lots of good stuff here, pay attention to a few (minor) redundancies/fluff issues
Last edited:

Initially, Manaphy comes off as relatively average. Its stats are good, but not great. Its Speed stat is especially mediocre, as when coupled with Manaphy's Water typing, it causes Manaphy to get revenge killed easily by the many Electric-types in OU, including Thundurus, Manectric, and Raikou. Thankfully, the adorable Prince of the Sea has a few tricks up its sleeve that allow it to escape mediocrity and become one of the most threatening Pokemon in OU. (this is fluffy but I'll let it slide) With one use of the move Tail Glow, Manaphy's Special Attack more than doubles. This quick access to extreme power, complemented by Manaphy's better than average bulk, allows it to set up on and destroy many common defensive Pokemon, such as Mega Sableye, Mega Slowbro, Clefable, Mega Charizard X, Heatran, Gliscor, and Quagsire. Furthermore, Manaphy works extremely well in the rain, where it is capable of 2HKOing even Chansey, and, thanks to Hydration, instantly heals from status; it also usually has a free moveslot for Rain Dance. Manaphy can also use Rest alongside either Tail Glow or Calm Mind to abuse take advantage of Hydration this ability, as in the rain, it Hydration allows it Manaphy (these were ambiguous; they could be referring to Rest, or Manaphy, or Hydration) to instantaneously heal all of its HP while evading the sleep status, improving Manaphy's performance against defensive teams even more.

Tail Glow + Rain Dance
name: Tail Glow + Rain Dance
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Scald
move 4: Energy Ball / Ice Beam / Psychic / Rest
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Timid


Tail Glow allows Manaphy to boost its otherwise mediocre Special Attack very quickly. Rain Dance is also imperative to the set. First, it augments the power of Scald's power by 1.5 so that Manaphy can 2HKO Chansey after two boosts, and because it. Second, Rain Dance removes other weathers, it and thus allows Manaphy to effectively cripple sand teams:; for example, it removes Tyranitar's Special Defense boost and Excadrill's Speed boost. Finally, Rain Dance activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which makes Manaphy immune to all status in the rain. Scald is a reliable and decently powerful STAB move that has a nifty 30% chance to inflict afflict a burn. It can even 2HKO Chansey in the rain after Manaphy has used Tail Glow twice, so a more powerful option isn't necessary. (you covered this in the second sentence, so you could cut it and make a little mention to it in the next sentence, like so. up to you) However, despite its power after Tail Glow, Scald is not guaranteed to 2HKO Unaware Clefable after Stealth Rock. Surf guarantees the 2HKO on Unaware Clefable and should be used if your team is extremely weak to it. Energy Ball is a very useful fourth move that lets Manaphy beat all of the bulky waters Water-types that it cannot with only Scald, such as Calm Mind Mega Slowbro, Suicune, Gastrodon, and Rotom-W. Ice Beam is also a viable option that allows Manaphy to handle Grass- and Dragon-types, including Celebi, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Sceptile. Psychic allows Manaphy to cover Mega Venusaur. Finally, Rest lets Manaphy recover all damage taken so that it can continue its sweep without having to be wary of defensive Pokemon wearing Manaphy it down. It's very useful against stall teams that have no Pokemon capable of 2HKOing Manaphy, such as teams with Quagsire, Alomomola, and Chansey. Additionally, it works very well in tandem with Rain Dance, as if it used in the rain, Manaphy never has to spend a turn asleep. However, it's only recommended if you're fine with Manaphy only having one attack and thus being incapable of handling Pokemon that resist Water.

Set Details

160 Speed EVs and a Timid nature let Manaphy outspeed neutral-natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Charizard, as well as Jolly Excadrill, Mega Pinsir on the turn it Mega Evolves, and Kyurem-B. A Modest nature could be used with the same EVs if you only care about Manaphy outspeeding Adamant Excadrill. Maximum Special Attack EVs are used so that Manaphy can hit as hard as possible, and the remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. Leftovers allows Manaphy to slowly recover off damage throughout the match, which is very useful for setting up against Pokemon with Toxic or Seismic Toss. If Manaphy is using Rest, a bulkier spread, of 248 HP / 108 Def / 136 SpA / 16 Spe with a Modest nature, (remove comma) can be used. This spread ensures Manaphy outspeeds Bisharp, beats Calm Mind Magic Guard Clefable, and has enough physical bulk to beat Mega Altaria and Mega Metagross.

