OU Excadrill


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QC: Jukain, AM, aim

Blessed with a good Ground / Steel typing, a high base Attack stat, a good Speed stat that is doubled in sand, and the movepool to back it all up, Excadrill is a formidable threat in the OU metagame. It works best as a sandstorm sweeper, as its good base 88 Speed is doubled under that weather condition. Additionally, Excadrill has access to Rapid Spin, which allows it to act as a great entry hazard remover. Excadrill's other ability, Mold Breaker, allows it to get past usual checks such as Rotom-W, as Mold Breaker lets its Earthquake ignore Levitate. However, Excadrill has mediocre bulk, which is lessened when it's equipped with a Life Orb, which leaves it vulnerable to priority. Additionally, its Speed isn't stellar outside of sand, leaving it vulnerable to offensive teams when sand isn't up. Finally, Excadrill has poor type synergy with Hippowdon and Tyranitar, its two favorite partners.

Sand Rush Sweeper
name: Sand Rush Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
ability: Sand Rush
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves and sport good power and coverage. Rock Slide is Excadrill's best coverage move, as it hits Flying-types such as Thundurus, Talonflame, and Mega Pinsir super effectively. The last slot is a toss-up between sweeping capabilities and team support. Swords Dance allows Excadrill to have a much easier time sweeping and wallbreaking. However, Rapid Spin is a viable alternative to remove entry hazards from its side of the field for teammates.

Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed investment allows Excadrill to hit as hard and fast as possible. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed neutral-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Gardevoir. However, an Adamant nature can be used, as it provides a noticeable power increase and nothing outspeeds Adamant Excadrill in sand. A Life Orb is the preferred item to boost Excadrill's damage output, but easily wears Excadrill down. An Air Balloon can be used instead to gain free switches into Choice-locked Ground-types while also ensuring a free turn to set up against them.

Usage Tips
If Excadrill is running Swords Dance, it acts as a great wallbreaker early-game. For example, a +2 Life Orb Earthquake is powerful enough to OHKO standard Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock damage. Excadrill is also capable of cleaning up weakened teams late-game, after its checks and counters have been sufficiently weakened and priority users have been KOed. Additionally, Excadrill is a decent check to any Fairy-type not named Azumarill thanks to its Steel typing. It can also check Flying-types under sand, as it is capable of beating Mega Pinsir, Talonflame, and Thundurus. However, should Excadrill get too worn down by Life Orb recoil, it is easily picked off by priority users that it could otherwise check.

Team Options
Excadrill needs sand support to function, so either Tyranitar or Hippowdon should be used alongside it. Bulky Grass-types give Excadrill trouble, so Pokemon such as Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard Y make for great teammates. Bulky Water-types also pose a problem, so Pokemon such as Thundurus, Celebi, Tangrowth, and Raikou make for great teammates. Additionally, Pokemon such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Breloom, and Celebi can deal with the bulky Ground-types that Excadrill hates. Latias and Celebi are excellent teammates, as they can check Rotom-W and provide Healing Wish support for Excadrill. Finally, rain teams give Excadrill nightmares, so teammates that are able to take on common rain sweepers are recommended, such as Celebi, Tangrowth, and Ferrothorn.

Bulky Spinner
name: Bulky Spinner
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Toxic / Stealth Rock
ability: Mold Breaker
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
nature: Careful

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves, and they provide decent coverage against Electric-, Steel-, and Fairy-types. Rapid Spin is used to remove entry hazards from Excadrill's side of the field to support its teammates. Toxic is a great move, as it allows Excadrill to cripple the bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types that like to switch into it. Thanks to Mold Breaker, it is able to hit Mega Sableye through Magic Bounce. However, Stealth Rock is a viable alternative, as Excadrill ignores Magic Bounce with Mold Breaker and has the longevity to set it up multiple times throughout the match.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Special Defense investment allows Excadrill to tank special hits it otherwise couldn't, including some super effective ones such as Clefable's Flamethrower or support Heatran's Lava Plume. However, Speed investment is perfectly viable to outspeed certain Pokemon, such as Rotom-W. Mold Breaker allows Excadrill to ignore Magic Bounce and hit Levitate users, such as Rotom-W. Leftovers gives Excadrill passive recovery.