Usage Tips

Manaphy excels against stall teams. Basically, if you're up against one, identify any Pokemon that Manaphy's coverage doesn't allow it to beat. Eliminate that Pokemon, get Manaphy in, and then sweep. The amount of time Manaphy needs to set up depends on your opponent's team. For example, if your opponent has a Chansey, Manaphy's going to needs to set up two Tail Glows and use Rain Dance right after in order to win. However, if your opponent's team is significantly less bulky, only one use of Tail Glow may be enough. An easy way to set up is to switch in on various Calm Mind users, including Mega Sableye and Mega Slowbro, boost with Tail Glow faster than they can with Calm Mind, and then crush them with one of Manaphy's powerful moves. Manaphy isn't a wall, but it isn't frail at all, so don't worry about taking a +1 Shadow Ball from Mega Sableye. If Magnezone is one of Manaphy's teammates, be wary about using Rain Dance, as it weakens Magnezone's Hidden Power Fire and thus can prevent it from checking Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Unless Manaphy's running Rest, don't switch directly into Chansey. Manaphy only beats it if it starts out at full health, as Manaphy must five turns to beat it (? I think you're missing a word here or something) and can only handle five Seismic Tosses before fainting.

Manaphy's performance against offensive teams is mixed. It is relatively slow, so it can get revenge killed easily by offensive Grass-types, such as Mega Sceptile and Serperior, and offensive Electric-types, such as Mega Manectric and Thundurus. However, it's also relatively bulky. Manaphy can tank a hit from Landorus, Landorus-T, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Lopunny, and more and subsequently attack them. Thus, Manaphy can act as a last resort check to these offensive Pokemon for your team.

Team Options

Magnezone is an amazing partner because of its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. However, its Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary when using Rain Dance. Politoed can also make for a great teammate because of the rain it summons. Tornadus-T, Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus all appreciate Manaphy's rain's ability to increase the accuracy of their STAB Hurricane and Thunder moves (makes it clear that rain doesn't increase the accuracy of all their STAB moves...kind of silly but it's thorough!). While Manaphy can deal with Chansey, it's an annoying endeavor, so Pokemon with Knock Off, such as Weavile and Bisharp, make for great teammates; they can remove Chansey's Eviolite and thus make it easier to KO. Manaphy hates Electric-types, so Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Mega Charizard X and Venusaur are inhibited by Manaphy's rain, and that Hippowdon's Sand Stream removes it. Amoonguss, however, appreciates the rain because it removes its Fire weakness.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe
nature: Bold


Calm Mind slowly boosts Manaphy's Special Attack and Special Defense, which allows Manaphy to become very powerful and impenetrable by special attacks. Scald is a decently powerful STAB move that has a fair chance to burn any (there are exceptions, so it's not really 'any') switch-ins. Rain Dance is an incredibly useful move for Manaphy, as it multiplies the power of Scald by 1.5, removes other weathers, and activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which makes Manaphy immune to all status in the rain. Rain Dance works especially well with Rest, as when Rest is used in the rain, it heals all of Manaphy's HP and wakes Manaphy up before doesn't force it to be asleep at the beginning of the next turn.

Set Details

16 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Adamant Bisharp. Manaphy already has Calm Mind to boost its special bulk, so the remaining EVs are put in Defense and HP, with the slight emphasis on Defense. A Bold nature is used to further bolster Manaphy's Defense. Leftovers is used for its passive recovery.

Usage Tips

With a physically defensive spread, Manaphy becomes surprisingly bulky. Choice Band Talonflame, Mamoswine, Mega Metagross, Landorus-T, Choice Specs Keldeo, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Aerodactyl are all examples of common Pokemon from which Manaphy avoids the 2HKO. Manaphy can switch in on these Pokemon, use Rain Dance and then Rest, and proceed to slowly set up Calm Minds against any offensive team with these Pokemon. However, its checks and counters, namely Grass-, Electric-, and Dragon-types, must be removed before Manaphy can sweep an offensive team. Manaphy should use Calm Mind when the opponent has multiple special attackers whose hits you know Manaphy will have to tank in order to win:; (semicolon) examples include Landorus, Latios, and Mega Gardevoir. Calm Mind Manaphy functions much better against defensive teams, as it can easily set up on passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Alomomola, and Quagsire. Whenever you predict that Manaphy will need to use Rest in two turns, Manaphy should use Rain Dance so that Manaphy doesn't find itself asleep without the healing rain. Be careful about Mega Charizard Y, Hippowdon, or Tyranitar switching in on Rest, as this will render Manaphy helpless for two turns.

Team Options

Magnezone can make for a great teammate, as it traps Ferrothorn and beats it with Hidden Power Fire. However, Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary when using Rain Dance. Manaphy absolutely despises dealing with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Goodra, Raikou, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Hippowdon's Sand Stream removes Manaphy's rain. Politoed can also be a great teammate, as it can set up rain for Manaphy in a pinch and thus can heal it of its sleep if it Manaphy had to use Rest at a time when there was no rain.

Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
name: Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Surf / Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Energy Ball / Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
ability: Hydration
item: Wacan Berry / Lum Berry
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid


Tail Glow allows Manaphy to maximize max out its Special Attack in two turns and thus crush defensive teams in spite of its mediocre stats. Surf is a reliable STAB move that, at +6 and with a Manaphy is Modest nature, has a pretty good chance to 2HKO Chansey. Scald should only be used if this chance to 2HKO Chansey isn't needed for your team and instead you'd prefer having a 30% burn chance. Ice Beam is a necessary coverage move that allows Manaphy to beat Grass- and Dragon- types, including Latias, Mega Ampharos, Celebi, and Amoonguss. Energy Ball lets Manaphy handle bulky Water-types, including Suicune, Gastrodon, Mega Slowbro, Alomomola, and Rotom-W. Psychic can be used instead if Mega Venusaur is a major concern to your team, and Hidden Power Fire can be used if Manaphy needs to beat Ferrothorn but you can't fit Magnezone on your team.

Set Details

160 Speed EVs with a Timid nature let Manaphy outspeed neutral-natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, including Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gardevoir, Jolly Excadrill, Mega Pinsir before it Mega Evolves, and Gardevoir; Jolly Excadrill; Mega Pinsir before it Mega Evolves; and Kyurem-B. A Modest nature with the same EVs could be used if you care only about outspeeding Adamant Excadrill and below and would prefer the better chance to 2HKO Chansey. 164 Speed EVs are necessary for the above if Manaphy opts to use Hidden Power Fire. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to allow Manaphy to hit as hard as possible. The remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. A Wacan Berry lets Manaphy lure and beat one Electric-type Pokemon one-on-one, while a Lum Berry lets Manaphy recover from Toxic, which it may need to take in order to set up properly. It also heals paralysis from common users of Thunder Wave, such as Klefki.

Usage Tips

This set is used to hurt balanced teams that Manaphy couldn't with only two attacks. For example, if Manaphy uses Rain Dance, it has to choose between using Energy Ball, Ice Beam, and Psychic, and thus cannot hit both Amoonguss and Mega Slowbro. However, this set can. This set is also useful for combatting hyper offensive teams, as their main response to Manaphy is usually a powerful Electric-type Pokemon. Thanks to the Wacan Berry, Manaphy actually can tank the Electric-type attack and subsequently KO the Electric-type, which can make way for Manaphy to sweep the rest of the team. This set also performs well against defensive teams, as it can use passive Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, Mew, and Alomomola as setup bait and proceed to fire off very powerful moves. A Lum Berry makes this even easier, as it prevents Manaphy from being afflicted by status moves once.