Usage Tips
This set is best used as a bulky Rapid Spinner that pivots into certain special attackers, such as Clefable, Sylveon, Raikou, and Latias. It can then proceed to use Rapid Spin againsy these targets, as they have no way of dealing significant damage to Excadrill. Additionally, this set is capable of luring in and crippling many of Excadrill's normal checks, such as bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types, with Toxic.

Team Options
Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Talonflame, Dragonite, Thundurus, and Kyurem-B, are able to take advantage of Excadrill's spinning capabilities. Pokemon that beat bulky Water- and Ground-types, such as Celebi, Tangrowth, Keldeo, and Raikou, are good partners. Clefable appreciates Excadrill's ability to handle most Steel-types, and in return it takes on the Fighting-types that threaten Excadrill. Additionally, it is able to pass Wishes to Excadrill to keep it healthy.

Other Options
With a Choice Scarf, Excadrill becomes a fast Rapid Spinner, but setup sweepers can easily take advantage of an Excadrill locked into Rapid Spin. Return is a viable option on the Sand Rush set because it hits Rotom-W harder than any other move and has decent coverage in general. Substitute allows Excadrill to avoid status moves as well as Bisharp's Sucker Punch, which often awards it a free turn. A type-resist berry, such as a Chople or Passho Berry, allows Excadrill to avoid being revenge killed by Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, respectively, which often allows it to score a surprise KO. Finally, an offensive Stealth Rock set equipped with a Focus Sash can be used as a decent lead that sets up Stealth Rock and is capable of spinning away the opponent's entry hazards.

Checks & Counters
**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Skarmory, Rotom-W, Slowbro, Landorus-T, Gliscor, physically defensive Mew, Mega Sableye, Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, defensive Mega Scizor, Quagsire, and Celebi are able to stomach Excadrill's hits and recover off the damage. However, Swords Dance sets outright beat some of these Pokemon should Excadrill get a boost before they come in.

**Priority Moves**: Breloom, Azumarill, Conkeldurr, Crawdaunt, and Bisharp are capable of OHKOing Excadrill with their priority moves after a bit of prior damage. If Excadrill is sufficiently weakened, Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, and Choice Band Dragonite are capable of picking Excadrill off as well. However, they can only revenge kill it, as Excadrill is capable of severely damaging them on the switch.
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moving this to qc. i may have missed a few things, particularly in regards to the spdef set / ioo / c&cs, so dont hesitate to lmk so long as what ur saying is correct =]
"I'll take a look in a minute" ..... 2 Hours Later.

In the overview I would just emphasize mediocre bulk. It's really not that frail in comparison to stuff like Alakazam and Thundurus. In team options mention Celebi for Healing Wish support as well. On the Specially defensive set put emphasis on why the bulk is actually useful such as having a bit more breathing room against support Heatran and Flamethrower Clefable when switching in. You have the basic necessities down just make sure to elaborate in detail what each provides.

Some of those checks and counters sort of blow because some just straight up lose when trying to switch in. So keep the focus more on the concrete checks and counters such as Skarmory and Defensive Gliscor for example. Under usage tips explain in the analysis that when using its Life Orb variant you need to be weary of not getting too worn down to be susceptible to weaker priority or stronger neutral ones such as Sucker Punch Bisharp as you mentioned in Checks and Counters or Banded Dnite who can pick off weakened Excadrills if the Excadrill user isn't careful. Mention some team options to take on Rain Offense cause the playstyles and cores that Excadrill is found on absolutely hate rain. QC 1/3 when you've implemented all this and overall beef up everything to make it more detailed.

Edit: Also put Substitute under OO as well.
"I'll take a look in a minute" ..... 2 Hours Later.

In the overview I would just emphasize mediocre bulk. It's really not that frail in comparison to stuff like Alakazam and Thundurus. In team options mention Celebi for Healing Wish support as well. On the Specially defensive set put emphasis on why the bulk is actually useful such as having a bit more breathing room against support Heatran and Flamethrower Clefable when switching in. You have the basic necessities down just make sure to elaborate in detail what each provides.

Some of those checks and counters sort of blow because some just straight up lose when trying to switch in. So keep the focus more on the concrete checks and counters such as Skarmory and Defensive Gliscor for example. Under usage tips explain in the analysis that when using its Life Orb variant you need to be weary of not getting too worn down to be susceptible to weaker priority or stronger neutral ones such as Sucker Punch Bisharp as you mentioned in Checks and Counters or Banded Dnite who can pick off weakened Excadrills if the Excadrill user isn't careful. Mention some team options to take on Rain Offense cause the playstyles and cores that Excadrill is found on absolutely hate rain. QC 1/3 when you've implemented all this and overall beef up everything to make it more detailed.

Edit: Also put Substitute under OO as well.
think i got everything.
i'd like to see toxic slashed first on the spdef set, it just seems to be a way better option in actually crippling common answers to excadrill and making it a more effective spinner, examples including slowbro landorus-t sableye etc. also mention that it deals with clef and highlight that it's actually pretty damn bulky, having roughly clef's spdef bulk.

i guess there's a few more things you could mention in oo, like an offensive rocks set w/ sash which is something i've seen used a few times to ok success. also resist berries (chople and passho) are something i've experimented with in the past that can be pretty clutch, potentially grabbing exca extra opportunities to spin. not really amazing overall options but they are some things you could mention.

mention some partners for offensive waters eg ferro celebi

i'd like to see toxic slashed first on the spdef set, it just seems to be a way better option in actually crippling common answers to excadrill and making it a more effective spinner, examples including slowbro landorus-t sableye etc. also mention that it deals with clef and highlight that it's actually pretty damn bulky, having roughly clef's spdef bulk.

i guess there's a few more things you could mention in oo, like an offensive rocks set w/ sash which is something i've seen used a few times to ok success. also resist berries (chople and passho) are something i've experimented with in the past that can be pretty clutch, potentially grabbing exca extra opportunities to spin. not really amazing overall options but they are some things you could mention.

mention some partners for offensive waters eg ferro celebi

Why is Jolly suddenly viewed as the preferred nature on Sand Rush Excadrill when it already outspeeds most important targets under sand? Is needing the extra speed outside of a sandstorm much more important in ORAS than it was in late XY during the rise of sand offense?
Why is Jolly suddenly viewed as the preferred nature on Sand Rush Excadrill when it already outspeeds most important targets under sand? Is needing the extra speed outside of a sandstorm much more important in ORAS than it was in late XY during the rise of sand offense?
Yes. Just to give you an idea, take Trace Gardevoir for example. If you're running an Adamant nature against a Timid Gardevoir (pre-mega obviously) due to the nature of Sand Rush you will get outsped and hit with Focus Blast. That's just one example of the benefits of Jolly Excadrill.
Why is Jolly suddenly viewed as the preferred nature on Sand Rush Excadrill when it already outspeeds most important targets under sand? Is needing the extra speed outside of a sandstorm much more important in ORAS than it was in late XY during the rise of sand offense?
yes because beating modest zard y, modest Lando I, Adamant Zard x, Modest Gardevoir, etc. the first one is especially important as it means Zard Y can no longer revenge kill it, since its running Modest most of the time. additionally, you beat +natured base 80s- 86, which includes a decent amount of things like Timid altaria, DNite, Gyarados, etc