Team Options

Magnezone is amazing for its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. If Manaphy opts to use a Lum Berry over a Wacan Berry, Manaphy will be unable to deal with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Mega Altaria, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon can be useful. Rain support from Politoed is also appreciated, as this set has no way of augmenting its STAB move's power further or of activating Hydration. This set, especially if using a Timid nature, has difficulty dealing with Chansey, so strong wallbreakers and setup sweepers, such as Mega Gallade, Mega Scizor, Reuniclus, and Swords Dance Landorus-T, can prove to be great teammates. If Manaphy isn't running Energy Ball, it's very weak to Mega Slowbro. Partners such as Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus are thus really helpful. If not running Psychic, Manaphy is really weak to Mega Venusaur. Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Reuniclus, Latios, Hawlucha, and Kyurem-B remedy this problem. Because of Manaphy's only decent Speed, it can often find it hard to set up. This problem can be helped with dual screen users, such as Azelf, which can temporarily double Manaphy's bulk.

Other Options

Manaphy has U-turn and Knock Off, so with a Damp Rock it could make for a utility lead for dedicated rain teams. A specially defensive set with Scald, U-turn, Rain Dance, and Rest can be a great addition to a stall team that needs a check to Heatran, Landorus, and Gengar. It's an unexpected set that, thanks to U-turn, generates a lot of momentum. It also prevents Manaphy from being trapped by Gothitelle. The set works great in a VoltTurn core with Gliscor. Heart Swap also has potential, but it's very reliant on your opponents (opponents = opposing battler; foes = opposing Pokemon. i'm not sure if you meant foe, so I'll leave this to you). It should be used in lieu of a boosting move and allows Manaphy to steal boosts from Mega Slowbro, Rock Polish Landorus, and Agility Mega Metagross. Rindo Berry can be used to negate Manaphy's Grass weaknesses for one turn and thus let it perform better against fast Grass-types such as Serperior and Mega Sceptile. Substitute is an option on either Tail Glow set to ease setup and fare better against offensive teams. Acid Armor can be used on any of the sets to ease setup, but it either limits Manaphy's coverage or its recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Mega Sceptile counter all sets that lack Ice Beam. Amoonguss counters all sets that lack Psychic or Ice Beam and also is useful for its ability to negate all of Manaphy's stat boosts with Clear Smog. Mega Venusaur beats all sets lacking Psychic. Provided Ferrothorn has Power Whip, it beats Manaphy lacking Hidden Power Fire, but it must be cautious if it sees Magnezone as a teammate.

**Dragon-types**: Manaphy without Ice Beam can be checked by various Dragon-types, such as Latias, Latios, Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Goodra, and Dragalge. Do note that a +6 Scald in the rain OHKOes most of them, but that situation can easily be avoided by switching into Manaphy when it hasn't boosted yet. Kyurem-B is unique as a Dragon-type that takes neutral damage from Ice-type moves, so it's especially good at checking all Manaphy sets. However, it must be wary of switching in on Scald, as it which (quickest fix I could think of to remove ambiguity of that 'it') has a 30% chance of burning it and thus halving the power of Fusion Bolt, its Kyurem-B's way of KOing Manaphy.

**Revenge-killers Revenge Killers**: Manaphy is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves, so Thundurus, Raikou, Mega Manectric, Celebi, and Mega Sceptile can all revenge kill it. However, Electric-types do have to be wary of the Wacan Berry lure set, and Mega Sceptile can never OHKO Manaphy with Giga Drain.

**Unaware Clefable**: Unaware Calm Mind Clefable with a Calm nature and some Special Defense investment avoids the 2HKO from Timid Manaphy's Scald in the rain and can use Manaphy as setup fodder for Calm Minds.

**Pokemon Immune to Water**: Toxicroak is immune to Scald, resists Energy Ball, and heals from rain, and thus it is a pain to deal with. It completely walls the Calm Mind set, but the Tail Glow sets can beat it if they run Psychic or Ice Beam. Likewise, Seismitoad and Gastrodon are immune to Water likewise, and thus wall the Calm Mind set. However, both are obliterated by Energy Ball.