Also beating opposing adamant excadrills under sand is like the funniest thing ever

ofc i get ninjad. sorta.
"- 36 speed to hit 44 Spe rotom "
This kind of speed creep isn't allowed, I'd put enough speed for uninvested lando-t unless that spread hits a leftovers number or something.
"- 36 speed to hit 44 Spe rotom "
This kind of speed creep isn't allowed, I'd put enough speed for uninvested lando-t unless that spread hits a leftovers number or something.
is it really that bad when rotom otherwise beats you via burn / hydro? i wouldnt necessarily call it speed creep moreso than an important benchmark to hit that allows you to beat an otherwise solid check. its not that big of a deal, but when newer players are looking at this, they should see the most optimal EV spread, which is whats given. given how standard 44 speed rotom is, i wouldnt really call it speed creep in the general sense
I totally agree with that outspeeding Rotom-w is really important, and I always use that spread on tank driller. My only point that we should stick with the rule of thumb not to speed creep pokemon with specific investments, as that just makes things a bit too complicated.
Let's see what QC says I guess.
36 Spe EVs also let you outspeed Modest Magnezone, this is useful because Excadrill doesn't enjoy taking a Specs HP Fire.

220 HP EVs make 416 HP, and 416 is divisible by 32 (SR).
You should put 4 HP EVs into SpD Atk.
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3/3 fren i agree with not including creep since it's a main spread. people can do that if they want too themselves
3/3 fren i agree with not including creep since it's a main spread. people can do that if they want too themselves
So am I good with leaving the mention of it in set details, or should it be removed entirely?
1/2 :)

Blessed with a good Ground / Steel typing, a high base Attack stat, a good Speed stat that is doubles doubled in sand under a Sandstorm, and the movepool to back it all up, Excadrill is a formidable threat in the OU metagame. It works best as a sandstorm sweeper, as its good base 88 Speed is doubles doubled under that weather condition. Additionally, Excadrill has access to Rapid Spin, which allows it to act as a great entry hazard remover. Excadrill's other ability, Mold Breaker, allows it to get past usual checks such as Rotom-W, as Mold Breaker lets its Earthquake ignores Levitate. However, Excadrill has mediocre bulk, which is lessened when it's equipped with a Life Orb, which leaves it prone vulnerable to priority. Additionally, its Speed isn't stellar outside of sand, leaving it prone vulnerable to offensive teams when sand isn't up. Finally, Excadrill has poor type synergy with Hippowdon and Tyranitar, its two favorite partners.

Sand Rush Sweeper
name: Sand Rush Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
ability: Sand Rush
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves and that sport good power and coverage. Rock Slide is Excadrill's best coverage move, (comma) as it hits Flying-types such as Thundurus, Talonflame, and Mega Pinsir super effectively. The last slot is a toss-up between sweeping capabilities and team support. Swords Dance allows Excadrill to have a much easier time sweeping and wallbreaking. However, Rapid Spin is a viable alternative to remove entry hazards from its side of the field for teammates a teammate.

Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed investment is used to allows Excadrill to hit as hard and fast as possible. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed neutral-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Gardevoir. However, an Adamant nature can be used, (comma) as it has provides a noticeable power increase and nothing outspeeds Adamant Excadrill in sand under a Sandstorm. A Life Orb is the preferred item to boost Excadrill's power damage output, but it leaves Excadrill easily worn down however this leaves it being prone to being worn down. An Air Balloon can be used instead to gain free switches into in opportunities against Choice-locked Ground-types, (remove comma) while also ensuring a free turn to set up setup against them.

Usage Tips
If Excadrill is running Swords Dance, it acts as a great wallbreaker early-game. (period) For example, a +2 Life Orb Earthquake is powerful enough to OHKO standard Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock damage. Excadrill is also capable of cleaning up weakened teams late-game, after its checks and counters have been sufficiently weakened, (remove comma) and priority users have been KOed. Additionally, Excadrill is a decent check to any Fairy-type not named Azumarill thanks to its Steel typing. It can also check Flying-types under sand, as it is capable of beating Mega Pinsir, Talonflame, and Thundurus. However, should Excadrill get too worn down from by Life Orb recoil, it is easily picked off by priority users that it could otherwise check.

Team Options
Excadrill needs sand support to function, so either Tyranitar or Hippowdon should be used alongside it. Bulky Grass-types give Excadrill trouble, so Pokemon such as Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard Y make for great teammates. Bulky Water-types also pose a problem, so Pokemon such as Thundurus, Celebi, Tangrowth, and Raikou make for great teammates. Additionally, Excadrill hats bulky Ground-types, so Pokemon such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Breloom, and Celebi make for good partners can deal with the bulky Ground-types that Excadrill hates. (sentence pattern is getting kinda repetitive so I rephrased this one) Latias is an excellent teammate, (comma) as she can check Rotom-W, (remove comma) while also providing Healing Wish support for Excadrill. Celebi is able to do this as well. (if Celebi can do both as well, merge sentences to "Latias and Celebi are excellent teammates, as they can check Rotom-W and provide Healing Wish support for Excadrill.") Finally, rain teams give Excadrill nightmares, so teammates that are able to take on common rain sweepers are recommended, such as Celebi, Tangrowth, and Ferrothorn.

Bulky Spinner
name: Bulky Spinner
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Toxic / Stealth Rock
ability: Mold Breaker
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
nature: Careful

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves, and they provide decent coverage against Electric-, Steel-, and Fairy-, Electric-, and Steel-types. (match order with EQ and Iron Head) Rapid Spin is used to remove entry hazards from its Excadrill's side of the field to support its teammates. Toxic is a great move, (comma) as it allows Excadrill to cripple the bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types that like to switch into it. Thanks to Mold Breaker, it is able to hit Mega Sableye through Magic Bounce. However, Stealth Rock is a viable alternative, (comma) as Excadrill ignores Magic Bounce with Mold Breaker and has the longevity to set it up multiple times throughout the match.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Special Defense investment is used to allows Excadrill to tank special hits it otherwise couldn't, including some super effective ones such as Clefable's Flamethrower or support Heatran's Lava Plume. However, Speed investment is perfectly viable to outspeed certain Pokemon. For example, 36 Speed EVs let Excadrill outspeed 44 Speed Rotom-W, which is the EV spread it most commonly uses. Mold Breaker is the ability of Choice to allows Excadrill to ignore Magic Bounce and hit Levitate users, such as Rotom-W, Pokemon with the Levitate ability with Earthquake, such as Rotom-W. Leftovers gives Excadrill passive recovery.

Usage Tips
This set is best used as a bulky Rapid Spinner that pivots into certain special attackers, such as Clefable, Sylveon, Raikou, and Latias. It can then proceed to spin on these targets, as they have no way of dealing significant damage to Excadrill. Additionally, this set is capable of luring in and crippling many of Excadrill's normal checks, such as bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types, with Toxic.

Team Options
Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Talonflame, Dragonite, Thundurus, and Kyurem-B, (comma) are able to take advantage of Excadrill's Rapid Spinning capabilities. Pokémon Pokemon (no fancy e) that beat bulky Water- and Ground-types, such as Celebi., (period --> comma) Tangrowth, Keldeo, and Raikou, are good partners. Clefable appreciates Excadrill's ability to handle most Steel-types, and in return it takes on the Fighting-types that threaten Excadrill. Additionally, it is able to pass Wishes to Excadrill and to keep it healthy.

Other Options
With a Choice Scarf, Excadrill becomes a fast Rapid Spinner, but setup sweepers can easily take advantage of an Excadrill locked into Rapid Spin. Equipping Excadrill with a Choice Scarf allows it to act as a fast Rapid Spinner, but being locked into Rapid Spin is easily taken advantage of by any setup sweeper. Return is a viable option on the Sand Rush set because it hits Rotom-W harder than any other move, (remove comma) and has decent coverage in general. Additionally, Substitute allows it Excadrill to avoid status moves as well as Bisharp's Sucker Punch, which often awards it a free turn. A type-resist berry, such as a Chople or Passho Berry, allows Excadrill to avoid being revenge killed by Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, respectively, which often allows it to score a surprise KO kill. Finally, an offensive Stealth Rock set equipped with a Focus Sash can be used as a decent lead that sets up Stealth Rock and is capable of spinning away the opponent's.

Checks & Counters
**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Skarmory, Rotom-W, Slowbro, Landorus-T, Gliscor, physically defensive Mew, Mega Sableye, Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, defensive Mega Scizor, Quagsire, and Celebi are able to stomach Excadrill's hits and recover off the damage. However, Swords Dance sets outright beat some of these Pokemon should Excadrill get a boost before they come in.