Initially, Manaphy comes off as relatively average. Its stats are good, but not great. Its Speed stat is especially mediocre, as when coupled with Manaphy's Water typing, it causes Manaphy to get revenge killed easily by the many Electric-types in OU, including Thundurus, Manectric, and Raikou. Thankfully, the adorable Prince of the Sea has a few tricks up its sleeve that allow it to escape mediocrity and become one of the most threatening Pokemon in OU. (this is fluffy but I'll let it slide) With one use of the move Tail Glow, Manaphy's Special Attack more than doubles. This quick access to extreme power, complemented by Manaphy's better than average bulk, allows it to set up on and destroy many common defensive Pokemon, such as Mega Sableye, Mega Slowbro, Clefable, Mega Charizard X, Heatran, Gliscor, and Quagsire. Furthermore, Manaphy works extremely well in the rain, where it is capable of 2HKOing even Chansey, and, thanks to Hydration, instantly heals from status; it also usually has a free moveslot for Rain Dance. Manaphy can also use Rest alongside either Tail Glow or Calm Mind to abuse take advantage of Hydration this ability, as in the rain, it Hydration allows it Manaphy (these were ambiguous; they could be referring to Rest, or Manaphy, or Hydration) to instantaneously heal all of its HP while evading the sleep status, improving Manaphy's performance against defensive teams even more.

Tail Glow + Rain Dance
name: Tail Glow + Rain Dance
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Scald
move 4: Energy Ball / Ice Beam / Psychic / Rest
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Timid


Tail Glow allows Manaphy to boost its otherwise mediocre Special Attack very quickly. Rain Dance is also imperative to the set. First, it augments the power of Scald's power by 1.5 so that Manaphy can 2HKO Chansey after two boosts, and because it. Second, Rain Dance removes other weathers, it and thus allows Manaphy to effectively cripple sand teams:; for example, it removes Tyranitar's Special Defense boost and Excadrill's Speed boost. Finally, Rain Dance activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which makes Manaphy immune to all status in the rain. Scald is a reliable and decently powerful STAB move that has a nifty 30% chance to inflict afflict a burn. It can even 2HKO Chansey in the rain after Manaphy has used Tail Glow twice, so a more powerful option isn't necessary. (you covered this in the second sentence, so you could cut it and make a little mention to it in the next sentence, like so. up to you) However, despite its power after Tail Glow, Scald is not guaranteed to 2HKO Unaware Clefable after Stealth Rock. Surf guarantees the 2HKO on Unaware Clefable and should be used if your team is extremely weak to it. Energy Ball is a very useful fourth move that lets Manaphy beat all of the bulky waters Water-types that it cannot with only Scald, such as Calm Mind Mega Slowbro, Suicune, Gastrodon, and Rotom-W. Ice Beam is also a viable option that allows Manaphy to handle Grass- and Dragon-types, including Celebi, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Sceptile. Psychic allows Manaphy to cover Mega Venusaur. Finally, Rest lets Manaphy recover all damage taken so that it can continue its sweep without having to be wary of defensive Pokemon wearing Manaphy it down. It's very useful against stall teams that have no Pokemon capable of 2HKOing Manaphy, such as teams with Quagsire, Alomomola, and Chansey. Additionally, it works very well in tandem with Rain Dance, as if it used in the rain, Manaphy never has to spend a turn asleep. However, it's only recommended if you're fine with Manaphy only having one attack and thus being incapable of handling Pokemon that resist Water.

Set Details

160 Speed EVs and a Timid nature let Manaphy outspeed neutral-natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Charizard, as well as Jolly Excadrill, Mega Pinsir on the turn it Mega Evolves, and Kyurem-B. A Modest nature could be used with the same EVs if you only care about Manaphy outspeeding Adamant Excadrill. Maximum Special Attack EVs are used so that Manaphy can hit as hard as possible, and the remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. Leftovers allows Manaphy to slowly recover off damage throughout the match, which is very useful for setting up against Pokemon with Toxic or Seismic Toss. If Manaphy is using Rest, a bulkier spread, of 248 HP / 108 Def / 136 SpA / 16 Spe with a Modest nature, (remove comma) can be used. This spread ensures Manaphy outspeeds Bisharp, beats Calm Mind Magic Guard Clefable, and has enough physical bulk to beat Mega Altaria and Mega Metagross.

Usage Tips

Manaphy excels against stall teams. Basically, if you're up against one, identify any Pokemon that Manaphy's coverage doesn't allow it to beat. Eliminate that Pokemon, get Manaphy in, and then sweep. The amount of time Manaphy needs to set up depends on your opponent's team. For example, if your opponent has a Chansey, Manaphy's going to needs to set up two Tail Glows and use Rain Dance right after in order to win. However, if your opponent's team is significantly less bulky, only one use of Tail Glow may be enough. An easy way to set up is to switch in on various Calm Mind users, including Mega Sableye and Mega Slowbro, boost with Tail Glow faster than they can with Calm Mind, and then crush them with one of Manaphy's powerful moves. Manaphy isn't a wall, but it isn't frail at all, so don't worry about taking a +1 Shadow Ball from Mega Sableye. If Magnezone is one of Manaphy's teammates, be wary about using Rain Dance, as it weakens Magnezone's Hidden Power Fire and thus can prevent it from checking Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. Unless Manaphy's running Rest, don't switch directly into Chansey. Manaphy only beats it if it starts out at full health, as Manaphy must five turns to beat it (? I think you're missing a word here or something) and can only handle five Seismic Tosses before fainting.

Manaphy's performance against offensive teams is mixed. It is relatively slow, so it can get revenge killed easily by offensive Grass-types, such as Mega Sceptile and Serperior, and offensive Electric-types, such as Mega Manectric and Thundurus. However, it's also relatively bulky. Manaphy can tank a hit from Landorus, Landorus-T, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Lopunny, and more and subsequently attack them. Thus, Manaphy can act as a last resort check to these offensive Pokemon for your team.

Team Options

Magnezone is an amazing partner because of its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. However, its Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary when using Rain Dance. Politoed can also make for a great teammate because of the rain it summons. Tornadus-T, Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus all appreciate Manaphy's rain's ability to increase the accuracy of their STAB Hurricane and Thunder moves (makes it clear that rain doesn't increase the accuracy of all their STAB moves...kind of silly but it's thorough!). While Manaphy can deal with Chansey, it's an annoying endeavor, so Pokemon with Knock Off, such as Weavile and Bisharp, make for great teammates; they can remove Chansey's Eviolite and thus make it easier to KO. Manaphy hates Electric-types, so Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Mega Charizard X and Venusaur are inhibited by Manaphy's rain, and that Hippowdon's Sand Stream removes it. Amoonguss, however, appreciates the rain because it removes its Fire weakness.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald
ability: Hydration
item: Leftovers
evs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe
nature: Bold


Calm Mind slowly boosts Manaphy's Special Attack and Special Defense, which allows Manaphy to become very powerful and impenetrable by special attacks. Scald is a decently powerful STAB move that has a fair chance to burn any (there are exceptions, so it's not really 'any') switch-ins. Rain Dance is an incredibly useful move for Manaphy, as it multiplies the power of Scald by 1.5, removes other weathers, and activates Manaphy's ability, Hydration, which makes Manaphy immune to all status in the rain. Rain Dance works especially well with Rest, as when Rest is used in the rain, it heals all of Manaphy's HP and wakes Manaphy up before doesn't force it to be asleep at the beginning of the next turn.

Set Details

16 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Adamant Bisharp. Manaphy already has Calm Mind to boost its special bulk, so the remaining EVs are put in Defense and HP, with the slight emphasis on Defense. A Bold nature is used to further bolster Manaphy's Defense. Leftovers is used for its passive recovery.

Usage Tips

With a physically defensive spread, Manaphy becomes surprisingly bulky. Choice Band Talonflame, Mamoswine, Mega Metagross, Landorus-T, Choice Specs Keldeo, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Aerodactyl are all examples of common Pokemon from which Manaphy avoids the 2HKO. Manaphy can switch in on these Pokemon, use Rain Dance and then Rest, and proceed to slowly set up Calm Minds against any offensive team with these Pokemon. However, its checks and counters, namely Grass-, Electric-, and Dragon-types, must be removed before Manaphy can sweep an offensive team. Manaphy should use Calm Mind when the opponent has multiple special attackers whose hits you know Manaphy will have to tank in order to win:; (semicolon) examples include Landorus, Latios, and Mega Gardevoir. Calm Mind Manaphy functions much better against defensive teams, as it can easily set up on passive Pokemon such as Chansey, Alomomola, and Quagsire. Whenever you predict that Manaphy will need to use Rest in two turns, Manaphy should use Rain Dance so that Manaphy doesn't find itself asleep without the healing rain. Be careful about Mega Charizard Y, Hippowdon, or Tyranitar switching in on Rest, as this will render Manaphy helpless for two turns.