**Priority Moves**: Breloom, Azumarill, Conkeldurr, Crawdaunt, and Bisharp are capable of OHKOing Excadrill with their priority moves after a bit of prior damage. If Excadrill is sufficiently weakened, Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, and Choice Band Dragonite are capable of picking Excadrill off as well. However, they can only revenge kill it, as Excadrill is capable of severely damaging them on the switch.
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Blessed with a good Ground / Steel typing, a high base Attack stat, a good Speed stat that is doubled in sand, and the movepool to back it all up, Excadrill is a formidable threat in the OU metagame. It works best as a sandstorm sweeper, as its good base 88 Speed is doubled under that weather condition. Additionally, Excadrill has access to Rapid Spin, which allows it to act as a great entry hazard remover. Excadrill's other ability, Mold Breaker, allows it to get past usual checks such as Rotom-W, as Mold Breaker lets its Earthquake ignore Levitate. However, Excadrill has mediocre bulk, which is lessened when it's equipped with a Life Orb, which leaves it vulnerable to priority. Additionally, its Speed isn't stellar outside of sand, leaving it vulnerable to offensive teams when sand isn't up. Finally, Excadrill has poor type synergy with Hippowdon and Tyranitar, its two favorite partners.

Sand Rush Sweeper
name: Sand Rush Sweeper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
ability: Sand Rush
item: Life Orb / Air Balloon
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves and sport good power and coverage. Rock Slide is Excadrill's best coverage move, as it hits Flying-types such as Thundurus, Talonflame, and Mega Pinsir super effectively. The last slot is a toss-up between sweeping capabilities and team support. Swords Dance allows Excadrill to have a much easier time sweeping and wallbreaking. However, Rapid Spin is a viable alternative to remove entry hazards from its side of the field for teammates.

Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed investment allows Excadrill to hit as hard and fast as possible. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed neutral-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Gardevoir. However, an Adamant nature can be used, as it provides a noticeable power increase and nothing outspeeds Adamant Excadrill in sand. A Life Orb is the preferred item to boost Excadrill's damage output, but easily wears Excadrill down. An Air Balloon can be used instead to gain free switches into Choice-locked Ground-types while also ensuring a free turn to set up against them.

Usage Tips
If Excadrill is running Swords Dance, it acts as a great wallbreaker early-game. For example, a +2 Life Orb Earthquake is powerful enough to OHKO standard Ferrothorn after Stealth Rock damage. Excadrill is also capable of cleaning up weakened teams late-game, after its checks and counters have been sufficiently weakened and priority users have been KOed. Additionally, Excadrill is a decent check to any Fairy-type not named Azumarill thanks to its Steel typing. It can also check Flying-types under sand, as it is capable of beating Mega Pinsir, Talonflame, and Thundurus. However, should Excadrill get too worn down by Life Orb recoil, it is easily picked off by priority users that it could otherwise check.

Team Options
Excadrill needs sand support to function, so either Tyranitar or Hippowdon should be used alongside it. Bulky Grass-types give Excadrill trouble, so Pokemon such as Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard Y make for great teammates. Bulky Water-types also pose a problem, so Pokemon such as Thundurus, Celebi, Tangrowth, and Raikou make for great teammates. Additionally, Pokemon such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Breloom, and Celebi can deal with the bulky Ground-types that Excadrill hates. Latias and Celebi are excellent teammates, as they can check Rotom-W and provide while also providing Healing Wish support for Excadrill. Finally, rain teams give Excadrill nightmares, so teammates that are able to take on common rain sweepers are recommended, such as Celebi, Tangrowth, and Ferrothorn.