Team Options

Magnezone can make for a great teammate, as it traps Ferrothorn and beats it with Hidden Power Fire. However, Hidden Power Fire is weakened in the rain, so be wary when using Rain Dance. Manaphy absolutely despises dealing with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Goodra, Raikou, Amoonguss, and Hippowdon can be useful. Do note, however, that Hippowdon's Sand Stream removes Manaphy's rain. Politoed can also be a great teammate, as it can set up rain for Manaphy in a pinch and thus can heal it of its sleep if it Manaphy had to use Rest at a time when there was no rain.

Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
name: Tail Glow + 3 Attacks
move 1: Tail Glow
move 2: Surf / Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Energy Ball / Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
ability: Hydration
item: Wacan Berry / Lum Berry
evs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 160 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid


Tail Glow allows Manaphy to maximize max out its Special Attack in two turns and thus crush defensive teams in spite of its mediocre stats. Surf is a reliable STAB move that, at +6 and with a Manaphy is Modest nature, has a pretty good chance to 2HKO Chansey. Scald should only be used if this chance to 2HKO Chansey isn't needed for your team and instead you'd prefer having a 30% burn chance. Ice Beam is a necessary coverage move that allows Manaphy to beat Grass- and Dragon- types, including Latias, Mega Ampharos, Celebi, and Amoonguss. Energy Ball lets Manaphy handle bulky Water-types, including Suicune, Gastrodon, Mega Slowbro, Alomomola, and Rotom-W. Psychic can be used instead if Mega Venusaur is a major concern to your team, and Hidden Power Fire can be used if Manaphy needs to beat Ferrothorn but you can't fit Magnezone on your team.

Set Details

160 Speed EVs with a Timid nature let Manaphy outspeed neutral-natured Pokemon with base 100 Speed, including Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gardevoir, Jolly Excadrill, Mega Pinsir before it Mega Evolves, and Gardevoir; Jolly Excadrill; Mega Pinsir before it Mega Evolves; and Kyurem-B. A Modest nature with the same EVs could be used if you care only about outspeeding Adamant Excadrill and below and would prefer the better chance to 2HKO Chansey. 164 Speed EVs are necessary for the above if Manaphy opts to use Hidden Power Fire. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to allow Manaphy to hit as hard as possible. The remaining EVs are tossed into HP so that Manaphy can sponge attacks more easily. A Wacan Berry lets Manaphy lure and beat one Electric-type Pokemon one-on-one, while a Lum Berry lets Manaphy recover from Toxic, which it may need to take in order to set up properly. It also heals paralysis from common users of Thunder Wave, such as Klefki.

Usage Tips

This set is used to hurt balanced teams that Manaphy couldn't with only two attacks. For example, if Manaphy uses Rain Dance, it has to choose between using Energy Ball, Ice Beam, and Psychic, and thus cannot hit both Amoonguss and Mega Slowbro. However, this set can. This set is also useful for combatting hyper offensive teams, as their main response to Manaphy is usually a powerful Electric-type Pokemon. Thanks to the Wacan Berry, Manaphy actually can tank the Electric-type attack and subsequently KO the Electric-type, which can make way for Manaphy to sweep the rest of the team. This set also performs well against defensive teams, as it can use passive Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, Mew, and Alomomola as setup bait and proceed to fire off very powerful moves. A Lum Berry makes this even easier, as it prevents Manaphy from being afflicted by status moves once.

Team Options

Magnezone is amazing for its ability to trap and beat Ferrothorn. If Manaphy opts to use a Lum Berry over a Wacan Berry, Manaphy will be unable to deal with Electric-types, so Pokemon such as Mega Altaria, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon can be useful. Rain support from Politoed is also appreciated, as this set has no way of augmenting its STAB move's power further or of activating Hydration. This set, especially if using a Timid nature, has difficulty dealing with Chansey, so strong wallbreakers and setup sweepers, such as Mega Gallade, Mega Scizor, Reuniclus, and Swords Dance Landorus-T, can prove to be great teammates. If Manaphy isn't running Energy Ball, it's very weak to Mega Slowbro. Partners such as Raikou, Manectric, and Thundurus are thus really helpful. If not running Psychic, Manaphy is really weak to Mega Venusaur. Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Reuniclus, Latios, Hawlucha, and Kyurem-B remedy this problem. Because of Manaphy's only decent Speed, it can often find it hard to set up. This problem can be helped with dual screen users, such as Azelf, which can temporarily double Manaphy's bulk.

Other Options

Manaphy has U-turn and Knock Off, so with a Damp Rock it could make for a utility lead for dedicated rain teams. A specially defensive set with Scald, U-turn, Rain Dance, and Rest can be a great addition to a stall team that needs a check to Heatran, Landorus, and Gengar. It's an unexpected set that, thanks to U-turn, generates a lot of momentum. It also prevents Manaphy from being trapped by Gothitelle. The set works great in a VoltTurn core with Gliscor. Heart Swap also has potential, but it's very reliant on your opponents (opponents = opposing battler; foes = opposing Pokemon. i'm not sure if you meant foe, so I'll leave this to you). It should be used in lieu of a boosting move and allows Manaphy to steal boosts from Mega Slowbro, Rock Polish Landorus, and Agility Mega Metagross. Rindo Berry can be used to negate Manaphy's Grass weaknesses for one turn and thus let it perform better against fast Grass-types such as Serperior and Mega Sceptile. Substitute is an option on either Tail Glow set to ease setup and fare better against offensive teams. Acid Armor can be used on any of the sets to ease setup, but it either limits Manaphy's coverage or its recovery.

Checks & Counters

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Mega Sceptile counter all sets that lack Ice Beam. Amoonguss counters all sets that lack Psychic or Ice Beam and also is useful for its ability to negate all of Manaphy's stat boosts with Clear Smog. Mega Venusaur beats all sets lacking Psychic. Provided Ferrothorn has Power Whip, it beats Manaphy lacking Hidden Power Fire, but it must be cautious if it sees Magnezone as a teammate.

**Dragon-types**: Manaphy without Ice Beam can be checked by various Dragon-types, such as Latias, Latios, Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Goodra, and Dragalge. Do note that a +6 Scald in the rain OHKOes most of them, but that situation can easily be avoided by switching into Manaphy when it hasn't boosted yet. Kyurem-B is unique as a Dragon-type that takes neutral damage from Ice-type moves, so it's especially good at checking all Manaphy sets. However, it must be wary of switching in on Scald, as it which (quickest fix I could think of to remove ambiguity of that 'it') has a 30% chance of burning it and thus halving the power of Fusion Bolt, its Kyurem-B's way of KOing Manaphy.

**Revenge-killers Revenge Killers**: Manaphy is weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves, so Thundurus, Raikou, Mega Manectric, Celebi, and Mega Sceptile can all revenge kill it. However, Electric-types do have to be wary of the Wacan Berry lure set, and Mega Sceptile can never OHKO Manaphy with Giga Drain.

**Unaware Clefable**: Unaware Calm Mind Clefable with a Calm nature and some Special Defense investment avoids the 2HKO from Timid Manaphy's Scald in the rain and can use Manaphy as setup fodder for Calm Minds.

**Pokemon Immune to Water**: Toxicroak is immune to Scald, resists Energy Ball, and heals from rain, and thus it is a pain to deal with. It completely walls the Calm Mind set, but the Tail Glow sets can beat it if they run Psychic or Ice Beam. Likewise, Seismitoad and Gastrodon are immune to Water likewise, and thus wall the Calm Mind set. However, both are obliterated by Energy Ball.
Thanks! :D

This is now finished!