Bulky Spinner
name: Bulky Spinner
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Toxic / Stealth Rock
ability: Mold Breaker
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
nature: Careful

Earthquake and Iron Head are Excadrill's STAB moves, and they provide decent coverage against Electric-, Steel-, and Fairy-types. Rapid Spin is used to remove entry hazards from Excadrill's side of the field to support its teammates. Toxic is a great move, as it allows Excadrill to cripple the bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types that like to switch into it. Thanks to Mold Breaker, it is able to hit Mega Sableye through Magic Bounce. However, Stealth Rock is a viable alternative, as Excadrill ignores Magic Bounce with Mold Breaker and has the longevity to set it up multiple times throughout the match.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Special Defense investment allows Excadrill to tank special hits it otherwise couldn't, including some super effective ones such as Clefable's Flamethrower or support Heatran's Lava Plume. However, Speed investment is perfectly viable to outspeed certain Pokemon. For example, 36 Speed EVs let Excadrill outspeed 44 Speed Rotom-W, which is the EV spread it most commonly uses. Mold Breaker allows Excadrill to ignore Magic Bounce and hit Levitate users, such as Rotom-W. Leftovers gives Excadrill passive recovery.

Usage Tips
This set is best used as a bulky Rapid Spinner that pivots into certain special attackers, such as Clefable, Sylveon, Raikou, and Latias. It can then proceed to use Rapid Spin against on these targets, as they have no way of dealing significant damage to Excadrill. Additionally, this set is capable of luring in and crippling many of Excadrill's normal checks, such as bulky Ground-, Grass-, and Water-types, with Toxic.

Team Options
Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Talonflame, Dragonite, Thundurus, and Kyurem-B, are able to take advantage of Excadrill's Rapid spinning capabilities. Pokemon that beat bulky Water- and Ground-types, such as Celebi, Tangrowth, Keldeo, and Raikou, are good partners. Clefable appreciates Excadrill's ability to handle most Steel-types, and in return it takes on the Fighting-types that threaten Excadrill. Additionally, it is able to pass Wishes to Excadrill to keep it healthy.

Other Options
With a Choice Scarf, Excadrill becomes a fast Rapid Spinner, but setup sweepers can easily take advantage of an Excadrill locked into Rapid Spin. Return is a viable option on the Sand Rush set because it hits Rotom-W harder than any other move and has decent coverage in general. Substitute allows Excadrill to avoid status moves as well as Bisharp's Sucker Punch, which often awards it a free turn. A type-resist berry, such as a Chople or Passho Berry, allows Excadrill to avoid being revenge killed by Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, respectively, which often allows it to score a surprise KO. Finally, an offensive Stealth Rock set equipped with a Focus Sash can be used as a decent lead that sets up Stealth Rock and is capable of spinning away the opponent's entry hazards.

Checks & Counters
**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Skarmory, Rotom-W, Slowbro, Landorus-T, Gliscor, physically defensive Mew, Mega Sableye, Mandibuzz, Hippowdon, defensive Mega Scizor, Quagsire, and Celebi are able to stomach Excadrill's hits and recover off the damage. However, Swords Dance sets outright beat some of these Pokemon should Excadrill get a boost before they come in.

**Priority Moves**: Breloom, Azumarill, Conkeldurr, Crawdaunt, and Bisharp are capable of OHKOing Excadrill with their priority moves after a bit of prior damage. If Excadrill is sufficiently weakened, Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, and Choice Band Dragonite are capable of picking Excadrill off as well. However, they can only revenge kill it, as Excadrill is capable of severely damaging them on the switch.
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one more thing, can the 36 Spe EVs in the Rotom creeping mention please be removed? The whole reason why creeping isn't allowed is because it would lead to a clusterfuck of analyses trying to creep each other, and even though it isn't the main spread that still applies here, the mention would immediately be outdated/have to be adjusted if standard Rotom shifts to 56 Spe EVs or whatever. Obviously creeping Rotom can still be mentioned though, it is important after all, but any definite numbers really shouldn't be there afaik; if you change it to
However, Speed investment is perfectly viable to outspeed certain Pokemon, such as Rotom-W, which commonly runs some Speed investment.
it should be just fine, whoever wants to creep Rotom can just look up the Rotom analysis to see how much Speed it runs and this one won't have to be adjusted for every single edit on the Rotom set.